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The Tools of Justice are items dedicated to bringing justice to the realms.

contain the souls of Paladins, Priests and others dedicated to the rule of law. These
items are all sentient and dedicated to the rule of law above all other
considerations. The items are dedicated to each other and will constantly attempt
to influence their bearers to obtain the other items. Any bearer of an artifact of
Justice will find their actions and alignment slowly moving towards a Lawful
alignment. If a character is not lawful they must make a wisdom save once a week
(in game time) to avoid their alignment from shifting towards lawful. If a character
possesses two or more of the Tools of Justice the save is at disadvantage.
Furthermore, the Tools of Justice do not tolerate other magical items. A bearer of
two or more Items of Justice cannot use or wear magical items that are not tools of
justice without negative consequences. The tools will cease to function as magical
items. The tools will also actively interfere with their bearers’ activities causing
bearers to make all attacks, saving throws and skill checks at disadvantage as the
tools distract the bearers/users with disparaging comments about the other item(s).

Baldrics of Order: artifacts (requires attunement*) There are 6 Baldrics of Order. A

bearer can only wear one baldric at a time. When worn alone, without any other of
the Tools of Justice, these Baldrics convey a +3 bonus to the armor class of the
wearer. They are used to hold the scabbards, etc., of the other Tools of Justice. The
Baldrics of Order are Lawful Neutral and are capable of communicating with their
bearers and any others within talking distance through speech.
When combined with one or more of the other Tools of Justice, the Baldrics of Order
additionally increase their wearer’s Con by +2 to a maximum of 24.
If the wearer of a Baldric of Order is not Lawful and resists the alignment change to
Lawful, the bearer suffers from a severe itching rash and must make a con save to
avoid being affected by the rash. If the save fails the bearer makes all attack, save
and skill rolls at disadvantage.

Armor of Justice: (Armor, any). Artifacts (requires attunement*). There are 6 suits of
armor called the Armor of Justice, all are Lawful, 2 Good, 2 Neutral, and 2 Evil. All
are +3 suits of armor. All consider themselves the ultimate protectors of not only
their wearers, but of all who are within their area of influence. All share an intense
sense of justice and while the neutral and evil versions of the armor may not be
opposed to draconian measures of justice, non will tolerate acts of injustice and will
insist on the wearer acting if an act of injustice is committed within the armor’s
presence. If a wearer fails to intervene in these situations the armor will inflict the
wearer with intense pain, suffering 1d6 points of damage per round and
disadvantage on all rolls except for damage if the character manages to hit
anything under these conditions) If a wearer of the armor of justice acts in an
unjust manner or fails to uphold the law, the wearer will be inflicted with even more
intense pain, causing 1d8 points of damage per round and forcing the bearer to
make all rolls except damage rolls at disadvantage. In addition to slowly being
drawn to a lawful alignment the suits will draw the wearers toward their moral
alignment, Good to good, evil to evil, neutral to neutral, with the same effects
described in the opening section.
Shields of Stability: (Shield, any) Artifacts (requires attunement*) There are 6
shields of Reason. Each offers the protection of a shield with a +3 magical bonus.
Like the armor of justice, there are 2 good, 2 neutral and 2 evil shields. However, all
are dedicated to the idea that providing a stable environment free of undesirable
influences is paramount to the benefit of society and the individual. If the shield of
stability is equipped with the Armor of justice the shield also acts as a Sentinel

Law: (weapon, any medium or larger, strength or finesse, bearer’s option.) artifact
(requires attunement*) grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Law is
sentient and Lawful Good. Law often argues with its counterpart, Order, sometimes
soliciting aid in its arguments with others within its hearing range. However, Law
and Order are not fools and will cease their arguing when danger is near. If Law is
combined with his counterpart, Order, it deals an extra 1d6 points of damage. Law
grants its wielder the Two-weapon fighting style, regardless of the wielder’s class. If
the bearer of law commits an evil act, law will cease to function and will act as a
non-magical weapon until the bearer atones for their acts and will only cause
minimal damage. Do not roll for damage in these situations, all damage die rolls
become a 1.

Order: (weapon, any medium or larger) artifact (requires attunement*). Order grants
a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Order is sentient and Lawful Neutral. When
combined with law order conveys the Dual Wielder feat to its wielder. In addition,
when combined with Law, Order increases its wielder’s attacks and does not require
a bonus action. Order is dedicated to just that, order by any means and does not
tolerate chaotic, disorganized behavior. Order is also somewhat OCD, demanding
that its bearer maintain a proper hygienic routine. Play order as if he where
Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. Order must be borne in his sheath (no other
will do) on it’s owner’s left side. If the bearer of Order commits a chaotic act Order
will go into a snit and cease to function. Not only will Order cease to function as a
magic weapon, it will cause the bearer to be at disadvantage on all to hit rolls as it
distracts the bearer, berating them to make atonement for their chaotic deed.

When Law and Order are wielded by the same user, they only take up a single
attunement slot.

Equity and Fairness: (Matched Swords, any except 2 handed) artifacts (requires
attunement*) Equity and Fairness grant a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Both are Lawful Good. In addition to being +3 weapons, These swords act as
dancing swords, but only require a command word to cause both to fly out of their
sheaths and into the air and activate. They also stay active for up to 8 rounds.
They are very intimate with each other’s tactics and attack opponents at
advantage. All other rules for dancing swords as written in the DMG apply. Equity
and fairness where married in life and are still very much in love with each other,
expressing this love freely. If they express their affection for each other in Order’s
presence he will make snide comments, such as “get a room”, “Stop acting like a
couple of horny goblins”, etc. They can sense each other within a mile and will
insist on being wielded by the same bearer if within this distance, ceasing to
function as magical weapons if this is denied, the only exception is if the bearer of
one is fighting to gain possession of the other. The swords will favor possession by
a lawful good character, actively inhibiting the efforts of a non lawful good
character, causing disadvantage on all attack rolls and conveying advantage on all
attack rolls for the lawful good character. If one is found it will insist that the bearer
seek out the other weapon, putting all but the direst of needs aside, until together
again. They are very protective of each other. If one is knocked unconscious or
somehow damaged, the other will attack the creature that caused its spouse to
become unconscious, gaining an additional +1 attack, but reducing its AC by 1 due
to its reckless behavior. Both have a very strong sense of fairness and equality and
do not tolerate injustice, bigotry of elitism of any kind. They are especially offended
by anyone who considers their class or station above others and are not shy about
their feelings. If the bearer of Equity and Fairness acts in an unfair manner or acts
in a way that the swords consider elitist or unjust, both will cease to function and
act as non magical weapons until their bearer atones for their behavior. Equity and
Fairness know Compassion and Order and will work with them, although Equity and
Order have a habit of bickering with each other.

When attuned to the same wielder, Equity and Fairness take up a single attunement

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