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Dévainé Angeli Mariann Angol nyelvtani gyakorlatok az alap-, kézép- és fels6foka nyelvvizsgakra Masodlik, javitott kinds Seékesfehérvar, 1999 Irta és szerkesztette: Devaine Angeli Marian, Anyanyelvi lektor: Martin Russell (© Déoainé Angeli Mariann, 1995 © Lexika Tankonyokiads 0 Seshadri Martinovin 8 Tel fe 2) 311988 pew mata uate Tal erat Felel6s Kado, alkotdszerkeszt: Dr. Szalai Hlek ‘Maszaki szerkesziés,fedelterv: Mohai Istvsn Rendelési kd: EX-0019 ISBN 963 9052.83 5 [Nyomtata és katte Reélszszéma Dabasi Nyomda Rt Felels vezet6: Dr. Hall Gézaveztripazaat6 ‘Munkasedm: 99-0823, Elész6 ScertetelUdvclo a kedvs Ova ak arta Komoly é-valjuk be -embert pr bats at tate Wi mage hogy iegernjel-taa mine leeesbre ssa. vA pu hing prj az ens” (The proof he ung in the extn) ~ tara az ang sls se ryelvanuise és nyelvtadasr is ge: njelvudsskovondj az att nel Konayed tudats hasnt "EbDSI kindulva, valamint tanari munkim sordn az eziranya hinyt tapasztalva érez- tem gy, hogy egy, a nyelvtant mondatforditasok segitsgével gyakoroltats Kony valamennyi nyelvtanul fejl6dését,vizsgara valo készlését hatskonyan segitené. ‘A konyy tehét a mindennapi nyelohaszndlat bemutatisat 6s gyakoroltatésst tzte ki Alu, exért a fejezetek élén allo elméleti bevezetés csupan az. adottcimszéval kapesolatos leglényegesebh tudnivléken szortkozik. A nyelvtani anyag alaposabb megismerése, illetve felelevenitése céljabol a kifejezetten elméleti nyelvtankinyvek tanulmsnyozssst ajénlom. Ugyancsak a konyv gyakoratjellegének megérzése volt a célom, amikor bizonyos fejezetek ~ fay példaul a kitdsz6kx6l és prepozicigkeol sz6l6k ~ elé nem fetam elméleti bevezet6t, hiszen ezek a témaktirdk olyan réscletes tirgyalist igényelnének, ami a rendelkezssre allo terjedelembsl tulzottan nagy hanyadot dlelne fel. A megoldokulesban szerepl6 mondatok természetesen esupin egy lehetséges valtozatot képviselnek a szimos esetben tebb helyes mogoldés keel, Seivbsl remélem, hogy a kinyy haszndlata sordn az olvasé sesmsra egyre vilégosabbs valik az angol nyelv logikus rendszere, s ezzel egyidleg részesévé valhat a mondat forditasok nysitottaszellemi Sromnek 6 sikerélménynek Kivinom, forgassik ezt a Kényvet olyan orémmel és eredményesen, mint amilyen szakmai lelkesedésselé a nyelvtanulés elménnyé ttelenck seandekival a sver25 készitette, PRESENT TENSE - SIMPLE and. CONTINUOUS. TENSES PART ONE TENSES (Az igeidok rendszere) PRESENT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS SIMPLE PRESENT {A Simple Present Tense jelen idejd eselekvések kifejezésére szolgal 4) A jelenben végbemens egyszeri,pillanatnyi cselokvés: The doctor arrives. b) A jelenben szokssos vagy ismétl6d6 csclekves: He teaches biolgy. ‘9 Azalanyra altalaban jellemz6 cselekvés: (My friend visits me every Sunday, 4) Altalsnos igazsigok kifejezsse: ‘The su sets in the west Enhez az igeidohdz az alabbi iddhatéroz6k kapesolodisa jellemz6: aleoays, usualy, never, sometimes, often, everyday (morning, year), ‘once (fave, thee.times) an hour (ary, a week.) Képeésénél az egyes szém 3. személyben-s végz6dést hap az ige a hijelent6 médban, 1 ke ik. ~ Heike milk TENSES PRESENT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS Kérd6 és tagad6 mondathan a dors segédiget hasensjuk: Kerd6: ‘Tagads: iy do you go 0 bed so early? dow t start work at seven ‘When does he usually getup inthe morning? She doesn't wat to mtry tat silly boy. De kiveve lanyra kérdezésné! nem kell do/does hha tagad6 kérdése6l van s26: ho tnughs at our teacher? Wii boy doesn’t often do homework? Wine hoy stuies every dy? ‘Who doesn’t drink te for breast? How many pups goto schoo by bus? “Howe many pupils don’t go to music lessons? PRESENT CONTINUOUS A Present Continuous Tense (folyamatos jelen id6) a szemiink el6tt jstsz6d6, ill, « beszéd pillanataban zajl6 események, sclekvések leirsara s2olgal Kepzése: tole + az ige ing végeSdésse ellatott alakja Kapcsol6d6 idohatsroz0k: now, at present, atthe moment, just now. stb Wiear playing chess ‘What are the children doing inthe King room? ‘My daughter isnt doing her homework now. A ket igeids kontrasztivitésa | never go tothe cinema but now I'm going there because there is a good fl on He ever rns omens gaznes But ae hie ne bce ford an intresting able Troaich TV every day but tonight I'm working on my thesis. Wieisi¢ our parents every week-end but now we ae going for an outing, Példamondatok Alapfok 1. Mindigtejetiszom repgelie 2 Soha nem Kelek fel het dra elt, 3. Gyakran segitek anyémnak a hazimunksben, 4. Rendszerint tizkorfekszem le 5. Hanykor szoktl felkelni? 6. Szokott in reggelizni? 7. Mikor szoktal a hégoddal talatkozni? 8, Minden este megmossa a fogst? 9. Minden szombat este elmegy sz6rakozni 10. Gyakran ebédelunk ebben az étteremben, ~ Mis, PRESENT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS TENSES 11, Vassenaponként sohasem Keltek korn, igaz? 12, Hetvegen rendszerint meglatogatom a szleimet,- Ein is 13, Rendszeresen szaktad ellendrini a feket?~ Természetesen 1k. Minig iddben szoktad kifizetn a villanyszsmlat? 15. Anagyneném a menzan szokott ebédelni. A gyerekel is 16, Melyik megallonal szoktlleszni? 17, Milyen gyakran jarse aszni?~ Hetente kétszer. 18, Milyen gyakranellendriztted a vernyomasodat? 19, Apim havonta ketszer nyinj a fv, 20, Minden évben elmegyink nyaralni a Balatonsa, 21, Mindig jl lebarlok a Balaton 22, Minden télenesik a ho Anghiaban? 23, Migrt nem esze tobb zoldséget? 24, Az igazat meguallva, a gyerekeim sem szeretik a spendtot 25. Altalaban kavetiszom reggelite, de most tees teat. 25, Minden nap egyedl visarolok, ce ma viszem a lsnyomat is 27, Nalatok ki vise a gyerekeket az 6vodsba? 28, Ki nem dolgozik naponta nyole rst? 29, Kik szoktak rendszeresen elkésni az eladasrst? 530, Kinem kap munkanélkil segelyt? BL, Micst nézel engem? 32 Minnevetsz? 33. Kire varsz? 34, A kutyém éppen a szomszéd macsksjt kerget a kertben. - Valoban? 35. Meg mindig a hizi feladatodat irod? 36, Soha nem szakott dolgoeni a kertben, Akkor most miést gyomlala a virégigys- sokat? 37, Estenkeént sltalaban tevet nézink, de ma vendégeink vannak, 38. Igyekez2! Jon a bus 39, Miert nines rajtad a szemaveged? 40, Mit mond? Nem hallons tisztan ‘41, Mindig a legalkalmatlanabb idben latogat meg 42, Mindig hazudozik. Ne higgy neki. 43, Altaban Lomolyan gondola, amit mond, de most csak tefl, 44. Nem tudjafelvenni a kagylot, mert tapétazza anappalit. Megoldésok 1. Lalways drink milk for breakfast 2 I never get up before seven o'clock, 3. Loften help my mother with the housework 4 Lusually go to bed atten o'clock. 5. What time do you usually get up? 5. Do you usually have breakiast? 7 When do you usually meet your younger sister? 8. Does he clean his teeth every evening? 9, He goes out every Saturday evening. 10. We often have lunch inthis restaurant. ~So do we, {IL You never get up early on Sundays, do you? 12, Atthe week-end I usually goto see my parents, - So do I 13. Do you regularly check the brakes? -Of course I do. 4, Do you always pay the electricity bill on time? TENSES PAST TENSE ~ SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS 15. My aunt usually has lunch in the canteen, So do her children, 16, Which bus stop do you usually get off at? / At which bus stop do you usually get off? 17, How often do you go swimming? ~ Twice a week 18, Haw often do you have your blood pressure checked? 