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Objectives of Consumer Behaviour Analysis

The objectives of this study is analysis consumer behavior are mostly consumer researches are
undertaken to find out the attitudes of the consumer about a product. Their preferences, likes and
dislikes which lead to the further transformation of the sales strategies by the marketer. These
strategies are change with the passage of time as consumer demand and wants change.

Researchers may also like to know the types of consumers and their demographic characteristics
for a particular services and product.

The evolution of consumer behavior in the digital age.

Back in those days, the way we shopped for products

was drastically different from the way we shop today.
Most of us still trusted brick and mortar stores, we
didn’t have price comparison services, and we were
at the mercy of large corporations for discounts.
Imagine yourself as a customer in the year 2005. You
just walked into a grocery store to buy a bottle of

Now we have a digital media the trend is increase day

by day. Now people use digital media for shopping to avoid psychological and physical cost.
Shopping Behavior

In the 80’s people used to buy most of the grocery on daily basis because at that time refrigerator
were not available in every house to freeze the foods and use it for some days and even months.
Only wheat and rice were used to purchase by people for use of 6 months to 1 year. People used
to take their wheat to the general store for grinding it and convert it into flour to use for eating.
Other grocery items like spices were used to purchase on daily basis from the general stores
available in the areas. Mostly men and young children would go to the general stores to buy grocery
for daily use. Women would also go to buy the vegetables from the vegetable shop.

Socializing Behavior

In the 80’s people used to meet each other more frequently. Relatives would visit to each other
houses more often. Every family would cook something and get together at one relative house and
eat together there. In every month all the relative would go to the picnic together. All the cousins
would also get together at one cousin house and play different indoor games. Young generation
would play outside different games like cricket, hockey and other desi games. After coming home
middle age men would sit together outside their houses and spend some good time together to have
a good talk on different topics like politics, jobs issues, country crisis, personal issues and their
solutions. Old people would also sit together outside their houses and smoke hookah together.

Clothing Style

Mostly people used to buy clothes 2 times a year in 80’s, one on Eid-ul-Fitar and one on Eid-ul-
Azha. Other than clothes were purchased for the wedding functions. At that time mostly people
would buy unstitch clothes. Normally women of the house knew that how to stich the clothes and
those who didn’t know would go to the tailor shop of their areas to stitch the clothes from tailor.
At that time ready-made clothes were available in less quantity. People used to buy unstitched
clothes and make salwar kameez, pant shirt and pant court from that unstitched clothes. Men in
the house or at the time of going outside would prefer to wear salwar kameez and the official dress
for men at that time would be pant shirt with court. Women would wear only salwar kameez at
that time. For ready-made clothes, Bonanza and Oxford brands were very famous especially for
people who could afford these brands at that time

Marriage Ritual

In the 80’s wedding halls were not available and people would arrange their wedding functions
outside their houses or in parks near their houses. A wedding cook (Naii) were used to arrange by
people themselves who would perform different duties along with cooking food for wedding
functions like he would send wedding invitations to relatives and neighbors, take care of the special
relatives, arrange different items to use in wedding, slaughter goat and making meat. Close
relatives would come to the wedding house a month before to help the relatives of wedding house
in different duties. Relatives from different cities would come a week before at wedding house.
Relatives from same cities and neighbors would come on the same day of the wedding function.
All the relatives would perform some duties like men would set tents in the streets, arrange meat
for the wedding, arrange lights for the wedding function and would sit with Naii to take care of
the meat and wedding food. Women relatives would help in stitching bride wedding clothes and
dowry clothes. For wedding food mutton Qourma was the most common dish because mutton was
very cheap at that time. Along with that Palak Gosht, Pilau and Zarda in desert were also used to
be the part of wedding food menu. There used to be a register in which information about how
much money as a SALAMII given by relatives to groom and bride so they can return this money
to their relatives back according to the money given by them.

Entertainment/Leisure Activities

In the 80’s young generation would play outdoor games like cricket, hockey and Frisbee. Women
of the house would see PTV dramas from 4 pm to 10 pm. At that time dramas like Sohna Chandi,
Angan Terha and Tanhaiyaa were very famous. Men of the house would see news on PTV at 9pm
after coming home. Urdu novels were also used to read by women in their free time. Families
would also go to theatre to watch stage dramas. Young generation would go to the cinemas hall to
watch Pakistani Urdu and Punjabi films in their free time. People who used to have VCR in their
houses would watch movies and dramas in their houses.

