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12-Encarnacion Nov.26,2019
I.Graphical Presentation

(Poverty Rates over the Past Years)

Poverty remains as one of the greatest challenge here in
the Philippines since in the past 40 years.Poverty has many
causes,starting with,due to low moderate economic growth for the
past 40 years, it has low growth of elasticity of poverty
reduction, with this economic growth did not translate into
poverty reduction in recent years.Next to it is that,we are
having weakness in employement generation and the quality of
jobs generated and also a failure to fully develop our
agricultural sector,in connection to this, poverty is strongly
linked to educational attainment which is fully required in all
aspect of job requirements, most especially in today’s
Moving on,we are having high inflation during crisis
periods together with the growth of population here in our
country,also having high and persistent levels of inequality,
which dampens the positive impacts of economic expansion and
especially into recurrent shocks and exposure to risks such as
crisis,conflicts,natural disaters, and environmental
poverty.Many Filipino households remain vulnerable to shocks and
risks, and governance and institutional constraints remain in
the poverty response, and deficient targeting in various poverty
programs.Multidimensional responses to poverty reduction are
needed and further research on chronic poverty is needed.

*Asian Development Bank.(2009,December).Poverty in the

Philippines:Causes,Contraints and Opportunities.Retrieved from

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