19, My father mows the lawn twice a month 20, Every year we go on holiday to Lake Balaton. 21, Lalways get a good suntan at Lake Balaton. 22, Does it snow in England every winter? 23, Why don’t you eat more vegetables? 24. To tell the truth, my children don't lke spinach, either, 25, usually drink coffee for breakfast but now I'm drinking tea with milk. 26, Every day Ida the shopping on my own but today I'm taking my daughter, too. 27, Who takes the children to the nursery in your family? 28, Who doesn’t work eight hours a day? 29, Who are usually Inte for the lace? 30. Who doesnt receive unemployment benefit? 31. Why are you looking at me? 32, What are you laughing at? 238. Who are you waiting for? 34. My dog is chasing the neighbour's cat inthe garden Ist? 435. Are you still doing your homework? 36. He never works inthe garden, Then why is he weeding the flowerbeds now? 437, In the evenings we usualy watch TV but today we are having guest, 238, Hurry up! The bus is coming 439, Why aren't you wearing yout glasses? 40, What i he saying? I can't hear him clearly 41 He is always visiting me atthe least convenient time. / He always visits 42. Hes always telling lies. Don’t believe him. /He always tells 443, He usually means what he says but now he isjust joking, ‘44, He can't ansiver the phone because he is papering the living room, PAST TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS, SIMPLE PAST A Sinple Past Tense igeld6t a malt adott, més lezdrult idopontjaban véghement egyszeri vagy ismétlods cselekves vagy torténéskifejezésére hasznaluk. ‘A malta utal6 idghatéroz6k: este th day Before yesterday ast ight, st we as. oe dy When o8 Monn, Yesterday my mother cooked «delicious inner. Last year we moved into a neve lt PAST TENSE ~ SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS TENSES PAST CONTINUOUS A Past Continuous Tense (folyamatos mélt) hasznalatos 2) A malt egy adottid6pontjaban folyamatban lev cselekvéskifejzésére At. o'clock Is watching TV. by A maltban hosszan tart6 csclekvés kifejeésére, melyet a mondathan az all névmassal kezd6d6 idchatérozs érztkeltet: al the yeor, al dy, all the time, ll ek all the afternoon + xz id6szak lezérult mivoltstkifejees dohataroz6, all ast year, al last week stb ‘She ws playing the piano all day yesterday. They were building ther ows al last yen. ©) Kit malt deja csookvs Kel a tataabb kifejexésre. Tso king cake when my hush arrived home 4) A maltban parhuzamosan zal6cselokvesck kiejeztsre, ite as pring the trees my Sones digging in the gerd. Példamondatok Alapfok. 1. Mikor volta utojéra fodrasznal? 2. Hisnyoztak a gyerckeid az iskolsbsl a malt héten? ~ Remétem, nem 3. Ki hozta tegnap haza a gyerekeket az vodabol? 4. Tegnap este hatkor értem haza. -Tényleg? 5. Jol éreztétek magatokat a bulin? 6, Franciara tanitott nghany évvel ezel6t 7. A batorunkatrészletre vasdroltuk 58. A malt kedden kivettem egy seabacnapot, mert szimyen fj afogam. 9. Nem akartalak megbéntan., 0. Folszlltam a buszra,kifizottom a viteldijat, 6s talaltam egy szabsd elohelyet a2 cemeletes bus tetejen. 11. Erp jut eszembe, ki nyerte ategnap esti vetelkedt? 12, Miert nem kertél z apadtolzsebpénzt? 1B. Mikor fizetted bea jovedelemadédat? 14, A mult héten eltévedtem egy videki varoshan, és meg kellett kérdeznem egy jarokets. 15, Kezcek éhes lenni, mertcsak egy szelet marhahuistettem ebédre. 16. Eppen zuhanyezott, amikor s20Ita telefon, 17, Aludtunk, amikorfdldrenges rézta meg a hézat. 18. A diakok dohanyoztak, amikor a ands belépett a terembe, 19. Mikizben lefelé mentem a epesén, megestisztam és elestem. 20. Mikézben a tengerparton sealtunk,talaltnk egy tr szarny sirsyt, TENSES, PRESENT PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS 21, Hlaludtam, mikbzben a matek leckémet csindltam. 22. Megégette a kez, mikdzben kivete a cirket a sut6bsl 23. Mitesinalt éppen, amikor a robbanst meghallotta? 24, Hirtelen rsébredt, hogy r0ss2irdnyba ment. 25, Egész djl nem tudtam aludni, mort ugattak a kuty’k. 26, Mitsinslt On tegnap Ot orakor? ~ Az any6sommal tesztam. 27, Eppen egy kirakatot nézogettom, amikor valaki megveregette a villam. Megoldasok 1. When did you last go to the hairdresser's? 2. Were your children absent from schoo! last week? ~ I hope not. 3. Who collected the children from the nursery yesterday? 44, Last night [got home at six o'clock, - Did you? 5, Did you have a good time at the party? 6, She taught me French a few years ago. 7, We bought our furniture on hire 8, Last Tuesday I took a day off because had aterible toothache. 9, Tdidn’t mean to hurt you, 10, gat on the bus, paid the fare and found a vacant seat on the top floor of the double-decker. 1. By the way, who won the quiz show lastnight? 12, Why didn’t you ask your father for some pocket money? 13. When did you pay your income tax? 14, Last weok I got lot in a country town and Thad to ask a passer-by. 15, 'm getting hungry because I only had a slice of beet for lunch, 16, He was having a shower when the telephone rang. 17, We were sleeping when an earthquake shook the house 18, The students were smoking when the teacher entered the room. 19, As1 was going downstairs I lipped and fell 20, When we were walking on the beach we found a seagull with a broken wing, 21, [fll asleep while Iwas doing my maths homework, 22, She bumt her hand when she vas taking the chicken out ofthe oven, 23, What were you doing when you heard the explosion? 24, Suddenly he realized that he was going in the wrong direction. 25, [couldn't slep all night because the dogs were barking 26, What were you doing at five o'clock yesterday? Iwas having tea with my mother- inlaw. 27, Tas looking ata shop-window when somebody patted me on the shoulder PRESENT PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Ez az igeid® olyan miltheli cselekvés kifejezésére szolgal, amelynck az eredménye a jelenben is létezik, érzékethets. PL have broken my leg. 10 PRESENT PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS TENSES ‘A kovetkeus, meg le nem zarult idészakra utalo hataroz6sz6kkal kapcsolodik already, ye, just, ever, never, tis morning afternoon, yer.) today, reently, since for, How long? Since rohen..? have never spoken tan Englishman, We have already enrolled for an intensive language course, ‘A Present Perfct Simpl 6s a Simple Past Tense hontrastivitssa {haven't hought new car yet but my brother-in-law bought one last week ‘My sister sm this fila fet days ag but I uve never seen it “le as orton five letters since his bos arrived. ‘have learnt the words this morning. My fiend is more hard-working, he earn them yesterday Példamondatok Alapfok 1 Jossz etn vel? ~ Nem, kosz6ndm, mar eséeltem, 2. Megjavitottsk mara szerelk a kocsimat? 5, Meginem tam meg akavémat 44 Felkaltmar anap? 5. Még nem alta meg a zsebscAmologepemet. 6. Met haromszorlattam a Casablanca. 7. A fonbkom eppen most wazotel Goeogorszagba, 8, Hallottad mat a logtiscbd hieket? 9. Eppen most kattztink oj akasbs 10. Eppen most rendeltem meg kt egyet ama esi eldadésra, TI, MetOrtent a hajadal? 