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MAY 2010

Introduction to Malaysia
The history of Malaysia began with the beginning of human existence which is
estimated to be 40,000 years old were found in the cave of Mulu and Niah cave complex
history, Sarawak. It is essentially the history of this country has gone through four main
periods of human history the Prehistoric, Proto history, Medieval and Colonial Periods.
Malaya transformed into the great South East Asian trade as China and India started
their trade through the Strait of Malacca. Federal newly created under the name of
Malaysia on 16 September 1963 through the consolidation of the Federation of Malaya,
North Borneo (later renamed Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore.

Malaysia now consist of 13 states and 3 Federal Territories. Federal Territories of

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. It was established in 1857 and has a
population of about 1.5 million. Residents in Malaysia consist of various race of Malays,
Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli and Christian. Sabah and Sarawak are also other races such
as Kadazan, Dayak, Iban, Penan, Bajar and others.

Malays, Chinese, Indians and many other ethnic groups have lived together in
Malaysia for generations. All these cultures have influenced each other, creating a truly
Malaysian culture. The largest ethnic groups in Malaysia are the Malays, Chinese and
Indians. In Sabah and Sarawak, there are a myriad of indigenous ethnic groups with their
own unique culture and heritage. Today the Malays, Malaysia's largest ethnic group,
make up more than 50% of the population. In Malaysia, the term Malay refers to a person
who practices Islam and Malay traditions, speaks the Malay language and whose
ancestors are Malays. Their conversion to Islam from Hinduism and Theravada
Buddhism began in the 1400s, largely influenced by the decision of the royal court of
Melaka. The Malays are known for their gentle mannerisms and rich arts heritage.

The second largest ethnic group, the Malaysian Chinese form about 25% of the
population. The smallest of three main ethnic groups, the Malaysian Indians form about
10% of the population. Most are descendants of Tamil-speaking South Indian
immigrants who came to the country during the British colonial rule. Lured by the
prospect of breaking out of the Indian caste system, they came to Malaysia to build a
better life.

Malaysia is a world heritage and one of the top beautiful country. There is a
beautiful island in Malysia for example Sipadan island, one of the crystal clear island. We
have the biggest cave the world heritage sites in the world. The Deer Cave is named after
the deer which frequented the cave and which native hunters pursued. It is large is
believed to be the largest cave passage known to man. There is a historical building like a
famosa at Malacca.

In Malaysia, people of different ethnicity and professing different religions,

especially Islam, Buddhist, Hindu Chinese and Christians, in addition there sre other
belief systems practiced by different ethnics groups in the country. The official
language used in the country is Bahasa Malaysia, however, different language, races and
ethnics groups that are independent used as Chinese and Tamil. English is the medium
and used widely. People of different races to celebrate various occasions throughout the
year. Multiracial culture make this country more gorgeous.

In the country, the festival season is a time for all the fun and friendship and
goodwill between the races. Every time the festival, all people regardless of age and
ethnicity. Offspring to take part in merry-go atmosphere of the visit with each other,
therefore, the foreign rites that are not done by Malaysia in the days of the festival was
open house.

Interviews Sessions
Interview sessions were conducted on six people divided by three women and
three men. They consist of three races Malays, Chinese and Indians. Aged between 26 to
34 years old the interviewers some of them are working and some are still learning.

My first question to the respondents is whether the respondent loves Malaysia and
all respondents were ask to give their reasons why they love Malaysia. The responses of
all respondents to the first question concluded that they all love Malaysia because
Malaysia was the country of birth and place them in proportion.

Reason why respondents love Malaysia is because of Malaysian people practice

tolerance and respect between people. They always help each other, courtesy and
humility, which makes any of the people are living in harmony and peaceful.

Respondents thought that Malaysian people are unique in that each nation has
beliefs, taboos and customs are still maintained inherited from ancestors, for malay
example custom shaved for a baby that has passed the seventh day after birth. In Chinese
society, they have customs or taboos are quite unique. Their lives very much influenced
by the environment. In many things, fortune teller have a major role as a consultant in
matters of birth, marriage and death. Customs and taboos are practiced vary according to
certain races and this tradition is known as feng-shui of the Chinese community, for
example, when they eat they will be using a chopstick or suspend the mirror in front of
the door outside to drive away evil spirits from entering home. For the Indians the
customs and practices that are very common customs is the ritual dances kavadi. This
ritual is practiced during the festival of Thaipusam.

Lastly respondents love Malaysia because Malaysia has many natural beauty and
places of interest that can be made as a tourist destination that makes a person love
Malaysia as an example Malacca is the historical remains of buildings, Cameron
Highlands resort area for the winter crop of fruit such as strawberries and vegetables.
Genting Highlands resort one of cold fresh place and also one of a famous amusement
park in Malaysia.

