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 Select and drag the images of People from the Project Files into the Photoshop image.

 Press Enter to embed the image into your file

 Open up the Layers tab on the right hand toolbar to view the new layers.
 Each new image is placed on a separate layer
 Select the layer that you want to move and move the image around the screen by left clicking and dragging using your
 Select the 'Man 1' layer and choose the 'Magic Wand' tool
 Select the excess white space surrounding the people in the image of the man and press delete.
 Repeat this process for the image of the girl.
 Resize the image by pressing Ctrl-T to enable Transform mode.
 Move your cursor to the corner of the image and hold shift while clicking and dragging one of the highlighted points to scale
the image to proportion.
 Press 'Enter' on your keyboard to finish the Transform tool.

Hints and Tips

 When scaling people to different sizes, try to line up the eyes to the same height across the image

 Select the Background layer in the Layers panel and create a new layer using the 'Create New Layer' button at the bottom of
the panel
 Double click the layer to rename it and change it to 'Shadows'
 Select the Brush tool (paint brush button) on the left hand side of the screen and use the dropdown menu at the top of the
screen to change the brush type and size
 You can choose the colour of the brush by double clicking on the colour panel on the left hand side toolbar and changing the
colour in the screen that pops up
 Click the image using the brush to paint around the bottom of the man's feet and the wall behind the lady in the picture.
 Change the opacity (transparency) of the Shadows layer to 30% using the right hand side Layers panel
 Use the Eraser tool (E) to fix up any shadows to make it seem more realistic.

Hints and Tips

 You can change the brush size using the square brackets '[' and ']' buttons on your keyboard
 To undo a command, use your the controls 'Ctrl-Z' on your keyboard
 To redo a command, use your the controls 'Ctrl-Y' on your keyboad
 The keyboard shortcut for the Eraser tool is 'E'
 The keyboard shortcut for the Brush tool is 'B'

 Drag the photo of the concrete wall with a door in it from the Project Files into the Photoshop scene and press 'Enter' on your
keyboard to embed it into the file.
 Right click on the new image layer in the Layers panel and select the option 'Rasterize' so that you can use the pixels in the
 Trim the bottom of the image using the Polygon Lasso tool found on the left hand side of the screen
 Click once to start the function and then continue clicking around the image to select only the wall and door
 Hold 'Shift' on your keyboard whilst in the Polygon Lasso tool to draw the selections in straight lines (orthogonal drawing)
 Alternatively, instead of selecting the area that you want to keep, you can select the area that you want to delete and delete
the selected area from the image
 Press Ctrl-D to deselect a selection or choose the option 'Deselect Layers' found under the Select menu at the top of the
 Select the image layer and use the Move tool (keyboard shortcut 'V') to move the image to the right side of the screen
 Put Opacity on the image to see the original image behind it
 Right click on the Image and press 'Ctrl-T' to switch on the Transform tool
 Right click on the Image again and select the option 'Distort'
 Grab the grips of the image and drag the image into place onto the wall in the original image
 Press 'Enter' on your keyboard to finish the tool
 In the Layers tool, change the Opacity of the layer to 100% and change the blending option to 'Multiply' to blend the image
with the original image behind

Hints and Tips

 Hold 'Shift' on your keyboard whilst in the Polygon Lasso tool to draw the selections in straight lines (orthogonal drawing)
 Press Ctrl-D to deselect a selection
 The keyboard shortcut for the move tool is 'V'

 Click on the Background layer and use the Magic Wand tool (W) to select the white areas in the background
 Hold 'Shift' on your keyboard to select multiple regions
 Rename Layer 1 to 'Garden' and add a mask to the Layer using the 'Add a Layer Mask' tool at the bottom of the Layers panel
 Unlock the connection between the layer and mask and select the Pixels
 Add in the Garden image from the Project Files into the Photoshop file and press Enter
 Rasterise the image and drag the Mask layer onto the new imported Garden image
 Lock the Mask to the Image and change the brightness of the image using the Image menu > Adjustements > Hue/Saturation
and turn down the Saturation
 Change the opacity of the Layer to further saturate the image

Hints and Tips

 The keyboard shortcut for the Magic Wand tool is 'W'.