12. Eppen most fester be 13, Hol volt epese dello? ~ A bankban. 14, Mennyi pent gy tel ssze isi? 15, Aza fa het fagylaltotevet meg, ‘6, Most uot eszembe, hogy meg nem fiettem ki a lakbért 17, Lsttad mar valahaa pina ferde tommyot? 18, Jats mar valaha Kinsbon? 18, Meg soha nem jrtam az orsesgnak ezen a részén, 20. Ez leggyorsabb auto, amit valaha vezetem. 21 Era legveszlyeseb Kanyar, amit valaha tar. 2. Oa leginteligensebb ember akivel valahabeszltem, 2B. Misa rdeklik Ont a nyelvek? ~ Gyerekkorom a. 24. Mictaimered a barstod kollegsst? 25, Mista munkankli Gn? ~ Tabb hénapj Mista tadse yen fiom gulyslovest fn? 27. Miotatudsehegedai? 28, Miota kell eta pysgyszert szecned? 28. Migta kell ingaznod a munkahelyedee? 30. September ota tab munkm van. 31. Hol volts? Nem Istalak het Sta 532, Regota nem kocogtam. 33. Nem it nekem, miota kalfore Koto 3A. Amita hazacrkezett megevett rom szendvieset n TENSES 2 PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ~ SIMPLE ang CONTINUOUS 95. Ketszer olvastam ezt a Konyvet, ami6ta megkaptam, 36, Nem tud gyorsan menni, mert megsérlt a laba 437, Csalédlott, mert a baratja nem hivia fel, 88, A rendérségre megyek, mert valaki ellopta a kocsimat, 39, Kifogyott a tollam. 440, Nem tudom kifizetn aszamlét, mertolthon hagytam a pénztércémat, 41. Mar héromszor vizsgaztam vezotésb, de még nem sikeraltatmennem, 42, Megsziletett mar a ksbabsja? 43, Ez azels6 alkalom, hogy lazacot eszem. 4, Ez az els6alkalom, hogy mogbuktam egy vizsgin. 445, Mer harmadszor alszom el ahéten, 446, A malt felovben Kolessnvette a kinyvemet, de még nem adta vissza, 47, A kutyénak éppen most szulettek kolykei 48, Eza masodik alkalom, hogy abbahagytam a dohanyzdst. 49, Ket hete nem borotvalkoz0tt. 50, A szuletésnapom ota nem ittunk pezsg6t 51, Ezen a heéten mér haromszor voltam forgorvosnl 52, Ebben a hénapban mar 6tszér voltunk koresolyszni 158, Nem sieltem, amiotaeltirtem labamat, ‘54, Egész életemben érdekelt a komolyzene, 55. Mostanaban nem tadok aludni a zajos vizvezotekesbvek miatt 1. Are you coming to have lunch with ws? ~ No, thanks, I have already had lunch. 2. Have the mechanics repaired my car yet? 3, [haven't finished my coffee yt. 44 Has the sun risen yet? 5, [haven't found my pocket calculator yt: 6, Thave already seen Casablanca three times. 7. My boss has just left for Greece 8, Have you heard the latest news yet? 9, We have just moved into a new flat 10, Ihave just booked two tickets for tonight's performance. 11, What has happened to your hair? 12, Thave just dyed it. 13, Where have you been all morning? - At the bank. M4 How much money have you saved 90 far? 15, That boy has had five ice-reams. 1, Ithas just occurred to me that I haven't paid the rent yet 117, Have you ever sen the Leaning Tower of Pisa? 18. Have you ever been to China? 19, Ihave never been to this part ofthe country. 20, This is the fastest car [have ever driven, 21. This isthe most dangerous bend [have ever seen. 22 Hels the most intelligent man I have ever spoken to. How long have you been interested in languages? ~ Since I was a small child. How long have you known your friend's colleague? How long have You been unemployed? ~ For several months Since when have you been able to cook such delicious goulash? How long have you been able to play the violin? How long have you had to take this medicine? PRESENT PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS, TENSES 29, How long have you had to commute to work? 30. Thave had more work to do since September. 31. Where have you been? [haven't seen you since Monday. Thaven’t gone jogging fora long time now. ‘He hasn't writen to me since he went abroad. ie has eaten three sandoviches since he came home, have read this book twice since I got it He can’t walk fast because his leg has been hur She is disappointed because her friend hasn't telephoned hes, T'm going tothe police station because someone has stolen my car. ‘My pen has run out 40, Tear’ pay the bill because I have left my purse at home: 41. Thave taken the driving test three times, but I haven't passed it yet, 442, Has she had the baby yet? 43, This is the frst time Thave eaten salmon. ‘44, This isthe fist time I have failed an exam. 45. This is the third time Thave overslept this week 46, He borrowed my book last term, but hasnt given it back yet 47. The dog has just had puppies. 448, This is the second time I have given up smoking. 49, He hasn’t shaved for a fortnight 50, We haven't drunk champagne since my birthday. 51, Thave seen the dentist three times this Weck. 52, We have gone skating five times this month, 53, [haven't gone sking since broke my leg. 54. Ihave been interested in classical music all my life. 55, Ihaven't boen able to sleep recently because ofthe noisy water pipes. ‘PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Olyan eselekvést fejez ki, mely a maltban kezdédott és a jelenben is tart, ill a beszéd pillanata el6t fejez6dot be. Kapesol6do idchatsroz6k: Jor, since all dayfafternoon/icek has been snowing since lastnight ‘She szery tired: she has bee clearing the pontry all aernoon. Példamondatok Kozép- és felsofok 1. Felordja si, mert az egyik kismacska megadBglott 2 Miz a fura szag? ~ Kelksposztat(6ztem. 3. Miért vizes a hajad? ~ Usctam. 4. Bocsasd meg, hogy piszkos a kezem. A pinoét takariottam, 5. Kivvan flladva, mert fot. 6. Gyerekkora Sta rg a kirmét 7. Sokat iszik, amiotaa fee elval Sle B TENSES PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ~ SIMPLE ana CONTINUOUS 8, Mar Grak éta problom megértenie2t a bonyolult angol mondatot 9, Sok pénzt kot, amiota megnyerte a fonyereményt. 410, Sok édességet eszik, amita abbahagyta a dohanyz4st, 11, Egy hete ndveset a bajuszat 12. Tiz éve dolgozik stowardessként 13, Felototaleveleket gépel 114, Hajnathasadea 6ta horgaszik, le még, nem fogottsemmit 15. Mar ket orsjasllunk a sorban. 16, Miota sivod eztafajtacigaretat? 17. Mioeaesik az 86? 18, A seemed faradtnak latszik. Mitesinaltal? 10, Faradjon be, Mar vértunk Sree 20, jobinan ér2em magam, amiota kocogok. 21, Veres a kés. Mit csinaltal vele? 22. Ebben a varosban élek, amista befejeztem az egyeteret Mica epttik ext a kerhazat? Karicsony 6ta jar egy tt a barajaval Veszekesinek, amista dsszehazasodtak. A viewezetekszerelé ket oraja javija a esapokat, bed ota napozik Egesz délelot szendvieseketcsinalok az bsszejovetel [Kimerdltnek latszol.- Igen,teniszeztem, és nem vagyok hozzészokva, mert mar Gvok ota nem jtszottam. ‘A vevbk egesz nap telefondinak, és panaszkodnak, hogy rossz sz4mlakat kapnak, 231. Ket raja esk, fg’ a palya tl nedves ahhoz, hogy jatsszanak rata 32. Sokat kohdgss az utobbi iddben 3. A saileim 1982 ta elnek videken, 34. Mar tsb mint egy éve dolgozunk az épitésiterven 35. Kalapokat probalgat egesz delutan. 436, Miata fesulkodik? 37, Orsk ota hallgatja ect a lemezt 38, Egy éve kes2Ulk a felvétei vizsgara, 39, Miota levelezel az angol baratoddal BRNERER g Megoldésok 1. She has been crying for half an hour because one of the kittons has died, 2. What is that funny smell? ~ I have been cooking savoy cabbage, 3. Why is your hair wet? ~I have been swimming, 44 Sorry about my dirty hands. Ihave been cleaning the cellar. 