My second question to the respondent ask about the National Anthem what does it
mean to them. National Anthem describe that we stand in our own country as we know
every country has their own national anthem. In addition to the national anthem will
allow other countries to recognize Malaysia.

Makes us feel love for our country, makes us believe that Malaysia is ours in
which we proclaim and we only die for our country. Malaysia is a country of ours where
we need to preserve and take care from being territory again.

It also urge us to live together, work hard, work together, mutual help to each
other and united to be successful in work and daily life to improve yourself, family,
kindred, related links, and community regardless of race, of religion culture in terms of
economic, social and politics.

As a good citizen we need to pray to God to receive mercy and happiness to be

prosperous and successful in our country

Lastly we as a loyal citizen of the Malaysia we need to pray and hope that the
reign of sultan in a secure and prosperous so that the sultan could rule and govern our

My third question ask the respondents to describe how peaceful the Malaysia. In
this questions respondents describes Malaysia is a peaceful and harmony country because
we can see each of villages or neighboring in Malaysia lived multiracial neighbor like
Malays, Chinese and Indians. During the festival all religious holidays of the respective
races are celebrated together and Malaysia has more public holidays than any other

Looking at the surrounding area in Malaysia citizens are free to go outside from
their home and walk anywhere in the Malaysia without any fear or restriction from the
terrorist. Citizen itself do not have to carry any riffles or gun when walking outside of
their home. News about commit suicide bomb has not heard in Malaysia. We can see
policeman always patrolling around the neighborhoods to make sure the safety of the

Administration of Malaysia government itself are being administering by the

Malaysian citizen and not dictator by any other country. Malaysian citizen good deeds are
being care by the government in the RMK budgets. Children are freely go to schools and
free to choose any national school as theirs parents decide because there are many
national schools in Malaysia either islamic school, vokasional school, Chinese school or
tamil school.

Lastly respondents described how respectful Islam to others religion because

Islam is the official religion in Malaysia, Malay bumiputera is restricted to Islam religion
rules and other citizen beside muslim is not restrict to do any religious practice in
Malaysia, every religious in Malaysia are respecting to each other.

My fourth questions to the respondents ask them is Malaysia a great country to
them and why they felt like that. Respondents answers that Malaysia is one of the
tradisional country that still remaining their cultural in custom and usage. Even in the
new world of modern we still can see wayang kulit, wau bulan, malay tradisional
dancing, Sarawak tradisional bamboo dancing and handmade crafts like batik, songket
clothes and kebaya.

Another things Malaysia is a world heritage and one of the top beautiful country.
There is a beautiful island in Malysia for example Sipadan island, one of the crystal clear
island suitable for snorkeling and diving sites activities. We have the biggest cave the
world heritage sites in the world that can accommodate few of Boeing 747.The Deer
Cave is named after the deer which frequented the cave and which native hunters
pursued. It is large enough to hold London's St. Paul's Cathedral five times over and is
believed to be the largest cave passage known to man. There is a historical building like a
famosa at Malacca.

Malaysia is a glorious of great food varieties, there are a lots of food speciality
likes Indian food curries or spicy nasi kandar, tosei and roti canai. For chinese dishes
there is dim sum, yee sang and moon cake. Malay trandisional food there is nasi lemak,
lemang and ketupat. If we go to any restaurant we can see malay people using chopsticks
eating noodles and Chinese and Indian people enjoy eating lemang and ketupat.

Lastly If live in Malaysia we may hear many dialects likes cantonese, tamil and
malay in communication. Even though there are many dialects in Malaysia all of the
races have no problem in communicate because Malaysian people are speaking and using
a standard language that is malay language also known as national language.

My Fifth question is ask them how proud they are to be a Malaysian people.
Respondents feel very proud of Malaysia because Malaysia has some of the famous
figures that have been raised in front of the world such as Tengku Abdul Rahman father
of independence, Tun Seri Dr. Mahathir Father of modernization. Malaysia's first
astronaut Dato Sheikh Muszaphar was to explore the space while famous sports figures
such as Dato Nicole Ann David Queen Squash country, Dato Lim Chong Wei the leading
national badminton player and also Dato Azhar Mansor who has created the world record
for sailing solo.

