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Lectureship of Computer Science (SPSC-2019)

Operating System
TOPIC: File System

A file system is a process that manages how and where data on a

storage disk, typically a hard disk drive (HDD), is stored, accessed and
managed. It is a logical disk component that manages a disk's internal
operations as it relates to a computer and is abstract to a human user.

1. The file structure that redefines its first record at a base of zero uses the term.
a) relative organization
b) key fielding
c) dynamic reallocation
d) all of these
Option: A


2. The most efficient data set organization is a/an

a) sequential file
b) ISAM file
c) variable depending upon the usage of the dataset
d) a partitioned data set
Option: C

: by: Asif Ayoub
3. Which structure prohibits the sharing of flies and directories?
a) tree structure
b) one level structure
c) two level structure
d) none of these
Option: A

4. The activity of a file

a)is a low percentage of number of records that are added to or deleted from a file.
b)is a measure of the percentage of existing records updated during a run.
c)refers to how closely the files fit into the allocated space
d)is a measure of the number of records added or deleted from a file compassed with the
original number of records
Option: A

5. Path's name are

a) absolute path
b) relative path
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of these
Option: C

6. The allocation map

a) a is used to store program data
b) specifies which blocks are used by which file
c) is updated by applications programs
d) allow programs to erase files
Option: B

7. A partitioned data set is most used for

a) storing program data
b) storing ISAM files
c) a program or source library
d) storing backup information
Option: C

: by: Asif Ayoub
8. Solution of name collision problem is
a) data single level directory
b) two level directory
c) tree structure
d) all of these
Option: B

9. An incremental backup
a) uses more tapes
b) should be done each month
c) saves only files that have recently changed
d) saves all files
Option: C

10. The simplest directory structure is

a) single level directory
b) two level directory
c) tree structure directory
d) none of these
Option: A

11. Disaster recovery

a) is needed by every installation
b) is never needed
c) varies in degree between installations
d) requires off-site computer for immediate use
Option: C

12. System supports two types of file, which are

a) text files
b) executable binary flies
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of these
Option: C

: by: Asif Ayoub

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