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How We all need to keep our health properly because it is the most expensive thing in the world,

being sick is such a thing that we need to avoid since it will mess up the daily activities that we have
planned. When we are sick, all the things that we are allowed to do is lay in bed to do the recovery in
order to be healthy again for some days. It will also make us unable to do the things that we need to
do properly because of the unwell of our body. Indeed, healthiness can give the effects to other
things, when we are healthy we will do the things properly too. So, this article is going to talk about
some habits that you can do to keep your health, here are some of them :

Consume more mineral water

Having enough sleep, which is around seven to eight hours

Doing the exercise regularly

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Choose the foods that have bright colour as the antioxidant

Walk barefoot

Stop eating when you feel like you are about to be full

Control the sugar that you are going to consume

Consume less soda and caffeine

Do not drink alcohol

Stop smoking

Choose healthy snacks

Drink a lot of vegetables and fruits smoothies

Hang out with healthy people

Trying new things—taking or learning a new thing in a course or from the internet

Do more activities in outdoor

Make your own juices

Avoid the smokers

Consume the foods that contain low fat and low calories

Bring your own water bottle wherever you go

Prepare your own meal

Choose organic foods

Decrease the consumption of oily foods

Avoid eating when you are unstable emotion

Think positively
Love yourself more

Do not eat canned foods too much

Do the meditation

Eat vitamins

Consume clean foods

Those are the simple habits that you can do daily to keep your healthiness. It is very important to
make sure that you are doing things that will make you, your body, your mind, and your soul
healthy. When we are investing or buying things that will make us healthy, it is like we are investing
the most important thing in this world. It seems difficult and some people might say “eating and
drinking healthy things are not delicious”, that sentence is actually not true. For some people it will
be difficult to consume healthy things but they will get used to it, we do not want to be in a hospital
and the doctor says that the cause of it is because we consume healthy things rarely, do we? One
thing that you need to remember is, the money that we need to pay the medicines and hospitals are
more expensive than the money that we need to buy and spend on healthy things.

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