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Thomas Carlyle Fact File Biography: Lifespan:1795 - 1881 *** Full Name: Thomas Carlyle ***

Occupation: Scottish Philosopher, Teacher, Historian and Satirical Writer *** Date of Birth: Thomas
Carlyle was born on December 4th 1795 *** Place of Birth: Thomas Carlyle was born in Ecclefechan,
Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland *** Family background: His parents were determined to that he
receive an education *** Early life and childhood: He grew up in Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland
*** Education: Thomas Carlyle attend Annan Academy in Annan but was very unhappy there due to
bullying and went on to attend the University of Edinburgh ***

Thomas Carlyle Fact 1: Thomas Carlyle was born on December 4th 1795 and during the 18th century
period in history when France and America both went through revolutions and the Industrial
Revolution began in Britain.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 2: When he had completed his University studies his first position was a
mathematics teacher in Annan before moving to Kirkcaldy.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 3: Between 1819 and 1921 he went back to the University of Edinburgh and
while there had an intense crisis of faith which resulted in Sartor Resartus, which brought him into
the public domain.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 4: It is thought that he suffered from gastric ulcers which would explain his
characteristically crotchety and cranky, argumentative and disagreeable personality.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 5: He became particularly influenced by the work of Johann Gottlieb Fichte a
German idealist on who Carlyle professed to become quite the expert.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 6: In 1826 Thomas Carlyle married Jane Baillie Welsh a fellow intellectual. It was
through Jane that they found lodging in a residence provided with her estate Craigenputtock of
which Carlyle had many fond memories and also said “It is certain that for living and thinking in I
have never since found in the world a place so favourable.”.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 7: It was in Craigenputtock that he produced some of his best work...

Thomas Carlyle Fact 8: In 1831 they moved to London, living in Kings Cross before moving to
Chelsea several years later.
Thomas Carlyle Fact 9: He would become known as the Sage of Chelsea and it was in Chelsea that
he wrote The French Revolution: A History which would consist of three volumes.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 10: It is thought Charles Dickens used the works of Carlyle as a source for
material on the French Revolution that he would go on to use in his novel A Tale of Two Cities.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 11: During his lifetime he witnessed the industrial revolution but managed to
maintain a non-materialistic outlook on the world.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 12: He would write “That great men should rule and that others should revere

Thomas Carlyle Fact 13: His views on heroism were that firstly a hero was someone to aspire to be
like and followed by being a architect of history and moving it forward and not going back “history
being the biography of great men”.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 14: Hero worship dominated his writing in such books as Letters and Speeches
of Oliver Cromwell which he wrote in 1845.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 15: He continued to write throughout his life and one of his final works was that
of Frederick the Great.

Thomas Carlyle Fact 16: Towards the end of his life he generally wrote short essays such as The Early
Kings of Norway: Also an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox.

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