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JOHN CALVIN Ultimate Authority:

*”The Bible the Word of God”

History and Introduction: *The Oracles of God possessed

ultimate authority over man.
*Reformer of Geneva/Pastor of
Geneva *True, man might not understand
everything in the scriptures or in
*One of the father of Modern God’s purpose, for “the secret things
Democracy belong to God.” (Deut 29:29), but
what God has revealed must form
*Some viewed him as a virtual
director, “The Pope of Geneva” the basis and the structure of the
Christians thinking.”
*A master of dissimulation who
*To Calvin, this meant that there was
always got his own dictatorial view
across by subtle means. very clearly a Christian-biblical word-
and-life view which encompassed all
*The son of Picard lawyer, he was at phases of life-not just religion, but
first destined for the priesthood. science, economics and politics.
*Calvin’s training prepared him to be *He believed that even non-Christian
both a humanist scholar and a had implanted within him, by the
lawyer. grace of God, a sense of justice and
*During his studies at Bourges, he
seems to have accepted the *The ultimate authority for his
teachings of the new religious political ideology was the Bible.
movement which we know as the
*According to him the church has the
reformation. By this time, Luther
role to play with regard to the state.
teachings had spread widely, even in
France. *Calvin believed to set forth the
biblical teaching concerning the state
* There was also the reforming
and its function.
activity of Ulrich Zwingli in Zurich and
Anabaptists in Switzerland and *Calvin believed in a theocracy, bot
Germany. an ecclesiocracy.
*Luther thought of the ruler as being -Both the rulers of the church and
supreme over the church in all such the civil magistrates are directly
worldly matter as property and even responsible to God for their actions,
organization. but they do not rule over each other.
*Zwingli, on the other hand, allowed -The church: may admonish the
the civil ruler nearly total control over magistrate as to what God’s law
the church. says, but cannot determine how that
law is to be applied in matters of civil
*The Christians did not require civil
supervision, since they already
obeyed God’s Law. -The magistrate: may advise the
church concerning matters relating to
*By the time, the first edition of the
civil affairs, but cannot force the
“Institutes of the Christian Religion”
church to conform to civil rules in its
appeared in 1536, Calvin had
teachings, worship, or gov’t.
considerable knowledge of these
varying views, as well as these of *Calvin believed that the church form
classical writers such as Seneca and of government was to be
Cicero. fundamentally democratic.
The Magistrate and the Law: attacks on and execution of
*Calvin held the magistrate in high
honor. In fact, he insisted that being *What about the possibility of
a magistrate was the worst important rebellion?
calling anyone could receive.
-At first, Calvin was absolutely
*To Calvin this natural law or moral opposed to such any action. But it
law as Calvin called it, is the seems he gradually become more
foundation for all political gov’t. It has reconciled to the idea of anti-
2 chief articles: tyrannical action.
-to worship God and love one *Calvin believed, however, that
another magistrates who are elected are
more likely to rule justly than those
-the laws of different nations may
who take control by inheritance or
rightly differ
*Who is to govern?
*In political thought, as in theology,
-To Calvin, a ruler whether an Calvin id in essential agreement with
individual or a body made up of a Luther.
number of individual is a necessity.
*Calvin, unlike Luther, considered
Without someone to guide and direct
the problem of the best form of gov’t
the enacting and enforcing of laws, a
and chose either aristocracy or a
society simply falls into anarchy.
mixture of aristocracy and
*Calvin did not favor the idea of democracy.
succession by right of birth.
The 5 foundational tenets of
*What the s the proper relation of the Calvinism:
magistrate to the law? Is the ruler
T-otal depravity: the belief that all
above or under the law?
human beings are sinful and are
-the ruler is under divine law in his born with an inherent sin-nature.
relation to his sovereign God.
U-nconditional election: belief that
-At the same time, the people are to God predestined individuals for
obey the ruler, not merely because salvation, and that individuals cannot
of social benefits, but because they choose God without God enabling
are obeying the authority which God them to do so.
has established over them.
L-imited atonement: belief that God
Covenant and Rebellion: sent Jesus Christ to die for the sins
of his chosen saints only, and not for
*At the base of this concept of the the sins of those who are
relation of ruler and ruled was unbelievers.
Calvin’s covenant idea.
I-rresistible grace: belief that Go’s
*In a truly Christian gov’t, there is chosen elect cannot resist God’s
also covenant between God and his grace in their lives.
P-erseverance of the saints: belief
*Many of his rulers of his day were that once an individual is saved, he
tyrannically exercising their authority or she can never lose his or her
over the people. salvation because he or she is
*In his Epistle Dedicatory to 1st eternally bound to Christ.
edition of the Institutes, Calvin called
upon France I of France to stop

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