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This interview aims to understand the parenting styles of parents in child development, this interview
includes three parents; single parent, working parent and traditional parent.

Parents become the foundation in shaping a child into adulthood, parents are important personalities
and have a great influence on child's lives, they cultivate different attitudes, behavior, beliefs and values.

Parenting is not an easy task, especially when it's done by a single parent where the single parent are
trying to fulfill the role of father and mother.

The impact of parenting style on the behavior of children may vary on what the parent thought to their
child and what parenting style they use to them.

According to my research there are four basic parenting style; Authoritarian Parenting Style,
Authoritative Parenting Style , Permissive Parenting Styles, Uninvolved Parenting Style.

Authoritarian Parenting Style, This parenting style is very high in controlling and relying on punishment
but unresponsive. They value obedience and do not tolerate giving and accepting relationships with
their children. Authoritarian parents do not expect their children to express disagreement with
children’s decisions with their rules and expect them to be obedient without explanation. Authoritarian
parents are more likely to have less social competence children in dealing with other children. Frequent
withdrawal from social contact and seldom take their own iinitiative.

The authoritative parents provide warmth and communicate with their children. They are demanding
and responsive. These parents are able to stand in authority and expect the maturity of their children.
They also respect the opinions of their children, giving their children freedom of expression to develop a
sense of independence but know the limits of the rules that must be obeyed. This type also has high
expectations for its children and uses a control in different ways.

Permissive Parenting Styles, This kind is a pampering, warm and accepting parent but their primary
concern does not interfere with the creativity and independence of their children. They are more
responsive than demanding. In fact, they demand little in terms of obedience and respect for authority.
Also, they are not traditional and soft, require no maturity, allow enough self-regulation, and avoid
confrontation (Maccoby & Martin, 1983).

Uninvolved parents, are not involved both responsively and demands. Both type of parenting style
reject-ignore and ignore parents. Parents of this type of parenting do not build rules toward their
children even if they do not care about the direction of their child’s behavior.


 Parenting style of
Single parents… 1

 Parenting style of
Working parents… 2

 Parenting style of
Traditional parents… 3

 Problems and conclusions 4


Parenting has been demand physically, emotionally, and financially, especially single parents.
There are several reasons to make someone as a single parent. For Example, death, separated
or divorced. Single mother parenting style is varied according to their circumstances.

Lionilyn Tomias is a single mother, 25yrs old, currently living in Valenzuela city, her husband
died in a motorcycle incident. They had a beautiful daughter named mary jane, when her
husband died she shoulders the responsibilities and needs of their child but she also have here
family who also supports her in raising her child, she is currently working now to provide the
needs of her daughter.

Mary jane is now a 6yrs old girl, she loves to play and study, she is smart and always obeys her
mother. Lionilyn saw that mary jane is good at memorizing so everytime she had time she
teaches mary jane the alphabet, at the age of 4 mary jane memorizes the alphabet and can also
write her name, lionilyn loves to spoil her child but her mother always tells her that don’t spoil
mary jane because her mother thinks that mary jane may have a habit of always getting what
she wants, and might do it in a bad way.

Lionilyn said she motivate her child by saying “your father are not with us anymore, so be
diligent to learn to be clever” that’s why I think that single mothers are more likely to direct
their children to the educational aspect.

In terms of expressing opinion lionilyn always provide opportunity to mary jane to express and
respect her opinion like when mary jane said that she wants a bike so that she can play with her
friends, and lionilyn doesn’t have the money yet she would said that “be patient”, no money

Like lionilyn single parents have little time to monitor or supervise their children because of the
absence of another parent and they focuses on work so that they can provide the need of the

__________________ _________________
Tomias, Lionilyn C., Reloquio, Jake T.,
Interviewee Interviewer

Raising children can bring great joy as you watch them grow and develop and become their
own unique person. There can be challenges too and most families find that parenting is a
journey of ups and downs.

Brian Tomias, 42 yrs old, a working father, he has 1 son and 3 daughters, he is a factory worker
with a monthly salary of 15,000 pesos per month, his wife is an ofw In Jeddah with a monthly
salary of 18,000 pesos. Brian is the one who manages their children.

Brian always gives lecture to his children and always remind them the rules that need to obey,
he is strict to them but not in a way that they loses their freedom or free will, he gives them
freedom of expression for them to develop a sense of independence because not anytime
brian would be there for them.

He also has a high expectations to them, so he’s doing anything so that he can give them a
flourished life, he is hands on to them and always checking what they’ve learned in school.

Brian said that the problem on working parent is that they tend to get angry fast because of the
pressure of both parenting and doing better on his job, he said that it’s hard to control his
feeling when his children do something bad at the same time he is stress in his job, he uses
violence to them by hitting them with whatever he holds, but after that he make sure that none
of them will sleep until he ask forgiveness to them.

From what I see to brian , working parents has a hard hand but also has a soft heart, they
beings strict to them so that they will obey them because they only doing whatever is right for
them and so that they can be success when they gets old.

__________________ _________________
Tomias, Brian C., Reloquio, Jake T.,
Interviewee Interviewer

Traditional Parenting has always been about raising a child to become a functional adult who
can contribute positively to their family and ultimately, society. It is a philosophy that feels
that all a child really needs is healthy food, clean water, reliable shelter, quality education,
access to medical attention and of course love from their family.

Lonie Tomias 44 yrs old a traditional parent who has 5 children 3 girls and 2 boys, she sees that
her childrens is a unique individuals, deserving of special attention, recognition and ultimately a
special in this world regardless of cost to others.

Lonie said that she don’t tolerates toddle tantrums and that she is not afraid of hurting their
feelings because she believes that good self-esteem comes from learning to respect others.

She is a hands on mom, she says NO! a lot that causes her children to have a negative
reinforcement from it, they learned quickly to throw tantrum and get special attention she said
that, that time she thought she’ll loose her mind but she never stop because she knows what’s
best for them.

__________________ _________________
Tomias, Lonie C., Reloquio, Jake T.,
Interviewee Interviewer

There are several problems that the parents encounter in their different parenting style, the
most common that I see when I did the interview is that they tend to be strict to their children's
that makes them to rebel on them.

For the single parent their problem is that they overwork their body so that they can provide
for them and they usually depressed because of the responsibilities they carry I think the
program I can propose to them is that they should accept the help of others or their own
family, put down their pride and think that there are friends and family that always here to
support them whatever it may.

Working parents has several problems like they get angry easily, they make their children do all
the house chores because they think that their children should repay them by serving them at
house because they are the one who makes money in their family, they also uses violent
actions to punish their child when they do something bad. The program I can propose to them
is that they should have a day for themselves like once a week or thrice a month so that they
can think and lessen the burden they carry, they should learn how to interact to their children
like asking their problem make them know that you are there for them as a friend, dad or mom.

For traditional parents the problem that I see when I did the interview is that their children
don’t know how to depend to themselves they always rely on their parent to choose what’s
good for them, the program I can propose to them is that they should teach their children to be
independent and to stand on their own feet because not anytime their parent can be there for

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