 Hold 'Shift' on your keyboard to select multiple regions
 Add a Mask to a layer to only show the part of the image that you have selected

 Drag in the Lighting scene image from Project Files folder into the project, press Enter to embed it and rename the layer to
 Select the layer that the image is on and use the shortcut 'Ctrl-T' to open up the transform function.
 Right click on the image once in the Transform function and select 'Flip Horizontal' to reverse the image direction
 Open the Transform tool on the image again and scale the image to a larger size by dragging the bottom right node out
towards the bottom of the screen
 Place transparency on the image and drag the image to fit it in place
 Turn the transparency back on and press Enter to finish the tool
 Create a new layer and use the Polygon Lasso tool to select the Wall areas in the image and deselect the chairs and objects in
front of the walls
 Use the keyboard button 'Alt' whilst in the Selection tool to remove regions from the selection
 Make this into a Mask using the Layers panel
 Link the Mask to the layer created a few steps above
 Apply a Blending Mode 'Multiply' to the layer to overlay the mask onto the image

Hints and Tips

 You can always add or remove regions from your selection

 Use the keyboard button 'Alt' whilst in the Selection tool to remove regions from the selection
 Double click on the Mask on the Lights layer to edit the Mask
 Press 'Shift-F' to cycle through the different view options for the Mask
 Using the Polyogonal Lasso tool on the left hand side of the Edit screen, select around the light objects that are not in the
 Click 'OK' to save and exit the Mask Editing mode

Hints and Tips

 Press 'Shift-F' to cycle through the different view options

 Disable the layer mask and turn off the Blending Option 'Multiply' on the Lights layer
 Use the 'Stamp' tool (S) to pick a part of the image and replicate it out
 Select the part of the image you want to replicate by holding down 'Alt' on your keyboard as you click.
 Use the tool in a similar manner to the Brush tool by clicking the areas you want to cover
 Right click on the mask and Enable it and change the Blending Mode back to 'Multiply'

Hints and Tips

The keyboard shortcut for the Stamp tool is 'S'

 Reduce the vibrance of the people in the layer by firstly selecting on the 'Man 1' layer and use a tool found under the Image
menu > Adjustments > Vibrance and reducing the vibrance and saturation of the layer
 Repeat this for the 'Woman 1' layer
 Unlock the Background layer by double clicking on it
 Duplicate the background image by dragging the layer into the 'Create New Layer' button and rename it to 'Original'
 Select the layers above the original background layer and group them by right clicking on them and selecting 'Group from
 To select mulitple layers at once, select the top or bottom layer, hold Shift, and select the furtherst layer you want to select.
 To remove layers from the selection, hold Ctrl and select the layer you want removed.
 Name the layers 'Initial Work'
 You can turn the layers on/off by clicking on the eye next to the layer in the Layers panel
 Make a copy of the group and Merge the Group by right clicking on the duplicated group and selecting "Merge Group" to
turn it into one image

Hints and Tips

 When Merging layers together it turns the separate layers into one image
 Select the flattened image and adjust the Levels of the project by going into the Image menu and selecting Adjustments >
 Drag the extremity pointers around as desired to change the contrast and depth of the image
 Add a Photo Filter to the project (tool found under Image > Adjustments > Photo Filter)
 Cycle through the different filters available and adjust the density of the filter to play with the colour/atmosphere of the
 Use the Polygonal Lasso tool to select the middle section of the image
 Create a new Layer and duplicate out the 'Initial Work Flattened' layer
 Smooth the selection using the Feather tool found under the Select menu > Modify > Feather
 Type in 25 pixels to the Feather tool to blend the selection into the background
 Invert the selection by using the 'Invert' tool found under the Select menu or using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + I"
 Delete the inverted selection from the duplicated layer
 Duplicate the 'Initial Work Flattened' layer again and turn the original layer off
 Rename the duplicated layer to "Blurred"
 Select the 'Blurred' layer and apply a blur using the tools found under the Filter menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur
 Adjust the Radius to blur the image
 Duplicate the 'Initial Work Flattened' layer again and move it in front of the rest of the layers
 Use the Eraser tool (E) to erase the image parts that you want to show blurred as it reveals the blurred image below when you
erase the above layer

Hints and Tips

 The keyboard shortcut for the Invert selection tool is "Ctrl + Shift + I"
 Export the file using the File menu > Export > Export As..
 Zoom into the image using the Zoom tools at the bottom of the pop-up box
 Use the File Format PNG to export a lossless image
 Change the Widge and Height as required in the Image Size section
 When you are happy with the quality, press the 'Export All' button

 Open up Adobe Illustrator and Create a new Print document (File menu > New)
 Click the button to View all of the Presets and choose the A3 document size
 If you want to change the document size, you can change the units the model is working in to Millimeters and define the
exact size you require using the Preset Details panel that pops up
 Change the Orientation to Horizontal and change the number of Artboards to 2 and press OK.
 The toolbar is found on the right side of the screen, the drawing toolbar is found on the left, and the Menu is found at the top
of the screen.
 Join the two artboards together by using the Document Setup button at the top of the screen and selecting the 'Edit Artboards'
button or press the keyboard shortcut "Shift-O"
 Click and Drag one artboard to touch the second
 You can change the orientation and size of an artboard using the Edit Artboards tool