Malaysia is also not left out from the era of modernity in higher buildings that we
can be proud of as KLCC is the highest twin buildings in the world and this building has
been recognized by the guiness world of records. In addition there is the International
track in Sepang F1 Circuit in Malaysia where people can see the F1 cars race live.
Malaysia also has a transportation LRT and monorail transportation facilities where this
is the best compete with monorail facilities in Japan. Besides that Malaysia also can
produce of his own car for example PROTON where the quality compete with the quality
of overseas car.

Lastly Malaysians also have a sophisticated identity card which is known as

MyKad. MyKad is a microchip-based smart card that stores a variety of personal
identification information and have multifunction’s where people can check their driving
license validity, passport records, health records, banking transactions at any ATM
machine, toll service transactions such as Touch n Go and Frequent Travelers Card for
passport pass in asean regional.

My sixth questions to the respondents ask them what do they felt about theirs
Malaysian blue identity card “MyKad”. Respondents answers that MyKad facilitates
document management by enabling different agencies to refer to the document owner
MyID to manage an application at once. This will reduce the cases where a person is
referred to a different department for their records be kept separately. At the same time, it
also can reduce the loss of records as it is now kept by the holder of MyID.

This method could reduce the use of documents and all matters involving the
filling of personal information can be done online by using the MyKad number as

My seventh question to the respondents is about what can they do to support

Malaysia. Respondents gives suggestions as a Malaysian people who is love their country
need to love environment first and prevent any contamination of the environment, next
we need conserve forests and wild animals so that it will not extinct. Do awareness
campaigns for Malaysia citizen on loving the country. The Qualities of love stirred the
country can comply with the rule of the country like Rukun negara. All Malaysian people
have to be united, always mutual respect and tolerance between people.

Conclusions and Summary
As a Malaysian we should feel gratitude and love because Malaysia is a place
where we born and grow up. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic people, different cultures and
different religions to make our country to be peaceful and prosperous life in this multi
society we need to practice tolerance, mutual respect, mutual help to each other and
courtesy. There are many dialect in Malaysia and this will be difficult for the people to
speak to address of this problem Malay language or national language is the language of
the applicable standard.

There are a lots of food varieties in Malaysia, every nation has its own unique
foods serve as examples of Malay people serve lemang and ketupat while celebrating hari
raya, Chinese people serve Yee sang when the celebrate Chinese new year, Indian people
serve maruku when celebrate Deepavali.

Malaysia is a country that still maintain the old culture and traditions for example
traditional games such as wau bulan, wayang kulit, bamboo dance, batik and songket
wearing still seen in Malaysia. In addition to the various customs practiced in Malaysia
and all traditions are the basis of religions or generations of ancestors. Malay customs are
based on the teachings of Islam. China customs are based on the Buddhist and Taoist
teachings and influence of the environmental cycle, for the Indian customs is based on
the teachings of Hindu and Buddhist religions.

There are many interesting and exciting places to visit in Malaysia such as
Malacca where the is remaining of historic buildings, the beautiful island of Sipadan
suitable for snorkeling and diving activities and the Genting Highlands resort of cold
fresh one place and also one of a famous amusement park in Malaysia where we can go
for vacation with the family and relaxing mind to enjoy the natural beauty.

Malaysia is a safe country compared with some countries experiencing war, riots
or violence. Security of our country maintained good control of the police authorities.
Malaysia administration government independent run the government itself without any
control from any other country. Every citizen is free to move anywhere and free to
speech, because our country is a democracy country. If we look at in terms of educational
institutions in our country does not inhibit any of the schools teach other languages not
only that in Malaysia there are also national-type schools, such as Chinese and Tamil.
Malaysian people are free to practice their religious teachings this can be seen of worship
place in Malaysia.

As Malaysians, we should be proud that Malaysia has proven on the world

Malaysia can compete with other countries. This can be proved by the existence of
leading figures have been rising names of Malaysia like Tengku Abdul Rahaman
Malaysia, Tun Seri Dr. Mahathir, Dato Sheikh Muszaphar, Nicole Ann David Dato, Dato
Lim Chong and Dato Azhar Mansor. In addition we also have the tallest building in the
world, the Petronas Twin Towers KLCC symbolizes that we have a strong economy so
that we can build our own tower. We also have an F1 car racing circuit that international
standards are often used by riders, racers like Michael Schumacher. There are also public
transport facilities such as LRT and fast morail. Malaysia has succeeded in producing the
national car Proton. Malaysians also have a smart identity card that only using a
centralized system call myID and the card can be use trough online.

Finally, to foster a spirit of love for Malaysia, we must acknowledge the double
meaning or purpose of each of our national anthem. Know the origin of the country.
Planted in the nature of love for the country with love of the environment. Feel proud to
be a Malaysian and Compliance with all applicable laws and the rule of the country.


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