5. Hes out of breath because he has been running, 6, He has been biting his nails since he was a chile 7, She has been drinking heavily since her husband divorced her. 8. [have been trying to understand this complicated English sentence for hours. 9, He has been spending alot of money since he hit the Jackpot. 10, She has been eating alot of sweets since she gave up smoking 11, He has been growing a moustache fora week 12, She has been working asa stewardess for ten years. 13, He has been typing leters since half past four. “U4 He has been fishing since the crack of dawn but he hasn't caught anything yet. 15, We have been standing in the queue for two hours. 16, How long have you been smoking this brand of cigarettes? “ [PAST PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS TENSES 17, How long has it been raining? 18. Your eyes look tired. What have you been doing? 19. Come in, please. We have been expecting you 20, Ihave been fooling better since I started jogging, 21. The knife is covered in blood. What have you been doing with it? 22. have been living inthis town since [eft university. 23. How long have they been building this hospital? She has been going out with her boyfriend since Christmas. ‘They have been quareelling since they got marred ‘The plumber has boen repairing the taps for two hours. ‘She has been lying inthe sun since lunchtime TThave been making sandwiches forthe meeting all morning. You look exhausted. ~ Yes, Ihave been playing tennis and I am not used to it because haven't played for years. ‘The customers have been telephoning all day complaining that they have been receiving wrong bills {thas been raining for two houts, 50 the field is too wet to play on. ‘You have been coughing alot recently “My parents have been living inthe county since 1982. ‘We have been working on the construction plan for more than a year, ‘She has been tying on hats all afternoon. How long has she been combing her hair? “He has been listening to this record for hours. have been preparing forthe entrance exam for a year. “How long have you been corresponding with your English friend? BBNBBR 8 Sesgeeeee PAST PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS PAST PERFECT SIMPLE A Simple Past Perfect Tense olyancsclekvés kifejoztsére szolgal, amely: 8) a maltban egy késbbbicsclekvés vagy idépont elot végbement, befjez6cott ‘When he arrived Thad alrendy strted eating. We took tex afer we hal missed the bus Thad had 2 shower before I wet othe theatre. a maltban kezal6dbit és egy maltbel eselekves idejon még, folyamatban volt: 1 ha een in befor one hour then the telephone rang. 15 TENSES: PAST PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS FUTURE TENSE ~ SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS TENSES ‘Alkalmazdsa: 1. A Kovethez6 kotész6k wtin jellemz6: ‘afer, when, as soon as, no sooner. Han.., until, Feenus, since, although stb. (elSidejaséy ifejezesére) eouldn’t go to the party last week because I had Bae operated on ‘Although he had been driving mcr for fen years, he didn’t dare to start the mew Mercedes. 2. Figg6 beszedben: “He si he ha seen my classmate nthe cinema 3. A {6moncdtban lev6 ulbidejdség esetén, a by the time, before Ketiszavak un (a Past Perfect Tense hangsdlyozza a ceclekvés elbideja mivoltt) the time my mother cum home, I (ud) cleaned the lt by PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS, 'A Past Perfect Continuous Tense olyan cselekvés kifejeztsére szolgsl, mely a maltban kezd6- dott és egy késdbbi cselekvés meginduldsdig (vagy azon tl is) tastot [Kétoszaval és alkalmaréssnak esetet megegyeznck a Past Perfect Tense-nél letrtakkal By the time she sat for the final exam, she hd been learning German forte yen, Példamondatok Kozép- és fels6fok Miutsn megebédeltem, hazamentem. -Miutin becsatoltuk a biztonsagi Oveket,a gep fez. ‘Miutsn visszajtt az USA-bel, vett egy dj autst ‘Amint kilepet a szobabé}, bekapesoltam a magnst, ‘Hazamentink, miutan a nap lenyugodott. ‘Miclot ezt az list meghapta,évekig szabadszoként dolgozott. -Miclttelmentem a szinhazba, megfirddtem és felvettom a legszebb uhm, A gyilkos napokig rjt6zbtt, mire a rendrség elfogts. ‘Amukor megismerkediem vele, mar évek ota kabitszert szedet |. Alighogy kileptink a hazbo}, elezdettesni az es. ‘Alighogy letelepedett Angliaban, maris elmenckuit, mert nem tudta megszokni a limat 412, Majdnem hérom hétig kizdattek az erd6ti2zel, mire sikerilt megfekezn 13, Miclott meghalt, evekig boteg vot 14, Elvtte a gyereket az orvoshoz, mert az lenyelt egy gombot. 415, Amikor megerkeztem a reptirre, a gép mae lesz 16, Mire magamhoz trtem, a betdrdk mar eltintek. 17, Miutin meppillantotiam a rendSrauto,Ielasstottam, 18. A rendérsog letaroztatta afer, aki kéthétel azel6tt szOkott meg a borténbsl. 19. Egy orija szedtk a gombst, amikor elkezdett.esni az es. 20, Eszrevettom, hogy sit. 16 21. Azt mondla, hogy valami mist var. 22, Azt remelte, hogy eloleptetik. (de nem tetek) Megoldésok 1, After I had eaten lunch, I went home, 2. After we had fastened our seatbelts, the plane took of 5. After he had returned from the USA, he bought a new car. 4. As soon as he had let the oom, Iswitehed onthe tape-recorder 5, We went home after the sun had set 6, Before he got this ob he had been working freelance for years, 7, Before I went tothe theatre I (had) had a bath and I (had) put on my best dress. (Past Perfect is optional) 8, The murderer had been hiding for days when the police captured him. 9, When I met him he had been taking drugs for years. 10, We had no sooner left the house than it started raining 1, Hardly had he settled in England when he ran away because he couldn't get used to the climate 12, They had been fighting the forest fre for almost three weoks before they managed 13. Before he died he had been ll for years 1. She took her child tothe doctor becatse he had swallowed a button. 15, When arrived atthe airport the plane had already landed. 16, When Icame to, the burglars had disappeared, 17. After Thad caught sight ofthe police car I slowed down, 18, The police arrested the man who hal escaped from prison two weeks earlier 19, We had been picking mushrooms for an hour when it started to rain, 20, [noticed that she had been crying. 21, He said he had expected something else 22, He had hoped that he would be promoted. FUTURE TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS A jv6 idejd eselekvést az angolban nem feltétlenaljivé idéve fejezz4k ki, haem: 4) folyamatos jelennel (Present Continuous), ha a cselekvést el6zetesen eltervertem és rmegheszéltem = arranged future ~ pl: I am playing tennis with Dennis at 3 tomorrow (megbeszeltdk, betrtuk a naptarunkba), ») a be going to szerkezettel, ha el6zetes szndék, elhatérozas el6zi meg a cselokvést, mint ‘példiul az a going to change my job mondat elhatérozasa, ide: a mindenképpen bekivetkez6 cselekvés kifejenéaére fe alkalmas a going to: PL: It's going to Pain, (Log az es6 lsba) ‘She's going to hae a baby. (Nagy a pocakja), ©) a will segedigével képzett jov6 deja cselekvés, a sima jov6 id6 (Simple Future) rendszerint nem josolia meg valaminek az elkerifhetetlen bekovetkertet, nem tal eldzetes szervezesre vagy szindékra, ha igen, akkor az a szandck ebben a percben sefletete 1 didn’t kw you ore thirsty but IU make you a cup of te a once, ” TENSES FUTURE TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE [A Simple Future Tense haszndthat6 4) A jovsben bekivetker6 egyszesi, pillanatnyi cselekveés hifejeésére: Tetra wil leave at ten cock by A javsben szokésos, ismetlads csolokvés kifejezésére: ie shall meet tice a ee. Kapesol6d6 idohatiroz6k tomorrow, the day aftr tomorrow, tomorrow morning afternoon, evening. next weeifmonth/june, ina fete minutesiours. when?, then, soon, ofaferfyftfin. De ne feledjik,ajovobeni csolekvést héromféleképpen lehet ifejezn: 1. shalifoil + 32 ige fone igenévi alakja: 11 be back soon. 2 tote going fo + az ige fOnevi igenevialakja: I'm going fo see hn tomorrow. 