Hints and Tips

 The keyboard shortcut to create a new document is "Ctrl-N"

 The keyboard shortcut to edit an artboard is "Shift-O"

 Open up the Layers tab on the right hand toolbar

 Drag in the Interior Render image and two PDF files found in the Project Files folder into the Illustrator project.
 Click on the JPEG image and select the option to 'Embed' the image into the project found on the top menu toolbar.
 Ensure that the Smart Guides are turned on (found under the View menu > Smart Guides) or use the keyboard shortcut
 Hold 'Shift' whilst dragging the edge of the image to scale the image down
 Drag the image to the edge of the artboard to snap it into place
 Alternatively, select the artboard that you want to snap it to and select the image, then use the Alignment tools on the top
menu bar to Align Left and Align Top
 You can change the options for Alignment to either the Artboard or the Selection
 Embed the other two PDFs into the file and place and scale the drawings onto the remainder of the sheet.

Hints and Tips

 Adobe Illustrator accepts many file formats including PDF, JPEG, PNG, SVG and DWG files.
 The keyboard shortcut for Smart Guides is "Ctrl-U"
 Raster images are created with pixels and can therefore become pixelated when stretched beyond a certain point
 Vector graphics are mathematically calculated and do not pixelate at any level of magnification
 Print images at a high enough resolution (at least 300 DPI) to ensure they do not appear pixelated on the page.

 Create a new Layer in the file

 You can move objects between layers by selecting the circle on the right of the layer and dragging the coloured square that
appears to another layer
 Move the Photo onto the lowest layer
 Turn the layer on/off using the eye on the left of the Layer in the Layers Panel and Lock the Image by selecting the blank
square on the right of the eye.
 Use the Vector tools on the left hand toolbar and select the Rectangle tool (M) and draw a rectangle across the image
 Select both the Rectangle and the image by highlighting both or selecting one of the objects and using "Shift" on your
keyboard whilst clicking on the other object
 Press 'Ctrl-7' to make the Image Mask
 There are two selections tools, Selection Tool (V) and Direct Select (A)
 Direct select allows you to select an edge or a point whereas the Selection Tool selects the entire object.
 Use the Direct Selection tool (A) to pick up the edge of the Image Mask and pull it in and out

Hints and Tips

 You can drag the layers up and down in the Layer file to place the objects within each layer above or below each other
 A lock icon will appear when the layer is locked
 The keyboard shortcut for the Rectangle tool is 'M'
 Direct select allows you to select an edge or a point whereas the Selection Tool selects the entire object.
 The keyboard shortcut for the Selection tool is 'V'
 The keyboard shortcut for the Direct Select tool is 'A'

 Right click on the grouped elements and select 'Ungroup'

 Right click again on the grouped elements and select 'Release Clipping Mask'
 Repeat this a few time until you are able to select the elements
 If there are any extra unwanted borders, select and delete them until the artwork presents as individual lines
 Click on an existing line and choose the tool under the Select menu > Select > Fill and Stroke to select all lines in the project
that have the same lineweight as the one selected
 Create a new layer and drag the objects from the existing layer onto the new layer and rename it
 Delete any duplicate geometry
 Stretch out a selected element using the side nodes on the Smart Guides

Hints and Tips

 When you import a PDF into illustrator or directly from a CAD package it is likely that the lines export out as the same line
width and grouped together
 You can zoom in/out of the project in the same manner as Photoshop by using Ctrl (+) or Ctrl (-)
 Hold Alt while you are dragging a selected element to make a copy of the element
 Select all of the objects in the CutLines layer by clicking on the circle on the right of the layer and change the thickness of the
lines using the Stroke tool on the top left of the menu bar
 You can also change the colour of the Stroke in the same panel
 Select all of the linework on the screen and use the 'Live Paint' tool found under Object menu > Make > Live Paint
 Hold down the paint bucket icon on the left hand toolbar and select the 'Live Paint Bucket' option
 Switch the Fill colour to be active in the left hand toolbar to ensure that the paint fills the object rather than applying a Stroke
 Double click on the Fill colour to change the colour
 Select the spaces you spaces in the linework that you want to fill in
 Create a new layer and select and place the Live Fill object onto it
 Turn off all other layers
 Select the Live Fill object and Expand the selection using the button that appears on the top menu
 Ungroup the object and use the Select tool to select the Fill by 'Fill Colour'
 Isolate the Fills onto to the new layer
 Select the remaining lines, ungroup them and separate the different lineweights onto different layers as before
 Select the Fill layer and give all objects on the layer a Stroke of 0.6pt

