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012-18 January 11,2018 ‘THE COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS Bureau of Customs, Makar Wharf, General Santos City Dears IR: ‘The undersigned would like to request a SPECIAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGED AND TO TRANSFER from GSC-Fishport Complex to CENTURY PACIFIC FOOD, INC., located at Brey. Tambler, General Santos City, the importation of more or less 487MT FROZEN SKIPJACK, YELLOWFIN AND BIGEYE TUNA ROUND, loaded onboard vessel TAI FU NO.2 covered by B/t # TF-18006. Said shipment will arrive tomorrow at GSC-Fishport Complex, General Santos City. Rest assured that the import entry will be file within the period as stated in the TCCP. Anticipating for your kind approval of this request, a f SHEN Very truly yours Ee i ASSIONHS OFFICER —— REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Department Of Finance BUREAU OF CUSTOMS General Santos City ABOVED MENTION REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED, subject to Customs Laws, Rules, and Regulations. 7 Recommending Approval a 3 PERALTA ELIZARDO SINTOS, JR chietcow OWE ESS CPD Port of Dadiangas, G.S.C.

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