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Are you familiar with Necrophilia? Pedophilia? Zoophilia? Imagine, the person sitting
next to you is a necrophile, or a pedophile, or a zoophile, what will be your reaction?

Paraphilia is a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving

extreme or dangerous activities. Paraphilias are sexual behaviors that may be unusual to the
society. There are different kinds of paraphilia but today, let’s focus with Necrophilia,
Paedophilia and Zoophilia.

Necrophilia is a condition where a person is sexually attracted to corpse. A woman

named Karen Greenlee, a former apprentice embalmer at the Sacramento Memorial Lawn
mortuary. She confessed she had sexual contact with 20–40 male corpses.

Paedophilia, is an exclusive attraction to younger kids. A grotesque video entitled

‘Daisy’s Destruction’ became a sort of urban legend online – and was said to feature
unimaginable scenes of horror as adults tortured and raped a child. It was streamed on so-
called ‘Hurtcore’ paedophile sites – where users paid up to $10,000 to stream videos of violent
abuse and torture of children. Its creator, Peter Scully, is in jail in the Philippines, facing
prosecution on charges of child abuse and murder. He has two Filipina girlfriends who joins him
with his business

Zoophilia is a paraphilia involving a sexual fixation on animals. Zoophilia is the

attraction and bestiality is the act. Cody Slaughter was arrested and the cops asked him about
the crimes he did, he said that he had sex with animals like horses, dogs and pigs.

It is unclear what causes a paraphilic disorder to develop. Treatment approaches

have included traditional psychoanalysis, hypnosis, and behavior therapy techniques.




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