Hints and Tips

 The Live Paint tool allows you to fill in any gaps in an object with a colour
 Add a new layer and rename it to 'People'.
 Drag the image of the Person in the Project Files folder into the Illustrator File.
 Select the image and scale it to proportion
 Select the option 'Image Trace' and click on the drop down arrow to view different Image Trace options
 Select the 'Silhouette' option to convert the image into Vector Linework
 Expand the selection and change the colour/fill as desired
 Another option to bring people into the scene is to download an EPS file from iStock or another website directly as vector
 You can flip and object by right clicking on the object and using the tool under the Transform menu > Reflect
 Select the people and place them on the same layer
 Use the Eyedropper tool (I) and select the colour that you want them all to change to
 Alternatively, select all of the people on the layer and change the Opacity using the Transparency tool on the right hand
 You can repeat this method for trees
 Create a new layer and title it 'Grid'
 Lock down all other layers
 Using the Line tool (keyboard shortcut '\'), draw a vertical line and give it a thickness of 0.5pt
 Stretch the line up and down using the end points
 Select the Stroke tool on the top menu to view the Stroke options
 Select the option to turn the solid line into a Dashed line and adjust the spacing in between dashes
 Drag and copy the grid line to align the grid to the project
 Repeat this for the horizontal grid lines
 Select all of the grid lines and change the colour to a grey colour
 Move the Grid layer further down the Layers list to be below the other layers
 Create a new layer and name it Ground
 Use the Pen tool (P) and select points to draw a line for the ground plane

Hints and Tips

 You can click and drag your cursor over the lock section of the layers to lock multiple layers at once
 If you select a line and use the Line tool to draw another, the new line will match the properties of the existing selected line
 To draw orthogonally, hold Shift while drawing the lines
 The keyboard shortcut for the Pen tool is P

 Use the Text tool (T) and select a font on the menu bar at the top of the screen
 Click on the screen to place the text
 You can either scale the font manually using the Smart Guides tools or specify a font size using the Character (Ctrl + T)
menu or on the top menu bar
 Select all of the text using the tool under the Select menu > Select > Object > Text and place it onto a new layer
 Create larger text for the title and smaller text for the room names
 You can change the case of the text through the Type menu > Change Case > lowercase
 Create a title block by using the Rectangle tool to create a background behind the text
 Bring the text to the front by right clicking on the text and selecting Arrange > Bring to Front and changing the Fill of the text
to white
 Create smaller title blocks for each drawing

Hints and Tips

 To open the Character menu, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + T)

 You can shrink down or enlarge text using the keyboard shortcuts (Shift + Ctrl + [) or (Shift + Ctrl + ])

 Use the Text tool (T) and select a font on the menu bar at the top of the screen
 Click on the screen to place the text
 You can either scale the font manually using the Smart Guides tools or specify a font size using the Character (Ctrl + T)
menu or on the top menu bar
 Select all of the text using the tool under the Select menu > Select > Object > Text and place it onto a new layer
 Create larger text for the title and smaller text for the room names
 You can change the case of the text through the Type menu > Change Case > lowercase
 Create a title block by using the Rectangle tool to create a background behind the text
 Bring the text to the front by right clicking on the text and selecting Arrange > Bring to Front and changing the Fill of the text
to white
 Create smaller title blocks for each drawing

Hints and Tips

 To open the Character menu, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + T)

 You can shrink down or enlarge text using the keyboard shortcuts (Shift + Ctrl + [) or (Shift + Ctrl + ])
 Ungroup and release the Clipping Mask of the Axonometric drawing so you can work with it
 Press 'Ctrl + Y' to move into Outline mode and delete any unwanted lines without disrupting other objects in the file
 Place the Axo on a new layer
 Change the colour of the linework to white
 Perform the Live Paint tool on the Axo and fill in the areas that are cut through (Section areas) in white
 Select the drawing and increase the lineweight to 0.2pt
 Place the axo onto the drawing, scale it to an appropriate size and add supporting text
 Add further colour as desired using the Live Paint tool

Hints and Tips

 The keyboard shortcut for the Live Paint tool is (Alt + Ctrl + X)
 Using the Text tool (T), draw a rectangle to create a Text Box
 Click on the 'Document Setup' button at the top of the screen and add in a 3mm bleed margin around the artboard
 Using the Edit Artboards function (Shift + O), select the right artboard and duplicate it down by holding Alt on your
keyboard and dragging the artboard to copy it
 Draw a rectangle over the left hand artboard on the first set of artboards and and create a Clipping Mask over it (see earlier
Image Mask lesson)
 Repeat this for the bottom right hand artboard
 Delete the second page of the artwork on the first row
 Save the file using the File menu > Save As and save it as a PDF
 Select the Preset option for High Quality Print
 Select the Marks and Bleeds tab and turn on the Printer Marks and the Document Bleed Settings and press Save PDF

Hints and Tips

 The keyboard shortcut for the Text tool is 'T'

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