3. folyamatosjelenid6 + jovSre uta hataroz6: I'm going fo the cinema tonight. FONTOS: {A feltételes és idohatéroz6i mellékmondatokban a jov6 id6 helyett jelen id sl. (Csaka fomondatban seabad jv6 id6t (Future Tense-t) haszndlni! PL Ha szép lesz az id6, elmegytink a hegyekbe, If the weather is nice, oe shall goto the mowntasns Amikor majd jdssz, dolgozné fogok. When you come, Il be working. Hacsak az id6 nem javul meg itthon fogok maradni szombaton. Unless the weather changes forthe beter, stay at home on Saturday, _Amig be nem fejezem a muankamat, nem fogom a lemezeimet hallgatni, Until I finish/T have finished my work, I 00t listen tomy records Amint az id meleg lesz, felésom a virdgagysokat ‘As soon asthe weather is toarm, I shal dig he flower beds. 18 FUTURE TENSE - SIMPLE ana CONTINUOUS TENSES Példamondatok Alapfok 1, Holnap Londonba fogunk érkezn 2. Minden t6lem tehetot el fogok kovetni, hogy atmenjek a vizsgan. 5. Meg fogia valaha apni a Nobel-djat? 4. Fogunk talalni ares szobat ebben a nepszerd szallodaban? 5, Ezanadrig divatjamslt lesejovére? 6. Fogsz sogiteni neki a nagytakaritasban? 7, Mit fog rolam kepzein egy ilyen kinos helyzetben? 8. Milyen gyakran litogatsz majd meg a kishazban? 9, Migs fogse olyan koran érkezni? ~ Mert nem tudok jonni ms busszal 10, Hogyan fogja a legtobb disk tolten anya sanid6e? 1, Mikor viszed az autddat mészaki vizsgira? 12. Mikor fogja a parlamentelfogadni ezt a torvényjavaslatot? 13, Hol fogod tartan a kvetkers elGadasodat? 11. Kedden uzleti igyben Pragaba utazom. 15, A vallalatom fogia fedezni a sells koltséges. 15, Nem fogok fizetn a reggeliert sem, mertingyenes, 1. Mikor lesenck a kévetkez6 altalanos valasztisok? 18. Eldszbrcsak egy padlasszobat fogunk bérel 19. Ugy velem a lakishiény Magyarorszsigon mindig slyos probléma les 20. Hamarosan elkerulhetetlen lesz, hogy a kormény vsltoztasson a politika. 21. A nagy mennyiséga drtalmas fst egészségkarosodast fog okozni a vsroslaksk szervezetdben. 22. Meg fogiak Griz a magyar falvak a népszokasokat? 23, Holnap megprobslom felvenni vele a kapcsolaot. 24, Milyen lesz a magyar videk 2000-ben? 25, Orin fogok,ha itt udvézélhetem. 26, A tormelési ter szerint ez az Uzem meghet6ziteljsitményét. 27, Nem hiszem el, hogy j5¥8 héten dtven eves lesz 28. Lehetetlen lesz ext a Hatarid6ttejsiten Megoldasok 1, We shall arrive in London tomorrow. 2. Iwill do my best to pass the exam. 5, Will he ever get the Nobel Prize? 4 Shall we find a vacant room in this popular hotel? 5. Will these trousers be out of fashion next year? 6. Will you help him with cleaning the house? 7. What will he think of mein such an awkward situation? 8. How often will you visit me in hospital? 9, Why will you aztive so early? ~ Because T won't be able to come with any other bus. 10, How will most ofthe pupils spend their summer holiday? {IL When will you take your ca for an MOT? 12. When will Parliament pass this bill? 13, Where will you deliver your next lecture? 14, On Tuesday I will travel to Prague on business. 15. My company will cover the cost of accommodation, 16. Ion’ t pay for breakfast ether because i is fee of charge. 17. When will the next general elections be? 1» TENSES FUTURE TENSE - SIMPLE ona CONTINUOUS 18, First we shal only rent an attic 416. [think a shortage of housing will always be a serious problem in Hungary. 20, It will son be inevitable forthe government to change its policy 21. The large amount of noxious Fares will have a harmful effect on city-dwelles, 22 Will Hungarian villages preserve folk customs? 23. [shal try o contact him tomorrow 24, What will Hngarian provincial life be lke in 2000? 25, Lshall be glad to welcome you here 26. According to the production plan this factory will double its output. 27. Ldon’t believe that you will be fifty next week 28. Itwill be impossible to meet this deadline. A t0.be going toszerkeret Kifejezhet: 4a) Az adottcsolekvés Kozel, igen valészind bekivetkezéset Ws going to rain 1b) A beszals szandekat rm going to take piano lessns once a eek «) A bess bizonyossigit You're going to fal off your bike if you don't hold on to it mondatok Kozép- és fels6fok 1. Vettem egy rakis telat, mort hézat fogok épient 2. Borzongok: azthiszem,beteg leszek 13. Mindjrt beesapodik az ablak. 44, Hogy fogom megmondani neki, hogy eltbrtem a kis porcelan szobrocskst? 5. Ma kalonleges vacsorank lesz 6, Meg fogszfazni sapka nélkal ilyen szees iden. 7. Annyira szeretik egymést, hogy Sssze fognak hézasodni, mibelyt nagykoriak lesznek, 8, Ha nem fizeted a lakbért, a tandcs ki fog lakoltatn. 9, Le fogezesni a székrd ha ilyen ingadozva alls rata 10, Meg fogod bani ha nem jelentkezel erre az lisa. 1, Mikor mész kivizsgalasra? 412, Nem fogok rés2t Venni cbben a lélekol6 mankaban, 13, Nem fogok egy fullasztsszobsban dni, még ha vizsgaldészak van is, Megoldasok 1. Ihave bought a load of bricks because I'm going to build a house. 2. Fm shivering with cold. I think I'm going to be il 53. The window is going to slam. {4 Hoy am [going to tell her that I have broken the china statuette? FUTURE TENSE - siMPLE ond CONTINUOUS TENSES 5. Tonight we are going to have a special dinner. 6, You are going to catch cold without acap in such windy weather. 7. They love each other so much that they are going to get married as soon as they come of age 8, you don’t pay the rent the couneilis going to evict you. 98, You are going, ofall off the chair if you stand in such an unstable position on it 10. You ae going to regret i if you do not apply for this job. 11, When are you going to have a medieal check-up? 12. Ymnot going to participate inthis soul-destroying work 13, mnot going tit in a suffocating room even if tis an exam session. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE ‘Alkalmazasa a Past Continuous Tense eseteivel egyezik, Jellem26 el6fordulsa: 1. Atwlen-nel kezd6d6 mondatokat kiveton 2. A hile iddhataroz6val, ket pirhuzamos eselekvés esoten 3. A jaws egy adott idpontjatkilejez6 hatérozds20 mellet (at ..o'lock) Idamondatok Alap- és kozepfok: Holnap dtkor esinakizni fogunk a tavon, Gyalesetek lesz reggel hetkor? ReggeltSestig az oj regenyén fog dolgozni Ammikor hazaérsz, a konyhat fogom meszelni [Nem fogok tevet néani, mert a sz6nyegeket fogom porszivézn ‘Az igazgaté nem tud fogadni abban az idében, mert éppen dria lesz [Nem fognak elnni az eljegyz2éseme, mert Ausztriaban lesznek. [Nem fogom hallani a esengét, mera virigagyasokat fogom gyomlaln, Megoldasok 1. Weshall be boating onthe lake at five ocack tomorrow. 