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Karl McBeath

Exiled, that much is so

Roots of Demur
Duncan had finished feeding the cows and now traversed across the paddocks to obtain his
lunch. It was a meagre morsel of a feed for a hungry boy. As he was tucking in, he heard a
call for his name, and he replied. It was his father, who had been wondering where he had
gotten off to. His father remarked that he was growing strong, as he sat on the log in the croft
and he would nearly be ready to own his basket-hilt broadsword. As the kings have been
exiled for many years, Duncan had never seen with his own eyes the carnage of a battle
scene. His father remembers his time fighting as a young man in the fifteen alongside his
neighbours and fellow crofters. It was a memory scarring his mind, but it was his duty and it
troubled him enough to become restless and yearning for some action. He knew the Stuarts
would never give up the hope of restoring the rightful kings, the kings descended from
Scythian stock back to Fenius Farsaid himself. It was with this belief that Duncan’s father
Donald would be training his son to fight alongside him when the time comes. Duncan’s
young brother Angus loved to play fight. He would play in the hills and glens with his
wooden sword, waiting for the day that he would fight for the highlanders and triumph over
the Sassenach, an enemy to whom Angus’ presence along with his fathers and family had
deterred the English from venturing that far north. The rejection of an English monarch was
what was driving the spirit of the highlanders regardless of religion. And Donald MacInally’s
belief in his people and power of the highlander was churning into days of preparation, of
sword fighting and teaching the young ones how to fight, for a day would come for the
highland people to triumph over the English. Duncan was restless at night, and he watches
the sunbeam over the glen, for it was the remembrance of his day of birth. He knew he would
be laden with gifts akin to a Gaelic king. His father presented him with a worn Scottish
broadsword. A basket hilt was too big for his teenage hands. It was his gift and future. He
could not have wished for a greater gift. It was power and authority, and a symbol of
resistance to foreign people. A people he had come to detest. The English were the enemy to
his people, and the traditions and equipment of the fifteen were passed down, stored safely in
thatching in the roofs of crofts, and the dream kept alive like a flickering flame of a candle,
never to cease, the rejection of the British monarchy. There will be freely given to each ethnic
group, till each man’s freedom shall not be undone by injustice and strange non-traditional
laws. Laws themselves that are very foreign, for no man deserves to have no state of his own.
Every man deserves his state, for his ethnically related compatriots are blood. Heads of state
hover precariously over society, and the study of the politician hover overheads of state.
Awaken, like dreamers do and fight the primacy. Duncan, having no experiences in a battle,
he was the opposite of empiricism, and only held his beliefs passed down to him from
generation upon generation. All he knew were his theory of freedom and fed the stories from
his father. He believed one day he would be part of the nation, a nation that would shake the
world. He dreamt of growing up to be a chieftain, a mighty chieftain who would lead his clan
into battle and live a strong existence, within the laws of the clan. The clan system was part
of Duncan’s deoxyribonucleic acid and very intrinsic to the very establishment of his people.
As Duncan played off in the glens and hills, practising the cry of the highlander as they
charged headlong into a bayonet wall, with his claymore he could not be defeated. The
highland charge was a charge truly to shake the world, a charge that led hundreds of
clansmen into the wall of bayonets. The highlander would gain much momentum down the
hills and parry the bayonet with his targe shield, whilst the claymore would smite down his
fellow, and disbelief would soak heather, along with blood as the highlander knew he was
unstoppable, for he had very little possessions, the highlanders being ultimately a poor race,
for man is evil, and the laws of the monarchy are unjust. The man, who goes out working
himself to the ground, ultimately must find what pleasure he can in life. As Duncan grew up
to be a man with the athletic body of an Adonis, one day he heard pipes, which was not an
uncommon sound in the highlands, but when he saw with his own eyes what was coming
through the glens, hordes of highlanders marching. He ran back to alert the others, and as the
others gathered, Donald knew this is what he had been waiting for years to happen, the
rightful heir has returned to lead his people to victory and the power they deserved, for every
man deserves the power of some sort.
Discourses on Oppression
For every man under monarchical rule has felt the tyranny of oppression. A common man
seeks to change society’s role, of the monarch at the summit of society. He seeks to rise to
new heights not based on his societal role, but his ability, for men with ability should be
rewarded not punished. Duncan and the other clansman rallied and joined the highlander
army, they knew some and got to know many more such is the nature of the hospitable
highlanders. At night after marching many miles, the highlanders would sleep with their plaid
and kilt to keep them warm, they would eventually come out of the highlands and settle in the
lowlands of Scotland. It was here they fought at Prestonpans, a wild melee in fog. The scream
of lowlanders scathed and speared by the weapons of the highlander, and Duncan and his
father both survived this shambolic affair. It was utter chaos. The horses of the lowlanders
were cut down where they stood, many fled to be hacked to pieces by claymore and shot by
pistol, the artillery crew of the cannon were murdered where they stood. It was the Prince’s
first victory, and what a victory. After the battle, the men, including Duncan and his father,
sang songs around the fire to keep warm and jovial, and they sang and told stories and shared
the glee, as Scotland no more had oppression. Scotland had herself a new ruler, and this new
ruler was calm and compassionate to his people. As they sang, he planned the next step of the
campaign. The plan was to invade England, to engage with all who stood before them and
take London by sheer force. The plan was simple, venture south and take the whole island of
Britain whilst the Highlanders were to do the work for the French, who would arrive shortly
after. Britain would be free, and the Scots would, in fact, rule over their arch-nemesis. For if
the Scots would rule, Charles would radicalize the highlands, the clan chiefs would reap
massive profits, profits never saw the like of before. Highlanders would not live in dire
poverty; they would be empowered and successful, as they deserved to be. The future is
written, and the mighty shall rule forever unchallenged by law. The prince was symbolic to
the highlanders, as a struggle for independence and unity, a struggle for peace. He was a
beacon of shining light for every highlander, and it was with every battle and blood spilt,
they, put an end to the oppression, as Scotland was not done yet, she had much more fight left
in her. But as the army neared London, all is not what it appears to be.
Dissent has consumed the ranks of the Prince’s finest, and they had come to conclusion, to
return to Scotland. Duncan, Donald and their compatriots cannot believe it. They have
travelled so far south, further south that any member of their clan had been. They had
recruited soldiers in Manchester. They had word that the French troops would land and
quickly take London. The second French invasion of England, and over half a millennium
after the battle of Hastings, the French were still at war, for Europe was a war-torn
environment, a climate ripe with danger, but to a young man like Duncan, this was
progressing. He was seeing his dream of power coming to an almighty loss. Albeit grateful,
as those who run away are still to fight another day. Duncan believed the retreat would be
safe; it was stricken with small skirmishes along the path to Inverness. As the clansmen
reached Inverness, they were alerted to the fact that the government forces were hot on their
heels. When the clansmen camped the night before the battle, they were filled nerves. This
was not the terrain. There were no hills and valleys fit for a cataclysmic highland charge, and
it was not the right weather to fight, but as morning came, and the ranks of highlanders
shaped up ready to barrage the enemy. They loaded their pistols and readied their weapons,
the men were poised to charge, but the call came late, they had already suffered many losses
from the cannon fire across from them from the government forces, and as they finally
charged they funnelled against a small wall and they could not escape. The wild carnage took
no prisoners, and as the tide turned against them, when the Hanoverians were about the claim
the ascendency, they shot down all retreating soldiers. With absolutely no mercy, the
wounded on the moors of Culloden were not spared; by God, even the people surveying the
events were ill-treated. The Hanoverians were to distinguish the highlanders, not as a formal
fighting force, they treated them with harsh tyranny and murder, for as the crows screeched,
the highlanders wailed and all was still and the streams and burns ran red with McDonald
blood that had marched from Derby, the same men, some, who had served in the fifteen as
young men, the people, and ethnic group who had endured oppression for hundreds of years.
Cumberland took no prisoners. He treated the Gaels like an animal on the hunt, for they were
less than civilians to him, hell, they were less than criminals. He regarded them to be
pardoned from battle niceties; to him, they were no formal armed forces. They were to die as
direct threats to the sovereignty of the crown. The crown is cruel, and a good monarch should
care for his people. It was the case in the early Scottish of the house of Alpin. If Scotland was
under threat, and the people were suffering a good king would come to the aid of his people.
In the case of Scotland, every man is descended from Scythian royalty. The Gaels can claim
their ancestry to the Scythian king, Fenius Farsaid. It was only traditions of the Picts of
matrilineal succession that meant that the crown of Scotland and later monarchs from the
English empire carried on the succession of these kings. Every highlander for his worth is a
potential king, and he has rights, for he is kind to his very people. So, kind that he would risk
his very life in fighting battles for his people. For it is with the clan system, that every clan
member can lead his clan, and the monarch is only as strong as his clan. So, with his clans, he
shall triumph, and the support of his clans determines whether he will succeed or not, for it
was fickle ties and allegiances of power that caused the Scots to lose. Every man of age is a
soldier, and with that potential, the world can be conquered, and nothing can stand in the way
of war. For seven thousand men can attempt to take an empire without resistance. Seven
thousand men can instil fear into the very public and foundations of a nation. Seven thousand
men are very hard to crush, and Cumberland will find it hard to crush the belief of the
Jacobite. For as the government forces tore the highlands to pieces, with the order to kill and
rape on sight. The men of the highlands were reduced to a stricken state of fear. For the
government forces had to react with utmost aggression. The Jacobites were a potential threat
to the government and an internal threat.
Duncan was hiding up the glens one day and was spotted by the redcoats. Luckily for
Duncan, he was alerted to by the shouting. For a long time, he had not seen his father, and he
was very worried. He had been on the move for three days since the battle of Culloden. He
remained calm and asserted himself that he should hide in the woods on the ground in some
heather. For he knew if he can lose the redcoats and get to Ruthven alive and join the forces
assembled. He had been sheltered along his way by friendly locals, locals who would risk
every limb for the plight of the Jacobites. They had alerted him to the rising of Ruthven, and
the fact the prince had not been captured by the government forces. The strength of the
human spirit in the face of malevolence is a bonnie thing and keep candles burning bright in
one’s heart for the wee bairns, the wee bairns who have nothing to claim but the tears in their
eyes. Duncan MacInally was seeking a route that would take him to settle with the other
Jacobites, but amid his slumber, his sleep was awoken with the banging, and the words of
redcoats, stating is there any Jacobite scum in this croft. Awaken, as dreamers do. A course
scream of a woman being molested by a redcoat filled the air, and Duncan quickly grabbed
his pistol and let off a shot. The bullet tore a hole through the redcoat’s temple. As Duncan
sprang into action, he grabbed his broadsword and smote down two redcoats with the same
vigour that Gillies MacBain showed at Culloden on the very day that the earth stood still and
history was made, but history was about to be made again. Duncan started running up the
glens with his claymore and pistol, he knew he needed to find cover, and reload his pistol, for
the redcoats were enraged and furious to avenge their fallen. It is with the due course that a
chief will strive to protect himself, and with that protection, he will learn to protect the weak,
as a nation is only as strong as the weakest, and a chief knows this. The crown is cruel. A
chief will find power in the power that has been earnt, not rewarded. It was like king Robert
Bruce because he never gave up. People will remember him for his might triumph of the
English at Bannockburn, but they will never remember him as the man lying nearly dead with
his dreams displaced and shattered, watching a spider rebuild its web. For they as men and
women suffer hardships, but it is for us to remind us that they are not gods, but men. They
have no divine right; as such a poor man finds his divine right in his bottle of ale and not his
belief of mind and ambition. Some of us are born into power, and some of us stumble upon it
like a rogue bramble bush in the heather. It is with the certain belief in God and the duty to
God’s representation on earth which guides man and the guidance of man is by God. The
guidance of law is by God, and they, as mortals will but surely reject tales of fantasy to build
our fantasy tales, for the embellishment of the truth, is our truth. As man rejects God and his
disciples, they are all but vulnerable in the eyes of the law of God, which should only apply
to the believers. The Bible is a troublesome text, as the believers in the Bible state that
following it puts to on a pedestal above people and men that do not believe and read it so.
There can never have enough humanitarians in this world. For many actions are defined by a
few. The emboldened resilience of the poor, for they know what it’s like to possess
absolutely nothing, and there's no shame in that, as they greet and mourn for their kin, not
their riches.
He was a glaikit arrogant drunkard at the best of times, and never donated to the poor and
needy. For he was an embodiment of what greed can do to a man, and the poor looked on at
him with contempt, for they knew there was no hope in wealth. It was the case that the
generosity and hospitability of the Scots, which was the core foundation of their society, it
had served them well through plight and war, for with the compassion for brother to brother
man to man, a resilient people who would not take no for an answer, and that was just an
offering of accommodation. The accounts of upwards to thousands of men able to fight in the
highlands, for she was torn like a prostitute’s leggings. Allegiances helped create the mighty
war-torn space to be ripe for potential recruitment, and men were raised as children to fight
when the last conflict to happen on the British isle, as it was the creation of the greatest
empire ever. As the rulership will quell are a rebellion aided by the belief in God, that they
are rightful to rule over their dominion and those who reside on their territory, as it was the
Gaels who had inhabited the British isles wholly before the Angles. It is with great belief that
the values of constructivism and feminism are not universal or progressive enough, freedom
believed by liberals, as Dostoyevsky famously put so bluntly, will only lead to suicide for the
rich. Even in the most undemocratic countries, there is still a representation of minority
groups, as capital and power do not discriminate its ownership by social standing and societal
groups. All men can own treasure, in a liberal democratic nation; such is the belief in
freedom. Overthrowing an establishment, some say revolution, is not a new idea. It existed
before the times of Marx and Trotsky. In the realms of neo-liberalism, wealth is for whoever
grasps it harder than others. The power of wealth of state is often under-valued and favoured
to big business and merchants. Monarchies are in power because they believe they were
anointed by God. What a chaotic world people live in. For nothing is more important than the
state. The appearance of republicanism is a direct retaliation to that of monarchies and the
power they possess. For it is important that people have rights to lead and govern themselves,
for if people did not how would they have justice, for how is there going to be peace if there
is no justice. The crown is cruel, and republics have not at all been given their chance to shine
in the realm of international relations. Realism is essentially the oldest branch of international
relations theory, and it is tried and tested. The worst aspect is that religion drives monarchies
and supports them; such is the case with Medici, who was aided by the Catholic Church.
Liberalism has given us nothing, but the arrogance of a bigot in our understanding of the
world. The aspect of empiricism has given us cloudy judgement and biased viewpoints that
lead to arguments and discontent. Empiricism is the belief that as one has experienced
something, he automatically has a sense of something, rather than understanding something
from afar, protected in the bubble of scrutiny. One does as one knows, if they could share
knowledge without bias, they may have some sort of universal view, but instead, people have
beliefs that tear us to pieces. To teach is to understand the theory, and in our schools and
Churches, there is nothing but a demonstration of life experiences, not a solid understanding
of the world. One has seen therefore one knows is not right. One studies and one admires, one
knows well. Theory outshines sin in the church of good fortune. The Church profits off their
servant’s sins, and it reaps a mighty profit. Society is based on the belief that trust is upon the
wise, and the wise is the Church, and the Church is based on the Bible and the Bible is based
on God. For God is not wise, he is nothing. Humanity is plagued by misjudgement and
confusion, for it is the cloud that halts our progress, to be stuck in the dark ages of politics, is
our demise. A republic is a state with the shackles off, like a horse without a saddle. A
republic is a true freedom, not a false belief in freedom that leads to drunken arrogance and
death. For the state has been hurt and scarred so much there is no other choice. Freedom is
what it means to be human, and freedom will be beneficial to the heart and soul of a nation, it
is working-class who have long since suffered, its fine maidens who have kept the men well-
fed, and its soldiers who risked life and limb, not for a greedy monarch, but a people, and a
cause. Duncan knew he had only one choice, to bring death to an empire and life to a people
who have struggled for hundreds of years for their freedom, freedom that was never formally
granted, for Scotland to flourish, as a state. Scotland had been restrained by the oppressor
long enough, and it was with the dirk Duncan was going to be hell-bent to set her free. The
belief in enlightenment has made people arrogant in their beliefs, as they believe their values
are the right values, and there is no other method but to argue and to fight. Duncan was a
sound and able fellow, and it was the love of his family and people that made him strive to
persist with the rebellion and with every redcoat punished by his broadsword, another
highlander was free. The Jacobite rebellion was not only the beginning of the end for the
highland way of life but the beginning of revolutions to overthrow the evil tyranny that was
the monarchies of the world. For in a dream it seemed, Duncan was living in the prosperous
highlands, there was no such thing as redcoats, they had long been defeated, and as he
marched up the glens near Inverness to peer upon delicately the Ness, among all its glory. He
had won, they had won, for the line of Stuarts was restored, the end of the civil war in the
lower country, and all was settled. For the people were free to live and display their colours
of the saltire, and to wear their highland dress, for it was meant to be, not a divine right, but a
human right. The human rights of culture and beliefs of a people long since suffering from
their kings exiled, their clans torn, their people poor whose freedoms had been restricted.
As Duncan awoke, he pushed higher up a glen to view and spy over the glens, for he was
close to the Jacobite forces, and as they saw, their resilience emboldened by the massed ranks
they had created together. For it was Duncan, son of Donald MacInally, a veteran of many
conflicts, and as Duncan tried to find his father, he was met with the slow dread that had
consumed him since Culloden, for his father could not be found. The state of religion and
power of faith in law leads to corruption, as the Church will pay its way to have the
fundamental beliefs become law, and all those who do not fit into the mould of faith will
falter in the eyes of the law. Jails are made of many unbelievers, as a witch tried for crimes
against the state, is, tried for crimes against the Church. The state can never model its laws
upon faith, even though the Church would do all it can for power, although power is corrupt
with the levels of money in context to this power of the Church. So how many years will the
law fail to assert its hand of justice? How many more innocent unbelievers and vagrants will
be punished severely and unjustly, as the Churches watch on from their ivory towers, as they
fondle with a choir boy after their supper. To instil fear into people, who are kind as people
can be and innocent, is the gravest of crimes. As people generate bias, as a scope to see the
world before us, as they cannot lose the bias, because it would surrender our democratic right
to attain basic freedoms fought for that bias. All man is selfish, and selfish is a man entirely.
It is an ill divided world, and the way forward is justice, for as a man seeks to seek justice,
that stems from brutality to himself he seeks to submit the oppressor to the dread of
punishment, for man should rise and smite, not lay down tried to die. This has compelled
mankind over the years from the very early beginnings. For it is books they find truths.
Duncan had given up hope on finding his father, but he rekindled the spirit of him whom he
looked up every day and waking hour, even in his dreams he longed to aspire to be like. His
father was harsh on him, but he soon realised that his father was trying to protect him, to
build him strong so he could go out there in the cold and fend for himself, because it is evil in
this world, and evil dominates society today, whatever society it may be. The tragedy and the
reoccurring situation in society when an ethnic group become a political pawn, and later the
highlanders became a commercial pawn in the development of the highland clearances, for it
is a due concern when oppression becomes gain for a marginalised elite few. Duncan could
greet no further, he tried to utter a tear but his longing for battle had shocked him into the
expressionless being he had become, which had torn apart mourning and sympathy, for a true
warrior gave no expression when his kin had fallen, a true warrior would raise a glass for
dead relatives and utter a maniacal laugh for his fallen victims. Duncan had passed the
mourning stage and was ready to uphold his father’s wishes, wishes of hope and freedom, but
he was spent, he had spent the last days on the run from the redcoats, and was finally reunited
with his clansmen. The next portion will explain how the Church will never allow a member
of their own to suffer as many have as prisoners of a cause of freedom. The Church will not
allow torture to be burdened upon anyone who follows their faith, as justice and humanity
will only fall upon the Church’s people. Once a child is baptised, it will not be thwarted with
danger in its lifetime, the only danger it will face is from unbelievers. The Church preaches
humanity, in its teachings. It will take prisoners of foreign armies in its pawns of believers it
may even not admit to torture and blame it on someone else, a minnow who aided, not so
much that the Church needs aid, because it does not need aid. It has no rivals and is all-
conquering, whatever Church or part of Christianity. A Christian will never allow the
suffering of its people to go unpunished and will un-mercifully punish all who bring harm to
a believer. It distinguishes that if a rebellion has no diplomats and is an armed force, with no
political acknowledgment, the Church will comprehend for that they deserve no mercy and
will aid in criminal’s abilities to torture them, psychologically and mentally. The Church will
treat foreigners like animals such is what is written in the Bible. The ability to take foreigners
and unbelievers as slaves, alarmingly to pursue freedom oneself, a non-believer will be
trapped by irons of the coldest sort and spend the rest of their days suffering at the hands of
their captors, belittled by taunts and lies, not being able to facilitate justice. A Christian is a
waste of space. An arrogant drunkard who does all he can to live dirtily, neglecting those who
he deems to be inferior, for he is drunk on power and privilege, for there is not much in this
world that a Christian can be found accountable for in the court of law. He created the law
and it rewards him so, as he believes an eye for an eye is in fact need of progression of law,
what have they become but merchants of trials and tribulation. The law is archaic, along with
society. For a prisoner will weep for forgiveness and no one will give it to him. He will beg
for redemption and no one will cast an eye on his face, for it is a wasted fate. Another one
bites the dust, another one is spent, for it is with great concern that they shall, as republicans,
waste away as criminals in the eyes of law and what say one strike whilst the iron is hot, to
cast aside values and possessions, as an unbeliever comes into one’s neighbourhood and after
long last with the struggle of society, lights their clothing on fire and sparks burst into the air.
As the crown has corrupted the feeble minds of tyrants, who will not stop till every rock and
tree is mined and sold. What does one say, but nothing as all is visibly successful, is born into
that success and all those who suffered, lost their way and became astray, they lost their
belief to fight and conquer, so they should strive to conquer, not to rest so much they lose all
hope and sleep for days and days? They are men, they must conquer, as they are hell-bent on
power, without struggle they collapse underneath the sheer weight of fear, for the dread and
angst of fear penetrates our society so much so that the average man will not step out of
place, as to step out of place is to reject the laws God has placed on the table. The onset
effects of colonialism are destroying customs and culture, so much that people have deluded
perceptions of foreigners. Foreigners are not dirty and unclean, they are exotic and intriguing,
for they should act to learn and adapt as moving people, not bound by rulers and their sacred
traditions. People need to theorise and share theories, question the world and its processes of
justice and information so how far people have come but to pray to a God and believe he or
she will enshrine one to eliminate the ability to question a concern, which is fundamental in
our processes of mankind, that my friend is progress and evolution. For when mankind learnt
that a stick will help to hunt, was followed by the idea that a stick was meant to fight and
fight the tribe that took and helped themselves to that meat that was caught with the stick.