Religious Rituals

On the religious ritual all the families were used together at Grandparents house and celebrate
together. A day before Eid ul Azha and in the last fasting day of Ramadan month, families would
go to the roof to see the moon to know that whether the ‘Eid will be tomorrow or a day after
tomorrow. Eid cards were used to exchange between cousins to show their strong family bonding.
On ‘Eid day all the men would go to the mosque to offer ‘Eid prayer together. After offering ‘Eid
prayer all the members of family sit together to talk and enjoy. Eidi was also given to the children
on the first day of ‘Eid. Relatives would visit to each other houses and distribute sweets. A small
amount of money were also used to distribute among poor people. On Eid ul Azha first day men
used to spend most of their time on slaughtering goats and cow and take care of the meat cutting.
Women would spend most of their time on cooking meat. A considerable amount of meat were
also used to distribute among poor people, relatives and neighbors.

Cultural Festival

People used to celebrate cultural festival with all the families and with great happiness. In cities
people used to celebrate Basant festival. Families used to gather at one house and enjoy basant
together. Different food item were used to prepare by women of the house. Men would make
seating arrangements in the rooftop to sit there and eat together along with kite flying. Another
cultural festival that used to take place in Lahore was Mela Charagah and still happen every year.
In Mela charagah people from all cites of Pakistan used to come at the urs (death anniversary) of
Shah Hussain. People would come there for pray, lighting up diva or chiragah and do Dhamaal (a
special type of Punjabi dance). In other cities of Pakistan. In small cities Mela were also used to
set up by the government for the local people in which food stalls and rides were used to install.

Eating Behavior

Dining Out
In the 80’s families did not use to go out to eat food from outside. It was not used to consider a
good thing to eat from restaurants. At that time restaurants were not available in huge amount and
only youngster were used to go to the restaurants with their friends. At that time when guest used
to come at someone house, so women of the house would prepare all the food in the house to serve
their guest. Guests would feel bad and think that hosts are not happy and don’t want them in their
house, if host would bring the food from restaurant or take them to the restaurant. People would
feel happiness to serve the guest who would come to their houses because of the strong family
values and family bonding in 80’s.

Home Décor

In the 80’s houses were used to be very simple and wide as compared to now a days fashionable
houses. Rooms of the houses were used to be big and roofs would be high. Roofs, ceiling and walls
were very simple at that time. In houses people did not use to put lanter to make roof, rather they
would make roofs from TR Garter. Attached washrooms were not available in the house because
people would consider bad to make washrooms in the bedrooms from religious point of view. Only
one or two washrooms were available in the house which were used by everyone. Washrooms
were used to be very simple and only one tap would be installed in the washroom without the
function of hot and cold water. To make fashionable house in the 80’s only chips were used to put
in the floor instead of tiles.

How Marketing used to take place in 80’s

In 80’s companies used to market their products by putting adds of their products on newspapers
and by placing posters of their products on the walls of general stores and house. Companies also
use to feed their product adds on every movie or drama VCR cassette so people would watch adds
of the company’s products before the starting of the movie. Companies also used radio for
advertising product adds in 80’s. TV were also used to advertise their products by companies
especially before the starting of news headline at 9 pm adds were used to show by PTV. TV Ads
were more meaningful in the 80’s because of the theme shown in adds with good music. At that
time famous celebrities were also used to consider important to be in the ads in order to increase
sales of product.
To advertise about the new movie or drama showing in cinema or theatre, a Tanga or cycle was
used with ring bell and posters of new movie along with that a person used to speak on a loud
speaker about the theme of the movie or drama.

In the 80’s consumers did not have enough choice to choose between so many products and internet
and social media was also not available at that time so there was a less competition among

Change in culture, consumer behavior and marketing

With the passage of time living standards of the people have changes a lot. In the 80’s and 90’s
with the introduction of TV in every house people became more aware of different things like
fashion, lifestyle and many other things. When people started watching foreign shows in the TV
or local celebrities following foreign celebrities fashion, so marketer observe that people are liking
these type of clothes that are being showed in the TV foreign programs and in this way they
introduced foreign clothing fashion in the Pakistan. After that big markets for shopping became
popular in Pakistan. People started having many options or alternatives to buy and competition
increased between clothing brands.

With the increase of luxuries in the life people immunity became reduced like with the introduction
of water cooler women of the house used to prefer to sit in front of the watercooler and would not
cook food in the house and started bringing food in the house from outside. After some years
people started going to restaurants to eat. Same like this people started making arrangements of
wedding functions in the wedding halls in order to save from the hot weather and making all the
arrangements by themselves. In this way people started saving their time. Because of awareness
by foreign shows and local shows people started considering the matter of prestige and respect to
eat from outside.

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