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Based on the findings, the following conclusions are arrived at:

A. Importance of Filipino Subject

We the researchers conclude that the Filipino subject must not be removed. Most of

the respondents said that enhancing Filipino subject must be prioritize. In this way, we are

also enhancing Filipino as our communication or interacting language. Filipino subject is

important for the next generation to learn new knowledge that they have’nt learn yet. Most

of them disagree with the removal of Filipino, because they believe that Filipino subject

can help us to improve ourselves in the aspect of writing,research and speaking.

B. Removing Filipino subject has good and bad effects

As revealed by the respondents, the removal of Filipino subject has good and bad

effects. Majority of the respodents states that it is bad because even Filipino is our mother

tongue language we must not stop improving our knowledge from it and we should

increase our exposure more in enhancing our language. While some respondents indicates

that it has good effects which is the expenses in units will be lessen .

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