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1) A Study on consumer behaviour of women with special reference to

durable goods in Coimbatore city- Tamil Nadu by Dr. Sarvana, 2010

(Indian Journal of marketing)

In this study it was found that education plays an important role in

shopping behaviour. Also, women play a major role in purchase decision.
The case explains and dispel the myth that emerging markets are only
about devising strategies for huge markets. Also, women has a different
buying pattern as compared to men and also the level of education
matters. Both can be helpful to know the brand loyalty for a product. In
our research it will be helpful as we will now do our research not only on
the urban population but also the rural population to know whether
education level matters or not for brand loyalty to ensure the
heterogeneity in our sample.

Qualitative Research Justification

This kind of research is conducted through open ended conversations which is

necessary to know that what people think and why people think. In our case
the product category is Mobile phones which are very personal and varies from
person to person. Every person has a different kind of choice and reasons why
they are using a particular smartphone. We choose two methods for our
qualitative research focus groups and in depth interviews so that we are able
to understand not only the individual preferences and also the current
scenario of how people think and what they think while buying a new phone or
what factors influence to buy them a phone of a different brand or to stick to a
similar brand that they have been using. By this we will be able to show both
the sides of the coin, the people who are brand loyal and buys a particular
brand of the phone ( what actually drives them to brand loyalty ) and the
people who buy different brands of the phone ( what factors they had in mind
while they choose a different brand). As a part of qualitative research, we
conducted 2 in depth interviews and 3 focus group discussions comprising 6
members each. We need to do the qualitative research in order to know the
factors on which the hypothesis testing will be based (will be used in order to
perform a better quantitative research).

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