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Dear Ones,

Many of you expect to grow wings or something similar to physically indicate you are
a chosen one. You are, but so is every one of the earth. For this is a group project
that has been in process for more years than you or any human can count.

Earth is an experiment that has matured to becoming a member of the Universes. An

experiment that was initiated before the earth was formed. The hypothesis was that if
a beautiful and lush environment were created, those who populated that
environment would live in peace and harmony.

Even though there are other populated environments throughout the Universes, none
include the multi-colored beauty of the earth. Other Universal environments
emphasize learning or experiences with various emotional or physical attributes, but
none combine all as was the earth concept.

Format after format was tested and refuted as various Universal entities populated the
earth focussing on this or that attribute. It was not until fear entered the earth
domain that the experiment finally took root. For fear was a coalescing attribute that
best suited the variety of earth species.

So it was that those enmeshed in fear whether of the earth or formerly of the planet
decided the next format would be shifting from fear to love. And if that experiment
was successful, the earth would become part of the Universal family. So it was.

This brief history is important because many of you doubt you are transitioning from
fear to joy and love. If such were not true, the earth and its inhabitants would not be
Universal beings. But of course, such a statement means little to you, for you have no
physical evidence that the earth’s experiment was successful. For your media seems
to report the opposite – that the earth is being destroyed and humanity is entering an
extremely heavy period.

Such was true months ago but is no longer. For what you cannot sense is that those
not in front of a camera are shifting or have shifted from fear to love. That those who
are silent physically are not silent within their beings. They, just as is true for you, are
hungry for love in all its facets.

You and others are changing from within. Something you have known for some time.
The difference is that the need for love is expanding far beyond your expectations or
knowledge. Granted, those with the loudest voices are angry, fearful, and mean. But
those with the soft voices are now the majority heralding the earth’s entrance into the
Universal family.

Perhaps such does not seem that important to you as you observe fear seemingly
spreading throughout the earth. But that soft voice of love is much stronger than any
fear. The earth experiment was successful.

So it was that the earth was designed and redesigned with different species and
humanoids only to be destroyed and started once again. Almost as if the earth were a
piece of clay that was not fired until recently. You are the final piece in this extremely
sensitive and long-lived experiment in beauty and love.
Your earth will be saved. Granted not necessarily with the same creatures or
topography, but one that expresses love and joy. And humanoids are no longer
humanoids but instead a hybrid of a Universal being with many human attributes.

Until this time, you denied your Universal attributes so you could have a complete
human experience. Such is no longer necessary or even appropriate. So it is you will
begin experiencing new skills and interests if you have not already. And you will
welcome those skills instead of denying or fearing them as was true before you were
of the Universes while of the earth.

For just as it was inappropriate for you to start your earth sexual life at ten years of
age, so it was until now inappropriate for you to display or acknowledge your
Universal being.

You are a new being of the earth, but not of the Universes. For indeed, your courage
to be has allowed you to meld your Universal being with your limited earth being. And
by so doing, shifting the earth and the Universes. A successful experiment that is
heralded throughout the Universes. For you are now a complete being on a Universal
plane, much as has been true throughout your Universal experience in most other

You will not grow wings, nor will you cage those who do not express love as you
experience it. Instead, you are merely the first to acknowledge your true Universal
being while of the earth, the experimental planet of beauty that has morphed –
because of you – into a Universal entity.

You are an earth angel. But you will not display any paraphernalia that the earth of
fear created to limit those who were moving in love. For in 3D, if someone did not
have wings, was not perfect (as defined by other humans), and did not glow, they
were merely human. A degrading term for those who wished to experience fear.

As you evolve further, you will understand that there is no one physical display or
action that defines an earth angel. Merely being in all your joy is your display. No
wings, no white gowns, no halos, only the joy of knowing you helped shift an
experiment from fear to love through your courage and tenacity.

You are finally free to be you in totality in this place of beauty and love. Not because
you are different than any other human, but because you dared to be first. So it is
this earth fairytale has an extremely happy ending created by you and all who dared
to be despite others’ attempts to return you to fear. So be it. Amen.

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