2 Will you behaving meeting at seven inthe morning? 3. He willbe working on his new nove rom morning il night. 4. When you arrive home will be whitewashing the kitchen 5: Lahant watch TV because Fl be hoovering theca] 6. The headmaster cart see you at that tne Bouse he wll be aching 7. They won'tcome tomy engagement because they wil be staying in Austria 8. Tahar be able to hea the bel because be weeding the Nower-beds. a TENSES FUTURE PERFECT TENSE - SWWPLE ond CONTINUOUS. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE [A Simple Future Perfect Tense-tolyan csolekvés kifeje2esére hasznaljuk, amely 8) egy misik jOv6 ideja eselekvés elétt, illetve a jov6 egy megadott iddpontjsban mir Detejezett lesz: 1 shal sve rortten my letters by eight ofelock ‘She wil have forgotten you bythe time you return 'b) még folyamatban lesz egy Kés6bbi eselekvés megindulssakor: ‘We shal fre een hee for an ho by the ime you come home. Alkalmazésa a by elljax6sz6val torténik FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS 'A Future Perfect Continuous Tense azt fejei ki, hogy egy eselekwés a javaben kezdédik & egy késabbi cselekvés meginduléssig vagy azon til is tar, By the end ofthis mont we shal lave been attending tis course for nine months Példamondatok Kozép- és felsofok 1. Holnapra elolvasom ezt a konyvet 2. Ahét vegere bekoltoznek az tj izukbs. 5, Holnapra dntenifogok “4 Ket Grara le fogom gepeln a jelentést 5. Holnap ilyenkorra mar kezbesttent fogiak a esomagokat 6 8 Remélem, holnapra nem fogod elfelejten mindezt. Az ev végen lee ket eve, hogy tanit minkot Kardesonykor lesz tz eve, hogy hazasok {9 Nehany het mala teljesen fel fogsz ep a betegségedb6 10, Mire holnap viss7aj0ss2, mindent be fogok fjezn 11, Ehonap vegén lesz egy éve, hogy hegedl tanulok 12. Holnap ilyenkorra mat meg, fogom kapnia vizsgaeredményt, 13. Addigia mar dt éve lesz annak, hogy a résaleteketfzetitk 1 Augusctusban lesz egy éve, hogy a Hamltetjtssz4k a szinhizban. 15. Mie vere visezajivok, ezeket az 6reg hazakat le fogjak bontar, 16, A.honap vegtig tbb ezer ember fogia megnézniezt a kalitst SUTURE PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE ond CONTINUOUS TENSES Megoldésok 1. L will have read this book by tomorrow. 2. By the end of the week they will have moved into their new house, 53. Iwill have made up my mind by tomorrow. ‘4 Lill have typed the report by two o'clock 5. By this time tomorrow they will have delivered the parcels. 6. Thope you won't have forgotten all this by tomorrow. 7. By the end ofthis year he will have been teaching us for two years 8. By Christmas they will have been married for ten years. 9, Ina few weeks you will have completely recovered from your illness, 10, By the ime you retuen tomorrow I will have finished everything 11, By the end of this month I will hve been learning to play the violin fr a year 12. By this ime tomorrow I will have received the results of my exam. 15. By then we will have been paying the instalments for five years. 14, In August Hamlet will have been running at the theatre fora year 15. By the time Icome hack next year these ol houses will have-been demolished 16, By the end of the month several thousand people will have seen this exhibition. OSSZEFOGLALAS Vari idk egy mondatra az eddig trgyalt igeidok és feltételes mondatok haszndlataval: He often writes tetters. “He dovsn’t rte eters to his parents Dos he often write letiers? Yesterday he wrote some eters. Did write any eters to his cousins last week? Wy lid’ he rita letter to er? “He s just writing some letters, iy he writing so many letters? He isn't woriting any letters now. “He was witing some letters when entered the room. ‘ashe writing eters al nig? Re wasn’ writing letters all at week He wil write a eter fer the fl Will he write mea letter f send hin a picture postard? He won't write a letter ihe doesnt ant lo, “He wil be writing ater when the match starts, Why will he be writing letters all afternoon? He won't be sleeping when me ance. He never sleeps the afternoon. He has alrendy writen thee letters. He hasn't wrt letter to me. (or: He has never written a eter tome) He as just written the letter to the directo. He has been voting this letter since thee o'tock. “Hone long has he been writing this eter? 2 ‘TENSES FUTURE PERFECT TENSE - SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS. En “He had aleady written the letier when his colleague asked him to. “He hd been writing alte for an hour before [offered him my help. By 9 o'clock he will have writen the ete. He wil have tortie the letter by the tie you come back He wil have boon writing letters for ax hour by eight o'clock, Unit he has finshed his work, he won't write any letters. Unite had finshed hs mor, he didn’t write any letters. He has bought ape cause he is going to tite some eters fhe has ime, he wll rite some letes ‘fhe had te, he would vrte some eters pela hd tie, aol hace rritin some letes. CONDITIONAL CLAUSES CONDITIONAL CLAUSES A feltstles mellékmondatoknak hirom alaptipusa var 1. valosigos feltetlt fees If yn come by car; you er on tne 2 Iehetséges feltételt kifejers 1 sould do the tasking up if Thad more tine. 8 Iehetetlen, meg nem valonultfeltételt kfejers ‘She would have come to my party if had incited her smondatok Alapfok 1. Ha lesz ibm, iok neki egy képeslapot 2. Ha holnap szép lesz az 6, elmegyink kirandulni. 3. Ha nem sietez, nem fogod elézni a tavolségi bus. 44 Ha vezetn akarsz jogesitvanyrt kell szerezned. 5, Ha minden pénziinketelkolidk, megint szegenyek leszank 6 7. 8 Ha leesel a farol, meghted magad. Ha itt parkols, meg fognak birsigol Ha e2t megeszed, beteg leszl 9, Mit fogsz csindlni, ha nem kaps2 jegyet a gepre? 10, Mies, ha nem lesz tthon? 11, Ha itt hagyod a hala, a macska meg fogja en 12, Senki nem fog felismemi, ha sotet szemuveget viselsz. 13. Mit tennél, ha nyernél egy csomé pénzt? 14, Ha helyedben lennek, nem ennem ezt meg. 15, Ha tobb penzem lenne, beutaznim a viligot. 16, Ha kevesebbet dohanyozn, nem lenne olyan rekedt a hangod. 17, Mitesinsinal, ha kilfoldéin elvescitenéd az ttleveledet? 18, Ha lassabban dolgoznal, nem esindinal ennyi hibat 19. Mitsrténne, ha nem érném ola buszt? 20, Atmennél a viesgén, ha keményebben dolgoznsl, 21. Ha talorazna, tabbet keresne. 22. Kitoi kémel tansesot, ha nem tadadd, hogy mit sina? 23, Ha tudnék német eredetiben olvashm Thomas Mann regényeit. 24, Ha lenne kertink, megtermelnénk a saat 25ldsepanket 25, Kinyitnsd az att, ha ¢jfelkoresongetne valaki? 26, Ha lett volna térképiink, nem tevedtiink volna el 27. Hia béken hagytal volna, be tudtam volnafejezni a munkt (CONDITIONAL CLAUSES 28, Meglatogattalak volna, ha tudtam volna, hogy beteg vagy. 29, Ha nem lett volna hideg,jobban elveztuk voina a szabadsigunkat. 30, Ha beesatolta volnaa biztonsigi vet, nem sérUlt volna meg. 31, Ha siete volna, nem kested volna lea vonatot 52, Mittettel volna, ha ot lett volna? 133, Mi toetént volna, ha elfogyott volna a benzin? 34. Megkaptam volna az list, ha lett volna kell6 végzettségem. 435, Elvittem votna kocsival, ha az auto nem lett volna a szervizben 36, Vettem volna jegyeta bejaratnl, ha lttek volne automat. 