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MTV RAUNT) a cultural reading for Spanish novices Nombre y apellido Fecha LA GROGRAFIA DE GUATEMALA wamaras Guatemala es un pais de Centroamérica Al norte, Guatemala limita (borders) con México, al este limita con Belce y con EiMar Caribe, y al sur limita con Honduras y El Salvacior. Al oeste. limita cone! Océano Pacifico. Los habitantes de México, Honduras y El Salvador hablan espafiol, pero los habitantes de Beice halolan inglés. Guatemala no es un pais grande; es un poco mas pequerio que el estado de Tennessee. REGIONES MONTATAS Hay muchas montaiias en Guatemala.Esunpais — Lacadena de montafias mas importante se montafioso. Hay clos cacienas (ranges) de. lama La Sierra Madre. La Sierra Madre esté montafias que cruzan el pais desde eloeste al __inmediatemente alnorte de la costa pacifica este. Estas cordileras dividen el pais en tres de Guatemala. Las montafias mas altas de regiones geogrdficas Lacostapacifica queesla GuatemalaestanenLa SierraMadre, y también contiene muchos volcanes.El voleén regjin al sur de las montafias, La region Fetén, cue est4 al norte delas montafias,y Lastierras Tajumulco es el puntomas alto de Guatemala y altas que eslaregion montafiosa de Centroamérica Hay treinta y siete volcanes en Guatemala (todos estén enla Hay un lago muy grande en Serra Madre), pero sdio cuatro son activos. PAQS: Guatemala cue selamaElLago Comohay muchos volcanes. tambien hay de lzabal Esta al oeste del Mar muchos terremotos. Caribe: al sur de Belice.ElLago Retén Itza es otro lage grande que esté enlaregién Retén Los Laotracacena de montafias consiste de cinco cadenas pecuerias. ee Los Cuchumatanes, La riosméslargos selamanElRio {2S Suchumatanes a 7 Serra de Chuacis La Lempa, EI Motag 1 Rio a a Mecseirs Slertade Chamé La Sierra Negro. ElRioLempa es el rio maslargo de Centroamérica, de SantaCruz,yLa Sierra de Minas. GIUBADES La capital de Guatemala es La Gudad de. norte - north Guatemala Las otras ciudades importantes del sur=south pais se laman Antigua, Quetzaltenango. ceste - west este - east Mazatenango, Coatepeque, y Escuintla Copyright © 2013 Martina Bex ¢ e Tha Comprehensible Classroom LO GBOGRAFIO DE GUATEMALA Please respond to the following saacomueri the reacing inEnglish Please write your answers 1On which sub-continent is Guatemala located? 2To which state is Guatemala comparable in size? |sit sightly larger or slightly smaller than that state? 3How many countries does Guatemala border? Which of those countries are NOT Spanish speaking countries? ‘\What ere the names of the three geographic regions of Guatemala? What other geographical feature creates the regions? 5Why is the Sierra Madre a notable mountain range? 6What is special about Taumulco? 7How many different, smal mountain ranges compose the second mountain range in Guatemala? 8\What is the name of the largest lake in Guatemala, and in which region is it located? 9MWhat is special about El Rio Lempa? 10 What is Guatemala's capital city? Source: hitp:// LO GBOGRAFIO DE GUATEMALA Pease respond to the folowing questions about the reading in Engjish Pease write your answers incomplete sentences. 1On which sub-continent is Guatemala located? Central America 2To which state is Guatemala comparable in size? |sit sightly larger or slightly smaller than that state? Tennessee; Guatemalaiis slightly smaler. 3How many countries does Guatemala border? Which of those countries are NOT Spanish speaking countries? Four:Beize ‘\What ere the names of the three geographic regions of Guatemala? What other geographical feature creates the regions? LaRegién Retén, Las Terras Altas La Costa Pacifica They are formed by mountains. 5Why is the Sierra Madre a notable mountain range? Contains volcanoes and the highest mountains in Guatemala 6What is special about Taumulco? Itis a volcano and is the highest point in Central America 7How many different, smal mountain ranges compose the second mountain range in Guatemala? Five 8\What is the name of the largest lake in Guatemala, and in which region is it located? lzabal, Region de Petén 9MWhat is special about El Rio Lempa? Longest river in Central America 10 What is Guatemala's capital city? Guatemala City (Ciudad de Guatemala) ‘Source: hittp://d-maps,com/carte.php?num_car=1717&lang=en GUATEMALA Using the reacing the Internet, and other sources please mark all underlined geographical features of Guatemala from the reading on this map. 30 km 30 mi © Daniel Dalet/& Source: z 21 es =

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