A Christian or follower of such a disputed faith will never allow his own to suffer, for he has
wicked ways, he will construct non-believers in a whirlwind of a storm to portray them as
wicked and unnatural. This begs the question, is it unnatural to believe to put oneself first in
any situation? Not to be a puppet on some strings? Or a pawn on a chessboard, but to be
one’s clan chief, for the clan is the family, and every man woman and child on this damned
earth has his clan, and it is with this thought that strikes deep into Duncan’s mind, for he will
start the beginnings of another rising. It was the Jacobite’s turn to avenge their fallen kin their
brothers and cousins who shed blood for the cause. Ruthven was about to be the place to
continue the fight, they were well equipped but lacked a born leader. They lacked the
leadership that was given to the prince, but they had none. Where was the leadership, for it
was the Jacobite’s mistake? They still held firm the belief that their Prince Charlie was a
God-given king, the line of kings traced back to Kenneth MacAlpin. If the Scots, had a leader
like they had with William Wallace, a guardian none shall pass in terms of his loyalty to a
cause. The cause to lead a nation to overcome the oppressor, hope to the common man and
woman, for Wallace was no special deserved monarch, and if Duncan could harness the very
passion Wallace showed, the cause would be better off because of him. He was a loyal
servant, yes, but the fool O’Sullivan had deserted them, Murray the general had deserted
them. The Jacobite Army at Ruthven was ready for Duncan as soon as he walked into the
crowd of Jacobites they knew this was their hope. With his flintlock loaded he paced in front
of the crowd and spoke a speech that made the bravest Jacobite tremble, for he was here, their
honest guardian of Scotland had arrived. The men made camp and told stories of how they
hid from the Hanoverians after Culloden, the epic tales of survival. One man hid in the
thatching of a croft for days, as the government troops searched for any rebels. The stories of
the carnage that ensued in the days after Culloden, was a case of destitute survival. Clansmen
were taken out of their homes and butchered, for it was the orders that pipes were a weapon
of war and wearing the kilt was a grievous sin worthy of death. It was worse than a sin, it was
the clothing of an enemy soldier, and enforcement was harshly laid down. There were tales of
rape and sexual assault, the highland women were raped many times on orders of the fickle
captains. Every woman shall suffer like every enemy will, for this was indiscriminate
violence. Every man of fighting age shall be murdered fittingly to dispel dissent in these parts
of the British Isles. Such was the brutality of the repercussions of Culloden, that made a
grown man break down in tears, and it only hardened the resistance of the most loyal
Jacobite. But some Jacobites were very new, for there were freshmen in the ranks. These men
were enraged by the tales of the survivors, so much so that they ought to spread the stories to
the furthest reaches of the nations, great injustice had occurred. This was a great injustice,
and the Scots were not going to forget about these events overnight. As Duncan told his own
stories of his plight, it was the fixation of many of the men. This was their leader. The
highlanders were treated not enemy soldiers, like their French or Irish brothers, but as
criminals under the jurisdiction of the law. The gravest crime any man of the empire could
commit, for this was treason, and the harshest justice was taken, the justice of death. For
when the enemy and one know who the enemy, as they seek to murder rape and pillage, and
for the yearning to take control of one’s possessions with the sole reason, that oneself is an
enemy to them and a threat. One does not lie down and suffer for an eternity one fights and
establishes hierarchy based on bravery. The bravery to lead other men and seek and search
for the justice that their people need, because at the hands of the enemy there is no future, and
the men who were Scottish stock that fought at Culloden were will never be forgiven. For it is
not religion that unites us, it is the religion that divides us. It is not ethnicity or race which
unites us but cast aside all methods of social superiority, it is the bravery that unites us all so
much that man will acknowledge another man so much that he will consider him brave and
that he is his brother. For one’s leaders in battle are one’s brothers, and one’s brother and
one’s father love one like children, for the family never lie, and family never hide when the
times are tough and there is no peace and justice, for it was the many who suffer from the
actions of a few. Will the Jacobite’s fight without remorse and honour their enemy? By hell
not, and with hell’s fury should cast them into the furnace of suffering, for it is with the same
steel and bravery that the men at Culloden will fight for the rest of the campaign, the same
men will remember and tell stories to the new, and the new shall honour these tales so much
so that the newly recruited men will continue to tell the stories that the older men told them
and so forth. Duncan had arrived and Duncan was their lord, and as they spotted the
government troops further away, they readied themselves for an almighty war. A war that
will bring the death of suffering, and the longevity of a people’s hope in freedom, for it was
these people who needed it, it was these people who deserved it, and it was the highlanders
time for freedom, and as they gave the order to charge upon the Hanoverians, they fought
with bravery, the only blessing a lord can hope the best for. As a result of the Culloden
massacre by the government, and the after impacts of slaughter was meant to deter any
possible aftermath. The crime of rebelling against the crown to install a new king was met
with bloodshed, and the Stuart campaign was laid bare for all to see as nigh impossible and
thwart with risk. For the act of putting a Stuart on the throne was treason and met with a great
degree of risk. The plight had become burdened with fear as Charlie was public enemy
number one, to most members of the public though; he was never let down by the people of
the highlands. The people of the highlands and warriors who had suffered severe atrocities
and terrorist attacks, for these people had become enraged after the carnage that they had
suffered. Enraged like Medusa. Unleash all fury and fury hath no impotence of the blade. As
the battle raged, the rain came blasting down, this played into the highlander’s hands, as most
of the battle was hand to hand, and a melee ensued. Each highlander fought with immense
bravery, bravery so dogged and they clambered to secure a foothold in the contest, for it was
the highlander’s day. They had won and taken many prisoners, but their destiny was in the
hands of justice, as the highlanders spared the meek and feeble injured. A prince never lets
the innocence of war suffer. Some men even joined the ranks of the highlanders as converts,
for a leader never allows suffering to be directed towards a man who casts aside fear to
engage in the most frightful act man knows and that is war. War is the most dangerous
profession, and Adam Smith was correct when he said the navy was specifically the most
dangerous. The risks of war are great, but the spoils are even more rewarding. For is there
nothing more enjoyable than winning the battle and absorbing the plunder so much that one’s
belly is full and one’s mind and soul is happy. The more success one has at war, the easier it
may become, as morale plays an important role. For the morale of the highlanders, post-
Culloden was in dire need, Scotland was torn and frayed, broken and belittled, raped and
plundered, but again like the rewards of the battle of Stirling Bridge and Bannockburn
hundreds of years before showed that Scotland was capable of joining the all-time armies, the
mighty armies of the Scythians, nomadic Iranian horsemen of the Eurasian steppe. For they
had the speed and endurance to cross vast distances, and the fact that their descendants were
the Scots is not doubted, see the Phoenicians, who were also from the east who travelled vast
distances throughout the Mediterranean, for the Scythians had a European appearances, they
were known for their blue eyes, and red hair and blonde, look no further to the highlanders
for these looks, and the descendants of Fenius Farsaid show the same vigour that they fought
with in the middle east, for these were a warrior people, and the men of the highlands were
warrior people also. They were divided into their clans, learning how to use battle
implements at a young age, and techniques that will get them far, for it was proposed that the
strength of the highlanders was upwards of thirty-thousand men at the time of the forty-five
rising, and if Duncan and his other men could muster such strength, they could take this damn
isle by force. So after the battle, Duncan amassed his generals and chiefs, who pledged
allegiance to him fundamentally because he displayed the upmost bravery on the battle field,
who skewered Hanoverians on his broadsword, so that they groan and moan a scream of pain
and fear into the hearts of the bloodthirsty highlanders, who fought with such pleasure to
submit their hurt the depths of the highlands, gone is the pain and suffering at the hands of
such cowards, who would butcher and unarmed man, and rape his woman, then burn down
his croft, not much as it was, for all he had done was pledge allegiance to a king that was his
brother, and promised to set him free, to have all the spoils that a kingdom will produce, and
that would take him away from the vaults of depression he has suffered in previous years, for
the highlanders nearly gave up hope, the hope that one day they will not be cast aside as men
who divide the rightful king, alleged of treason, and the penalty that their culture could be
outlawed, as there was nothing sadder, than a highlander unable to wear his cultural
garments, and play his cultural music of the soul. As the law seeks to give freedom to smaller
ethnic groups, it will seek to set men free, all men into societal groups, until the individual
and his group, are free, until individuals are free themselves to march for the fallen and
worship their God’s chosen, by the importance and charity shown, for a pagan has done
nothing wrong, but the belief and lore that shapes their perception, something that they
cannot see in their understanding of a foreign religion. Religion is a means of privilege, for a
special few exempt from the brutality of punishment, as it was Machiavelli who put it
poignantly, that fear is secured by the dread of punishment. Good fortune is allied to bravery,
Conjuncta virtuti fortuna.
Bravery is brought about over standing up for people, with no way to fight back over an
identifiable oppressor, one which has brought about injustice to people, individuals and
groups of people. For it was some of the repercussions of Culloden, and the after-effects that
could be compared to behaviour of the Waffen SS officers of the Nazi Party, the very people
who were part of a result that led to re-evaluation of human rights, and the interest into the
due process that assembled the United Nations, a body which was formed out the
consideration for states to co-operate on the international stage, rather than warfare. A body
which is probably ignored for the allied powers now, with vetoing, but the Highlanders were
one of the first politically and economically displaced people of the modern era, one that
reached the furthest reaches in the world with the forced displacement and these were
vulnerable migrants. A humanitarian by nature seeks justice for groups of people and is
interested in fighting, whatever that may be, for the basic fundamental rights of humanity,
therefore if a group or individual was denied rights, for instance, to have their king, or their
clothing and culture, denied from them. The humanitarian side of politics is predominantly
the left, who are seeking justice for subgroups. The highlanders were denied the right for
their king and culture exist, not just denied, vilified and demonised like the cartoons of
Bonnie Prince Charlie in England. They were denied being identified as a legitimate fighting
force, an army with soldiers and commanders, the brutality of the crown against highlanders
was because they were believed to be criminals and convicts, not a legitimate fighting force,
like the French who were taken as prisoners from the battlefields outside of Inverness, and
spared the brutality that their allies, the Scots fighting for the Jacobites, suffered. A king, who
was a rightful king, religion had only a slight impact. Protestants were fighting for the
Jacobites, such as their general Lord George Murray. They fought for the king who was
rightfully king to Scotland and England. In many ways, the highlanders fought more for
political gain for all but a few, but instead fought for each other’s freedom, a freedom for
their ancient language to exist, and their culture to remain intact, for it is these freedoms that
created a thriving culture that would become modern Scotland throughout the enlightenment
period, for the English only care if the Scots were destroyed, nothing cared to them, and the
survival of an ancient language never meant a great deal to the English, for it was Goidel
Glas of Scota and Nel the ancient creator of the Goidelic languages, languages that borrow a
fair amount of the languages of the Mediterranean as outlined in the Book by Alistair Moffat
and James Wilson, Scots: A Genetic Journey, that there are similarities with Scottish Gaelic
and the language of Malta. The Scots are many peoples, of course, the Scotti merged with the
Picts, and the Pictish kings had become fairly Gaelicised for the most part, for they both had
Scythian origins, and the Picts took Irish wives as they had none themselves. There was a
merging with the Norse and Normans later in the Dark Ages and early Medieval period, and
of course allocation of land to Normans for their part in the Norman invasion of ten-sixty-six,
as Stuart was, of course, a Norman clan. But, along with Robert Bruce, was part of the
lineage of ancient Gaelic kings of Scotland. The origins of stories are handed down
generation after generation, all fundamentally part of society. It is a method of
communication and lore, with many techniques of how to disperse a story throughout the
culture. The modern stories have a lot to owe figures like the pen name Lewis Carroll, who
amongst his reputation, which may or may have led to his techniques and subject matter,
mastered the technique of third-person narrative. Readers are transported to a far-away place
and see the story as themselves. This technique adds dimension to a story and aids in a
process of what being is a dynamic process. Readers don’t change into a character they are a
fly on the wall. This adds to the freedom of the reader to make up their mind, and use their
minds to follow a story, rather feeling removed, the clear fact that they do not belong in a
story, and the shoes of another person in the first person, is, therefore, less effective. Another
technique of story craft is embellishing a story with facts to show understanding and colour to
a tale. But the problem is what is considered factual or biased information. Because history is
shaped by the victor and people cannot escape distorting of their perception of grounded
facts. History is acted out on ideas. The ideas of people are put into action and create history
it is essentially thwarted with objectivity and subjectivity. The other technique this will
discuss is the compassion for an oppressed people, not only helps establish a voice of reason
and justice to an oppressed people but seeks to enforce justice with the ability of the fourth
estate, which traditionally is the press, whom the craft of writing and reading is
fundamentally linked to the field of study which is journalism. The role of the modern
journalist is the modern storytellers, they craft and weave a story so brilliant, it creates a
depicted version of truth, one truth which people gauge as the whole truth and nothing but the
truth, for it was not too long ago that the most important book in people’s bookshelves and
bedside tables, was the Bible. The modern stories and their storytellers seem to break
themselves apart from the past, and further distance themselves from these ancient texts, to
progress society, and the stories within a society. Scotland in its duration of history spoke
many languages, languages which impact the daily speech of many people living in her
realms an exotic flavour and smorgasbord of dialects, all of which are exotic. There are
variations of the Irish tongue and variations of the lowland tongue of Scots like Doric. There
was the ancient Pictish language, which is not extinct because there is a list of kings and their
separate kingdoms are also known to historians such as Fortriu. So, the mystery that is given
to us from historians about the not so ancient people, depicted as savages is biased towards
the specific lens of analysis that knew very little about the people of Northern Scotland her
descendants are living to this day. The assimilation of Pictish people into Gaelic society, one
does not simply say Gaelic, because the Scotti, the denizens of Dal Riata were very different
to the people living in Ireland, where they spoke Irish, not Scottish Gaelic. Scottish Gaelic is
a specific language to the people of Dal Riata and later Scotland. The Picts borrowed a lot
from the Scotti, and so did the Scotti towards the Picts, but the Pictish people are not entirely
extinct. Aber-, in their language, means confluence of water Kenneth MacAlpin’s title was
King of the Picts, not just King of Dal Riata, it would make sense that, like the Scythian
Prince Fenius Farsaid, that a respected king like MacAlpin would be of his people’s stock, to
gain respect, not a tyrannical ruler, because basically, the Picts in their heights controlled
more land than the Scotti, therefore more population, more soldiers to fight and more
resources to fight these battles. There is more assimilation in Scotland throughout the ages,
the Scots dialect from the lowlands borrows from Anglo Saxon dialects, as well as Dutch
would frequently trade with the lowland Scottish people, there would be also more
assimilation of people like what is happening today with millions of displaced migrants
coming to the shores of what is today Britain and elsewhere in developed countries. The
ethnicities displaced by war and politics is something that will lead to more assimilation, and
one can see throughout the world that the Scots adapted to change in foreign locations, so
much so that her people were dispersed across vast distances, reaching every corner of the
globe, known for their jovial acceptance, strong will and hospitality. Bonnie Prince Charlie in
his times was like most other Scots in the latter part of the millennium, separated from their
homeland, far away, exiled and forgotten. Compassion for punished people is the job of any
journalism. They were freedom fighters for the oppressed and willing to risk their lives for
freedom, for as Smith suggests war is the most dangerous. The pen is mightier than the
sword, and an army of pen bearers is a vulnerable army of course. Many people cannot
undertake the kind of compassion that is delved into in the work of the Qur’an, specifically
the section about if one saves one life it is like he has saved all of humanity. Nothing
compares to the shame and misfortune that Muslims face post-nine-eleven, for it is like they
are shamed with the guilt of mass murder and typecast a villain. To embellish a piece is to
colour it with facts because facts assert that our judgement is correct with credibility. There is
dispelling of facts and scrutiny, which builds and lowers credibility. History is a disputed by
various forms of view, E. H Carr was correct in his theory that history is shaped by beliefs
and perception, but to colour it in facts appeals to aid in its credibility and appeal as a
reputable source of information, one which people will cite. As many historians and theorists
to draw upon will aid in a variety of sources, one which will severely back up and support
claims rationally and coherently.
As Duncan lay beneath the moon, he dreamed of place up near Loch Ness. Upon the hills,
viewing far out across Urquhart Castle, for this was nearby his home. A home that was very
isolated and hard to commute to. It was a place that was native to him and it was a place
where he felt at peace. As he awoke from his slumber, he was addressed by his general that
an army was nearby. With haste, he sorted to load his musket and order his men to load their
flintlocks. A messenger was riding up to the front of the army and begged to speak to
Duncan. As they spoke the messenger introduced himself as part of the French force who had
just landed easterly from the Jacobite army and was keen to unite to march upon London.
Duncan approved, and with not only an addition of men but many flintlocks both Spanish and
French were unloaded from a horse and dispersed between the Jacobite ranks. Cheers of joy
were met with Scottish men who had served in the French army for the last few years
reunited with brothers, cousins or other relatives. They drank ale and worshipped the moon
like pagans that night, and as the eve of another day of marching, they had soon reached
London. For it was near London, they were met one of the roads with jubilation and pride
from the local inhabitants. Here were the mighty courageous saviours, and of course the
retinue of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the seven men of Moidart, who had recently
congratulated the now guardian of Scotland, Duncan MacInally of his victories. The brave
men had gotten so close to the realm of the enemy. The beating hearts of the three lions the
bud of the red rose that is the belly of England. It was here where few Scotsman had ever
been unless they were awaiting trial or the hangman’s noose. Hitherto, this was the closest
thing to Power and hierarchical shift that a Scotsman has ever felt; this was the stuff of
dreams. William Wallace’s dream was about to become reality, hundreds of years of
conflicts, thousands of lives lost, millennia of technological advances that shaped how battles
were fought, lost and won. It was this day that the real victors learnt that a belief can become
a reality. A hope could shape the people and governance in a community. That goodwill and
strength of the human spirit could shape the future, for Scotland was a wounded lion, that
would not take no for an answer. She had bathed in her blood, soaked and tired, a beast at her
wit's end, for she had given birth to a champion, a champion who no equal, for it was the
belief of every man in the champion. The unrivalled, brave and courageous entity that was a
supreme fighting force to be reckoned with, unbridled resistance, irrepressible and rampant.
The lion with her wounded heart of the north who charged like a wild thing, untamed and
unprivileged. The course of victory and defeat that led to the emaciated desire to carry home
victory in the hands of a select few, a select few who had shed blood and tears, sang songs
and told stories ever more to harden their belief, their belief in triumphing over a shared
aspiration, an aspiration that one day they will have their king, their ruler, their language,
culture and identity that would not be neglected by an oppressor.
Theorise till one realises that one is one of many, an elected leader to represent the wise and
old, the decrepit and the lame. A man of strength, who is very being is meant to inspire men
to fight with bravery, that is one’s job, and it is a job of many elected leaders. As Duncan
fought with the same belief and conviction that is very men showed, he marched with his
men, a humble servant of the north, who was not blessed with the same privilege that others
were who were awarded positions of merit. Duncan was a leader like Alexander the Great, a
man of duty and it is with honour that people do great things, great things that are blessed
with triumph, great things which are blessed with riches that are stolen from evil kings and
queens. The riches stolen from the people kings and queens conquered, it is with these riches
that the Catholic Church is built upon. Donations from the poor as far as Africa, that has
received promises of great fortune, but instead they have had the heart of their oil ripped out
of them. Broken promises of reassured corrupt figures that will not last till every last innocent
man has pledged every penny to a course that will lead them to disaster, financially and
where they have invested their earnings to a far-away kingdom, called the Vatican.
Duncan was heralded as a saviour for the Scottish legend. A man who would join the ranks of
many great soldiers, and it was his men who saluted him for the time he spent leading them.
Bonnie Prince Charlie took control of the nations of Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England.
With this power, he assembled a team of lawyers and a jury to hold the rulers of the English
accountable for their actions displayed against the Scottish people for the period after
Culloden, and also the rejection of the Stuart crown and the resulting civil war, which Charles
viewed as an illegal method of dissent to the right crown and rightful leaders. It was the grave
rule of a Dutch king, not a Scottish king that led to the suffering and inhumane treatment of
an unprivileged many living north of the border, and this period was one of the first instances
where modern war crimes were put into a court of law. The law found the period of rejection
of a Stuart monarchy and the war crimes post-Culloden punishable by many years in Jail.
Duncan was heralded as a mighty warrior in many parts of the Scottish kingdom, for it was
normal to see statues of him in many towns and villages throughout the highlands, for it was
the highlands where his people championed him as a hero, a mighty warrior with no other
par. Destitute people who were given no chance now had power, for it is the case that a
monarchy will force the people into submission until they fight back. As Duncan became a
senior advisor to the Stuarts after fighting many battles, he would become a general of quite
note, for Scotland was about to enter the golden age of enlightenment and philosophical
advancement, for it was Scotland who people turn to for advances in science and thought.
As Duncan was spoken to by his senior advisor about his life of power a life spent on the run
as a criminal of the crown, and a life spent in duty to the honour to the Stuart restoration. He
was asked why it is so, that riches of the state can be spent to give people hope in their lives
and the basic foundations of existence, and the state is always seeking to tax the wealthy
more to make the state more equal to the children of the state, but not so much that will deter
the wealthy so they raise in arms to overthrow the state. Duncan replied, that the state ought
to tax the wealthy more and more to give the poor better quality of life and create a better
quality of life, for as war is a man’s duty, and he shall not be shy to wage war of settled
money and it his duty to fight and risk his life for the state to be successful, for is there
nothing a man dreams of, other than punishing who and whom that puts themselves forward
to be beaten to a bloody pulp. For they are the purpose of the sword, and the sword is the
purpose of the man who arms himself with it, for throughout history there will cataclysmic
disagreements, disagreements that will result in the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of
men. The wealthy merchants, if they could muster an army they would, but they hide and
resort to blatant dishonesty and fraud to fund their lives, they are not a warrior culture, but a
meagre financial and economic society in throughout society, a society run by the working
man and a society run for the middle class, for it is a good king who realises this. Duncan
realises this, and it is Duncan who asserts himself that he was always in the right every time
he picked up the sword to seek his disputes with steel. No man should seek money to settle
his disputes, and no man has the money to settle such disputes, for it is a man with allies and
steel who shall triumph, because with limited funds, but respect through bravery and the
ability to fight for other’s rights shall determine who shall win on the battlefields, and it is
these wins that shall determine who rules, and how they rule is up to how they study their
rule, but a cruel ruler with discarded with due care, because one can lie their way into power,
but it is the people who can see through such lies and act on the goodwill of themselves and
others. It is with the Scots of ancient times, who defeated many peoples to last in what is
likely the most war-torn place in Europe, having endured wars for as long as the Scots had
been there, there was conflict. The Picts were a warring tribe, who ruled undisputedly for
they cast aside many others with their ingenious inventions, like the pike and early forms of
the crossbow. The triangular harp was even one of their inventions
The Scots were also known as a warrior culture, a culture who seek to assert their control
with steel and the bow rather than the fickle demands of politics which is not only ill-
equipped but robbed in sheer daylight by the devices of a monarchy. Rob Roy Macgregor
was a brave soldier who fought the earlier Jacobite risings, and it his celebrity status that
depicts the Scots as rebels to the crown and almighty enemies to an unjust and unfair society,
one that treats its peoples who are vying for representation themselves, for it is the first
mistake of a monarchy that governs peoples across spars nations that are not her own. This
can be seen in the beginnings of the First World War, where it was monarchies putting their
rights over ethnic diversity rather amassing land, and it was no respect for the people on this
land or the dissatisfaction of rule by a foreign monarchy that was so destructive. Set man free
till his people are free to determine their fate, for their rights are not met or understood and
this will result in further conflict. A disagreement and misunderstanding are the first forms of
dissent that a leader must identify, and assess, for it is with each disaster states must be ready
for. States must have the resources to face every disaster with such confidence to not be
destroyed by sheer misfortune. Strong states can look after her people very efficiently, and
with separate and isolated communities within states that suffer and point and blame others
with misfortune, this is the first unravelling of the end for states. It was James II who died by
his own devices, by an exploding cannon and Robert Bruce who charged into battle to
decapitate his foes, the kings of Scotland were not afraid to get into the thick of the action
and combat.