437, Blutaztam volna Svéjcba, ha lett volna sajat kocsim. 38. Megkértem volna, hogy sogitsen, ha mertem volna. 439, Tancoltunk volna, ha tadtunk volna, 40. Meg tudtam voina elézni a kamiont, ha kelett volna 441, Meg akkor sem ettem volna semmit, ha a kedvenc tortimat adtad volna elém. 42, Nem tanitottam voina a lanyodat, ha nem gondoltam volna, hogy tehetséges 443, Horta volna ajindékot Parizsbs, ha nem felgtetted volna el 444, Nem hagytam volna ol ext a ferlt, ha nem hazudott volna 45. Iam voina lovelot, ha nem vesztettem volna ela lakcimedet, 46, Beszéitem volna vee, ha talatkoztunk volna az iskolaban. 47, tam volna egy pohar sért, ha nem vezettem volna autot 448. Soha nem nyertél volna versenyt, ha nem usztal volna naponta t8bb 6rat 49. Ha ismertem volna az ¢piisi eléirisokat, sajat erdb6l épitettem volna meg. a hévamat 50, Senki nem tudta voina meg ezt a tornetet, ha ttokban tartottad volns, 51 Kidobtam volna a2t a régiinget, ha Tatam volna a szokrenyben. Megoldésok 1. If Thave time, I will write him a postcard 2. Ifthe weather is fine tomorrow, we will go for an outing 3. Unless you hurry, you won’teateh the coach. 46 Ifyou want to drive, you will have to get a driving licence. 5. If we spend all our money, we will be poor again. 6. Ifyou fll off the tree, you will hit yourself 7. If you park your car here, you wil be fined. 8. You willbe lif you eat it 9, What will you do if you don’t get ticket for the plane? 10, What will happen if he is not at home? 11, Ifyou Teave the fish here, the cat will eat 12. Nobody will recognize you if you wear dark glasses. 13, What would you do if you won a lot of money? 1 If Lwwere you, I wouldn't eat it 15. If Thad more money, I would travel around the world. 16. Ifyou smoked les, your voice wouldn't be 4 hoarse, 17, What would you do if you lost your passport abroad? 18. You wouldn't make so many mistakes if you worked more slowly 19. What would happen fT didn’t cateh the bus? 20. You wood pass the exam if you worked harder 21, He would earn more if he worked overtime 22. Who would you ask for advice f you didn't know what to do? 25, IFTcould speak German, I would read Thomas Mann's novels in the original, 24, Ifwe had a garden, we would grovr our own vegetables, CONDITIONAL CLAUSES 25, Would you open the door if someone rang the bel at midnight? 26, If we had had a map, we wouldn't have lost our way. 27, Lcould have finished the work if you had left me alone. 28, Lwwould have visited you if Thad known that you were il, 29, ithada’tbeen cold, we would have enjoyed our holiday more, 30. If he had fastened the seatbelt, he wouldn’thave been injured. 31, Ifyou had hurried, you wouldn’thave missed the train, 32 What would you have done if you had been there? 33, What would have happened if you had ran out of petrol? 34. Lwould have got the jb if Thad had the necessary qualifications 435. would have given her a lift ifthe car hadn't been atthe garage. 36, Iwould have bought ticket at the entrance if there had been slot machines there. 437, Iwould have travelled to Switzerland if Thad had acar of my own. 438, [would have asked him to help me if Thal dared t. 439. We would have danced if we had been able to. 40, [coud have overtaken the lorry if Thad had to 41, Twouldn’thave eaten anything even if you had given me my favourite cake, 42. Iwouldn’t have taught your daughter if Thadn’t thought that she was talented 43. Would you have Brought me a present from Paris if you hadn’t forgotten about it? 444, [wouldn't have left this man if he hada’t told mea He 45. I would have written a letter to you i hada’ lost your address 446, [would have spoken to him if Thad met him at schoo 47. Iwould have drunk a glass of beer if Thadn’tbeen deiving. 48. You would never have won any competitions if you hadn't swam several hours every day. 49, If Thad known the building regulations, I would have built my house on my 50. Nobody would have heard this story if you had kept it secret, 51, Twould have thrown out that old shirtif Thad seen it in the wardrobe, Kozép- és felsofok 1, Elmehets, feltéve, hogy nem rigsz be. 2. Le fogod Kesni a buszt, hacsak nem indulsz azonnal 3, Ha lenyelném ezta kanalat, hivndd a mentokot? 4. Ha esetleg bemennél a varosba, hozz nekem lazesillapitet 6 kétszert a patil 5. Ha esakazértis eszed egyik fogylaltot a masik utin, ne csodalkozz, hogy mal ‘megint begyullad a torkod, 6, Holnaputin hazaengednek a kérhizbot, hacsak fel nem megy a lézam megint. 7, Mér ldbadozhatott volna, ha nem kapta volna el ezt a masik fert6z6 betegseget B Hla az orvosok tudtak volna, hogy gyogylthatatlan beteg, talin megmatsttck voina. 9, Tegy tk fol, hogy kiesik a fogadbol a usmés. Betimetneéd tra? 10. Megengedtem, hogy kibizza a seemfogamat,felteve, hogy nem fog sj 11. Ha netan epegdresod lenne, hid fel a helyi korhazat 12. Ha tovabbra is napi 40 cigaretatfogsz szii,elvilok Sled 13. Ahelyedben elmentem volna a ndgyogyaszho? ilyen panaseokkal, 14, Ha azt mondta, hogy kivettck a vakbelt,biztos hazudott 15, Ha egész jl nem tudtal aludri, biztos, hogy nem vagy epészséges. 16, Ha tudtam volna, hogy agynak estélinfluenzaval, tlan el tudtam volna jénni meglétogatni, 17, Halenne szives vieni, mindjért megnézem, bent van-e a doktor tr, 7 CONDITIONAL CLAUSES 18. Megha, ha nem hivsz orvost. ~ Tegyik fl, hogy hivok. ~ Orvosi segltség nell sose épil fl, 19, Az igyeletes orvos nélkil nem tudtak volna magahor tériteni 20, Ha ragaszkodsz hoz2d, hogy megszakitsd a terhességedet, nem foglak feleségal 21. Ha talélkozol vel, lehet, hogy megmutatja a zizédésait, amelyeket egy Kocsmai verckedes soran kapott. 22. Ha tod, Kolesn Kellene kémned a gyerekgyOpyaszatrsl sz6l6 Konyvét. 23, Ha dsszeakadse vel Isthatod az égesi sérléscket a kezén. 24 Ha talalkozndtok, éstleg elkaphatnéd az influenzajat 25. Ha belebotlandl, ércdeklddndd Kellone a flesége idegosszeroppansér6] 26. Ha latnsl egy logopédust, akar kérhetnel tle egy Kényvot a dadogssr0l, 27, Ha talalkoztal volna vele,lathattad volna, mennyire le van robbanva, 28, Eltudtam volna meni, ha nem lett volna egész nap hasogat6 fejfsjsom, szrnya ogldjdsom, és nem jot volna ki rajtam mindenféle kites, mivel allergiss vagyok ‘a macskakra 29, Escteg tf tudtam volna venni, hogy ne vegyen be hashajt6t 20, Elkelett volna mennie a bérgySgyészhoz, ha igazityukszem lett volna a labs, 31, Ahelyedben nem engedném hogy manks nélktl probaljon jen 32. Halatod, Iehet, hogy mesélnea rakjrdl. 33, Ha talalkoztok, meghivhatnad, hogy mesélin a felépilésérdl ‘4 Ha kérdez, nem szabad megmondanod, hogy AIDS-s vagy. 35. Ha kerdezte volna, nem lett volna szabad megmondanod a vérvéte eredményét, 36. Ha hajlands lesz bevenni a gyogyszerct, esetleg felepa 37, Nagyon halds lennck, ha sziveskedne abbahagyni a vsiist. 38, Ha nem vagy hajland bevenni a lazesillapitot, nem irok fel whb C-vitamint, 39, Fogadhatsz latogatskat, felteve, hogy nem hagyod el az intenzivosztalyt 40, Nem Kellett volna megmiitened, hiszen menthetcten, 41, Ha netin megkérdezne, mir olyan dagadt az orrod, meg ne mondd neki 42 Ha nem lennenek az gszakik, egész jl érezném magam. 