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Tycho Brahe

-Born in 14 December 1546 in a wealthy family.

-Died in 1601 due to kidney failure

-Kidnapped by his uncle and aunt- and raise by them because they were childless and because his parents

-He has a fake nose - On 29 December 1566 at the age of 20, Tycho lost part of his nose in a sword duel with a
fellow Danish nobleman, his third cousin Manderup Parsberg due to a mathematical formula. They eventually
reconcile but he wore a prosthetic nose for the rest of his life. It was kept in place with paste or glue, and said
to be made of silver and gold.

-Throughout his life, he observed a supernova (exploding star) which disappear after 18 months and concluded
that the heavens are not unchanging (staying the same).

-He also observed a comet which proved that not everything is non changing and not everything is a circular

-Lastly, he measured the movement of planets and stars, he didn’t find the parallax. CONCLUSION: Earth is at
the center of the universe unmoving.

The term “parallax"refers to the apparent movement of objects when viewed from different position. The
every day example of this is seen driving on the highway- When you look at the window, electrical poles
near the roads seem to zoom past and tress in the Distance appear to slowly drift.

1) Tycho Brahe proposed a model of the universe called the Tychonic system or
Tychonian model of the universe.
-It was proposed by him in the year 1570s and was named after him
-The Tychonic System is a model wherein it states that earth is the center of
the universe; and the sun, moon, and the stars revolve around it; while the
other five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) within our
solar system revolves around the sun.

2) Unlike Copernicus, Brahe believed in a geocentric universe, but his idea of a geocentric
universe is slightly different from Ptolemy’s.
First of all:
Geocentric model, theory of the structure of the solar system (or the universe) in which Earth is assumed to
be at the centre of it all. (Ptolemy)
Heliocentric model, a model in which the Sun is assumed to lie at or near the center (e.g., of the solar system
or of the universe) while the Earth and other bodies revolve around it. (copernicus)

*In simple terms, tychonic system is a model of the Solar System which is the same to Ptolemy's because it
retains the idea of Ptolemys geocentric model that the earth is fixed as the center of the universe and the
sun and moon revolve around it; on the other hand however it is slightly different to it in a way that it also
retains the concept of Copernicus heliocentrism, that all the other planets within our solar system revolves
around the sun.

3) Such a model was a type of a “geoheliocentric system”

Which means that Tychonic system is referred as the Geo-Helio-Centric System; because
it inherits the combination of both (Ptolemy's geocentric universe idea that the earth is the center and the sun
and the moon revolves around it and Copernicus heliocentrism idea wherein the other planets revolves around the

In short it unifies the mathematical benefits of the Copernican System (Heliocentrism) with the philosophical
benefits of Aristotelian-Ptolemaic System (Geocentrism).

The geoheliocentrism is An early model of the solar system that put Earth at the centre, and had Sun and Moon
orbiting the Earth with other planets revolving about the Sun.

5). Religion played a role in Tycho's geocentrism also—he cited the authority of scripture in portraying the
Earth as being at rest. He rarely used Biblical arguments alone (to him they were a secondary objection to the
idea of Earth's motion) and over time he came to focus on scientific arguments, but he did take Biblical
arguments seriously.

6.) Tycho admired aspects of Copernicus heliocentric model , but felt it has problems concern physics and
observations of the stars (The problem that he found regarding physics and observation of the stars involved
Copernicus idea aboyt EARTHs rotation around the sun because Tycho believed that the earth is fixed at the
center of the universe and not orbiting the sun.)
1) In regards to physics he thought that the earth is just too sluggish and heavy to be continuously in
motion as Copernicus system suggest.
According to the accepted Aristotelian-Ptolemys of the time, the heavens (whose motions and cycles
were continuous and unending) were made up of Aether or in modern day word known as
"Quintessence"-- a substance that is so light, strong, unchanging and whose natural state is on motion
however, according to brahe Earth ( where objects seem to have motion only when moved) does not contain
this substance called Aether, instead things on it were composed of substances that were heavy and whose
natural state was rest making earth “immobile" and “lazy" to be moved.
Thus while Tycho acknowledged that the daily rising and setting of the Sun and stars could be
explained by the Earth's rotation, as Copernicus had said, still he said that
Earth cannot move in such a fast motion because it’s body is too heavy and dense on the other hand the
sky itself is better suited for this never ending of motion(rotation).
2) As regards to the observations of stars given by Copernicus, Brahe said that if planet earth orbited around
the sun then there had to be an observable Stellar Parallax over any period of six months, during which
the angular orientation of a given star would change thanks to Earth's changing position

Stellar parallax is the apparent shift of position of any nearby star (or other object) against the background
of distant objects.
Example: You can see this effect by holding a finger about six inches from your face and alternately closing one eye and then the
other. You should see your finger "jump" relative to background objects. In short, a parallax is an apparent movement of object
if viewed in a different position.

Argument: The Copernican explanation for this lack of parallax was that the stars were such a great distance
from Earth that Earth's orbit was almost insignificant by comparison.
However, Tycho noted that this explanation introduced another problem: Stars as seen by the naked eye
appear small, but of some size, with more prominent stars such as Vega appearing larger than lesser stars such
as Polaris, which in turn appear larger than many others. Tycho had determined that a typical star measured
approximately a minute of arc in size, with more prominent ones being two or three times as large.

Tycho used basic geometry to show that, assuming a small parallax that just escaped detection, the distance
to the stars in the Copernican system would have to be 700 times greater than the distance from the sun to
Saturn. Moreover, the only way the stars could be so distant and still appear the sizes they do in the sky would
be if even average stars were gigantic—at least as big as the orbit of the Earth, and of course vastly larger than
the sun.

Argument: In short, Tycho said that if you deduced this reason of copernicus geometrically this assumption
is absurd or very impossible. However other copernician believers responded to tychos geometry argument by
saying that titanic, distant stars might seem unreasonable, but they were not, for the could make his creations
that large if he wanted.

3) Additional: Tycho rejected the Copernican model because he had no sense that the earth moved
and, more importantly, he could not detect parallax in his observations. He proposed a variant in which
the earth is fixed, the moon and sun orbit it, and all the other planets orbit the sun.

-The essential difference between the heavens (including the planets) and the Earth remained: Motion
stayed in the aethereal heavens; immobility stayed with the heavy sluggish Earth. It was a system that
Tycho said violated neither the laws of physics nor sacred scripture—with stars located just beyond
Saturn and of reasonable size.

7). Brahe's Cosmological System remained the center of the astronomy until the discovery of Stellar
Parallax in 1838 by a German Astronomer and Physicist Friedrich Bessel which is the parallax of
0.314 arcseconds of the star 61 Cygni[9]). It is very small and difficult to detect.

The observation of stellar parallax proved the fact that the earth did, in fact,
revolve around the sun and became the only reason for the downfall or demise of
the Tycho Brahe's Tychonic System Of The Universe from the heart of the
Astronomical world.

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