Complacency II
Duncan and his highland companions were the rulers of England and were sought after
mercenaries by the French, for it was the French who fought at Culloden as well, and these
French soldiers were Irish and Scottish born regiments, but they were treated as prisoners of
war, of which they were spared the harsh brutality of the government forces post-Culloden
and its aftermath. The French sought to bolster their army’s ranks with some of the brave
highlanders who fought in the campaign, so it was to be that the soldiers picked up their
flintlocks and set sail to fight for the French. The Scots being a warrior culture were used to
armed warfare as a profession, the armies of the Scots fought in many battles throughout the
mainland of Europe and abroad. The prince was ought not to be too complacent because he
was suspected a threat from a British and Hanoverian force on the mainland, that had fought
at Fontenoy. He did not want to sacrifice his defence force to service and leave himself
vulnerable to attack and invasion; for a good ruler always leaves a defence force in every
habitat they conquer a police force of highly trained dragoons. And enough militia to operate
cannon on the walls and battlements he controls. For it is a good ruler who recruits from his
local police force and militia to maintain order and defend the cities from an attack before re-
enforcements arrive to fight a battle, for even when the ruler is outmanoeuvred, he still covers
his rear from attack. For a good general always leaves force stationary when and defence to
cover his weak flanks that can be exposed to fast-moving units like the cavalry, for a good
general sees gaps in the enemy lines and exploits them for his gain. A good general makes the
most of his units, and if he does not have the technology and men at arms to use effectively,
he will resort to guerrilla tactics, tactics that make the most of his numbers, a good ambush
and unconventional tactics can turn the favour against the highly equipped enemy. Playing by
the rules gets one nothing, and one sacrifices one’s, own troops. Playing against the rules
allows one to defeat expensive armies with merely equipped farmers, which in turn is the
greatest victory, for it is the championing of the working class that wins at the end of the day,
if one can use them effectively, one can become victorious. Duncan was schooled in the
highland ways, and those ways were the skills of war. It was clear to him that he needed to
bring those skills to the chambers of Edinburgh, where the capital of Scotland lay, and where
Bonnie Prince Charlie called his home, for Scotland was ruled by Stuarts, and it will remain
to this day, as Charles was frivolous in his pursuit for wife to be, and he settled with a
highland lass by the name of Mhairi. The correlation between compassion, obviously trust
and care for another is strongly linked with dialogue, the being of being able to see through a
conversation, two people conversing. The art of reasoning is the ability to convince someone
of an idea, and the argument is supporting the theory of a set of reasons in one form. It is also
true to the present, is a situation in which people live, but those who cannot see into the future
(the ones not blessed with the second sight) are stuck in the past because that is known, and
they base our assumptions on that which is known. For Mhairi had the gift of second sight,
whether Charles intended to approach someone for his matrimonial affairs and pick someone
of his own choice with a second sight so that he could gain the ability into his bloodline is
another thing entirely.
If indeed what is known is what people hold dear to their hearts, the art of seeing into the
future goes against the known logic of the theory, where a theory is thoroughly tested
vigorously. Those who can see into the future are blessed and a freak occurrence of science
and it is science understands which they captivate. But the days of the forty-five were
different more simple times. Seers were regarded as wise, not condemned to have something
entirely wrong with them. For it is in a seer people look to for the future. And there is nothing
more Scottish than what Voltaire so eloquently put, that people look at Scotland for the
future, for she is the Athens of the north. The concept of second sight was a gift that many a
ruler would plunder for his gain. The ability to foresee a situation, and to configure a move to
counter an enemy was what a lot of people viewed as beneficial in the highland societies at
the time. To second a move or to know one move in advance over one’s enemy was a
worthwhile gift, one that should one not have thought unjustly. For it was Charles who, at the
first instance of his understanding with second sight, dismissed it as foul devilry. But, upon
inspection closer, it was revealed that one of the older members of the community of
Jacobites was seen in a dream, a dream of danger that was seen four days before his very
death. This was intriguing to the prince because he was allured by the exact specifics, the
specifics that revealed that it was death by choking on his dinner. He died choking, and this
was seen by the seer. It was seen vividly, amongst the joys of the plunder of defeating the
English. In the many days that passed, where men were dancing drunk in the streets, and the
man was told by the seer, and instead of listening to the seer, brushed it aside with laughter
and more wine, for it was him who suffered at the hands of fate. Man is enshrined with
corrupt means, and corrupt means are what consume men and all their associates within the
realms of humanity. Time is a mere layer of uncertainty. Oh, why, oh why do they demonise
the poor, as they are not the ones to blame, the real enemy of the state is the corps, for it is
their rights valued over the people’s. The cause of malpractice comes from an irresponsible
fickle corruption of justice, one that pits man against one another, for Hobbes was correct
when he stated a man was ultimately selfish. To brutally remove oneself from the
strangulation of religion and monarchies, because man deserves to be free, and free he shall
be. A fly on the wall is nothing but a fly at all. Politically, for a nation to set itself free it
needs to remove the shackles it was entrenched in with colonialism, for colonialism is the end
to the longevity of humanity, it rapes and pillages and takes no prisoners. For Australia are a
mishap of former convict’s descendants, corrupt first settlers, and poor suffering aboriginal
inhabitants, coupled with the waves of migrant of the post-World War Two era.
The states of the world will rise as one, as soon as the belief of God is dispelled and the
balance of justice is given, as the fallacy of deceit shall be believed by those very few. The
very few who take a stand shall be the leaders and praised as heroes by the companions of
honour, a duty they share, and a republic will always triumph over evil because a republic is a
saving grace. For the political wing of the Church are monarchies. The warring turmoil of the
striving of credibility that has often been sought to be a freedom of a neglected honesty and
the fear of being found guilty is the fear of the hand of justice, and a travesty of justice is but
a stain on the collective conscience of humanity. A credible leader is a transparent one, and
he who leads men must not hide from the masses. The role of the monarchy, although
appearing that of a ceremonial position, holds sway over politicians, and in fact, the Church
holds sway over the monarchies of the world. Socialism is a failed system that has never
lasted in the countries that have adopted it and become stagnant or deviated from it.
Machiavelli wrote to overcome a monarchy, Marx argued that a segment of society has
become that monarchy, but with the occurrence of liberalism, it has created a big-headed
population of politicians who are a mortification of politics. The liberal masses are a bubble
that needs to be burst, evolution or de-evolution of mankind. Being a political scientist, it is
very easy to predict the actions of politicians based on their political beliefs. Realism is the
superior and oldest of the branches of political science, it has become the theory that most
people look to when they discuss international relations theory. The names Thucydides and
Machiavelli have become synonymous with political science. The role of a political scientist
is the study of politics and grasping the theories with their bare brains. The art of predicting
politics is all but a skill that is highly sought by politicians throughout history, and it is in
history that leaders had sought to gain an edge over their opposition. The edge, that will them
to be outmanoeuvred and like a game of chess snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
Systems of oppression, resulting in political dissent, and man bears a grudge towards his
captor and master, one that can lead man to do things that defy the teachings of the oppressor,
for his values have not worked and result in suffering for the oppressed, so much that can
drive them to do violent acts, acts that may be seen as revolutionary. He has been warned that
his freedom of speech may come back to bite him. The concept of socialism was just a theory
of overthrowing a bourgeois. The concept of Trotskyism was put in practise as revolutionary
Marxism, but there is a bourgeoisie that is very real. People in liberal countries all have a
right to work, and a duly prompted to find work, but there is complete selfish mobilisation of
commanding wealth, from every race, and every ethnic group on the planet. Politicians are in
place to give wealth to a few; the few are monarchies and their associates. There are
monarchies throughout the world, which have naught to contribute to society, and their lucky
few associates are the ones with supreme wealth, power and influence, by God the
monarchies have almost infinite resources, and to be a successful businessman is to rub
shoulders with these people. Marx was probably known for his thought and writings on
capital, rather than class because Machiavelli lived and spawned revolutionary ideas, ideas
that pre-empted Trotskyism, Machiavelli was a member of the Florentine militia, was
tortured by a monarchy the Medici, who themselves were aided by the Catholic Church, how
could they mistreat such a mind, a mind that people can look to for wisdom and philosophy
of people understand the world of politics and power throughout man’s existence.
A state that positions the rights of monarchies and their rich associates over its people, is
corrupt as it is not in service to the people but a select few and rich minority. The problem
with free trade stopping wars, is essentially one is providing the trade with the enemy, which
in course is making them stronger, and more able to fight. Then when the times comes, they
will react, react they shall with such vitriol that will cause dismay and carnage for
generations, years of animosity will build upon the mere failure to suppress an enemy
correctly. The stench of Catholic's buckles brains, as it is the case of such slight differences in
faith between Catholics and Protestants, there is such animosity, bloodshed and violence.
They both worship the same Jesus Christ and Scotland claims that they did produce Pontius
Pilate, and of course the Picts, the last people to be converted to Christianity in the British
Isles. One of the features of corporations, is the concept of stranded assets, assets which are
assumed to exist, but have not been discovered, and will never be discovered, because of the
pollution that it will cause, will essentially make it impossible to live on earth, saving the
world from global catastrophe is avoiding the temptation of all-consuming capitalism
favouring neo-liberalism. Duncan had seen empires fall and he had seen people divided,
allegiances torn to shreds and ties thrown to the dogs. He had seen people long-suffering, and
the oppressors brought to justice, for there is tyrannical oppression under a monarchy, under
the Church, under the veil of political deceit, under the realms of corruption and the few
privileged, and not to forget under the very belief in God, but there is peace moving into the
future for Duncan, and there is long-lasting hope freedom will bless the innocent and honest
people and way of life of the highlander. The belly of the beast that has long been waiting in
slumber, was about to lead the people that she birthed, into the future. The warm belly of
Scota, daughter of a pharaoh, was playing host to the forgotten people of history, the Scots,
whom history has many tales for and who the carnage of war and failure that has endured for
more than millennia. Be gone, the insufferable fool who disturbs them, be gone. Much of the
argument of socialism is the spread of wealth to the people not entitled to it the underclasses,
not the end of oppression, but the start of oppression. A new rich oppressive class, with the
benefits they had robbed from the bourgeoisie, the overthrowing of the upper classes, and not
the end of wealth, but the capture of wealth, so much so they that they become the
bourgeoisie, they steal the riches, and spread it to the other rebels and that they become the
tyrant, the endless revolution of overthrowing capitalist and classist oppressors. A petty
porter, and a petty painter, of life enriched with God the almighty. One way of life, which is a
corrupt way of life, be like the highlander, be honest. The Church reaps profits of an
unparalleled spectrum. Greed will secrete corruption, as they cover all bases.
Plagued by torment, a clown trapped in its tricks will perish soon thereafter. It is with these
disputes of power, the endless game of rival’s and their subordinates, that will play a part in
the strive for an advantage over another in one game which everyone will play, the game of
power, and the role of law that is administered to people, within the realms of power. For it is
like all men, that they follow the footsteps of others and model us on them. Greece, the place
of the beginning of civilisation, and the very end of civilisation, the global financial crisis, for
it is now that society is in a position of reflection on neo-liberalism, and the path each of us
and our own choices that will be made, for it is each of us with our minds willing to be set
free from the torment of our own mistakes, and the mistakes of our rulers, elected
government and its minions in the desire for ultimate respect and power, that is a corrupt
power sometimes, as democracy is freedom by a set of standards, such as the case where the
power to deny freedoms exists, and the power and freedom to cause harm to others, hate
speech is lauded as natural, and that is something very wrong. Socialism is the ability to
exorcise one’s rights to claim the spoils of the rich, and the two branches socialism and
liberalism intertwine and connect on many levels, feuding like two cobras astray from their
snake charmer master. The all-consuming end of ego, is the start of society, and as a nation,
people can triumph, for it is the ability to be others before one is the sign of a great leaders,
and it is essentially great leaders that inspire others to do great things, as Robert Bruce was,
in fact, a great leader, and Scotland’s sons and daughters who do great things all pay homage
to the opportunities and rights that he and his comrades fought for, for society works with the
heads of state and leaders making decisions that impact and change the lives of the people
who find themselves belonging to that state, and it is the power of the state which leads to
free-standing armies, not mercenaries, who fight honestly for freedom and freedom’s sake,
and it is investment in the state from heads of state which lead to a flourishing of theory and
science, philosophy and technology, such is the case that there is nothing more supreme than
the state. People should be grateful that they live in a country which gives those basic rights
and privileges, for it is not individuals who make states, but people combined working with
one another. As individual freedoms are closely related to depression and the impact of not
experiencing feelings with others, selfishness and greed is one of the darker moments of
human history, therefore liberty and freedom only leads to man’s ultimate self-destruction,
suicide and end of the connection between countrymen, people, family and loved ones,
because a merchant or politician would sell his grandmother if he could deem to make profit,
and that is truly the case. If one could imagine a Maori chief, consuming his enemy whole,
this would be a correct analogy of the impact of neo-liberalism, where there is no ending of
consumption and the freedom of economic gain; it could also be said about socialism’s ability
of overthrow and imposing a new establishment and order in the society. If one thinks of
most of the greatest achievements of humanity, it came with the backing and resourced by
states. It was the state that builds schools and makes education compulsory for all its minions,
and this is the first step in ensuring greatness in a state. Socialism has only come about more
or less, from the rapid influx in wealth that citizens can attain, through capitalism; in fact,
people are richer than they have ever been, thanks to capitalism. One does not have to have
entitlement or special rights to possess wealth like monarchies of old, people can rise to
wealth, although this can be a very rare occurrence, and usually, people are born into wealth,
capitalism aside, power can manifest itself into many forms and it does not have to do
anything with money cannot buy everything, and the other factor, is that there can be left-
wing capitalists, left-wing is not always synonymous with poverty of other lack of wealth.
The left-wing has come about with the retaliation against safe precautions of Judaeo-
Christian politics like human rights violations against religious minorities, and the fact that
many faiths offer a not very adhered to the principle of charity as one of the strands of their
faith. The left-wing is not radicalised enough, for instance, it is not funded well enough, and
in some cases, there would be full-scale revolutions, where there isn’t with the kind of human
rights violations taking place, if the left were not so passive, there would be a revolution.
Most states must ensure their people are not subject to human rights violations, and to ensure
each group of people who may be persecuted must have sovereign rule to ensure they are
safe, and if it is the case where violence must be carried to ensure the fact that a people must
be safe, then so be it. Because violence is the solution to the oppression, waging war has a
purpose, unless it is invading a country for financial gain, which is the product of
consumerism, wanting more than one need. Everyone is a capitalist, it is just the case of how
much capital is too much, and how much people should have to live on, and how much
people need to grow and be plump, because too much cannot be enough for some people, as
Hobbes put it, and humans are rightfully selfish. A state does not act in the interests of its
self, but of its people, but people act in the interest of themselves, so to combat selfishness
and greed, is to create states, many states, as many states that is possible to combat the impact
of selfishness. Because to be honest, is to see the beautiful things in life. To be honest, is not
too be rich and mighty, but to be young naïve and free. Greed and corruption will destroy the
innocent, and this a slow decrepit murder of the weak and vulnerable. In one’s best interests,
do not become corrupt, but be honest and fair.
To see the world as they see it is a gift, a gift to comprehend the world as a place that is not
like any other place, it is unique. The way they see the world is like a ripe plum for the
picking, that is the way a leader envisions his life, and some take a chance and a gamble and
ask for more because it is a leader who will not stop till they are on death’s door, it is a leader
that will not give up. They can be destitute and poor, but nothing can erase the belief of their
ability to govern, for it is the leaders of men who see not an enemy, but a friend, a friend that
will engage in life’s great gamble, the art of war, and who emerges victorious, is the one who
reaps massive profits, profits that make or break whole nations, therefore, to engage in war is
to roll the dice of chance, and if it is pulled off, it is by and large what determines whether
individuals and groups who share the peculiarities of an individual are free. History is known,
the future is unknown, so people generally base their understanding on what is known, to
support claims, but history can be biased, and it is with biased history that creates confusion,
so people must amass theory, and sources of theory like history, and people must read a
diverse amount of history, for them not to be biased. It could be said as a matter of fact, that
infinite amounts of liberty result in the situation in the United States, where there are so many
deaths at schools that the environments in the United States are akin to that of a war zone.
The United States, the case where there has been too much insular freedom, and there is also
an expression of liberty to the outside world, so much so that liberty has to intervene in the
development of states breaking apart or separating from a colony and establishing their power
base, that is a state. Not only does liberalism lead to a shocking amount of violence, one that
is not natural, and one that is an unnatural horror, it has come about by the invention of a
modern mental illness, one that is called neo-liberalism, one that acts indiscriminately to
achieve power, one that is ultimately a terrorist mindset which results in catastrophic loss of
life for innocent people, all for the ability for someone who believes they have a right to own
weaponry. The death of neo-liberalism is the death of the ego and insatiable greed. And
Duncan explained to his cohort if life was like what Machiavelli explained it like if there was
fear secured by the dread of punishment. What happens if there was no such punishment? No
laws to govern people and people were free from the law. Then there would no punishment.
There would be no dread. Would the fear of the law be reversed? So that instead of people
fearing the law, perhaps it would work that the law and state would fear the people. The
ultimate threat of war with a country was secured when the United States of America
developed the atomic bomb. When that happened, it acted as a deterrent for war. States do
not want to engage with the United States of America, as this would result in their ultimate
demise and destruction. Unless states colonised planets, then they may be free from the
impacts of nuclear war, and able to develop their states far away and free from the violence
and potential violence capable on planet earth. Of course, the United States of America will
promote free trade as a peace process, but they will keep their atomic bombs to aid in the act
of international deterrence of the potential crisis of world war three, because if there was all
out-world war three, it would most likely be an atomic war, one that would bring humanity
on earth to its demise. Although the United States maintains its impact on Pax Americana, the
United States of America has its internal warfare taking place, where there is a war on drugs,
there is a war on black people and Hispanics, and the schools in the United States of America
are more dangerous than a warzone, and by aid groups in the middle east, they can manage to
control war against one of the old foes, the foe of Russia. So, there is no peace, because the
United States of America has been involved in a war, civil war and interventions for years,
they just appear to be maintained peace, because it is free from nuclear war, all-out war and
world war. These wars in the Middle East are creating whole generations of refugees, so
much so that the main outcome of the war as refugees. The solution for refugees is to seek
temporary shelter and then seeks to return to their land; to live the lives that they once lived
with their ways, the ways in fact what their very ancestors lived. The fact that the United
States of America will not take in and settle refugees, or very little as possible is the same
selfish, and racist (the new type of racism discussed by Hollinsworth) and xenophobia
towards migrants. These very migrants deserve their own countries and their states, but they
have been brutally taken advantaged by the brutish liberal tyranny that is the old-fashioned
United States of America, the blight of neo-liberalism a stain on the twenty-first century.
People have all but become acquiesced to the current situation, one that does not seek to take
prisoners, and will mercilessly account for indiscriminate financial and social violence on its
behalf to all but whom will stand in its way, because this world is destined for ruin and this
world has become a battleground for the corporate elite to squeeze their way into more rights
of ownership and lie to the public. Only the corporation’s needs are met by the unnatural
mental illness that is power and those destined to become powerful.
By grace, they fell, and they fell hard, for Duncan was amassing troops to invade mainland
Europe, to once and truly conquer the Hanoverians by sheer force and brutality. Once he
considered whether to train the fresh recruits in the manner of the highland charge, for it is
with this technique that served its purpose and effectiveness, and it was this technique that
aided the plight well. There were a few mountains in Europe, places where they could pitch a
battle, places where they could march, and fight and all the other commands that war has and
the responsibility of war. No man views war as the life not worth living. If everyman worth
his pennies could fight, then they would have riches spilling into the streets, as it is the case
that the noble natural profession is war, and war has no master, for it is a war that defines us,
the war that guides us, and it is war divides us. In the beginning, there was war, and there will
nothing but a war in the end as mankind is strong with the battering on his conscience of
thousands, and millions of years of war, the shaping of mighty empires, empires that offer
insight of the understanding of the human psyche. With the strength of mind, they can predict
the result of a mighty collapse, one can prepare for the catastrophic results that may inhibit
our progress. The result of plague or natural disaster which is the disaster that halts all
progress and will and shall not be our downfall, for they are men. The element of high
intellect was penetrating out of the psyche. Of Duncan, the mind is tested to the known limits
when one is encountered with war, for it is the war that will be the result for many, and at the
command for a few. Duncan was yearning to eradicate the enemy, outmanoeuvre them strike
them into the furnace of astounding dread, for it was Duncan who was like a mad bull in the
ring, a champion boxer wanting to finish off his prey. Duncan who was not afraid, he would
lead the army he commanded from the front, like Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great,
because it is great men who will be remembered as such as they were Gods. Great men linger
in the minds of their peers, for it is great men who grace the pages of history books, great
men are never forgotten and great men only face death as the physical decay of the body,
great men ponder around the minds and stories of the greatest storytellers the world will ever
see, and the great storyteller’s fables are only as great as the subjects that gave them their
vigour, energy and urgency. Perhaps the neo-liberal is an experiment, of liberal philosophers,
perhaps they are not a success but a creation deemed to destroy itself wholly by the very
hands that set itself free, perhaps it was known that it would lead to failure all along and was
at the expense of a sick caricature painted by the liberal philosophers all those years ago.
Dislodge the system, the system that dislodges oneself, for it is but a system, and man and
woman in their nature are not a system that has no imagination, and of course no connection
and compassion for the other. The very error made by governments in the eighties was to
fully embrace capitalism, as it is capitalism that leads the people into financial disarray and
ruin, and it has not recovered from. The question will be will capitalism seeks to destroy the
financial institutions of the world? Has it already done? How will the world recover? To
digress from the decorum, humanity has strayed. Should the people find the minions of the
past accountable for their actions, regardless of the time they were living in? Should people
judge others by the times they lived in? Ah, bless him as he was a product of his times, and
that was his fault. Great people do not last in the great stories of culture because it is but the
honesty and virtue that keeps them in the hearts and minds of many. Therefore, a person from
any time can live forever and their words will last forever. Take Thucydides for example, his
work and legacy will last the test of time longer than this piece for sure, as it emits purpose
and meaning regardless of what circumstance an individual finds themselves, for they are
people with the same needs and desires regardless of the progression of time and the
technological advances that are evident in our times. If someone, anyone subjects one against
one’s will, as von Clausewitz states, they would have performed violence on oneself. There
are many forms of violence, and violence can be used in its many forms to exploit and
destroy the will or other of an enemy. A man must protect his brother, his children wife and
other family members from perceived threats of violence. Violence can be psychological and
physical, and the fool will argue that after years of psychological violence, one will not be
impacted, but that in this case is wrong.
