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Republic of the Philippines


S.Y. 2017-2018

First Quarterly Examination in Principles of Marketing

Name:____________________________ Date:___________________
Course & Section:___________________ Score:__________________

Test I. Complete the Sentence

The heart of your business _________lies in its marketing. Most aspects of your
business depend on successful___________. The overall marketing umbrella covers advertising,
______relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a ________or service is
introduced and promoted to potential_________.

Test II. Identification

Directions: From the pool of words below, choose the appropriate answer to the following

Broadcast Marketing Controller Direct Mail Marketing Telemarketing

Brand Manager Relationship Marketing Print Marketing Media Director

Target Market Promotion Data Collection Product

__________1. It includes television and radio advertisement.

__________2. It is the practice of delivering sales messages over the phone to convince
consumers to buy a product or service.
__________3. It is the oldest form of traditional marketing.
__________4. It uses printed material like postcards, brochures, letters, catalogs, and fliers sent
through postal mail to attract consumers.
__________5. He is responsible for planning, developing, and directing the marketing efforts
for a particular product or brand.
__________6. They typically work at an advertising agency that develops and implements
marketing strategies for other companies.
__________7. A good/ service, or idea to satisfy the needs of consumer.
__________8. A means of communication between the two parties, seller and buyer.
__________9. It is a facet of customer relationship management (CRM) that focuses on
customer loyalty and long-term customer engagement.
__________10. This pertains to one or more specific groups of potential consumers toward
Which an organization focuses its marketing program.
Test III. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the following questions comprehensively. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The process when the customer understands the motivational values of supplier or the
product he sells.
a. Expansion c. Awareness
b. Commitment d. Exploration
2. The process when customer investigates or tests the supplier’s capabilities and
performance or cross verifies the product’s or brand’s usefulness.
a. Commitment c. Expansion
b. Exploration d. Awareness
3. The process when the supplier wins customer’s faith an customer falls under huge
interdependence of the supplier.
a. Expansion c. Awareness
b. Commitment d. Exploration
4. The stage when customer requirement suddenly changes and he looks for better
a. Commitment c. Expansion
b. Dissolution d. Awareness
5. The powerful stage when suppliers learn to adapt business rules and goal to excel.
a. Commitment c. Expansion
b. Dissolution d. Awareness

Test IV. Enumeration

1-5 Marketing Goals and Objectives

6-10 5 P’s of Marketing
11-15 Stages of Customer Relationship
16-20 Examples of Relationship Marketing

Test V. Essay

1-10 Describe the Traditional Marketing Objectives

Key to Correction:

Test I. Complete the sentence

1. Success
2. Marketing
3. Public
4. Product
5. customers

Test II. Identification

1. Broadcast Marketing
2. Telemarketing
3. Print Marketing
4. Direct Mail Marketing
5. Brand Manager
6. Media Director
7. Product
8. Promotion
9. Relationship Marketing
10. Target Market

Test III. Multiple Choice

1. c. Awareness
2. b. Exploration
3. a. Expansion
4. b. Dissolution
5. a. Commitment

Test IV. Enumeration

1-5 Marketing Goals and Objectives

- increase sales
- Build brand awareness
- Grow market share
- Launch new products or services
- Target new customers
- Enter new market internationally and locally
- Improve stakeholder relations
- Enhance customer relationship
- Improve internal communication

6-10 5 P’s of Marketing

- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- Product
- People

11-15 Stages of Customer Relationship

- Exploration
- Awareness
- Expansion
- Commitment
- Dissolution

16-20 Examples of Relationship Marketing

- Ikea
- Direct Recruitment
- American Airlines
- Dell
- Vyvanse

Prepared By:

Milleth San Buenaventura

Assistant Instructor

Noted By:

Ruelyn A. Millena
Head Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
S.Y. 2017-2018

First Quarterly Examination in Principles of Marketing

Name:____________________________ Date:___________________
Course & Section:___________________ Score:__________________

