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Leadership is the key to the survival of any company. Leadership is a set of skills
that a person has to be able to put himself in front of a group and this allows him to
positively influence the group of people.

1. What are the qualities of good leadership?

The good leader will know that there will be ways to lead because it will depend
on the person or group of people he or she is going to lead, the place and the
time. Some qualities of good leadership are:
 Communication:
It is considered one of the most important leadership qualities, since it is
necessary for the leader to have good communication with his collaborators
so that communication is effective and not unilateral, so a good leader has to
listen to each and every one of the members of the team.
 Influence:
The good leader influences through inspiration, his charisma, his values and
his innate qualities, making his followers want to follow him, instead of feeling
that they "must" do so.
 Emotional Intelligence:
Emotional intelligence is a key factor and is related to perceiving the needs of
the team, understanding the emotions of its members (as well as their
strengths, limitations and potential) and channelling them in favour of the
project and the organization. Through this we will know what happens to our
 Strategic thinking:
Any good leader has his sights set on the future, which allows him to
anticipate and anticipate future challenges within the organization. Their task
is to meet current demands by securing a good future position, setting goals
and achievable objectives.
 Knowledge and experience:
A leader must know more than anyone else his field and the challenges he
will face in the daily development of his tasks and those of his team. You must
know how to advance to obstacles, provide solutions when necessary and
guide your team to obtain them.
 Trust:
The leader who inspires trust is the one who demonstrates consistency in his
actions, acting with ethics, respect and integrity. Trust in each member of your
team, as well as in yourself, is key and necessary to create a productive
environment in the work environment.
 Commitment and passion:
An effective leader must know how to convey commitment to the organization
and the project, setting an example for all team members. A committed leader
is one who inspires and spreads his enthusiasm and passion by making his
subordinates feel as his own each and every one of the achievements made.

2. What defines a great leader?

 He knows how to surround himself with the best and always seeks to have
the best around him, without fear that they are even more valid than himself,
although others might see a threat in a situation like this, the leader only sees
it as an advantage. The leader must know how to recognize and give credit
to his collaborators.
 The leader transmits and seeks the commitment of his group with the
transmission of values, so that the whole group is united and focused on a
common goal.
 The leader also fulfills what he promises, and this is an essential value to
strengthen the confidence of the group and supports and reinforces the
transmission of values.
 The leader also bothers and worries about knowing the group's problems and
has the quality of being able to recreate situations that the group can easily
identify. They must be able to empathize with the group.
 Attitude of active listening, what the leader looks for with this is that all his
collaborators disagree on the subjects to treat.
 It dominates the non-verbal language, the leader looks into the eyes of those
who listen to him, dominating a voice highlighting the points in which he wants
to attract attention and transmitting with aplomb, security, which reinforces
the value of honesty.
 Grateful, the leader not forgetting all those who have supported him, helped
has to be grateful to all people.

3. LEADERS: Born or Made (give your point of view)

In my view, leaders are born and made.
There are people who are born to be leaders, because they have innate
characteristics to be leaders, and this can be appreciated from their childhood
because they have the ability to influence a group of people. These leaders have
to be trained and continue to develop their knowledge and skills and not just settle
for what they have, in order to better play the role of leader.
And leaders are also made, that means that no one is limited to become a leader,
because you can learn how to be a leader, but as long as there is the will and
desire to learn and want to develop as a leader, for that they have to be in
constant development and training.

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