A person will seek to use violence and war for political gain, and politics is the allocation of
law and consumption of valuables. Man is selfish, yes, but to instead think of his fellow
human beings he must think for his state, because he will use the state’s laws to protect
himself, and the states valuables shall be shared with the people, no person shall possess
more valuables as that is capitalism and it is a failed system. Instead, the man should give his
life by the sword to his state, and not view himself or his statesmen as above the state’s laws
in any way, because that will result in turmoil and insular war because there will be trouble
that coincides with complete freedoms because complete freedom will destroy oneself. The
freedom to commit suicide is the ultimate rejection of the state. It is a rejection of loved ones,
family and brothers, and leads to more negativity towards people’s statesmen and loved ones,
because the positive way forward for man, is to give to others like he would give onto
himself, because others are him, and that my friends are true. Truth is masked by falsehood,
and falsehood will not define the people of this world, for these people may have petty
turbulent wars, but great leaders will rise and lead the people into periods of peace, which is a
product of power, and creativity flourishes in peace. Because the twirl of a sabre as it
majestically slices an opponent is creativity. When mankind is not composing stories so
majestic to make the strongest person break down and weep, mankind is creating
masterpieces out of cutting through flesh and emitting smoke from the barrels of many
muskets. The ability to outmanoeuvre an enemy so that they can win against all odds, the
ability to see two steps ahead of their enemy and the ability to predict the fate of their soldiers
and their own enemy’s soldiers are akin to graceful gifts that establish the respect of general
that a common man and writers view of great generals, so much so that the writer will
compose a work of his general’s greatness, as how great the likes of Napoleon was will live
on through the stories people share and the meanings that the text will relate to people’s lives.
The stench of a man who will not lay down his life for his nation, a nation so proud that it
weeps it fortunes away. It has been fractured by greed, and it is the greed that will be the
state’s undoing, and a state will die without the sacrifice of its sacred sons, for it is only a son
that will keep her strong. A son’s life will not be any better spent than the service to her
needs, the needs of war and the needs to be at the peril of insular collapse through the right
destruction of greed and the ego. Duncan had delivered his very life to the service the
foundation, the foundation of a state which is her armies. The foundation of a state keeps the
state secure and strong, because of her strength she can service her denizens, and that is the
power of the state. The bride of mankind is his state the greatest philosophical invention
mankind has ever contributed to his and her state of being, for it is the state will set people
free, it is the state that binds people to a good and noble cause. To die for the state is the
ultimate sacrifice that one can make for his species of mankind to progress, it is the greatest
honour to fight for the freedom and prosperity of others, and knowing this Duncan charged
headlong into a musket wall, parried bayonets away to his sides, and lunged his broadsword
into the wall of Hanoverian flesh, but as he fell he stopped time, for his time had come, he
was deceased by the shard of blade that is his enemy, the blade that dealt misery and
punishment for the risks of war. Duncan spilt blood for the cause, and it was highland blood
no less. As the carnage settled, Duncan was given a heroes’ burial, draped in the saltire, for it
was the end of the campaign, the Hanoverians had been conquered. This was it; Scotland no
more had an oppressor. Scotland’s mighty sons were the engine room of the known world,
her soldiers would fight far and wide, in many continents and instilled with the basic human
trait of protecting the vulnerable and innocent from the harm of the very evil, the very evil
that inhabits the actions of a few, but a few can rule, and with sovereignty can bring about a
power that does not govern a separate people, there can be turmoil bloodshed and misery, but
only the strength of the human spirit can save mankind from the destruction by the hands of
evil, the hands of selfishness. The love of the new republic of Scotland will shape the world
as it is known. It shall add words to the songs, and musket balls to the rifles of many soldiers.
Scotland is the new emerging triumph of the civilisation of mankind, and it will join the ranks
of great nation-states like Athens, and it shall conquer anyone who dares deny its right to be
free and govern all the people that it was born. For its people should triumph to ever great
leap that mankind has to offer, the realms of science, art, exploration will be taken to new
heights and that will be that, any objection to this proposition will be deemed as a cardinal
error of mind and will be punished by the rule of law, the rule of the sabre and her sharp
edges that will protect the meek and feeble from the beast that is the evil of humanity, for it is
not entirely a group, nation, or Church, but a state of mind, the state of mind of liberalism by
Locke and the spurning of evil selfish ways. No more will the state speak of one another as
free men, because they are only free to serve each other, not we, and with this freedom of
compassion will take the realms of mankind into the future, not stuck in the past. For being
self-indulged will only halt not only our very weak but halt the very powerful because they
will die without stories written about their greatness by others, and they will perish with all
their riches squandered away into far-away lands, not into their community for the very
needy. For the dugs need feeding ingins plenty. Their fizzogs are downtrodden as half as a
mule. The hoose is calling, it’s mingin.
The sphere of arrogance shall be pierced, and all worship of power will not be to one sole
individual, but the state when the development of revolution and freedom shall come because
it is freedom from authority that is good for people, and it is good for the economy. The
people, a separate entity, the economy a separate entity, and there shall be change so that it is
collapsed into the state, and the state shall become an object of hope and pride. The state is
man’s greatest invention, it has no name and shall only be referred to as the state, and she has
a mighty presence. For it is she that the unluckiest man will turn to rejuvenate his life, one
that was deemed to fail with his arrogance and greed, in a system that was deemed to fail
because it never rewarded people, and its only reward was for the far away façade of dreams
for few lucky ones, who were not so lucky, as they suffered a terrible plight and dread, the
dread of liberty, and the chains of capitalism. A repeat offender is an easy individual to
police, as their threat is known to the police, and there is an ability to pre-empt a situation,
based on past experiences. Instilling law into a community is based on the general
assumption of what is good and what is bad. To act to deter people from committing crimes is
to seek to punish the troublemaker severely so that they do not commit again, and to deter
others from repeating the same behaviour, an individual will almost turn to God in times of
torment and pain over the responsibility and guilt of their crimes, religion here is in its purest
and most affective forms, a form that will offer redemption to a criminal, and their new found
faith will offer peace and calm, and the ways of living that will aid people onto the straight
path, the path of God or Gods, and religion here is in its most non-corrupt form, for it aiding a
once corrupt spirit and the realms of innocence being mistreated by corruption, and the two
forms mingle and intertwine in every aspect of society, assuming innocence is at a threat
from corruption, and saving innocence is a very astute skill which one will use to justify their
actions, and the actions of the saviours in society will stand up for the innocent when they are
punished by the corrupt, for there is an almighty corruption and that is the greed of the
wealthy few, who they have more possessions than any one common citizen. To subject
someone to oppression a form of violence is to treat them as subhuman, and deny them the
basics of human rights and law, for every person wants to own and become a fully-fledged
human being in the eyes of the law, and to give to his or her state, that is the nature of
humanity, but some evil will strike fear into people, and deny people from being together and
loving each other and that is the enemy of the state and the fault of corruption. All is still, for
the calm before the chaos ensues, on the morrow fight, for some have seen the likes of this
before, many times have they loaded their pistols, they know the sound of cracking gunfire,
all too well like a reminiscent tune. The old ones tell stories to the young, they served in the
past campaign, and the luckiest men on the moors live to fight another day. The brink of
being sweats. It has come to this, as the men line the streets to parade. They have won for
now, but in the not too distant future, a man must take up arms to deal with the moronic
vermin, who is his enemy, not his friend and as they load their flintlocks they count their
blessings that they are here today and maybe gone tomorrow as is the case of war and it is
war, that counts in scores. The deceased shall prosper in the hearts of a few of the ones who
lay as soldiers passed and prayed for the battle to end as they had chores to attend. Beat out
and brought back again Duncan the mystical soldier, who marches across valleys, up hills and
rivers to fight for what he believes is right and fight he may so, till the void of age breaks him
and fight he shall because he knows no more than an eagle who flies, and it is with this hope
that one day a tale will be told about him how he came to be and his journeys of old, for it is
with great certainty that he was blessed, with the ability to wage war, the war that would set
him free and the war that melted his heart, as he lost his kin with no hope but left in his soul
for he was a broken man who had stitched his body back together with the hope of his nation
and that nation spilt her son’s blood many times, throughout her yearning, her yearning for
basic life, life that is freedom. Freedom to choose what suits her people and what suits her,
for it is power of freedom and it is a pure form of power, a deserved power, not unknowingly
distinguished upon those who too young to know because their parents just so happened to be
the ones who were lucky but it is a lucky one who lives in a state because they are the ones
that live and they are the ones who give because giving will spoil each other, rotten till they
cannot love each other anymore that is humanly possible and that is life and they should be
grateful because his wee dug, is a poor wee dug, and a poor wee dug is he. Alas, there is
nothing wrong with someone if they do not fill the void of law, and do not punish them as
they would be a sub-human, because they are deserving of rights, and rights for citizens of
states should be a top priority, because there is a case to be made for the positive impacts that
can be made upon society by criminals, to aid in policing political dissent especially in
organised crime and drugs.
The life of an individual in a neo-liberal government is expendable. The politicians sign a
paper and agree on matters, whilst the soldiers who fight the battles and work hard on the
front line of battlegrounds risk life and limb, only to come home to derelict conditions. The
wind that creates havoc, of the many houses lost, the efforts of many limbs of which are tired
carelessly, so much to fret with the lives of their loved ones. So, they can live in warmth and
prosper healthily so much that they cannot be a burden on their parents, and hopefully give
back to their parents, so it is the life of a child. It is in the case of Italy that peasants and kings
wear garments of the highest order, and the food turns out to be time and time again the best
meal one has ever eaten it is here where workers are given paid holidays. It is the case that
the highland clearances were detrimental to the British Empire because at around the time of
mass conscription in the British army, close to one in six Scottish civilians worked as soldiers
in the British Empire. The mere prospect of people fighting over religion is the greatest
undoubtedly preposterous absurdity known to man, and woman and her child to ever
consequentially happen to the human race in the two million years of technology, innovation,
trials tribulations, the state of being and the appearance and flourishing of civilisations. The
written word can transform the lives of many, and they, in turn, can change the world for the
better, for it is the brightest pupil who will be rewarded, and as they learn they will change
their mindset, for seeing the world and their world, because art and the written word can
teach students based on the history, failings and successes of others, for understanding the
past will teach people how to construct their future, the intrinsic link between the past and the
future, and the decisions being made by the politicians who are in charge of determining the
future of people. The written word can change and reawaken a dormant idea, in which a
purveyor of a radical idea can influence others with the written word, and so powerful is the
written word in shaping public consciousness, it is the propaganda of the 21st century, it
covers every aspect of the communities and social environments that people inhabit, for
better or worse, because communication is the tool and one of the greatest and widely used
inventions by mankind is the ability of communication, a created logic much like the
invisible concept of state, but languages can exist in physical through the invention of books.
A truly powerful government will seek to suppress opposition by all means possible, it is in
this respect a politician will become the hunter or the hunted, and will either be imprisoned to
deny them power, and a power shift from professional politician to criminal for the target of
government, and naturally a politician will claim that it is in the right of the government to
imprison such opposition, to hold a government to account would be regarded serious treason
and be part of political dissent towards a government and the politicians controlling it. The
serious downside and impact of neo-liberalism, is that it allows politicians to discriminate and
push biased racist agenda, and living and co-operating in neo-liberal societies means,
individuals who arrive as migrants have to adapt to flourish, and if they don’t adapt they
become victims of racist stereotypes, neo-liberalism allows people to construct stereotypes
which form the basis of racism and the ability to discriminate in all forms of life and allow
certain privileges to various social groups that control the society, and push policy and
agenda that favours them, in a state that benefits the people, it would not benefit the ruling
class, but all class and all class will be seen as equal and deserving of the same benefits that
all people regardless of their race can receive because to be honest, all people can contribute
the same amount, which is their human life to the state in its service. Capital fighting wars
will reward all who survives, growing and expanding a state will result in victory, because
war and conflict have been practised for thousands of years and his intrinsic to nature and
being of man because the state and expanding the state is man’s main interest. Bread is the
fuel of mankind to reach great heights in his conquest to unparalleled triumphs and is the diet
of his conquest over his enemy, for it is the bread that will feed the masses in the churning
working cogs that powers the momentum of man. Hate speech does not represent the
goodwill of politicians, and the misunderstanding of liberty will lead to a vendetta to terrorise
with the act speech onto vulnerable segments of society, ones with little voices in politics and
meagre representation in the political sphere to represent the little people in this world. Much
like the von Clausewitz argument, freedom of speech for man is a continuation of politics
from the very top towards the bottom. Citizens reflect the aspects of politicians and the same
works the other way with politicians reflecting the citizens. The capitalist system has faults,
but the working-class man needs to engage with capitalism, at least a small aspect to survive
for him and his family. The state must not allow capitalism to punish and consume the
working class, there needs to be regulation and fairness for capital to work effectively.
Mankind is the great cog in the neo-liberal machine, stretched and worn and the policing of
freedom will create anarchy over the illusion of freedom and man’s fundamental right to
democracy, controlling this will result in carnage and an anarchical system of oppression and
tyranny which will be its demise. The excuse of freedom holds a phantom believe in
innocence and punishing freedom, and the right to punish freedom is chaos. Strict obedience
to law is the only possible solution to sovereignty and the ability to govern oneself properly
with all the privileges of a state and the state shall rule. The state and people who seek to
uphold the values of the state, are the only people worthwhile in society, for work for the
state will eventually result in good deeds and good deeds are what is lacking in this world, so
much so that the world itself free and devoid of law, government and sovereignty is, in fact,
chaos, nasty short and lacking any direction to alleviate misfortune and injustice that is
prevalent and widespread. Without capital, the working class would reduce them to slavery.
Capital is vital in bringing people out of dire poverty and enslavement, the only problem is
people deny others capital for their own selfish desires needs and wanting more than they
deserve or what is considered appropriate, therefore government regulation is a good and
beneficial deed for fairness and equality and it is in the government’s best interest of its
people to regulate capital. To save the world from economic disaster and insular
backstabbing, domestic warzones and conflict and the society’s self-destruction, one must
turn to the state. Because the state has never let the people down, and it is the people who
deserve more than just treachery and to be robbed in plain daylight robbery because the
people are not a freight train waiting to be robbed, they are something special, without
something that has tormented them for their existence and that is the fact that they are
susceptible to the great robbery that is power, and power will determine what can be said and
what cannot be said, because every man has to abide by the power that allows them basic
privileges and the opportunities of a better life. A better life will reward the people so much
that they will prosper in safety, and in safety they can practise their methods of sustenance,
and they will bring the pillars of knowledge upon themselves to share the blessing that is life
because the life shall flourish.
The Reality of Inequality
The strange allure of the history of the Scot takes on interest firstly because of the plight for
freedom for the common man as he wages war in the name of something good, and that
something good is the state of Scotland. The clan system means peoples were not paid, well,
they were paid in the form of rent. People lived with their families and they served the chiefs
in times of war when the clan was called into battle, to either fight another clan or support the
king. Every injustice will be remembered by a few. Grant man no power because he is
corrupt and let the vile wretched monstrosity of his being is limited forevermore. The Scots,
the proudest of all races and are resolute staunch visionaries of life who changed the course
of time with philosophy. What becomes of them? Where was the foreign intervention as they
were butchered mercilessly after Culloden? There was no higher state willing and able to
save them. The system higher than states is anarchical and chaotic. There is absolutely
nothing to prevent human rights violations or anything to protect the innocent. Where is the
responsibility to protect in situations of despair and slaughter, by others with the power to
protect, with a relative monopoly of power and violence of the sovereign states to stop
injustice? The ignorance of the free and responsibility from states to one another does not
exist. The only thing that exists is the state’s desire to expand, grow and conquer. As no state
without a regular army is not deemed a state, for an armed force represents a people. Every
injustice that happens could have been alleviated with a strong state that has a responsibility
to protect its citizens. Without state there is injustice. Why do some states not carry out the
duties of the United Nations? Because they only seek to what is good for their investors.
Behind every empire lie rich affluent banking families. Neo-liberal states favour their super-
rich class. They are run by non-politicians, who seek their interests in a privatized economic
sphere, the corporate elite, who can push politicians to make decisions that are in their best
interests. Because with war a state will be strong, they can sell weapons, capture resources
and reinstall leaders as puppet states to allow trade and all the actions to suit their needs.
Peace is an illusion of idealists. The reality is war. With ultimate freedom, the playgrounds
and schools become places of murder by deranged delinquents. This is evident in the modern-
day United States of America. United States Imperialism submits its allies to do its war for it.
Hired guns to do its bidding, till they are worked to the bone and the spread of United States
Imperialism will only transform these states into carbon copies of the US, which in itself is a
failed state, and no model for countries to adapt themselves to be like. Man, on his mission
for power is where he is the evilest, and this is the state of politicians. For it is politicians who
create laws that control many different types of people. Without politicians, there would be
anarchy, but it is up to the people to keep those who are most corrupt, in line and servicing
their people, who are the state. The people are the state, and a politician is certainly not
anything more than one person in the function and maintenance of the wellness and
management in how the state functions, for it is a state of many people who are arguably just
as important as the next. The believers in God would have the people believe the world does
not need saving. It does. The Catholic Church so imbedded in its squalor for attaining wealth
and power has lost track of the time. It rules with an iron fist on the law that is inflexible with
the time and changing moods, and only benefits those who sell their lives to its purpose, and
that purpose is archaic. Being archaic will not be recognized as able to fix problems in
society, problems that are their own making due to their inflexibility, and the Catholic Church
will only be lost in an attic-like stowed away junk of a bygone era. Rustle some feathers and
shake up the corrupt Catholic system. It is thoroughly needed as these people need a reality
check, for what they are doing is evil. The Catholic Church will essentially try and
criminalize everything which does not follow their warped pursuits of normality, and they
have immense resources and wealth, with their minions found far and wide in the furthest
reaches of the world, they think they have legitimate power, the power that should be abided
by. The problem with neoliberalism is that it allows heads of state to get away with anything,
and incite their people into carnage, thus being fascism. The problem with capitalism is that it
only favours the very rich corporate elite, the top one per cent high-income earners, coupled
with the Catholic Church and the result being fascist, bourgeoisie and corrupt. There is
nothing bad about the belief in God, because it is a figment and imaginatively created, and
the creations of man are his beautiful gifts to his brothers. The Catholic Church is corrupt
because it rewards people who give everything they have to it if something gives the Church
their whole life’s savings; they are rewarded with opportunities of superiority and prestige.
So, what of the people rejected by the Church? Well, they rot in the sewers of society. Like
outcasts prowling in the dark corners of the world. Night prowlers and outsiders, who meet
with others for sinful acts, One man’s sin is another man’s life, and it should be a fair life,
because all those condemned by the Church have still got life in them, and they can
accommodate the cellar dwellers and give to the people who need it most.
The Outsider
Give rise to the people for their words are true, and it is true folk that will rise to be believed.
Figures of the state will have double standards. For it is ok for heads of state to practice free
speech, but when it is a member of the public, they can quite often be silenced. Sin can be
condemned by the Church, but they can practice sin behind closed doors. Mankind is a slave
to God, and God is a figment of the imagination. To follow the like of the Church is to
sacrifice oneself to its service which is all-consuming, and it takes no prisoners. To live
outside the scope of influence from the Church is to truly live a meaningful life and a
pleasant life. Heads of State are not scientists, they are merely subjects of a science, so cannot
be taken rationally, and alas the only person to be taken seriously is the political scientists
themselves, for the study of politics is the study of power, therefore, it is the most important
study made by mankind from the very dawn of time, and there shall be no higher study. Man
is born with nothing and subsequently dies with nothing. Give up dreams and collapse
oneself into service to a higher body, that being the protection of the innocent and revolution
of poor, so that every man and woman will be equal in the eyes of the law because they
belong to a state. The aspect to hold someone accountable for breaches of the law is a liberal
right, the liberty to enforce a subtle type of violence. It is also legitimately liberal to break the
law under the belief of an individual’s rights are greater than law. So, this will result, this
occurrence in the war against all where people are in their right to break every law till there is
ultimate destruction, man cannot be trusted, because he has selfish needs. To put these people
in charge of whole nations is wrong, and even worse is to put them in charge of whole
segments to govern something higher than the state, it will result in anarchy. The only
possible solution is to entrust a people with something that is not a politician, or a body
higher than a state and that is the concoction of a state, that is based off a written principle
and law, something that is not human, something that cannot break from its horrifying
condition, the human condition which takes no prisoners in its attempt for power, therefore
every state should have its laws, that govern its specific people, and those people are the
citizens of the state, a state is higher than a man because a man cannot be trusted to govern
themselves based off natural law, it is an abomination of humanity for men to govern
themselves higher than the state when there is the greatest invention ever known to mankind,
which is the state itself. The ability to face fear and angst is the ability to stand up against
power. Because fear instils panic into the power, and the panic is the fear of stepping out of
the normal roles of power, and the main power in society, wielding as much as whole nations
is the Catholic Church, and all those who do not follow their ideals will drag themselves
through life without much fortune, as it is the brave people who can stand against the
Church’s power which is commands over its followers, consuming their lives piece by piece
until the whole world has been consumed and given their riches and valuables to the cause
and plight of the pope. Corruption is the lies fed to people that Jesus Christ will save their
soul, and to give and to abide a higher being that only favours its disciples unfairly, it is only
fair if the individual sacrifices all his beliefs to obey every word of the Church, even then he
may be betrayed. Corruption is the Vaseline in society to make it easy for people to gain
commodity through the very real hierarchy of favouritism that the Church will deliver, and it
has a proven record of silencing critics and disallowing them the privileges that a society
offers, the first-world society with rife corruption will eventually become the third world, as
there is too much money in private Catholic hands and nothing in the state. Corruption is the
method of punishing some behaviour, whilst letting other behaviours to go unpunished and
allowed. It involves double standards, cheating and can in most cases involve payments of
some sort. Stating some behaviour as criminal but allowing the same breaches of the law to
happen behind closed doors, unpunished. The Catholic Church is corrupt, it is so. And if
there were any doubt to that, it would somehow be silenced by their minions, because
Catholic minions leech their way into every society in the world. They are the poison of the
society they inhabit. Their drinking fornicating and loutish carry delivers an earache, and
their pockets are bursting with many coins they spend on alcohol, for it is their demise, and
their livers shall fail and that would be the justice that is served to them as menacing corrupt
figures in an innocent and non-harmful society, adieu. The Catholic Church can strangle the
life out of people. Punish them, invade their society and seek to line their pockets with spoils.
They the Catholics will suck the life out of a community and punish the individuals who they
see as countering their philosophy, but it is not a philosophy. It is the regulations of the pope
who lives in a faraway place, who does not understand the act of compassion. He does not
understand happiness, he indulges in an absurd life, and his minions will get away with acts
worse than murder and that is correct. Because men without the society, so eloquently put by
Hobbes is war against all, and so the state is superior to man because man is flawed, and it is
in his flaws that reveal he is far from perfect, for the state and theory is superior to man and
his experiences, so therefore the creator of the state is superior to other men.
The Weaknesses of Mankind
To cultivate connections in society is to grow bonds to further help when a crisis appears.