Test I. True or False

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write T if the Statement is TRUE, and write F
if otherwise.
__________1. Marketing is the paradox, which is not known to many.
__________2. Marketing is the world’s oldest professions, but at the same time the world’s
relatively newest discipline of learning.
__________3. Direct mail marketing is the oldest form of traditional marketing.
__________4. Media Director manages the entire advertising strategy of a company from all
directions, including business, sales and technical perspectives.
__________5. Kotler has put contemporary approaches in one term called ‘Holistic Marketing’.
__________6. In CRM the alphabet ‘R’ means reliable.
__________7. Trust means confidence and securities.
__________8. Customers are willing to pay more for a better experience.
__________9. Marketing are activities of a company associated with buying and selling a
product or service.
__________10. Customer service is the act of taking care of the customer’s needs by providing
and delivering professional, helpful, high quality service and assistance before,
during, and after the customer’s requirements are met.

Test II. Give the meaning of the following words. (2pts each)

1. Product
2. Price
3. Promotion
4. Place
5. Market Research
6. Sales Research
7. Product Research
8. Advertising Research
Test III. Enumeration

1-4 Early Approaches in Marketing

5-8 Components of Market Segmentation
9-14 Skills that a Customer Service Representative should possess
15-17 Career in Marketing

Test IV. Classification

Directions: Classify weather the statement is a selling philosophy or marketing philosophy. Write
SP if the statement is a selling philosophy and MP if otherwise.

1. Consumer oriented
2. Seek sales rather than profit
3. Short term goal orientation
4. Looks at groups of consumers
5. Broad view of consumer needs
6. Informal planning and feedback
7. Two-way interactive process
8. Little adaptation to environment
9. Integrated Planning and Feedback
10. Concerned with current inventory reduction

Test V. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the following questions comprehensively. Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. It is the oldest form of traditional marketing.

a. Broadcast Marketing c. Direct Mail Marketing
b. Print Marketing d. Telephone Marketing
2. It uses printed material like postcards, brochures, letters, catalogs, and fliers sent
through postal mail to attract consumers.
a. Broadcast Marketing c. Direct Mail Marketing
b. Print Marketing d. Telephone Marketing
3. It includes television and radio advertisement.
a. Broadcast Marketing c. Direct Mail Marketing
b. Print Marketing d. Telephone Marketing
4. They manage the entire advertising strategy of a company from all directions, including
business, sales and technical perspectives.
a. Media Director c. Advertising Sales Director
b. Brand Manager d. Marketing Manager
5. They typically work at an advertising agency that develops and implements marketing
strategies for other companies.
a. Media Director c. Advertising Sales Director
b. Brand Manager d. Marketing Manager
Key to Correction:
Test I.
1. True
2. True
3. False-Print Marketing
4. False-Advertising Sales Director
5. True
6. False- Relationship
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True

Test II.
1. Product-
2. Price-
3. Promotion-
4. Place-
5. Market Research-
6. Sales Research-
7. Product Research-
8. Advertising Research-

Test III. Enumeration

1-4 Early approaches in marketing
- Production concept
- Product concept
- Selling concept
- Marketing concept
5-8 Components of Market Segmentation
- Audience composition
- Buying behavior
- Geography
- Events
9-14 Skills that a Customer Service Representative should possess
- Empathy, patience and consistency
- Adaptability
- Clear Communication
- Work Ethics
- Knowledge
- Thick skin
15-17 Careers in Marketing
- Brand Manager
- Advertising Sales Director
- Media Director

Test IV.
1. MP
2. SP
3. SP
4. MP
5. MP
6. SP
7. MP
8. SP
9. MP
10. SP

Test V. Multiple Choices

1. b. Print Marketing
2. c. Direct Mail Marketing
3. a. Broadcast Marketing
4. c. Advertising Sales Director
5. a. Media Director

Prepared By:

Milleth San Buenaventura

Assistant Instructor

Noted By:

Ruelyn A. Millena
Head Teacher

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