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Name: __________________________Dept.

Help us improve our service to you! We would appreciate it if you would give us feedback and improvement suggestions.

Event Title: 4th QUARTER BREAKFAST WITH THE PRESIDENT (2019) Other Details:
Venue: 23rd Flr The World Centre Bldg. (Training Room) Date/Time: NOVEMBER 29,2019

Please evaluate the event by completing this short questionnaire below. Indicate your response in each category by putting a
check (  ) on the appropriate box reflecting your satisfaction level on a scale of 1 – 6 (6 is the highest and 1 is the lowest). Your
valuable feedback will help determine how we can have better events for you in the future.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Completely Moderately Somewhat Somewhat Moderately Completely COMMENTS
Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
 Sufficiency of the content of the
program (“nothing’s missing”)
 Incorporation of the theme and
objectives in topics/activities
 Suitability of the sequencing
(and highlighting, if necessary)
of the topics/activities
Execution and Organization
 Aptness of how the topics/
activities were conducted and of
the pace or flow
 Ampleness of time spent for
program segments
Speaker (or Host, Game masters)
 Being engaging, credible and
clear by the speaker
 Adequacy of the quantity of the
food and taste of the food
 Conduciveness of environment
and facility for the event
 Favorability of event location
Relevance of the event
 Appropriateness of my
participation to the event
 Value of the consequence or
outcome of my participation
Overall experience

Kindly enumerate the things that you liked or were happy about the event, and please tell us why.

Kindly enumerate the things that you least liked or would like improved about the event, and please tell us why.

For similar future events, kindly let us know of your ideas on what else we can include in the program, theme suggestions, event
objectives or other recommendations.

Use the back of this sheet or another sheet if you need more space. THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME FOR THIS SURVEY!

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