Without community in a crisis, there is no support base for people, how will they cope
psychologically, when a serious issue occurs? How will they regain hope and bond, be
entertained an in joy to regain the happiness that has been lost? The anarchical system of the
United Nations was created by selfish interests of the liberal nations they will forever be self-
interested in their own needs or the needs of the selfish presidents. So much selfishness, the
United States of America only acts in the interests of itself, therefore the United Nations is
useless, because it has no power, and its power is pleasing the USA. It is bells and whistles
for the further United States of American imperialism. There is no solid foundation of
obedience in the United Nations. States run by maniacs get away with almost everything
because simply by being a state does not mean they are escaping from their human needs and
desires, so a state that puts its individuals first, will not be a state but a collection of selfish
individuals, headed by one selfish individual, who does not represent his people, because, in
the United States of America, people do not democratically elect their presidents, because
there is no compulsory voting system. The state of the United States is like the spoilt
favourite pupil in the class with the other states, and the class is the United Nations. The
United States has more power than the United Nations, so the United Nations will allow it to
get away with almost anything. There is no strict obedience by the United States of America,
simply because the state that favours its individuals over its state, will always act in its selfish
and individualistic ways, as individuals act. If the United States of America does not get what
it wants, it will veto and assert its authority to seek its needs, and the needs of its president,
who is, in fact, a selfish, self-interested individual. A state should have its right to govern
itself, and it should not have United Nations acknowledgement for it. If they say they are a
state and act like a state, then they are a state. The theory goes in hand with this
understanding, as human experience is linked to the individual, so therefore part of the liberal
dogma. Theory and the theory of the state is directly opposed to the individual and their
personal experiences, it is in constant disagreement. The yin and yang of political science,
warring with each other in absolute disagreement with one another for eternity or what feels
like it. The great problem with the United Nations is that it does not approve of a State’s
sovereignty. Furthermore, a group of people should be allowed to be called a state. The
United Nations only includes certified states in its decision making. The United Nations
discriminates against states; therefore, it does not appeal to the value of a state, and what a
state requires. The United Nations is not in the state’s best interest. Because there is no need
for a United Nations, a state should govern itself, and that is all it needs. Long live the state.
The United Nations only favours states that are liberal democracies, which is not technically
a state, but a disillusioned public who have elected a selfish individual, and sometimes people
may have no impact on the election of their heads of state. For it was Hobbes who stated that
not knowing about politics creates obedience therefore an obedient people will not know or
want to know anything about their elected heads of state, and they may have no interest. The
United Nations is no unification of states as it somehow appears to be made out and, in the
state’s, best interests; it is the war against war, exactly the type of environment that Hobbes
describes as being the state of nature. So, there is a need for a state for stability. Law will
stabilize a state. Long live the state. The world alas has not had a World War for more than
fifty years, but there is the war that still accounts for many deaths, and the United Nations has
not established global overall peace. The world is ridden with disease, fighting and death. It
has been that way forever. To stop as much destruction there needs to be a state to stabilize
people, so they don’t just do anything they wish, and congratulated for thinking for
themselves, for people must think of a higher being. Give a voice for the people who have
been silenced, for they are destitute without a spokesman. Become the voice of those who
have none. Scotland was once free, in a time before British Empire, a time before the most
oppressive empire to ever exist in the world as it is known, but fair play to the Scottish,
because they fought back and eventually after a great deal of fighting gave in. But there was a
time when the Scottish did triumph, and they were a force to be reckoned with, boasting some
of the best troops in Europe, with immense power within the country and the service of her
people to others. Because, Scotland was special, and it consisted of warriors who created
their art through murder, and the more murder the greater the prize, because it was different
times, before the identification of global law. Before the halting of progress by the United
kingdom, where Scotland was made up of minor realms like the Kingdom of the Isles, which
had a great amount of power to rival the kings of the day, for harnessing this power was
Robert Bruce’s great triumph, it was a triumph that led him to victory. Where is the United
Nations when there are people needing shelters that have fled war-torn countries, and their
lives are in limbo in offshore detention. Be philosophical like the immigrant. Be caring for
the community, for the community will support one when times are tough.
The Dimensions of Power

Life has changed a lot since the dark ages, and the simple life of a fighting clansman seems
desirable more than ever because they were once warriors. A warrior will seek peace through
the triumph of conquest that is his main pursuit and will seek to establish a balance of power
that his shared comrades will respect. Every man will fight for the protection of his family
and it is his family who forms the backbone of society. The people will choose whether to
join the ranks of military men because there is no choice but war. Man, and his purpose is
action and it is the action that will allow him to feel the respect and power he deserves. A
knight will seek to always respect his opponent, because war is a sport, and it is with a great
consequence that sport will allow the man his pleasure in enjoying his life because war must
be pleasurable, otherwise, how will nations survive if war is not pleasurable. A soldier should
be counting down the days till he gets to parachute onto his foe or ride with a crew on a giant
tank that will reap carnage on his enemy. War should remove itself from indiscriminate
violence towards women and children because should have rules and laws abided by. People
should be free and proud of their nation like the Palestinians, for they emit a piercing pride
about their people and culture. They are subject to Zionism, which is supported by the damn
USA. The nature of the early Scots was somewhat encompassing change into their society,
and they allowed the Norman clans into their territory because they were the dominant force
on the Isle, and like the Scotti before them, integrated into the society of Scots, and they
would eventually rule Scotland. To be a clansman is to have powerful, and it is an idealist
existence, because men with responsibility are respected, and respect for leaders of society is
what constitutes greatness. Great men do good deeds and they are always at the side of the
state when there is work needed for it. It is men with dreams that will shape the world, as
their dreams turn to reality, so the world will know their name, and it is men with aspirations
who shall seek to create the society that people are immersed with, and men with vision who
shall be rewarded. It is with great admiration of the highlander who lived a simple life, a
lower-class chieftain. He should be immortalized in his bravery and his reputation, for it is
with a reputation that man should try and strive for, because the highlander was never
troubled, and caused trouble for many. The Highlander’s existence was not spoilt by the
menace that consumes modernity as people know it, they did their best to establish a
meaningful existence to their culture and people, and a higher being of society, that of the
clan, and the nation of Scotland. A highlander would consider his day a success for how
many Englishmen he had slaughtered, because Scotland realistically was constantly at war,
and was at war for hundreds of years, the image of war changed as technology progressed but
the lifestyle remained the same, of strong workers helping a shared objective of the nation of
Scotland. It has become the case that leaders who are monarchy, in the twenty-first century
hold ceremonial positions, and so they should, rather than positions of power. It has not
always been the case, alas because kings once rode into battle with their subjects, like the
great Robert Bruce. But the kings of old were not spoilt by the riches of colonialism, and the
kings of old were determined to harness the power of clan chiefs, who had on some occasions
in Scotland, like Angus Og, nearly more power than the monarchy. Scotland was fractured
and harnessing the power for a king was a hard job, and it is the case that there were many
wars between warring clans rather than just nations against nations. It is also the case that
there were chiefs who fought for what was best for their people, and the allegiances to
monarchs were torn and frayed through the specific eras. The clan system is superb because a
simple man can rise through the ranks. Every Scotsman has a clan, and every Scotsman can
rise through the ranks to be the ruler of his family and people because good rulers are few and
far between. The chains a people have to their monarchs are the very chains that will come
undone when the people have power, and the power of the state and civil law will seek to
give this power, and seeking to overthrow a dictatorship will reward the people, as for people,
every day in their existence is a revolution, because life is a revolution, and the state will seek
to comfort the people throughout triumph and turmoil, because people deserve some safety,
and the state will be the shelter of the storm, and heal the pain caused by the dynamics of
power. The chains of the monarchy are chained to be lost, as it is the empowerment of the
people that shall progress society past mere kings and queens, who represent the Church and
are a political pawn of the Church, for the monarchs are but the cog in the machine for the
Church to bend and manipulate at their will, the Catholic Church will never cease to try and
get itself involved in any situation that they perceive as being the pursuit towards power or
wealthy, and it is the Catholic Church which will be man’s downfall forever for as long as it
The dissent to the Catholic Church from the covenanters re-organized Scotland into a system
that would feed the people knowledge that was not twisted by the scope of the Catholic
Church, Presbyterianism was free of the zone of influence by the Catholic Church, and it was
focused on educating the people with information that would empower them, because Rome
was scared that if the people were empowered, then they would eventually overthrow the
systems put in place to subject them to slavery and a life of torture, pain suffering and a life
of deceit. The Church will do its best wrap lies in a tangible form for the public to digest, and
part to think that they are not worthy to lead nations, but this is the greatest lie fed to children
from a very young age because all men are worthy of the power of some sort. The lies fed by
the Catholic, that sinners will burn in hell for eternity, and if people do not fit into their vision
of what is right, they will have no place in society, and are cast aside as mere rubbish with no
hope of success, but sinners will have their time, because not being acknowledged by a
corrupt body, does not determine whether these people are deemed as important to society.
The Catholic society is corrupt and works on donations to establish political leverage to allow
their people to punish all people who do not abide by their values. Do not buy into waging
warring discourse with an opponent, instead of pity the fool who would wage war against
oneself, because waging war should not something to be uneasy about, there are unnatural
evils in humanity, that need to be rid of, for humanity’s very own sake. There should a place
for a legal perfectly law-abiding case for dueling to settle scores because conflict is natural,
but it should be regulated by the powers that be, the government and state to allow
differences to be settled without the grinding conflict which will continue through years of a
standoff. Let them fight because one cannot deny the very nature of man, which is a cruel
violent state that leaves no prisoners alive. There should be a war, a political war waged on
the Catholic Church, because it is needed wholeheartedly as it is undoubtedly evil in its
purpose. The Normans were Vikings who had bred with the Franks, in welcoming these
people ashore; they had been welcomed like the Vikings and Gaels before them. Scotland
tended to adopt another culture; this resulted in Scotland being a sparse people for a long
time, with many different cultures in the one culture of Scotland. The sheer vastness in
people and culture in this rather small island led to different competing clashes and insular
conflict, it was also as proved later on that harnessing the allegiance of people would be
testing and troublesome to a king of the time. The Catholic Church being the dominant
religion in Australia extends its grip into every corner of society. Every other people who do
not associate themselves as Catholic is an outsider, and live lives similar to a sinner, and it is
these people who shun the Catholic Church and choose their existence because being an
outsider in Australia is similar to being devoid of the rights because a Catholic has full rights
with leverage and a grip on power that other mortals do not possess. People who were not
baptized suffer the consequence of a sinner in the eyes and scope of the Catholic Church.
King Robert Bruce was a military mastermind who won the battle of Bannockburn with sheer
skill and talent. His men had trained for some time in the art of pike warfare, and it was these
guerilla tactics that aided in the success of the Scottish troops. Harnessing allegiances was
also vital as the men of the Isles and Angus Og aided Bruce’s troops drastically in the
undertaking of the battle. Science and philosophy will advance humanity through the
doldrums of mediocrity, mediocrity that has plagued humanity because man’s worst enemy is
himself. Robert Bruce established Scotland’s independence and joyful smote down the
English foreigner, it is a debt all Scots owe to the king who personally won them the freedom
and privileges that they all share, and what some or most share is a common love for their
state, the nation of Scotland. Because without the Scottish state they would have no
universities to study at, and somehow without the Bank of Scotland they would have no
money to purchase goods, and without these necessities that a state delivers, they are enjoyed
by all who pledge their duty to the state. Because Scotland was once fighting with both hands
bloodied for its establishment, and its establishment was once threatened. The only threat to
sovereignty now is the British Empire, because Scotland has been subservient to the cause of
Britain. Scotland has been plundered and pillaged, with little to show for it. Every day is a
potential revolution and every triumph will be remembered in the hearts and minds of a few,
to reminisce about when all hope is lost. Without armies a state is weak, and the question
arises who shall protect the innocent, and all is lost to the raging nomads whose tyranny
grinds down the streets to inflict pain on the vulnerable? The young shall perish with
protection, and it is with protection that greatness and intelligence of mankind will be saved
because to save mankind is to take the fight to the oppressor without a doubt at all. It is an
anarchical system, the system of international relations, for states, will act with their best
intentions to address their issues because even though humanity has its similarities where one
can cast speculation about how people act, people act independently, and states are run by
As how capitalism will result in the collapse of the financial system, liberty will destroy the
state in explosion of mental destruction that culminates itself in radical hate speech that
should be a recognized mental illness, as it can manifest itself into fascism, a violent
suppression of opponents and alas the furthest point of non-abidance to the law and function
of the state is to free oneself from it completely and to commit suicide. Liberty will meet its
awful demise, and it is an affliction on the wellbeing and fundamental goodwill of all
humanity, which suffers at the hands of it. Fight them, fight them strongly, for the children of
Palestine do not know other than occupation and war, because if one’s enemy is determined
to eradicate oneself from existence, then the only possible option is to fight, and the fight
shall be remembered and sang songs about. The state is like a worn-out bull in a Spanish
arena, damaged and exploited. Religion does funny things to a man, it will lead them to war,
where one kills in the name of God and it is a clash of gods, for to die in the name of God is
granted an eternal place in heaven. Rastafarianism is the perennial force standing up to the
Catholic Church, as they believe that Babylon their enemy is the Catholic Church, after the
Italian invasion of Ethiopia. Reggae is the Rastafari culture in all its glory, a testament to
revolution and goodwill. Scotland is like Jamaica as both have been subject villainy by the
British Empire for many years which has made its minions wise. It is nigh impossible for
man to confess his sympathy for another man, if they are in troublesome plight, because
man’s religion and culture is modelled to not admit faults, for it is the faults of man that are
not admitted, and every man suffers the loneliness of his troubles, and unless they admit they
are struggling, will spend eternity in turmoil as every dream with ripped and torn away from
them till they die. Cardinal sin number one for any man is to pledge allegiance to himself
over the state, and it is removing himself from the state service which is where his life shall
falter. Man should spend his existence in service and work for others, for the state is only as
strong as its parts, and the parts that make the state are the people and the people shall drive
the state with such great momentum that the state shall eventually throw the people
forthrightly into the future to contest what-ever life may throw their way as they are strong
with the state. Neo-liberalism is a massive contradiction, one, that they are fascist so they
limit the freedoms of others by strengthening their freedom, and two they create inequality
for their attempts at equality, because the wealthy get wealthier whilst the poor get poorer,
therefore there is a clear division between the rich and poor, which is inequality. Capitalism
further strengthens inequality as the rich get a lot richer than the others. Also, it is to note that
freedom from persecution is not a legitimate excuse of freedom in an adopted country, and
people seeking asylum are in fact in a situation where their freedoms are persecuted, but they
are subsequently incarcerated. If a citizen from a neo-liberal country had their freedom’s
persecuted, they would bring hell in a tirade claiming they were being restricted, so therefore
there is a massive contradiction and double standards of the rich and powerful. Alcohol is the
lubricant of humanity, lessening the strength and resistance of mankind with every drop
because the dumbing down of mankind is the inability to find solace in sobriety and a lack of
acknowledgment of the finer things in life, that of science and good philosophy. Montrose
was, in fact, a genius of strategy, and it is with a great endeavour that men should strive to be
men of genius. The betrayal of Montrose is seen as a great betrayal of highland values, values
that shaped the strength and carried the people through hardship in the many perils the
highlanders faced. Should there be such an affliction on the shoulders of the state, to allow
individuals with more power and wealth than entire nations? To hell with the individual, they
suffer from the very plight that is called mankind, and mankind will surely bring about its
demise, the forewarning is there. The establishment, towering as it may present itself, is just a
slight prod away from tumbling to its many pieces. Christianity is the poison which governs
all being, and it is an affliction which feeds people with lies to bend them to the will of the
church. The world will come crumbling down, and all that shall remain will be the resolve of
the few who didn’t listen, who didn’t listen to the calls for systematic violence against others,
the people who sheltered during the storm of persecution, and it is these who shall shape the
recovery of mankind after the tyranny of fascism, because it is these people who did not
listen believed in another concept other than freedom of speech, and that is trust in man
whoever it may be, black or white rich or poor because kindness shall be rewarded not by
treasure, but by hope of establishing a better life for all who dream for it and it is dreamers
who shall guide society through turmoil, plague and pestilence, for what humanity has
survived did not undo them but made them stronger because the real threat to humanity is
ourselves. Challenging the natural order of things has long been man’s greatest asset since he
could walk he has been shaking up the system, and passionately destroying the low
expectations that were had of him, and it's his method of persistence which has served him
throughout whatever has been dealt with him.
One has to choose whether they want to belong to the system, to uphold its values, the way of
life, which is condemned to destroy itself completely, to be loudmouthed, rich and arrogant.
The action of drinking oneself into eternity and go home to beat one’s wife and show no
remorse to anyone in life. To cut off ties with people because they choose to live differently,
differently to what is preached by the word of God in the Bible; because one can be a good
person, and they don’t necessarily have to live such a specific life. Neoliberalism will bring
about ultimate destruction. Man will be destroyed like the Scots were ripped to pieces in the
Darien scheme, because it is an unforeseeable endeavour, with no plan if it all fails. There is
the ability to foresee the consequences of man’s uncompromising ability, and he will fail. A
wise ruler ought to surrender everything they have for belief in a higher being and service to
a state, because, without the surrendering of themselves for the greater good, mankind cannot
be trusted. The greater good is being able to think for the plight of a whole collective. It is
evident in the establishment of the British Empire; Scots played a vital role. Like a lion
caged, it was always going to be the case of rebellion towards the monarchy and an
establishment of freedom from the tyranny of colonialism that simply exploited the Scottish
people till death. The cost of war is steadily increasing and the only way of fighting massive
wealthy nations is to fight as the highlanders would fight how Bruce and Wallace fought and
the way of fighting is the guerilla-style, with hit and run tactics because it is a proven strategy
when fighting wealthy opponents. Thanks to capitalism to the world are in dismay, with
global warming on the verge of consuming the people whole. Thanks to capitalism most of
the world’s wealth lies in the hands of but a few, and there is enough money to alleviate
poverty, but will they? Thanks to liberty there is a power imbalance in the world, where
decisions that affect millions of people are held by the powers that be, the UK and the USA,
who bring fear and carnage throughout the war zones of the world. Where peace is seen as a
long-gone and forlorn dream held by mad Marxists. Where liberty is evident, cruelty and
sadistic means follow because it is an unnatural state, a sick state and it is a state that does not
allow criticism. People will be driven to do bizarre things because they were too free and
blinded. It is the case that great simple ways of living were apparent many years ago, and it is
the yearning of the simple life that great artists aspire to be like, for the influence of life shall
come from the fruits of relaxation, and food shall enable artists to prosper. The disease will
be the greed, which settles in the minds of the weak, because they have no other qualities to
possess but their greed, and to possess everything possible is because they have no qualities
to invigorate their lives, as a life that is lived like this ends. The worst thing one man can do
unto another man, is to strip him of his valuables, and once he is stripped of his assets, and
taken out of his house, he is punished, and to punish him one must leave him to be in solitary
confinement, and once alone he will be left to his devices. To be set free after all this, is to
start life again from scratch, because it is evil, and it has a face, the face of the Catholic
Church, for the Church has a hand in politics there is no honest doubt about that. How can
corruption so brutally harm the innocent, as the man awaiting his unknown fate is cast into
the depravity of justice, because justice only exists as a dream for the believers, man is
seriously wicked, and one of his wicked ways is the belief injustice because it misleads? The
leaders of today will lead the masses blindly in the dream of freedom, one which is a figment,
that will cause all responsibility to be surrendered, all assets to be surrendered into the hands
of the corporate elite, and the liberal nation's service these as a bastion of hope. Capitalism
only favours a few, neo-liberal nations will do all they can in their every means to strip the
assets away from the state and not put it into the hands of the everyday man, but the hands of
the elite who do not exist in reality it is so. The problem it seems with religion and
philosophy is that everyone has their interpretation of a text, so there could be thousands of
interpretations of one text. Furthermore, a text may be corrupted or distort the perceptions of
those who begin to read it, and the peers they choose to teach. Society has many things
holding it together, law, social norms and religion, but philosophy is not treated as serious
science. The empirical sciences, like math and the environment, the answers to man’s
questions, how could philosophy be considered a weak science? Existentialism is seen as a
radical science and new in philosophy terms. A neo-liberal society will drive people into dire
poverty, it will drive people into fear of hate speech, and it will drive sinners into fear of
persecution as the wealth is shared only amongst the people that give themselves wholly to
God. As it is the success of an individual of what they inherit or who they were born under,
as success will be the luck of the draw, and in time when a state undergoes revolution to
weed out its bad eggs, then there shall be a shared success.
Capitalism leads to inequality, and liberty to leads to oppression for many, not for freedom. It
is clear as day and these are the ramifications because it will only lead to the self-destruction
of mankind. The furthest away one man can be from the state is in fact suicide. Therefore
with a strong state, it can protect its citizens from the very evils that are posed to destroy
them, because man cannot be trusted, and man is destined to commit wrongdoing, there will
never be good as long as the man wants more power than the state. Marx was a kind man, he
saw flaws in this system of success, and it is the very system that takes no prisoners and
distils power through wealth that will corrupt the very nature of the people because wealth is
not a natural form, it is in existence to cure mankind of his insatiable greed. The politics of
the day will seek to keep the powerful forces in society happy and content, and there is no
other power than the Catholic Church, a power so vast and callous that it will seek to punish
all who stand its way, or do not live a certain lifestyle, and these sinners are believed to burn
in hell for eternity, as the Catholic Church is all-powerful, and to stand its very way is to feel
its wrath, as its followers are promised hope of a life nourished and eternal in service of God.
The Catholic Church will do its best to bully and belittle anyone group that comes in their
way, because they must subject their dominance throughout society, to suppress other groups
that may rival their dominance for it is a power that will not allow prisoners for they are
brutal incarnate. People are in fear of their life to what is truly good, because if it does not
abide by the Church’s principles, then it may punish with such harshness, that will cause the
displeasure to all those to suffer at the hands of this tyrant. The Church is a tyrant, and this
tyranny will not cease because good is measured not by the humble honest soul, but by
obedience, and it is strict obedience that will be bestowed with praise, as such this obedience
will not be remembered for eternity, but forgotten about and thrown away, and to reminisce
about one’s life was to say he was good in the eyes of the lord, but is that truly good? Well, it
is the lies that are fed to us as the people and it is ultimately possible to live a strong
influential and pleasant life with the word of a God it is. The right way to live one’s life may
not be the most normal way of life, that is common throughout one’s society, but it is the
responsibility that one’s lives the right way of life and does good things that benefit others, to
live with virtue and be honest. It lies in the good of the people to not others suffer, to not be
racist and uncompromising in the pursuit of peace and harmony. When someone questions
why one serves the state, answer them with the grace of steel, as this is not a laughing matter,
lives are at risk. People should do all they can to promote the better way of life, and that is
filling one’s life with the people that make them happy for when people are happy the world
listens to their song and peace shall be upon the state of mankind, as it should. The freedom
to restrict freedoms is akin to capitalism causing inequality, not equality, as detailed neo-
liberalism does not work it is a failed concept, one that shall be eroded over the centuries as
the dwindle on when a man shall conclude that they were wrong. Rather it should be the state
will give the people what they, and offer services, whilst the state will give freedom from the
oppression that the common man has felt throughout his existence, as he had modest dreams
of the basic privileges any man dreams of, nothing more, nothing less. As there are structures
to society, there are also laws that govern the society, but there is corruption as well, and
there is favouritism, and their nepotism also. But the corruption in society, that lets priests
away with almost anything, is the corruption of the Catholic Church. The Church will do the
best they can so that their needs are met, so that tyranny shall be thrown onto their
opposition, to destroy all opposition and let their minions flourish, for they are akin to a
disease, and it is the disease of the Church that will cause all to perish. A bizarre belief is that
politics, where a politician acquires alliances and pleases people, to become a ruthless tyrant,
is somehow the model that people should live by, and instead of the politician pleasing the
needs of the public, the public is pleasing the needs of the heads of state, and when the people
are in service to the politicians, and not the logical way was a politician service the people,
this is not the case, as the politician serves the people or so it should be, as a soldier
frantically dying for his people in a mighty bloody battle. Life should be more simple and
honest, like the way of the Picts, who lavished their kingdom with art and made peace with
their foe, which welcomed in a stranger into their home and compromised and adapted, the
influx of the Gaels would have been quite innovative to Pictish society. To be a leader of a
large western democracy, one must be a tyrant, and sociopaths are welcome. To establish
trade deals and alliances like an organized crime boss, to weed out all troublemakers. Since
when do people look up and idolize a figure of unscrupulous deviance, who knows.
