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1. It comes from the Greek word photos meaning light & graphos meaning writing.

– Photography
2. Another art form which has risen to tremendous heights within the last century as its early name motion
pictures. – film
3. Early name of film – Motion pictures
4. Only form of acting before – live theater
5. He/she is the one who conceptualizes the scenes and directs the acting – Film director
6. Selecting, Sequencing, and Joining shots together to achieve the director’s desired visual and emotional
effect. – Editing
7. an organization that aims to create an identity for the Philippines within the animation industry, making it
one of the preferred sources for animation services worldwide. – Animation council of the Philippines
8. an annual festival and competition featuring the works of Filipino animators. – animahenasyon
9. an animated film adaptation of the legend of the warrior princess of Pangasinan
first fully animated Filipino film, created by an all filipino group of animators using the traditional hand-
drawn animation process with some 3D effects – Urduja
10. country’s first all-digital full-length animated feature film, first ever animated movie to screened during the
34th MMFF in 2008 – Dayo: sa mundo ng elementalia
11 – 13. Noteworthy Philippine photgrapers – goerge tapan, John K. Chua, Manny Librodo
14 – 25 – Film genres – silent films gangster movie genre horror, fantasy films, movie musical, disaster films,
western or cowboy movies, film adaptation of literary classics, futuristic or science fiction films, special effects
movies, slapstick comedy films, animated feature films, war, film epics
26 – 30. Filipino designers who have risen to superstardom both locally and internationally. – Kenneth
Cobonpue, Monique Lhullier, Josie Natori, Rajo Laurel, Lulu Tan Gan, Dita Sandico-ong

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