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sleep deprivation: causes, symptoms, and treatments

80% of the students of STEM 11 Zara are suffering from this condition. Relatively
speaking, many of us are even slowly dying. So, what is this condition that makes
80% of us students slowly die?

Sleep deprivation, also known as insufficient sleep or sleeplessness, is the

condition of not having enough sleep. It can be either chronic or acute and may
vary widely in severity. It is said that the loss of sleep is a common problem in
modern society, affecting many individuals at some point in their lives, and of
course, that "some point in their |lives" is the everyday life of us students.

Symptoms of sleep deprivation

The main symptom of ongoing sleep loss is excessive daytime sleepiness, but other
symptoms include:
inablity to concentrate (Sleep loss alters normal functioning of attention and
disrupts the ability to focus on environmental sensory input), hormonal
imbalance, yawning, fatigue, irritability, depressed mood, forgetfulness, lack of
motivation, clumsiness

causes of sleep deprivation

sleep deprivation occurs when someone does not get a healthy amount of sleep, and
also includes: sleep disorder, illness, aging, assignments, research defense,
projects, and reports

Treatment for sleep deprivation

There are 2 ways of treating sleep deprivation. First, asking guidance from a sleep
therapist. sleep therapist will be able to offer guidance and coping techniques for
reaching a restful state and sleeping. Second, avoiding the 4 horsemen of
apocalypse (assignments, research defence, projects, and reports)

When you fail to get your required amount of sufficient sleep, you start to
accumulate a sleep debt. I therefore conclude that, schoolworks can be crucial, but
sleep is essential.

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