A very good example of the influence of the Catholic Church is to try and use law to protect
their beliefs and the belief of their minions, therefore an unbeliever has to abide by the
bizarre beliefs of the Catholic Church, simply because they choose to live in Australia and
they may not necessarily choose to believe what the Catholic Church preaches, but they have
no choice but to abide by these maniacs and fit into to the society that is governed by these
imbeciles, and they have no other option, they exist without power because they are different.
Everyone in every society is facing an existential crisis, because they are fearful of God, as
they do not want to live an eternity in the fires of hell, they are fearful of God and they are
fearful of hell, so society instils fear into it to suppress people from stepping out of line. The
creation of this fear is indeed the Catholic Church who is all-powerful, with many riches,
who instill fear into the public, so unless one abides by their will, they will remain forever in
the shadow of God’s might, and they will live an existential crisis until they perish, as God is
all-powerful and to exhibit his power he creates and instils fear into the masses, so to not
surrender everything in their capacity to God, they become an outsider. They become God’s
enemy and will live forever as a rebel to authority. Many Australians have one thing on their
mind when casting a vote, who will guarantee them a substantial salary, and who will grant
their liberty and freedom of speech, the freedom to discriminate those who are deemed the
enemy, and they are the red menace, communism, and the threat to their jobs, way of life,
livelihood and society, which are indeed migrants and refugees. The unknown and outsider
are deemed ripe for discrimination, and it is the freedom to discriminate, which is practised
by politicians, who in turn influence the people and set the example, to allow people the right
and privilege to voice their opinions and these opinions are projected hate, and it seems the
most opinionated citizen will make the most popular politician, as people will be drawn to
someone who has an aura about them, and it is a safe vote for the popular opinionated strong
leader, who will promise the people the very best freedoms of speech, which are in turn
transformed into a physical form which is a bullet in the brain from a friendly solider, into an
Afghani child who just so happens to take the brunt of an invading army into his village.
Because a child can look into the heart of a brave, as that soldier's will and determination
were sacrificed to ensure the safety woman and child against the will that was persevering to
eliminate them from the face of the earth, through means of military extermination and
economic plunder of an enemy. The state should protect its citizens, to give them quality of
life and protection, to stop the onset of fascism so group of soldiers wearing Nazi uniforms
don’t barge down their door at midnight and export them to concentration camps, because the
world is turning down the way of the economic-financial and heaven forbid, the free
speech/hate speech of Milo Yiannopoulos which is an example of freedom policing
freedoms, as his target is minorities who all but yearn to live in a country that has the
freedom to allow life to flourish in safety, well that is a dream but it is a far off dream, but the
dream of neo-liberalism, since when does one profit from their opinions, but it is promoted in
a neo-liberal society, that people should be loud and proud, and that is freedom, to be a bully
that is. State services should provide a good quality of life for its denizens and protect them in
all the ways it can. Neo-liberal nations like the United States of America are failed states
because they cannot function as a state to provide services to their citizens, they only service
an elect clique. Politics is a dangerous game, and as one innocent pose a subjective opinion,
the open themselves to speculation, and they are deemed fair pickings conflict, because it,
politics, is not made for the everyday person, they are an anomaly of mankind is the
politician, because they are filled with delusions of grandeur proportions. Throughout history,
man has somehow harnessed communication to further humanity as a people, and perfecting
communications has somewhat an endeavour, as a form of art that has ravishing beauty is the
pursuit that should be cherished, as it is a rare skill and one that is not paid its dues. The scary
side of liberty is soldiers invading homes murdering innocent people in terrorism because
they have been induced by the hate speech rhetoric that is set as the example by fear
mongering politicians, it is essentially fascism which will seek to, in its very nature destroy
and oppress opposition, so by the policy of war picks as target, so shall the soldiers under
orders seek to destroy the very enemy they choose, it may not be an enemy that is found
guilty of anything legitimately wrong, but they are chastised by popular opinion, which
follows the example set by politicians, and it is these politicians invoke trouble into the
population to incite violence and cause violence, war and bloodshed, simply because that is
their job and it is not questioned as to which or what they invoke because they create the laws
and rules in which society runs on, and the progression in which society takes in the pursuit
to advance civilization but to stupidly cause society to tremble at the foundations and collapse
in a heap of debris like an earthquake has shaken the very pillars that hold society up to
support man, woman and child.

A Journalist is a hired gun, a mercenary, to do its master’s bidding and the make sure its
master’s message reaches its target. Always be wise and judge a government on how it treats
its beautiful, creative and talented artists, and if it persecutes them as they express
themselves, which is the nature of art, then they are driven corrupt means to an end, that will
seek to stamp out expressive and talented individuals. If a family is on good terms with the
Catholic Church, they can gain favours that will give them leverage in the pursuit of power.
When the Church tries to further its influence on schools, it is very dangerous, as young men
are set examples by dangerous men. Young men are at a period of their lives when they are
undergoing massive transformations physically and emotionally and they are impressionable.
The corrupt shall further poison the meek, and ruin their innocence, because such is the way
the Church works, and the Church has undergone controversy, as it will do when being
associated with the heinous crimes it has undergone, as they are a crime spawned by the
corruption of innocence, as the Church is corrupt. People need jobs, and the Catholic Church
will provide them with sustenance and this need, as a favour that is given will rightly be
rewarded with service, and if the Church can work leverage in society, then they will cast a
large influence, as they have the biggest power. The Church will submit its opponents to
sexual exploitation, being innocent and vulnerable targets that suffer at the hands of the beast
that is the Catholic Church. In the world, as this book is written, there are some people with
millions of dollars in the bank, and they are drunk on greed, and in this world, there are
people, real people, callous evil people that would lock up a child in a camp and throw away
the keys, then subject them to torture, harm and vilification. These people would also use
sexual vilification and condemn them as sexual predators, that is after they have separated
them from their family, so that the basic functions of a man, who has a family and wife, are
reduced to conditions similar to a prison system. A man has basic functions, and if these are
not seen to, he will psychologically collapse he will. A Catholic will forever impose his or
her will into society, and if they don’t get their way they will raise hell, so how can they
subject their same law to that of an outsider to their religion, if in fact, their beliefs are
different, but alas it is not different, because the Bible and the Koran are both Abrahamic
texts, and these texts share the same characters of history. To subject, someone to punishment
is to set down values that have been broken by this unlawful victim, as the law is a set of
values and principles. To punish is to make sure that the victim of punishment shall not ever
again perpetrate their heinous crime. To set an example that this behaviour cannot exist in
this society, and society will only function on punishing behaviour that it as a collective does
not see right, of course, the concept that The Catholic Church own society is not preached to
the victims of law before they were victims of punishment. The threat of punishment will
deter the victim from ever again committing that crime, as punishment feeds on the most
extreme of human emotions, which is fear. To cause trouble is to rustle some feathers as they
say, and the feathers belong to the giant Nazi eagle known as the Catholic Church, and it is
the job of a lawyer to alert the wrongdoer, that the Catholic Church makes the rules and if
they do not agree with them, then it is in their best interest to move away from the furthest
reaches where the Catholic Church has no influence, or to fill in their life the beauty and
grace of outsiders, that they have been punished by authority, as the set of values clashed.
Following the path of normality is a shared endeavour by all of people, but there are specific
issues that are somewhat taboo, and they impact our desire to live, as those issues that are
condemned by the Church come under this term as a taboo issue, so learn from that which has
gone against the scope of what is considered normal, as people are black and white and
desperate need of vivid, dreamy colour it is so. People may think they are normal, but if they
do not meet societal norms, they are unnatural, and these norms are proposed by the Church.
The only thing that is considered madness and folly is the belief in God, and the worship of
his son who died for people's sins. It is, in fact, an attribute that has plagued humanity, that as
a whole collective they believe fables over real writing. Plagued by torment, a clown trapped
in own tricks will perish thereafter. God is likely figment of imagination, and all worship
must go to God, so, no king in his castle, as God is king and he rightly does not exist,
therefore should there be armies, knights and court jesters? So why does humanity have to
deteriorate into mediocrity, in a worship of a false king, a king that will let the others suffer,
and feeds off prayer and the admittance of so-called sin? God lives off the absolute devotion
by his minions; it is a way of submitting the masses to a lifetime of service. Are not the
priests aware they are being taken for granted, or have they known all along with that service
to the Church is service well spent? The only people that profit in society though, serve an
invisible God.

The law will never admit its bias and it so because it is hard to function in society without
opinion, with personal experience impacting one’s judgement because people sympathise for
a cause, and pledge their loyalty wherever there is coin because there is one thing coin can
assure, which is the bask in leisure for the victorious, where the drink flows and purchasing
of anything that takes the fancy of its buyer. But when a man becomes married, he does not
marry a bride as can be, he, gives his life to slave to the Church. There is a lot to be learnt
from the people who reject God’s will; to face God head-on and deny him service begs the
question, why are they doing this? Do they possibly have a grievance towards God? Has God
punished them for committing acts that they see in their eyes are honest, pure and innocent
acts? Is there a story waiting to be uncovered of the denial of being that God has provided?
Maybe mankind in its squalor to please God has forgotten to be kind to one another, and do
not take violence to love. There shall be greatness if a person is stoic in their belief, for there
are many paths to take, and good fortune shall be granted by bravery, to be brave is to be
unique and to be unique is to craft a path that suits ones and to create meaning. Everything
that goes against the Church’s values is controversial, but one has to see past this and learn
from that controversy, for there is a lot to learn from the people who have been long
oppressed by the tyranny that the Church presents. To be brave is to be rewarded. Of course,
the Scots were too busy fighting amongst themselves to focus on conquering the world, and it
has been such as waste in seeking solidarity, where there are so many opinions that believe
they have deserved a share, or their right to express themselves as seen as a principle. There
is a lot to learn from the dregs, vagrants and cellar dwellers of society, as they all have been
rejected by the powers that be. Fear controls the population and it is one of the most severe of
human emotions, one that will be the weakness of man forever. Fear will seek to belittle and
destroy mankind for the remainder of his existence. Fear will be the undoing of mankind, it is
the Achilles heel of man, and the man with forever be poisoned and the infliction of fear will
leech out the life of mankind, so much it is. To most important thing is to be kind those that
are graced in the presence of oneself, and to share good feelings and positivity with people.
One as well as living the good life of compassion, as to complement it with physical health,
which incorporates walking everywhere and abstaining from alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.
One has to also watch what they eat and consume, which should be plenty of vegetables, no
meat, but balance out their intake and include some milk, just a tiny bit nothing more than
that, and as little sugar as possible, preferably honey in their white tea and a strong mocha
double shot coffee daily with absolutely no sugar and just a dash of milk to keep the body
strong, fit and capable. One must make sure they visit a gym at least three times a week, and
they should incorporate weights in their routine as well. To be slim is to deter the onset of
capitalism and its poison, which will fatten up the people and turn them into working drones
as Adam Smith means. To fight fear and step outside its zone of influence and control over
the masses is to commit the crime of being an outsider to the norm, as the norm lives in a
state of fear. To be brave is to be not like anyone else, and once there is a deviation from
under fear, there is a crime, and to commit the sin of being an outsider of obedience, one who
does not follow the conventions are tyrannically drilled into society to make them obey and
comply with society. The outsider will feel the full force of the oppressive law. To live in bad
faith is to disappear completely, as they become a structure of the very fear that drives deeply
into society. To cooperate with the oppressor, not to stand and fight the injustice of the fear,
to live in good faith is to be brave, compassionate and kind. To live in bad faith is instead
facing fear, they are instilling it. The main concept which instils fear into society, which
every law is based on, which has enormous influence far and wide is the great megalithic
state that is the all-conquering tyrant that is the powerful Catholic Church. Think of the state
like a mother, maternal and seeking the needs of its children. The overbearing force in
society, which people are struck down with fear to approach, for they would certainly meet
their doom and demise, is, in fact, the Church, and the people will so shudder, of the very fear
it enforces, for the Church does not have to answer to anyone, because the only thing that it
has to answer to that is the all-conquering, all-dominating and instil fear into the masses is
fact the Church, so the Church rules society it does. There is a fine line between totalitarian
and a strong state because a state needs to serve its people, but it should strangle the life out
of a people so they rise to seek revenge for the suffering they have endured or to quell the
natural expression of the people. The people will always seek out their meanings, and
interpret their hardships through the oppression that is applied to them, they will believe and
follow what they hold dear to their hearts, and some may even deny the beliefs they are
taught in their institutions because everything is meaningless.
To have virtue one has to be brave, and to be brave is to create meaning, in a world where
meaning has been lost, because the meaning of everything will show its purpose when
bravery has been achieved, and to be brave means one has to stick their neck out on the line.
To cause controversy with their very existence and bravery will be rewarded in the eyes of a
few, and not many. The systems put in place to instil fear into society are the law or the
police, and these are puppets used by Catholics. How could one, a fair and just human,
distinguish that incarcerating little children is the act of abhorrent cruelty that should be met
with repercussion. The order of religion, which although it may provide, it will in fact divide.
Divide those who practice the faith in their belief of superiority. The dogmatic preachers of
faith it is true will cast aside unbelievers as wild and feral, the complexity of the logic that is
the belief in the lord’s word being the most civilized of logic, the most civilized of logic is
the fact that God does not exist. The enemies of the free-willed will forever live in bad faith,
as they will suffer at the hands of themselves as God does not exist. The lie fed to the people,
the lie that society is built upon, is the fact that God exists and is watching every move, but
God does not exist. So it shall be like this, hell hath no fury like the mentally ill, as it was the
capitalists who removed the freedom from bureaucracy for small communities, for example,
they had freedoms to do things that they saw fit, but the capitalists removed the power and
freedom and small communities to instead allow big corporations to exercise freedom and
will in a new and unique way, the freedom of entrepreneurial adventure for the elite.
Megalomania is an attribute best descriptive of politicians, as they are fierce and cutthroat
businessmen, shred in their ways, and only interest in the mass exploitation of resources that
they share with their associates, they do not live in the real and do not share values of the
everyday person, furthermore, they are seeking to distance themselves from the everyday
working class, and believe they represent their best interests, as this is not the case because
the state does, it seeks to nurture its people so that every citizen is safe in the state that they
rightly inhabit. The rich are essentially torturing the poor, in every aspect of life and it is a rat
race which further heightens inequality so much that the common man has little to show for
his efforts that he struggles for the day in and day out. The state will forever look after its
people, for a state is pure. And the state intends to do this, as that what it was created to do, it
has no other method, and it is the nature of man to fight and exploit to the last tree. The
disparity of it all, limousines on the same streets as beggars who get by on a piece of
cardboard, and they are left to rot. The harshness and brutality that meets those who advocate
for change is a great shame, as society is firmly shut to those who dream. God may be the
greatest concept that man has created, an all-conquering powerful mastermind, but its loss
should be the easiest thing anyone should lose. Those will perish of boredom if they have
everything, and everything to lose, as one should give everything, they have to the state
nothing less. They were all murdered they were, the bonnie sons of Scotland, and they
perished were once the mighty battle raged, and the pipes they did play. The Church will
bully harshly its opponents and protect their territory with all the belief in a make-believe
God, a false dead God. Denying the free will to live in peace is no eviler deed, for the evil
will rear its menacing head and shall be known as God. How many times do people need to
be re-awoken? To the realization that there are the yin and yang of the world, the enormous
balance between neo-liberalism and McBeathism, the state and the individual, with
capitalism going to be proven to be the demise of mankind, with unpayable debts that will be
infinite. Where employment will turn into slavery, with no name but only a number to answer
for, so do a good deed and bow down to the state and remember this, that being good is
thinking for others and a higher body, which is the state. McBeathism holds the value of the
state for the greater good, and man will essentially use his selfish cheap fix model to establish
a blood sacrificial machine, overthrow this machine with the legitimate use of violence and
there shall be peace for the greater good in the anarchical state system, which has each state
vying for power, competing against one and other because they are selfish. Each state will act
offensively or defensively, abiding by their agenda. The three novels by one are the
exploration of military theory, which are pitched battle, guerilla and coercion all exploring
ancient Scottish history and in a celebrated reimagining. Pillarism is the process of society
having a dominating and oppressive institution that holds power on a social level, which
destroys the free will of the people. Religion in a sense is the pillar of society. It controls the
law and inflicts its social control. When it comes to religion, there is the yin and yang as well.
The people, who live in good faith, do not belong in religion or follow a faith. The bad
people, living in bad faith follow a religion and it turns them into fake components of an
unauthentic system that values fable over reality, and it is the fables that are believed as
children which last till the latter days of adulthood and are the engines of belief for so many
who live a fake life. God does not exist, and he will not save anyone, so rid him of worship.
Neoliberalism is balanced out by McBeathism, both of political science and both a rightful
science. Bad faith and good faith are both parts of existentialism, a rightful philosophy, so
man should endeavour by the principles of both science and philosophy; it is in these beliefs
that will set mankind free. The great problem with politics is that if a politician promises a
strong state, how would impact the common citizen? The needs and wants of mankind differ,
from the state to the individual, but the same very truth remains, that no matter what path is
taken, the masses and the people are much poorer than a select few who profit from the
labours of the working class.
To allow singular person equality so much so that they rival a state in their power is, in fact, a
disaster and grossly unfair. To know secrets hidden in the world is to acknowledge that it is
an unfair world, a world full of injustice, poverty, murder and greed. The liberty of the
working class overlaps with both liberty and the people, many contradictions exist in society
and many blurred lines. To feed the enemy with resolve is to resort to speech, and las it only
makes them angry, because remember the fact neo-liberalism is a sickness. It may sound like
much, but eco-activism will save humanity, and a strong science department in a state is
valued for the longevity of mankind. Political science should be deemed the highest science,
incorporating science that governs society into every facet there is, drawing upon the theory
that is thousands of years old. There are many displaced people throughout the world,
probably millions, so what are the chances that the odd thousand turn up wishing to live in
Australia? It is simply not an issue, because Australia is vast and accommodating, so if
Australia has such an issue with it, why is this so? Simply because the White Australia Policy
still impacts Australian political policy, if these people were Christians there would be an
absolute uproar. There is abhorrent racism still controlling what is going on inside Australia,
the racism seen in the demonizing of Sudanese Australians is particularly so unjust. There is a
refugee crisis going on, so one cannot remove themselves from reality and thing that nothing
is going on at all. Capitalism leads to massive inequality, and fascism leads to death, not
liberty, it is a contradictory set of principles and should be deemed a sickness. Billionaires are
the leading cause of climate change, which will be the end of humanity; it is no fault of the
people of the state. People should think that they are at the whim of billionaires and the rich,
they control this world. The standard taxpayer pays for the salaries of the politicians that they
may have not voted for. The salaries of all politicians are from the taxpayers, and the policies
favour only the super-rich. The people lose out essentially and the gap is growing of the rich
and the poor blame the problems on the rich, for the poor are not at fault. As a voter, one
must identify this and resolve this situation so that their vote counts, to the longevity of the
state, and help the poor of the community in order there to be economic justice in this age.
How will be equal when there is no equality? And how will people be free if there is war?
And there is no freedom in the war. The Scottish people were subject to terrorist attacks cast
out to the four corners of the world, the real impact of the British crown. How can a society
function when there are groups still stuck in their ways, and those ways are religion, it is a
curse that inflicts? Fair play to the Scots though, they did try and contend power with the
most powerful far-reaching the empire the world has ever seen. A tyrant would want his
people to mourn and be sad than to be angry and active engaged in change, and to suppress
the people is to make them mourn for the dead, their dead kin and fallen family members, all
delivered well by the sheer act of warfare. The tyrannical state will put its angriest, most
dangerous people into the frontline of armies and parade the streets as both soldiers and the
police. The most heinous of deeds is to imprison someone against their will, and to deny that
will, to not allow them out for their freedom. Deviance and religion are linked in the way,
that if a Catholic do something condemned by the Church, he will suffer the gravest of
consequences, to spend eternity burning hell, so why should the law be abided because it
shares the same rules as a religion? Society is based on fickle religion. To be labelled a rebel,
when all that they do is to do what is normal and natural, to fight for their very own people.
To dream of a society where there is no injustice is to dream the right dreams, for it is
dreamers that sway the tides. The Scots were so hard to exterminate from this earth, the
British Empire realized they needed to harness this strength and subsequently made the Scots
front line soldiers in whatever battle and wherever they were needed. The Scots are a hard
race and a proud race, and the ultimate troop. Mankind is essentially ruining this world and
the solution is to put resources into the state for the longevity of mankind because it will all
end. The Church has the power to eradicate all who oppose them, to torture and drive into the
ground any individual who stands in their way. How can one lie down and take the battering
of life and not stand up and fight the gross injustice that is society, because those who rule
want the people to be submissive, to go to their job and not complain, and to be ordered
around like a slave, not a warrior? A scientific appraisal of the state of the world is an
explanation and a prediction, and the explanation is the world is doomed with man’s
interference and will continue to be doomed with the interference of mankind, and the only
possible solution is to empower the state. Mankind in his natural element cannot be trusted,
he needs the greatest invention ever created, the state, to steady his path, for it is a path that is
bound to plunge him into trouble, because without regulation, man is wild, society is wild and
it is an untamed loose society.
Australia has become somewhat of a wasteland, with misspent youth, unemployment
especially in Tasmania with the circus of finding a place to live most challenging. So much
inequality will create poverty, which in turns transforms into violence. Neo-liberalism will
turn a peaceful society into a very violent volatile one. Neo-liberalism is successfully sucking
the life out of the society and in turn, the rich are profiting. It is making daily life for some a
struggle, and whilst others lie around and bask in wealth all day. The only goal in life for
some is to successfully reach economic targets. Set the people and the state free and bring
justice to the bankers, whatever it may be, but the state of the global financial crisis meant
that the enemy of the free is the banks, and the people are being blatantly ripped and torn
asunder to shreds that they may never recover. Credit should go to all the madmen, all the
madmen who try and take the Catholic Church head-on, for are they mad? Be the revolution a
society has waited for, because every society needs a revolution, one guided by the very
maniacal figures that are the future. Capitalism has ruined the world that is a fair explanation.
