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3rd Conference on Design and Manufacture and It’s Application

Industry 4.0 actually marks the fourth stage of the Industrial Revolution, with Industry
1.0 marking the advent of the steam power, Industry 2.0 electric power and Industry 3.0
computing power. As we are all well aware, each of these stages caused tremendous advances
in industrial output and efficiency for manufacture.
On September 14th, 2019, the Student Association of Design and Manufacture
Engineering of Shipbuilding Institute of Polythecnic Surabaya held a conference. The main
speaker was Mr. Ricky Hariadi as Production Supervisor of PT. Toshin Prima Fine – Blanking
and Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Londen Batan, M. Eng as Professor of the Faculty of Industrial
Engineering. The conference discussed the theme of " Manufaktur Cerdas Dorong Industri 4.0
yang Produktif ".
Mr. Ricky Hariadi said that the implementation of Industry 4.0 was based on the
following things, Industry 4.0 was essentially the implementation of digital technology and
information embedded in industrial systems. This concept will be realized in the construction
of smart factories. in addition, a factory is declared ready to become Industry 4.0, if it has
implemented a culture of 5R “Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat, Rajin” in the manufacturing area,
learn about 6 big losses (Breakdowns, Changeover, Small Stops, Reduce Speed, Yield,
Defects), and calculate an efficiency of equipment or machinery used in manufacturing.
Whereas Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Londen Batan, M. Eng said that Industry 4.0 must be
supported by several aspects, the first is the aspect of product quality. The product quality
aspect consists of product technical specifications, delivery time, and production costs. The
second aspect is market competition, in this aspect the thing to consider is creativity and
innovation to create superior products in order to compete in the market.
In conclusion, Industry 4.0 promises to enhance industrial productivity and efficiency
to levels thought impossible not very long ago. The operating principle behind this unparalleled
efficiency would have to be the “smart” way of doing things. Take the concept of the smart
factory, for example. This entails a highly efficient arrangement of a cyber-physical monitoring
set- up that will operate a factory on its own, taking decentralized decision with hardly any or
zero human oversight.

Summary by Moh Hafidz Maulana (0617040021 / D4-DM VA)

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