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What are the Top Medical Conferences to attend in 2020?

Medicine is a branch of science and practice of the diagnosis and treatment. The broad discipline
covers health care and pharmaceutical sciences that brought significant changes in modern drug
discovery & development and paved the way for awaiting research and innovations.
Medical conferences include a gist that pacts with the several branches of science that is about the
living medical life. The persistent development and innovations had been happening in the medical
area and education globally. These have ensued from the progress in the medical arena. Also,
patients have become more knowledgeable regarding their fitness. Consequently, the Conference on
'development in medical practice and education' will grip many topics at the several troubles
affecting medical practice, studies and training.

There are many medical conferences upcoming and are enumerated below:-


When- March 09-10, 2020

World Congress on Addictive Disorders And Addiction Therapy 2020 aims to muster researchers,
specialists, and leading academic scientists to proffer their encounters and research comes about all
parts of unsafe impact of Addiction and Treatment and Therapy. Additionally, it gives the head
interdisciplinary gathering to specialists, experts and instructors to show and talk about the latest
advancements, patterns, and concerns, viable difficulties experienced, and the arrangements
embraced in the field of dependency treatment and treatment.

• Dubai International Pharmaceutical & Technology Conference & Exhibition

When - February 25-27, 2020

DUPHAT is the premier Pharmaceutical and Technology event in the Middle East launched in 1995 by
INDEX Conferences and Exhibitions Org. Est., a member of INDEX Holding in collaboration with the
government through the Dubai Health Authority with the aim to provide a high-quality conference
and a wide-ranging exhibition. The event is attended by researchers, pharmacists, physicians,
scientists and drug manufacturers, dealers, agents, distributors from different countries. DUPHAT
2020 is supposed to be attended by more than 650 brand and exhibiting companies across
worldwide, which are expected to showcase to their latest pharmaceutical research and
development, cutting edge technology, manufacturing process, and top quality machinery.

• Conference On-Ear Nose And Throat (ENT)

When -March 16-17, 2020

ENT Conference 2020 targets to muster the most elegant societies and industries with the revered
and honourable persons from top-notch universities across the worldwide. The Conference is an
international platform for offering research on diagnosis, prevention and management and
exchanging ideas on it and thus, contributes to the dissemination of knowledge in Rhinology and

• Euro Ophthalmology And Eye Surgery Conference

When- July 13-14, 2020

Euro Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery Conference are performed by Conference Series LLC Ltd which
is comprised of 3000+ worldwide Events with more than1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and
1000+Workshops on diverse Medical, Pharmaceutical, Clinical, Engineering, Science, Technology,
Business and Management field all over the globe. Eye Surgery 2020 conference will focus mostly on
engineering developments in territories of treating Ophthalmology diseases, Glaucoma, Diagnostics
and Advances towards Eye Treatment.

• Sexual & Reproductive Health And Family Planning Conference

When -September 21-22, 2020


Reproductive Health this year focuses on all aspects of human reproduction. It includes a variety of
reproductive conditions, their prevention and assessment, with recent advancements with the help of
technology and research. Good sexual and reproductive health is essential for individual wellbeing.
Reproductive Health 2020 will serve excellent experience and opportunities to enhance one's career.

• Global Summit On Oncology And Hematology

When- September 24-25, 2020

Oncology 2020 coordinates towards tending to main issues as well as future strategies of Cancer.
This will be the biggest and most encouraging universal gathering where the program incorporates
Clinical Oncologists, Registered Nurses, Nurse specialists and the whole restorative group required
inpatient care, scientists, proficient, early profession people who wish to learn standards of tumour
immunology and immunotherapy well as leaders will come to examine on different parts of
challenges, risks and investment opportunities of Cancers.

• International Conference On Orthodontics

When- September 25-26, 2020


Dental Implants and Orthodontics Conferences have been made in an interdisciplinary manner with a
multitude of tracks to pick up from each segment and provides with a unique opportunity to meet
up with both industries belonging to Dentistry.
The latest methods, upgrades, and the most current updates in Dental implants and Orthodontics
are signs of this Conference. It is getting the administration to organize for Dentists, Implantologists,
Orthodontists, Dental Assistants, Dental Marketing Managers, Dentist/Practice Owners, Marketing
Executives, Office Managers, and Group Practice Executives.

• International Forum On Orthopaedics And Traumatology

When- October 12-13, 2020


Orthopaedics Conference, 2020 is an exceptionally designed cluster conference which consists of

keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Discussions and Exhibitions, Young
Researcher Forums (YRF), Best Poster Award, Industry academic interactive sessions, and Industry
This Orthopaedics Conference is based on the theme "Exploring Innovations and Advancements in
the fields of Orthopaedics and Traumatology".

• International Conference On Pulmonary Disorder

When- October 14-15, 2020


Pulmonary Disorder Conference welcomes pulmonologists and Medical specialists across the globe
to discuss current trends in Pulmonary Disorder, screening to diagnosis, treatment and management.
Strategic sessions of the Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine covering about almost all of the
Respiratory Diseases such as COPD, Asthma, Allergy, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, tuberculosis,
emphysema, Lung Cancers, complicated chest infections, pulmonary fibrosis, Sleep Apnea, Interstitial
lung disease, Lung nodules, chronic cough, Influenza, mycobacterial infection, Paediatric Pulmonary,
Bronchiectasis, and Critical Care.
• International Conference On Hepatitis

When- October 19-20, 2020


Hepatitis Meet 2020 conference that is organized by Organizing Committee Members where it starts
with a significant session. It is followed by oral presentation and poster presentations and finally
ends with the certificate distribution.
International Conference on Hepatology and liver diseases Unites Researchers, Specialists, Analysts,
teachers and college students with an intent to give a smart period and global stage to trade and
share their works and ideas in growing discipline of Liver, Gallbladder, Stomach, Pancreas, Pharnyx,
Endoscopic, Esophagus and Intestinal Diseases.

• Global Summit And Expo On Orthopedics And Rheumatology

When- November 09-10, 2020


Orthopaedics Summit 2020 will put together world-class educators, scientists, physicians, students,
researchers, doctors, pharmaceutical companies to explore techniques for Bone, Arthritis,
Arthroplasty, Hip & Knee Replacement. The participants can share their research results covering the
scientific aspects of Rheumatology, Osteoarthritis, Orthopaedic Surgery, Arthroplasty, Osteoporosis,
Arthritis, Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Paediatric Orthopaedics, Joint replacement surgery,
Spine Disorders / Spine Injuries, Musculoskeletal Disorders. The Conference will incentivize Young
Researcher's Forum, scientists and the researchers in their early stage of career graph to discuss their
outcome to enrich and develop the idea broadly.

• International Conference On Foot And Ankle Surgeons

When - December 10-11, 2020


ME Conferences is hoped to invite the participants all around the world for the International
Conference on Foot and Ankle Surgeons held at Dubai, UAE. It is developed by the co-ordination of
eminent personalities from all over the world, PODIATRY 2020 includes Keynote presentations,
Poster presentations, Oral talks and Exhibitions.
ME Conferences is a pioneer in Event conduction, organizing over 1000+ worldwide Events inclusive
of 1000+ Conferences, 500+ future and previous Symposiums and Workshops in the USA, Europe
and Asia with help from a thousand extra logical social orders and distributes 900+ Open access
Journals that contains more than 30000 prominent identities recognized researchers as publication
board individuals.
These are a few medical conferences listed and there are more that will be held in 2020. These
medical conferences help in culling imperative data and information in the medical field. That is why
it becomes vital to attend one, if one wants to abreast with the information.
Source: - International Conference In Dubai

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