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Definition of e-business

Electronic business; the practice of selling goods and services and carrying on other business
activities by computer, especially over the Internet.
A company that uses the Internet to carry out its business activities or to sell its products or services.

Electronic business includes collaborating with distributors on sales promotions, interacting with and
servicing the customers, and conducting joint research with business partners.

Ten Rules Of E-Business

Proven ways to target your end user

without face-to-face contact.
1. Relationships matter. The most important e-business solutions help you
to improve your relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees.
2. Size matters. Big companies are winners on the Web. Small companies in specific
niches can be, too. But being in-between is difficult.
3. Velocity matters. A quick solution is more important than the perfect solution. The
key is to get a solution that works.
4. Integration matters. The ideal e-business solution works for your whole business,
not just one department.
5. Technology matters. Existing systems are important, but don't let them dictate
your future.
6. Partners matter. When choosing an e-business solution, look for a partner that you
can trust to stick around.
7. Uptime matters. No one cares how good your system would've been if it had been
8. Security matters. Make sure that private information is kept private.
9. Flexibility matters. Listen carefully to your customers and suppliers so you can be
prepared for the changes that will come.
10. The bottom line matters. While retail business increases revenue, B2B
business can reduce costs. Go for the maximum gain or the greatest reduction of

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