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Once upon a time there (A) ———————- (live) a man called Damocles.

A friend of
his eventually(B) ——————— (become) the ruler of a small city. Damocles thought,
‘How lucky my friend (C)——————— (be). He (D) ——————— (be) now a ruler.
He must (E)——————- (have) a great time. He (F)—————– have fine clothes, lots
of money and a number of servants. I wish I (G)—————– (have) his luck.’ He (H)——
————– (decide) to visit his friend to enjoy his hospitality. When he (I)——————
(reach) the palace, the king himself (J)——————– (receive) him with respect and
affection. Damocles then (K)———————- (tell) the king that he (L)———————-
(be) indeed a lucky man. The king (M)——————- (smile). He (N)—————– (invite)
his friend to have dinner with him.
Answer for Blank A is?
a) living
b) lived(*)
c) live
d) liven
Answer for Blank B is?
a) Become(*)
b) Became
c) Becoming
d) Has become
Answer for blank C is?
a) Is (*)
b) Was
c) It
d) Were
Answer for blank D is?
a) Be
b) Was
c) Is(*)
d) Will
Answer for blank E is?
a) Be has
b) Be having(*)
c) Be had
d) Be have
Answer for blank F is?

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