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Additionally, Hosseini and colleagues’ (2014) findings support these results when they

found that breastmilk stem cells expressed both mesenchymal and embryonic stem cells markers,
and were differentiated into the three neural lineages (Oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and
neurons), which provides promise for further understanding on how breastmilk positively affects
neurodevelopment.31 This research team also described the presence of hESC markers that were
common among other research study findings (e.g. TRA-1-60, NANOG, OCT4), but unlike
some of the prior studies, they did not find expression of a marker commonly associated with
hESCs (SSEA1/4).24 This research team was also able to differentiate the breastmilk stem cells
into both osteogenic (bone) and adipogenic (fat) lineages.

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