Neo-liberalism has had an earth-shattering effect. The future is for the next generations to
come, and the only way to change it is to stop the emissions and wake up, prepare for the
worst and put more into the state. What can the everyday man do in the face of this peril?
Well, the world is run by crooks, who are interested in pleasing the rich, so people need to
wake up and switch on to this peril and make their vote count because every vote helps the
world. More developments in the state services will save the world, this statement is true.
With every state comes a mighty group of people willing to do what is best. For their world,
because they have a meagre impact, and a meagre thirst for power, they live on what they
need. The world is nearly ruined, so the obvious way forward is to be a reaction from neo-
liberalism, and the reaction from neo-liberalism is McBeathism. The sheer death and
destruction brought about by neoliberalism are catastrophic. Not only will poverty stem from
inequality, but it will also create violence and bloodshed. Wars are the art of thuggery for the
powers that be, and they are a fair reflection of the personality of leaders, stamping out the
opposition. The Church has the power to protect the best interests of its members, and if one
leaves the Church they will be cast aside like the others. It is true to say inequality is rising,
thanks to capitalism, it is true to say ultimate freedom becomes violence and murder, as hate
crimes are influenced by this. It is true to say that Catholicism destroys the unbeliever and
favours nepotism and privileges bestowed upon many by corrupt means. There needs to be a
deviation away from the normal because it is simply not working. The answer lies in the
state, and regarding religion, disregard it completely, it is nothing but a fable that locks
innocent souls into its system and preys on the vulnerable and poor. One may be blessed to
find themselves graced by good soul, one that acknowledges this, because the switch of
revolution only needs to be flicked on like a light, and glorious justice will prevail because, in
the game of sickness and thuggery that is politics, the underclasses shall prevail. It may sound
like madness, a person giving forewarning to the grave danger humanity faces in its efforts, a
town crier desperately alerting people to a coming doom, but this is the reality, how much do
governments sit idly by, as religion reigns supreme and the world slips on by. There needs to
be a critique of neoliberalism, the mainstream political agenda because it is not working and
needs to be re-evaluated. To imply that neo-liberalism is an explanation of mankind, it does
not explain the world only the individual, so there is no relation to a greater good. So,
therefore, so much emphasis on individual rights over collective rights and responsibilities is
dangerous, and its focus on the individual is perilously close to mental illness because there is
no thought for others. It states people apart from the individual in question in this case, does
not matter, all freedom should go to the individual, so it is unnatural as people are pack
animals. The aid of science should offer insight to heads of state, and all good heads of state
need assistance from science, and if people were to assess deviation from the norm of society,
there would have to be a set norm, but how can that norm accommodate people from a
different faith or follow a different Church? Society and people deserve a place to live that is
devoid of the rights of politicians over the people, and they deserve quality services and a
world that is not governed by hellish corruption. How does one hold the same the value of a
corrupt system? And if they do not abide by that system, they are punished, because it is an
unfair and unjust society built on the suffering of the idle masses. Power should be in the
hands of a system that is benefitting the greater good, not one that is benefitting a select few.
There also needs to be a consideration for the donation parties like the Liberal Party of
Tasmania are given, because their hands are dirty with the additions of the Catholic Church
and various other faiths. It is simple, bow down to the Church or to suffer. To live a minute
existence with no basic privileges, the privileges shown off and flaunted, the wealth of the
Church. To be fair and honest, not to be corrupt is to be free.
A Critique of Capitalism

Capitalism shall be the end of the world, as Greece may have spawned society; it well and
truly feels with the Global Financial Crisis. This error proved certain the case that
government should regulate people before they end in the end of society, where there are
disorder chaos and the fabled death and destruction. To build upon society, there needs to be
an evaluation of the situation, the mainstream situation is not working and there needs to be a
reaction away from it because Marx warned the people in his very astute writings. To send a
society forward into a successful future there needs to be an explanation of the situation it is
leading to death and destruction, and a prediction will be the collapse of the human empire
piece by piece. A logical solution would be more power in the hands of the state, to eradicate
inequality and protect the innocent who has been targets of hate speech. There needs to be
transparency in political donations so that just because the party may have the backing of big
societal groups, does not guarantee the power and the system needs to be balanced. There are
massive issues facing humanity of death, destruction and corruption, the big almighty threats
to mankind. One must acknowledge the ancient clan system in Scotland rewarded a soldier
with all they need which was land, and in return, they served a chief. It was much simpler
times and clansmen were hard as nails, and it is right to say they put up a great fight against
the greatest empire to ever grace the world. But being one of the last people conquered by the
British Empire, they were used to its benefit in war, because they were front line troops and
the empire knew how hard they were. They were the pinnacle of hardship, so mighty and so
strong. To deny service to God is to deny reliance on God, and God may give rewards like a
treasure, but it is devoting one’s freedom. Being a clansman is about living in a beautiful
environment and living a life that is hard as nails. They eat what all that they are given and do
not complain, because they work themselves to the ground and ask no questions. Born a
soldier, the perfect soldier they are. To be a clansman is to fight where it is needed, and bow
down only to those they serve, like the samurai of old, they only have one master, with their
claymore’s and dirk, fighting is taught at a young age, and it is a skill carried on till death.
Capitalism leads to inequality, poverty followed by violence and destruction. Freedom of
speech will lead to hate speech and murder, bloodshed and destruction. Therefore, neo-
liberalism will essentially not work in the long term, there needs to be a reaction and the
reaction is McBeathism, the opposite of neoliberalism. Instead of power to the individual, the
state will have control of resources, so people don’t go into debt, or spend money that is
credit. Safe economies, and control over hate speech which should be deemed illegal
wherever it is practised because it is inciting violence. The Church will grind away and
diminish all resistance to those who do not follow their distorted world views. How long will
people put up with lies and deceit that feed corruption, and surely not that they will live under
a veil of deceit for long, when will the people who free will ever wake up? The simplest of
folk are often the most honest. One’s not tempted by insatiable greed. The drink of ale is the
most disgusting creation, coupled with a cigarette, which are vile abhorrent creations to trap a
man in a circle of abuse against themselves, a wasteland of terrible sad boredom. Neo-
liberalism has such grandiose delusions, that they lose touch with reality, their kin and loved
ones do not matter to be selfish are not normal. They become business driven machines that
are ruthless with many problems. It is a mental illness. Thinking for others is kind, gentle,
caring and compassionate. States once reigned supreme before the armies of bankers, and one
should never trust a banker as they emit and radiate their interests. They are selfish. There
once was a time where men represented their beloved royalty on the battlefield, but along
came philosophy and it made people question religion and the point of being royalty. There
was no need for royalty because royalty is an extension of the Church. Of course, in the clan
system in Scotland, bankers had no part basically because there was no money involved.
Mercenaries once who were hired by banking families, with the use of free-standing armies,
and specifically the clan system, there was absolute obedience to the nation. Money was not
the allure of war and it shall never be. But the power of rich banking families with money and
aided by the Church is a powerful nevertheless tyrannical but can be overcome through the
smart use of the militia, and the guerilla warfare. Where there is a will there is away. If neo-
liberalism is a mental illness, then what is in fact religion? It is a trap to lure in people with
their free will and promise them things. Neo-liberalism manifests itself in scenarios like Bret
Easton Ellis’ character in the book American Psycho. If this argument was to acclaim
capitalism, it would only serve a purpose if the intent was to create madmen who were
sociopathic murderers, not obedient and good citizens who were beneficial to society. They
are not beneficial to society; they are madmen. To serve others and the state is a noble act
that should be treasured, and to deny the belief in God is to be very aware of the situation and
live with free will not be blighted by raving religious parasites.
To guarantee that their people will get jobs and the economic status is secured, is the main
endeavour of the Catholic Church, for what is money worth, well it is a power that shuffles
people through the system that runs the Church which in turn runs the morbid jails. Setting up
war is a business where the innocent soldier perishes for the industry and murder of sons and
daughters. Selling firearms and trading guns are serious business. War is an industry where
the ruling class, politicians and elites including royalty are exempt from the carnage that is
war. The fabled highlander, who answers to no one but the clan chief has an air of superiority
to it, and it is, without doubt, the British empire may have done away with the clan system,
but the same men who had once fought in clans were now given prestige, the pride of the
military and money, so aesthetically the clan system was done away with but the premise was
there. Replace clan chief with general, replace rent for wages. It was the same men who were
now fighting for the British Empire, once a free-standing army an elite mercenary. The wars
on religion are troublesome because they are against a belief that has existed for hundreds of
years, and the begging question is will they ever end? The Jewish and Christian values
western countries live by, is it okay to take their faiths they have but not others. It is a
calamity to think there is an obligation to take in refugees, and the fact they are proven to be a
great asset to regional communities because migrants and refugees work jobs that no one else
will work. The fear is refugees will slip into poverty and create violence. The art of science is
seeing forward and making possible solutions to the world’s problems, an explanation, and
seeing forward in time. To understand the past is to not make the same mistakes looking in
the future. The consequences of the past that shall deter judgement of the near future, this
enables history to be intrinsically linked with science, and the prediction into the future.
Political science governs all because it has implications to impact all facets of society,
whether that is more science, or the science of wealth, or the way the eco-system works in the
environment. To make long-lasting contributions that will last beyond death, and to evaluate
and explain the past, and to successfully learn from it, they shall. To assess the past, to learn
from the mistakes many military minds have made, and to look into the future with a realistic
option, the option is the state, and pleasing the state will make the world a stronger, safe more
humane place without the vile, loathing evils of mankind. There is needed in the leaders of
today, to have an intense fascination with the past, to distinguish the approach need to move
forward together. To not develop a bias would approach history from an objective angle,
present the facts and assemble the knowledge as information to be absorbed. Hitler dreamt
back to model his view on the passionate Prussia of old, he instead of learning, was biased for
his love of Prussia. The people travelled far and wide to land at the end of the earth to settle
in a society that is bedded in corruption, the Church has fallen past the principles and beliefs
as a charity and has firmly embraced politics in their pursuit for the principle goal, absolute
power. Neo-liberalism certainly lacks a vision and purpose looking into the future. It is
essentially a temporary fix for a problem that is gushing out like a broken dam. The levee has
been burst apart and the seams of the fabric have been bursting from the reckless lack of
insight today. The facts stack up, and up, and up and if society would leave man to his own
devices the result would be a carnage free for all rat race of society, with warfare and proper
anarchy, obedience to a state would change this and give society a great backbone. It is
essential to acknowledge what part religion plays in all this if one was to call it religion
which it is not abiding by the principles that it was founded around. Oh, and the religion has
crumbled, and it is certainly not allowing free will but obedience to myths and fables. Does
anyone simply believe what the Bible says? The opium to the masses maintaining a sense of
responsibility has what it was built upon but is not allowing that. Jesus was a refugee, and the
Church now is egos being stroked and social leverage and power. The world shall watch on
in awe of the people who possess the knowledge, as knowledge will make people go far, and
it is needed so. Mankind does not owe God anything, and God is only holding society and
mankind back because war is stemmed in the belief of many violent Gods. The very notion
that induces fear of punishment in people by God instils violent repercussions in people.
They are taught to be violent and that is how to deal with problems and offer solutions, but
there are other ways to deal with problems other than violence, and violence is ill-defined.
The Scottish became stateless people, flung far and wide. The switch in every person on
society for revolution only must be activated, it’s there. The Scots were brutally murdered,
and from then on sent into the front line to do the Empire’s bidding, which would eventually
culminate into Scotland having horrifying death rates in many armed conflicts, alas the
Scottish fought against themselves, they would prove to be a valuable asset to the British as a
recruitment area for the military, it is even to be noted that The British Empire opposed the
clearances due to dame to recruitment.

To not make the same foolish mistakes as the people before, and to always have the thought
in the mind of looking forward, to know the consequences before they happen. To have a
deep fascination with the past, and to model one of the leaders and figures of old, it is a
blessing to have the gift of foresight and be able to carve society and others into the future in
a safe direction. People latch onto the conversations of God as a sort of reassuring and divine
experience that reassurance is a figment and people live in dreams. It is a great skill to paint
the picture of history without bias, and it is a great skill to have the gift of foresight. To
denounce God as the almighty and feel the wrath of the believers, for the world lives under a
blanket of false and misleading beliefs. A job opportunity soon falls into a trap, years are
taken hostage and money ill-spent. The man was not made to work so long. It is the littlest
paid jobs that require the most skill and devotion, whereas higher paid jobs are stricken with
laziness and egocentric morons. The great sacrifices to the capitalist machine, as deaths are
common and worker’s rights are ill-treated, whilst lazy supervisors cherish the finer things in
life. The Bible is nothing, but the preaching of masculine dominance and a woman should not
vow to live like, or anybody. Anybody with a taste for beer is on a death wish, for their more
gentlemanly drinks like fine single malt, or tea and coffee which provides perfect hydration.
To have no understanding of the world before one is to be an incompetent imbecile, and no
foresight is to be an idiot. To firmly believe in God and to stamp authority out onto people
with beliefs like a preacher is dangerous and has no place in society. Religion does not give
but only takes and seeking appreciation from God will only reduce the mightiest of men to
mere puppets and lapdogs for the almighty. It is a tragic tale humanity as told, about wasted
days of old. How men have squandered opportunities for a cheap fix and the swipe away at
their handheld device, all at a cost of their lives because time cannot be brought back after it
has gone. Learning from the past and being able to preempt a situation because one knows is
certainly what people should be aiming for. Where once there was might armies led by kings
with statues build for them and worshipped like gods, now there is likely to be not a nice
word said about the leaders of the world, and as humanity slips and slides down to its demise,
it will come to the occurrence knowledge will guide man to greatness, not consequence, and
it will be the brave leaders that will be recognized, as once men rule wholly again. It could be
said that unifying a nation of Scotland could be incredibly difficult du the nature of the clan
system, where clan chiefs held the balance of power in the nation at the time, and if there
could be a mustering of a certain clan they could settle the dispute. In understanding the
struggle of power, it is to understand how one body of politics unites an individual in a
movement with other people, to identify a shared problem relatable to an individual, and so
long as the working class and the people exist they shall be a majority. It could also be said
that whole nations are formed and crushed through the fickle act of bloodlines between kings,
whole nations and their respective groups play in the game of royalty politics, and if a cousin
or house claim power and they do not have the backing of religious groups or clans, there
certainly could be a whole world of trouble and what has been seen in Scotland is a division
in religion, and that has impacted from the top of the social hierarchy right down to the
bottom, from king to common man, they both claim religion. It could also be said that royalty
is a representative of the Church, where before liberal democracy, there was the archaic
system of royalty, which is a construct based around religion, but before religion, there was
still rulers who were not bound by the word of God, it can be seen in Pictish society that there
was no religion, their religion was pagan, it was in simpler times but still there were rulers
and brave warriors, and their success was not religious, of their kings. So that there was this
empire devoid of the Church, well for a certain period. It could be said that the nation of
Scotland ceased to exist after Culloden when the rising was diminished. Because the nation
became part of the British Empire, and any other history passed this event deals with
primarily more British history, it is dealing with the diaspora of the Scots. Sure there is
animosity to the English which is still evident and a movement to stop being part of the
empire, but until this is sorted out, Scotland the Nation ceased to exist after Culloden, and is
well and truly part of the British Empire, so it is. Neo-liberalism again fails to explain the
past, and it is not a viable option looking forward to society because it is unproven or proven
disastrous. Mankind has never been one to survive well without his inventions, and the
invention most valued right now is the state, the trustworthy safety net. The Scots were
murdered where they stood, and the survivors had no nation to celebrate, with the tunes once
played by the mighty war pipes banned, the dress worn to charge into the fray was banned
and a people separated from their mighty homeland for many long and hard years.
The Philosophy for the Brave
The one thing that is massively contradictory about offshore detention is that the left is
holding the government accountable for failed United Nations responsibility, but the United
Nations is not a system that should not abided by because it is an utterly problematic basket
case of the law. Even though there is such a gap in society between the wealthy and the
impoverished, does not mean that people cannot live such a worthwhile and beneficial
existence not being wealthy. For the gems and minerals in the ground are parts of the world
and are priceless, they hold importance for every creature that inhabits this world and to think
that people dig them up and they become a valuable asset only the society of humankind, not
the animal world. The resources of today only benefit the very rich to maintain their
hedonistic lifestyle and most of the poor would if one was to ask them would they like that
lifestyle, could they deal with the scrutiny and responsibility of the incoming doom of the
world is their fault. Therefore, to be happy is not to live so immaculately, but to share society
on an even footing and the poor would not believe that money gives oneself happiness for the
happy shall shine brightest and society cannot take away happiness. The other factor is
freedoms and the freedom to discriminate as they chose as cherished freedom is a privilege
that can only be commended by the very mad and insane. The poor must measure their
standards to the standards of the rich, and if they don’t match up then, they are deemed a
failure. But the poor should have the understanding that money does not equal power, for
power is not how rude they criticize one another. Power is the ability to govern well and it
does not use personal riches, for even the richest person in the world cannot buy a charming
smile and a kind temperament. Be not governed by wealth and privilege, but by respect of the
elders, and the young ones and everybody in-between, and they shall inherit the power that
lies in the hands of the people, for they shall inherit a great leader who does them no wrong,
as to wrong the people will stay in the minds of many, and be rewarded by a few, for it is a
careful leader who finds the solace in the state that shall deliver the nation that everyone is
wishing for. A leader shall not think of himself any higher than his people, and if he does the
power would have gone right to his head and turned him sour, devoid of trust and he becomes
an enemy of the people. Deliver what the people need and the ruler shall be blessed with the
concept of power, and he may rule unchallenged so that every man woman and child will
have pictures upon there very walls of the ruler is their equal, beloved and elected
representative. No matter how much money wins elections and how governments are bought
and sold, oil did not conquer mountain ranges. It was the Scottish armies that fought back the
pride of the English armies with rods of wood. The English heavy cavalry was defeated by a
narrow bridge and the tenacity of some eager up and coming generals, with the help of some
wooden poles with sharpened points, Robert Bruce used the same tactic at Bannockburn. The
pride of the ancient world like Greece prided themselves on their technology, but it does not
win every battle that is. Never hold a man accountable to his word, a Christian may not agree
with Jesus and that is the way he is. A neo-liberal may not agree with the United Nations and
that is the way they are because mankind has devilish ways, he will always stray from his
word. There is open warfare against indigenous people from colonialism and from
imperialism, evident in the Scottish Highland and far-away places like Palestine, to herd them
like animals and conquer with the belief that they are inferior. Not only is man selfish but
states are selfish, because there is no unity above the state, it is fully-fledged anarchy where
states try and often get away with breaching shared responsibilities, it is a state of decay. The
Scottish soldiers who fought at Culloden did not fight for the riches and wealth; they fought
for a shared unity of their beautiful homeland. They chose not to support a German king, but
the king of their stock, but alas they were butchered where they stood like animals. In every
country, there will corruption of some sort, as religious groups try to stamp their influence,
and there will people not deserved of power. A leader must have a thorough understanding
and respect for the leader's past, as to not make the same mistakes, and not be too enthralled
with the past like Hitler was. He should never have been allowed to sit office he is sick, with
his delusions of the Aryan ancient grandeur. The soldiers of the great wars died protecting the
liberties that many people treasure to this day, yet but they are exploited. Instead of rights to
wealth, they have gone over the top. Freedom of speech has manifested itself in blatant hate
speech. It is complete and utter chaos. There are many aspects to society that have opposing
forces, and they are constantly at war with each other. Religion does not only offer a platform
to preach one’s own beliefs but to dispute others. Religion contains the security of the Church
to its customers they are rewarded with job prospects and the acknowledged power to wed
whoever is pure, to maintain that power and wealth remain in the same community. To make
sure that the wealth stays in the right hands, and if one would leave the Church they would be
cast aside with little acknowledgment for their sacrifices.
A movement and whole plight of a nation fell at Culloden, it was a massacre, and the end of
the nation, that is of Scots and ruled by Scots. To this day the magical, mythical and
intriguing Scots have had nothing to call their own since the glorious days that were marred
by bloodshed. There has always been dangerous extremism in society, dogmatic groups who
represent a belief or a struggle, and it is the politicians who stoke these groups with knowing
that they can gain a powerful asset and partner in the monopoly of violence that they create.
The thugs are the weapon of the religious and it is these so-called holy men that run the show
that is the political sphere. For the millennials the temporary fix generation, they were raised
on capitalism and know no other means, now it is their turn to fix what’s wrong. The ability
to repeal the mistakes of the past, and to look further into the future for the viable options and
path that should be taken, because the past is linked to the future, and leaders will make the
same mistakes as what has gone before, the mistakes that hurt. Mankind was made to live in
his homeland free of persecution with his laws, beliefs and customs. The war on the
indigenous is an ever-present turmoil which cannot go on any longer, because the ancient
culture is being eroded, the culture that has graced the world for so many generations. The
Church will insidiously destroy the free will of the most intelligent in society, removing their
opportunities and driving them into poverty, because to have a place in this society one has to
lose their free will and surrender everything they know love and cherish and give it to the
lord. It is a grimy business the business of power, with many avenues of corruption. A good
and honest ruler must remain true to his word, and be the brave person that society deserves,
because the brave lead others to safety and a fairer plight, bravery will save the society. One
should fight the society with every breath, for it is a society that punishes the innocent and
lets outsiders rot as crowds watch on and do nothing because people will not act until to
avenge injustice, it is just how men are, everyone is guilty of selfishness and greed. Leaders
of the corrupt institutions have delusions of grandeur because they assert that the bad is, in
fact, good, and their ethics and moral compass are confused. Because being bad is not what is
needed and the struggle to be good is the struggle that the honest shall therefore take. They
may murder every man of fighting age, rape the women and try and destabilize the society
using destroying the law and customs of a people, but they shall fail at wiping out the resolve
of true warriors that never surrender and fight to the death for freedom. Indigenous peoples
throughout the world tend to the land, and live peacefully with the land and nature, and the
greed of mankind will want to ravage the land and plunder it for resources, but the nature of
man shall not be trusted because in the end they tried to unsettle the people were unsettled by
nature, who have lived peacefully with nature throughout what-ever was thrown at them
because the real danger is not God or the wrath of God, but the wrath of nature, and will
mankind be ready to protect itself when something dangerous and serious arises with nature?
Indigenous peoples shall rise and fight the greed of the oppressor, the oppressor that steals the
land out from under the native people. Save the state that humanity has immersed itself in, for
its true chaos and only the action of the noble and young shall save it. After expressing racist
views, a man will be befriended by politicians and join in on hate speech. This is the gradual
step; the next step will not be far off donning SS uniforms and kicking in the doors of racially
diverse people. It is the scary reality of hate speech. The tyranny of power will leave the
morally corrupt fortunate over the innocent because it is a system built on the oppression that
will conquer all. Understanding the past will make society a more secure system because the
acknowledgement of what has worked before will drive policy into the near future. The
crushing hammer of colonialism smote down the Scots, their world forever changed, the
greed of man tears apart the highlands from limb to limb and destroyed a once-proud people.