43, Tegyak Fel, hogy undorito (2 Lott rfl az orvos. Bevennéd? {44 Sosejoesz 1, mi baja, hacsak meg nem kérdezed az anyjat 45. Ha nem lett volna az a pletykis felesége, meghivtam volna 6ket a lakasszentelére Mogoldasok ‘You may go there provided you don't get drunk. ‘You will miss the bus unless you stat at once Would you call an ambulance f I srallowed this spoon? If you should/Should you go t town, bring me some antifebrile and some bandages from the chemists 5, you vrill eat one ice-cream after the other, don't be surprised if your throat gets inflamed again. 6, [shall be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow provided T don't have a high temperature again 7, He could have been recovering already if he hadn't caught this other infectious dlscase, 8, The doctors might have operated him if they had known that he had an incurable dliscase 9, Suppose the filling in your tooth falls out. Would you have it refilled? 10, Ilethim extract my eye-tooth on condition that it wouldn't hurt. 11, Ifyou should/ Should you have a bilious attack, phone the local hospital oEoessesee CONDITIONAL CLAUSES Ifyou wl goon smoking 40 cigarettes a day, Til divorce you Ii Thad been you, woul have gone tothe fynaccologat wth such com Ii he sid that his appendix had been remove must ave Been ying It you couldnt sleepall night you cat be helhy, It Thad know that yo were down wih Tight have been able to come to Ir you would wait, wil find out whether the doctors in He will die unless you cla doctor. ~ Suppose I will. - He will never recover ‘We couldn't have brought him round without the help ofthe doctor on duty. If you will have an abortion, I won't marry you. Ifyou meet him, he may show you the bruises that he got during a ight in a pub, | you see him, you should borrow his book on peditris fom him. Ifyou happen to meet him, you will be able to sce the burns on his hand. Ifyou met him, you might catch flu from him. Should you bump into him, you would have to ask him abot his wife's nervous breakdown, If you saw a specch therapist, you might as well ask him for a book on stammering. If'you had met her, you could have seen how unwell she is [could have gone if I hadn't had a splitting headache and a blinding toothache all day long, and all kinds of rashes hadn't developed on my skin, because I'm allergic to cats. might have been able to persuade him not to take laxatives. He sould have had to go tothe dermatologist fhe had had fT were you, I wouldn't let him tr to walk without crutches, If you see him he may speak to you about his cancer. Ifyou meet her, you ought to invite her to speak about her recovery. fhe asks you, you must’ tell him that you have AIDS. the had asked you, it wouldn't have been a good idea to tell him the result of the blood-test. he will take his medicine, he might recover {would be very grateful if you would stop screaming, I you won't take the anti-febrile,I won't prescribe you any more vitamin C. You can receive visitors provided you don’t leave the intensive care unit. You shouldn't have operated on him he is past recovery Should he ask you why your nose isso swollen, you mst’ tll him. it weren't forthe nights, I would feol quite wel Suppose the doctor prescribed you some eviltasting liquid, Would you take it? ‘You'll never find out what his trouble is unless you ask his mother If it hadn't been for that gossiping wife of his, T would have invited them to the hhouse-warming party al com on histo. wis 1 WISH Elméleti tudnivaloke ‘Az T wish & az if only szerkezetek az angol chats mondatok jellegzetes bevezet6 elemei Magyarra a sbéresak” chajtist kifejezdszdval fordituk Az I wish birmely esetben felseréthets az if only kifejezessel. A bevezet6 szerkezotet harom tipust| mondat kvethet: 1 Azige Simple Past (Unreal Past) alakban [Barcsak tsbb szabad idm lenne! Tish Thad more fee tine. 2, Av ige Past Perfect alakban ‘Barcsak ne vettem votna felesegtil ect a szdeny a nétt Trvish I hadn't marred thst terrible woman. 3. Would + az ige sz6tir alakja kifejezhet 8) v8 dre utalast Bérceak egy hettel elobb veget éme a tanév! Tivsh the andere year would end a week eal ) abeszélnck a cselekv6 hajiand6ssigara vonatkor6 ohajst ‘Bércsak ne beszélgetnél a bardtaiddal drikon st! Tosh you wouldnt talk to your friends for hours on en 1 WISH + UNREAL PAST sdamondatok ‘Bircsak tudném a pontos vélaseterrea kenésre! ‘Biresak ki tudna nyitné a2 St6z6szekrényem ataat! [Bércsak ne kellene minden nap elmosogatnom a piszkoscsészéket! ‘Bircsak ne panaszkodnsl annyitaférjedre! [Baresak ne lenne olyan beképzelt: mad az élt megtanitjo, hogyan kell vselkedn. Bérceak elég pénzem lenne, hogy ezt a gyGny@rd autot megvegyen! Baresak haszhéthatndmn a sellodatelefonjat chhez a sirgés hivéshoz! Baresak ne lenne ma olyan foredsig: nem a legalkalmasabb id6 vizsgszni Baresak ne egyid6ben vetitensk a filmet és meceset! Megoldésok 1. Iwish I knew the exact answer to this question 2. Iwish [could open the door of my wardrobe. 3, Lwish Ididavthave to wash up the dirty cups every day. 30 44 Iwish you didn’t complain so much about your husband. 5, Lwish he weren't so conceited, Life will each him how to behave 6, Twish Thad enough money to buy this beautiful car 7, Lwish I were allowed t0 use the phone in the hotel for this urgent cal 8. I wish it weren't so hot today. I's not the most suitable weather for taking an 9, Twish the film and the match weren't broadcast atthe same time, 1 WISH + PAST PERFECT Példamondatok ‘Brcsaktaldlkozhattam votna vele a maltkor! [érceak ne veszekedtek volna a s2Aleim olyan sokat gyerekkoromban! Barcsak ne aludtunk volna el ez ett a fontos vizsgank el6t! ‘Barcsak bemehettunk volna a palota kirdlyirészébe! Barcsak ne kellet volna gjel-nappal tanulnia az egyetemen! [Bérceak a miniszterelndk ne hozatt volna olyan szigora intézkedéscket! [Bércsak a2 angol tanarunk ne iratottvolna dolgozatot a malt héten! ‘Bércsak kocsival jtink volna! Nézd, hogy amlik a. es6! [Bsresak lattad volna, amikor uténozta az eléadét! Megoldésok 1, Twish Thad been able to meat him the other day. 2. L wish my parents hadn't quarrelled so much when I was a child 5, Iwish we hadn't overslept before this important exam of ours. | wish we had been allowed to enter the royal section ofthe palace. 5, wish she hadn't had to learn day and night a university. 6, I wish the Prime Minister hadn't taken sch strict measures 7, Lwish our English teacher hada’t given usa test last week. 8 8 wish we had come by ca. Look, it's pouring down. [wish you had soen him imitate the lecturer IWISH + would Barcsak engem venne feleségil, nem Mancit! 2. Baesak elfogadnak az 4 terveinket! 3, Bircsak ne veszekednétek folyton! 44. Birceak a rend6resg komolyabban megbaintetné a gyorshajtdkat! 6 Béresaknetaldina rime nem akarom tbe Ltn, [Barceak ma kordbban inne haza, hogy hatkor elmehessank a moziba Mogoldasok 1 L wish he would marry me instead of Manci 2. [wish our new projects would be accepted. 3. Lwish you wouldn't quareel all the time, 44. Lovish the police would fine speeders more heavily. 5, Lavish he wouldn't find me. I don’t want to see him any more. 6, [wish he would come home earlier today so that we could go tothe cinema at 6 at

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