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I have an LGBT friend. He told me the beginning of being a lgbt.

It started when he was

in middle school and he was invited to enter a BBM group that contained the LGBT
community. After accepting the group, he became interested in the same sex and has a
relationship with the same sex until now. Every person is born with different levels of
hormones. Some people are born with high levels of hormones, which causes sexual
drive is also high. And in fact, environmental factors have a major influence in shaping
thinking which ultimately influences the individual in directing his sexual orientation. In
psychological theory there is the theory of nature and nurture by Edward L. Thorndike
(1903). Nature's theory emphasizes genes and the basic characteristics that a person has
from birth. While Nurture's theory focuses on the learning process and experience. so if
we want to create smart and competitive Indonesian children, we not only need
adequate nutrition but also an environment that supports the development of these

Many women and men experience infertility problems. This infertility problem causes
bad stigma in couples who cannot have children. Many methods to overcome the
problem of inferitility one of which is IVF. But if IVF fails, surrogacy can be the only way
in which they eventually create a family.

Surrogacy can help other people's economies. Women in India are enabling themselves
to improve not only their lives but also the lives of their families. Payment for surrogacy
varies by contract estimates range from “that equivalent to” three times what the head
of house could make in a month. To earn in 9 months an amount of around Rs. 450,000-
500,000 can provide her and her entire family access to better housing, food, education,
and sanitization that would otherwise be difficult.

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