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Channel 4's My Big Fat Asian Wedding has shown viewers a glimpse into the exciting worlds
of Asian weddings and Asian wedding planning. Focusing on Raj Somaiya, one of the busiest
Asian wedding planners, and his team who throw some of the country’s most lavish
blockbuster Asian nuptials, the documentary travelled the UK highlighting some
extravagant events.

Wedding planner Raj led the way and when Twitter wasn't reacting to his charm, business ideas
and whit, they were reacting to his colourful language. The documentary saw the team book
the finest of venues and state that it's all about their reputation. Raj said that, "Reputation is
everything" when it comes to the success of the business.

The programmed started with a young couple who overcame race and social stigmas to plan
the biggest of weddings. Rupmini was preparing to marry Craig with a big lavish ceremony,
and it was not just about what her father thought but the community too. This documentary
follows the work of Raj Somaiya, one of Britain's busiest Asian wedding planners, who is on
a mission to establish his family-run business as the go-to organiser for decadent and lavish
ceremonies. So if you want to see how the other half live, get a load of the weddings some of
his clients demand, with six-figure budgets and guest lists regularly running to 400. Raj and
his team do everything from turning the banking district of London into an Ibiza-inspired rave,
leading an Asian invasion into Blenheim Palace, and creating a celebration in Leeds that could
be straight out of a Bollywood blockbuster.

Sadly, the show is a one-off but if you’re getting married in Manchester you could always seek
out the services of Mr Somaiya to help you plan the perfect event – which is, after all, exactly
what every bride and groom wants. He runs Payal Events, which bills itself as a luxury British
event management company specialising in gourmet food and excellent production. The
company can provide culturally accurate weddings for Gujarati or Punjabi clients, as well as
traditional Pakistani Nikah ceremonies, Valima receptions and Gurdwara Sikh weddings, so
no matter what type of wedding you’re planning Raj will most likely be able to lend a helping

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