The men murdered and the women raped, the soul of a nation and people destroyed, the
destruction of the native people, the almighty hammer to the Scots, for how could England
have such a threat so close to home, on their very island, an island that was the base of the
empire, no they could not have the mighty warriors with their monarchy, they were ripe for
the taking, and the people were used, front line because the English knew how hard these
people were, they would not go down without a fight. A system that will degrade the kings
into alcoholic wastes of spaces, a people will be degraded, once mighty chieftains will be
murdered, and the system will grind their descendants down to the ground to be sub servants
when they once ruled a mighty kingdom and traversed across mountains and glens. The
mighty clash of the broadsword and targe and the battle cry that would terrify their foes and a
kingdom that had mighty victories and warships that would be the envy of the world, because
in Scotland, they will kill one with kindness, and the people will stop at nothing to give
everything that is theirs to make the harsh the landscape livable because the people who have
lived there have seen it all.

Mankind will continue to trash the planet, in his pursuit of perfection, and to instil his
hellishly wicked beliefs into every facet of society. Life will grind one down to bare
existence, so it should be noted that strength will guide mankind through the darkest of these
times. The powers that be have distorted their perceptions of what is good and bad, in a
desperate attempt at power, and it has become a tyranny. Society is an environment of
oppression that will grind people down; it rewards the brute and establishes a trap of
conformity for all the people. Society has dwelt in its slumber to conform with one another
for too long, and the individual needs some personal expression. Man is smart, but it is
people in groups that lead to stupidity, because of social norms, and social norms are
restraining mankind forever. Social norms like religion are tearing the imagination out of
mankind and diluting his potential because, at the end of it all, man will die as selfish. No
matter, whatever happens, man will be forever in a situation of distrust from power, and he
will not agree with everything that power offers, and politicians will hold promises to win
favour and it is a fickle game. Mankind is in a constant state of turmoil for seeking
credibility, by agreeing with truths and searching for truths, because truths are the most
credible asset in power, and uncovering truths will lead to a new kind of power, and that is an
un-corrupt power, therefore mankind will hold the powers that be to their word, and it is most
common that they will betray their word, and when they do they betray man. Capitalism is
the quick fix philosophy, and it is a philosophy with no clear outcome, it has led to millions
of deaths in the quest for power and resources. Whole armies have been fed lies, and they
return to their homelands tired and confused because the lies fed to men are the culmination
of corruption and greed. Neo-liberal states rely on the one single figurehead, in an autocratic
regime, and one man represents a state. So therefore, if the man is simply at the very bottom
of his nature selfish, then a state-run by one man is going to be hideously greedy and brutally
selfish. If it is true that states are selfish, because man is selfish, and religion is built on lies,
then what becomes of the honest? Well, they have no intention to lie but to unearth lies, the
preach reality as it appears and what nothing more, and they live perfectly honestly. The
world is blessed by people who will stop at nothing to find the truth, and they are deemed
their worth because without truth there would be no common sense, and without common
sense, man would collapse and perish. People who are interested in the greater good are
desperately needed. For every person, if they thought for themselves about the future of their
world, they should be angry and upset, for the world is being taken from under them, and
without action and due responsibility for the outside world, mankind would simply disappear
entirely, and money will not help. At the end of it all, it is truly evident that mankind is
submissive to dominant power, but he does not have to be. People at their very basic instincts
are stupid, they don’t understand satire or irony, and can be very offended easily. To elect the
people they can is unfathomable, and politicians do not need more than a suit and security to
convince the masses to vote for them. People if they had any sense, they would govern
themselves, they cannot, because the ambition to control their destiny, is thwarted by
mediocrity and deft wit. Man is utterly stupid to elect the people he does; he also does stupid
things, as to become a puppet for neo-liberalism is to lead a country. Mankind is stupid for
finding fantasy in the things that he is alluded to, being the stupid fables of all the religions.
The health system in this country is a joke, they let people rot away and die, it is a system
built upon oppression, and the universities train murderers to deliver pain and suffering to the
public, in the form of doctors. These institutions need a massive cleanout of the vile filth that
is the health industry. It is putrid and disgusting, the act of sex, and it is always going to be
disgusting. Mankind cannot exist without stupidity leading it and being led by stupidity is not
the path that should be taken, as it is not a future. Subjecting innocent people to murder is a
sign of villainy. The belief and trust in the powerful by man is dangerous, for they lead them.
Mankind not only is he selfish promotes the idea of problems being someone else’s affair,
and therefore their fault, the power that is around will seek to destroy free will and
expression, so much that the artist is reduced to the derelict, and the only crime they ever
committed was art. The vilification of art as some sort of monolithic entity that is a threat to
society, where all it is the expression of human free will. People should be marching in the
streets through lack of action for many matters, as it is a government which is selfishly
ripping them from limb to limb; their only real interest is in themselves and their friends. A
society built on religion is a society that will harshly persecute people. Politicians should
think before they submit people to the horrors of incarceration and persecution because it will
seriously harden the resolve of the victim. One way to create generations of bitter anger is to
assert authority over what is not rightfully theirs and to destroy one abided by a peaceful
Capitalism will suck the life out of people and eventually make them robotic. The decency of
humanity makes people human, not the money in their pocket. The Church will drain the
money of the poor, and funnel the resources into the rich, and it is a corrupt unjust system.
The real problem is, once the clowns are elected, they tax the poor extortionate amounts and
blatantly steal from the poor, and their policies only please the rich. There needs to be
intervention before it gets out of control, whilst the religious institutions pay no tax, and that
is robbery. It does not matter what excuses are brought up, the powers that be are robbing the
people, and they are blind, for humanity is decency and common sense, not a blind pursuit of
power that will leave nothing left. To the point where philosophers need to write books to
wake the people from their slumber is outrageous, for the evil of humanity will rear its ugly
head, and the ugly head of humanity will take control, if not for the goodwill of the people
that in their hearts know naturally what is wrong and what is right. It is a system that robs
from the people in need of help and destitute and gives to the people that are too well off. The
Scottish Highlands was once a place inhabited by mighty warriors and chiefs, but it has all
but been reduced to nothing through the clearances. The war on indigenous people through
colonialism is leaving the world destitute, and the guardians of the land are being raided and
then slowly destroyed. It is in man’s very nature to take plunder and destroy innocence, as he
is corrupt, and he will stop at nothing to own everything. The harbouring of resentment will
fester in the minds of those whose bodies were trapped and tortured because nothing can
deter and destroy the will of the soul, and it is the will of the soul which will be man’s great
asset, to last beyond criticism, persecution and near death. Nothing can deter the strength of
the human spirit, because they may incarcerate the bodies of the free, but they cannot jail the
free mind. Deviance is in the eye of the perceiver, and the perceiver has a bias because the
people that control society are religious and heinously corrupt. How many more innocent
casualties will there be, slaughtered by the powers that be, because to attain power the easy
way and the quick fix, is to play by the hands of the corrupt, and have no plan for the
foreseeable future because the corrupt can buy enormous power? The tears and years wasted
behind bars will refine the virtue and strengthen the unshakeable nerve to question power and
to prove the better way. Mankind lives in a system that punishes free will with terrible
cruelty, and the injustice is the almighty banishing of the innocent by the corrupt. Society will
pick on the most vulnerable as a form of dominance, in a situation of oppression, for how
many wars have the middle classes fought? For they have had no hardships, and it is with
hardship that someone becomes vulnerable, easy prey for the racist who uses fearmongering
to create a division, and they will create hate speech because they are evil. For when does one
ask for security a nation has to give them security, because basic human rights to food and
shelter are a basic privilege most of often used and abused. Great leaders flip the system to
suit the needs of others. The system favours violence, greed and corruption. Great leaders can
identify this and lead a revolution to bring about social change, and it is great leaders which
society is need of because great leaders will fight for others. Religion has become the word of
the mad, the new generations of citizens are fact-based, and will recite research, once done so
poorly, now harnessing radical technology, to settle disputes. People are enlightened by fact
and it is a fact which will soon change society and the people within it. Traversing through a
nightmarish landscape with the bare minimum is to live in the post-global financial crisis. A
wasteland is all but left for future generations, and it is in the youth that must gain respect and
that respect will only be acknowledged if they fight for their rights, and that right is to live in
a functioning world, built on facts and development, and that is not going back to the dark
ages. The system is designed in such a way that it will grind down the honest and intelligent
so that they live like the cellar dwellers. If a man wants the power that will not be exposed to
be inadequate for every person in the state, and not reputable or credible enough, he has to be
simply this, credible, transparent and have a long term goal with basic understanding of what
will work and then what will not. The war is not on an enemy that is well known to the
public, something or someone well known, but the war is on the truth, for the truth shall save
society in such a way that will unveil the hoard of deceit that is shielding the public. The
artists who use free will and expression lead the way that others follow, and they set an
example through the controversy of how society should function. Neglecting them is all but
damage to free will, and it is an expression that humanity finds moments of true and pure
forms of beauty. Fascist dictatorships are not a figment of the history books but are real in the
twenty-first century. They oppose change and difference and will punish groups or
individuals who speak out or display their unique differences and show it with pride because
fascism is a white supremacist insane dictatorship.

To abstain is what is needed in society, mankind has been warned, and religion will take the
mode of insane ramblings of a madman. When will they ever learn? They have been warned
about greed and selfishness, and they have been warned about believing the tales of classical
nonsense. The foreseeable future has been laid before the leaders of the world and it is their
call, whether to save humanity or let it crumble to its ultimate demise, and act as a warning to
those that neglect science will suffer the unfortunate affair of being responsible for
humanity’s destruction. The seeds of destruction have been planted, as humanity sinks further
into the decline, working them to the grave for nothing but an average wage. The denizens of
the world need to be released from their chains to act, for the powers that be are fickle and
rather stagnant. The great injustice is that many people live in war, and so many politicians
have an easy life, so it is that that the heads of state have an easy life, when the chaos of the
world ensues, they would sit back in their ivory tower and do nothing. Selfishness will
manifest itself into bigotry, and then manifest itself into hate speech, which will eventually
become violence, and then war and then complete chaotic carnage. Society is mad and in its
superiority complex will stomp on the little guy, and take this wisdom away, that no matter
what one is told, there is no way that the little guy’s methods are wrong, and let no one get
away with denouncing the technique of the little guy, for he is honest. Shake up the
establishment and fight what is truly right, because society stinks and the honest shall remain
the correct. The older generations syphon the money and resources into their pockets and
blame the young for being lazy. It is time the young took control. The powers that be are a
shambolic lot of imbeciles; it is with great displeasure to watch on as the swine assert their
reckless authority. The superiority complex of many religious people is a mental illness and
affliction to the world, well this is not true because it is detrimental to people with a mental
illness, they are sick and insane, twisted and there is something wrong with every possible
stupid stance they take. The problem that arises is that the powers that be are so out of touch
with reality, it is like stepping into another universe when stepping into parliament, and it
cannot be this way because switched on people should be leaders, not the old draft dodgers. It
is even alarming that children can be so switched on but at the end of the day they have no
representation in politics. There is no one representing children in politics because, in the
eyes of the fundamental foundations of society being the church, they are prey, prey that
needs to be shut up. The governments of today have an option to listen to common sense, but
they deter from that and try and stroke their egos, for in their belief, that is a belief that they
are never wrong, and to have someone say that they are wrong is terrible. See that the people
who shall resort to the evil that punctures the life out of the very society, and bring it to the
table, shall falter in the state that honesty shall see past their wicked ways, and instead the
great movement of justice shall prevail in a society.
One would think that democracy would be easy, as the people are the individuals responsible
for electing members of the community to represent themselves, but that is where the strange
reality of politics differs, and it is the case that many politicians off support for the wealthy
elite of society, that may be precisely the ones supporting the politician economically, using
bribery, and it is in the politician’s interest to meet and uphold these favours unless he wants
to see his or her reign cut short because corruption in politics is destroying the very innocent
regime of democracy. The enemy of mankind is his ruler, the politician and the overcoming
of the oppressor is state where man sheds the lies that have clouded his judgment, clouded his
way with fallacy, and the state of revolution and freedom for the people will set the state free,
because there is nothing more than what a state admires is her people strong and healthy. The
dilemma of a head of state is that every man of fighting age is a potential soldier, so not too
punish violence, but harness it. The natural condition of man is a state of war, and the natural
condition of a state is that of war, divide and conquer, and it is to assert its dominance over
enemies and protect its people with law and armies, because a state without a full fighting
force is nothing but bubble waiting to be burst and when it is burst the blood of the people
shall flow, and when it flows, the very foundations of a state will empty its contents to the
victors and these victors will fill their bellies with spoils of war, and the conquering state will
rejoice, for it has laid down its justice and every man has contributed to the growth of the
state. For the goal of every state is to grow, grow stronger and her people will bask in
strength, and when the people are strong the state is strong, so strong that there will unity and
the people will work as one in happiness. The effluent of the affluent will only halts the
progress of a state. Many sons may be slaughtered, but they can be replaced, because the
main figment of imagination of the common citizen, is that there is me in state, and people
are one of many, many people that account for very little and the great triumphs of mankind
were made to achieve security for many people, and their sacrifices were not for themselves
but others, as if people do not have communities with friendly people, how will they cope
when there is no stability to fall back upon. The state is great, long live the state, because it
emits hope, and no man replace it for its allure and grandiosity, for it is a beacon of shining
light that will emit a lingering dream into the hearts of many, and few shall, as wicked as they
come, deny her right to rule over her denizens, because the state shall become one with the
people eventually, and like a tornado revolutionise the world, because that is its purpose, to
save humanity from inner turmoil and destruction, and it is with these impacts that a state will
reach the moon before anyone else, it shall release so much greatness that there will be
unparalleled sophistication and many times it will create great citizens and many times it will
cause defeat for the unbelievers, as she is righteous and pure, not corrupted by the great sins
of mankind. A state’s produce will be the fuel of her people, as the circulation of nutrients
through the human body will unleash the creativity and flow that is trapped inside someone,
and the songs that will be composed and the stories are written about the nation’s beauty will
be ejected from the poets mind through the essence of their health and wellbeing, and it will
be rooted out and put into words, beautifully composed from one soul to another through the
many available mediums, media and texts that shall define a people and place in a period
thereafter. The lasting memory of Duncan, immortalised in story, that will reappear in time
and captivate many, for it is Duncan that will inspire people to reflect on their adversity and
troubles, for hard work and spirit will conquer a few, as no one had it tougher than plight of
the impoverished Scots, for their triumphs and kings would eventually wilt away, their sons
murdered and their culture and language destroyed, even the dreamscape of triumph that was
merely the fantasy of a boy lost in the wild highlands cannot seem to be contemplated by the
mere readers of this story, as it was all a dream of Duncan’s. His father was home safe and
sound. His sword was right where he had put it, untouched by the blood of many, and Duncan
lay and stared at the stars, and thought is there anybody else in the giant known universe
staring at the star he was wishing upon, for he had stumbled from his nightmare and re-
awoken to find himself safe, for now, for there was nothing to fear but his own failings and it
was his own failings that determine his future, and he thought at last the very notion of being
brave would set him free, and give him place in his heart that destiny for him was the simple
life, not the life of a warrior, but the life of a highlander, and very astute, was his observations
of life, but it was the life of dreams, to be immortalised in tales too big to even recite, for he
was just a simple boy, and simple boys work, they don’t dream, as dreamers craft alibis for
themselves and other’s in their presence, as they had real work to be done, not immerse
themselves in fantasy, real folk would not waste their time with fables and it is real folk who
do not believe in magic, for it was magic that caused the stir of trouble that gave his sword
the glimmer of action behind his eyes, as he lay in pitch black waiting escape back to reality.
The state will act, in its nature to suppress the individual will act in their nature to suppress
the state, and the two will seek to war violently together. The individual will be the death of
the state, as they think they have authority with their liberty, and the state in its authority is to
suppress that authority and retain control over their subordinates. The state is not human, it
cannot act with the vile traits of humanity, and it has been created for this, to control the bad
aspects of humanity. The state has no greed, no ego. It cannot subject people to suffering for
its own needs, where they shall be subject to the violence of some form or another, and will
be treated as a lesser figure, as warring people act to gain an advantage over their enemies. It
is not simply a case for humans to act this way, because humanity is in fact pack animals that
work in groups to solve problems and crisis. With no preconceived ideas about superiority,
learning to love each other and be kind. Because that is the intent of the state, to save people
from wrongdoings of mankind, rather than subject them to control, to save them like a man
who lay down his life for his state, to protect his own family and other members of his
community, for he was knowing that his life was not as important than the state, and the state
will remember his sacrifice and choose to honour him with his strength of spirit, and the good
parts of humanity has basically been the co-operation between people with mutual differences
in the triumph to not be a known to subject their kin to violence, but too protect their kin, and
a soldiers life is violent, just so much like a politician’s job it is characterised by the very
nature of it entails. A ruler’s life is burdened with stress as they must make decisions that
result in death and war, and a ruler may take on board the role of general, or in case of
Donald Trump, economic management. The question arises well, that if politics has veered so
much to favour the corporate elite, and then is there any need to have politicians anymore as
they are not democratic and it is a system that is not favouring the people, but the rich few.
Politicians quite recently have come from a business background, loudmouthed arrogant
drunkards who are not following in the tradition of politics being democratically elected
individuals who represent the people, right at this moment some politicians represent the
corporate elite and induce hate speech into the public, and promote free speech as a form of
bullying and superiority, one form of violence that causes and incites violence in a country
they preys on the very vulnerable and displaced persons in the 21st century, the role of
oppression is normalised so much that there is a normal occurrence of oppression in societies
which are supposedly free liberal democracies, the very concept of free democratic nations
does not exist, because it is only free for marginally elite few who prosper on economic and
political oppression, the great threat to safety and the role of law to keep people safe is under
threat from the individual. It is the role of the law to keep watch of her people and to keep to
safe and able to enjoy the privileges of all that a state can possess, but the threat to the
security of the state and the people is, in fact, the freedom of the individual who sees
themselves high than the state and deserved of privileges that are not bestowed on the
common citizens, and these individuals in question are politicians. Therefore, it is the
politicians who result in the very destruction of the state, as they flex their muscles of liberal
superiority, in a way which they think is acceptable because they think they are, and under
illusion of their liberal dogma and mindset, which is not a natural state of being, and they
think that being liberal and being a politician is a good beneficial thing, it is possibly good for
the wealthy few who donate money to these liberal democratic parties, or the thugs who are
induced on the fascist stream of hatred polluting their brains which vent upon citizens like an
exploding tornado, one which will take no prisoners and oppress the very individuals who
want to seek peace and freedom, it is in the normal behaviour to seek peace and freedom in a
community, it is a very basic human need, one that cannot be denied by any politician, there
is a case that politic s delves into the very unnatural behaviour of human beings, because
human beings do unnatural things, like rule over their minions on trips and delusions of
grandiosity that are not very natural, these people are bullies and deserve to be punished by
fair and just laws that protect peoples very right to safety and wellbeing. The children of
today should realise that they deserve everything, and they owe nothing, because nothing is
wrong with them, as they are innocent, and innocent people should not be subject to the
damage that life throws, because life is madness, and people are very wildly mad. The very
common malpractice of abusing power is stemmed in the belief that power needs strong
leaders, and people are drawn to charismatic figures it can be said because they turn politics
into a competition, and to turn politics into a competition is the nature of beating the
opponent. Society needs the hard work put in by the efforts of mankind, and it needs the
ballads of great people to give the smallest part of society a voice, and that voice shall be the
hopes and dreams of every day, for without everyday people society would lose its moral
compass, and without a moral compass the society would lose its common sense, a state is
only as strong as its weakest point, without its hard workers behind the scenes it would surely
crumble on top of its self and wilt because the people behind the scenes establish a sense of
unity in hard work, and hard work is needed. Without hard work, the system would
disappear, and it is in the best interest that people should be rewarded with praise of the
efforts they give and the lives they impact, for if it was, the society, without a fight, well then
is it all worth it? The objectivity of a journalist is, in fact, their alibi, and they present the
facts, but if the law comes knocking at their door, well then they need to be saved, and the
only thing that can save them is, in fact, their version of the truth. To philosophize is to write
and to write is to philosophize.

Angus had completed in pouring the water from the glass because the glass was the beacon of
hope in his world. It was life, as water can become. Because near water a man can disappear
and vanish from the duties of his day, for it is a day with many duties and requests will
always distract a man in his simple tasks, tasks that no one else can do, because these tasks
are to be done by a responsible person, and it is with responsibility that a person is granted as
an adult. Because one is not reliant on others when they are adult, they fend for themselves
and have come close to the realisation that a chore will not help them but calm them and take
their minds off it as the necessities offer. As Angus was a mature man now and had fallen in
love, because alas it is when a man falls in love with a woman, well then, they are a man. The
same can be said about a woman, for when they fall in love, they have lived passed the spoilt
act of reliance, and the desire for everything to be perfect, it is in the final stage of maturation
that they become settled and alleviated of the boredom of perfection and they start admiring
the faults in people. When people fall in love they are fine and at ease with seeing the faults
in others, and then others are happy with the faults of them and they are at ease because they
do not have to feel insecure about the faults that have plagued them throughout their lives
thus far, and now they are at peace with themselves and them are free from the persecution of
others. For it is peace, which is the hardest state that people should find, and it is the peace
that is most unnatural, and it is the freedom that is taken from others with not a thought in the
world. Because people today are flippant with freedom and them will do the things that can
take it away with ease, and then they complain that they have a right to do something which
they might see as being wrong, and certainly others will see it as destructive, the freedom of a
bull in a china store, but when they have learnt from their petulance they truly admire the
serene art of freedom. To be alone is to be free and is to be free is quite the natural state that
mankind shall find himself. Away from the influence and it is away from the struggle which
is the constant strain of their own beliefs and that of others. Because each person is free and
requires their own set of rules, which is their freedom.
Champion of the Poor
Because this pondering was all to avail, Angus was on the run. He was a struggling Jacobite,
who had escaped the clutches of evil, and he had survived and the tales he would tell are
stocked with feats of heroism because Angus had seen with his very eyes the collapse of a
people, it was a collapse of honesty falling to the sword of corruption. Culloden was the
absolute collapse of a nation, people and culture, and this would prove to be motivation for
Angus to keep himself alive, for when he would see another good soul, a soul that would not
want to maim and hurt him, he would assert that the culture of the Highlands would have
survived. It was the tales and language of the people, the tales that would arm the people with
a fury so great, that they would scream and shout their language in battle, crying the voices
proudly in trying to terrify their opponent, because it was in the stories of the Gaelic people
that would keep the dream alive, and fighting for the people and their basic ways of life, who
immersed themselves in the basic principles of life and nothing more. These people treasured
family and happiness to them was surrounded by family and sharing tales because the
working class wholeheartedly deserve everything for, they know what hard work is and hard
work should be rewarded. The resilient culture of the free was of the people who had been
subject to villainy because they were different to the norm and the fact that their values and
beliefs did not match up with the beliefs of their oppressor.

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