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TOPIC 4: Digital Marketing Audit: Doing Digital Marketing the right way Commented [91]: Use the focus

mented [91]: Use the focus keyword more. It has

been used only 4 times.
Digital marketing is a well-known term but how many of you know about digital marketing Also the keyword seo audit should be used wherever
audit?.....Not many we assume. The digital marketing audit can be considered as a Commented [92R1]:
comprehensive as well as a customized report that can be designed in order to benefit the
organization in terms of effectively mitigating the strategic goals. This can be critically
influential for providing the business and the market owners with honest feedbacks on
contemporary performance. Hence, this can help in the identification of the aspects of
improvement and growth of the business and the markets. A digital marketing audit can
include the performance analysis of the sectors and the competitors with the help of the
audiences. Therefore, there are certain digital marketing strategies that can be adopted to
gain a competitive advantage for the business or the market. Commented [93]:

Performing Search Engine Optimization or SEO audit can be considered as the core
principle which can influence digital marketing. This is based upon the unpaid or the organic
approach that can drive the website traffic and rank among the website among other
competitors. SEO can include increasing the website crawling as well as the site’s speed and
optimizing the site’s content. The Return on Investment or ROI can be another strategy that
can determine the performance as well as evaluate the efficiency of the investment. ROI can
be effective in terms of justifying the expenses on the basis of monitoring the most effective
efforts that are being made in digital marketing. It can result in ensuring the marketers to
interest in the correct field in terms of the competitors.
In addition, digital marketing tools can also be beneficial for improving the digital marketing
campaign to deliver instruction as well as manage the marketing in an efficient way. Digital
marketing tools can also be considered by the business owner which are categorized as per
the user’s preferences. The Analytics and Data can include the platform based analysis of the
media and email automation is related to the active campaigning of the market. The Business
owner can utilize the concept of Visual Designs and Landing pages which can also increase
the rate of promotion of the business. Finally, the integration of Project Management and
Content Curation affect the overall management of the digital marketing and share the
content on social media.
Digital marketing audit through Social Media platform is a digital marketing tool that can be
performed in order to promote the business and establish and recognized market. Therefore
several media platforms that can be considered by business owners such as Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn which can serve as the fundamental advertising
platform with much lower investment. The social media marketing has been targeted by the
business owner as they are used by almost every person all over the world which allows the
owners to easily access the attention of the customers. Therefore, it can be said that the
consideration of the proper digital marketing strategy and tools can improve the efficiency of
business promotion. This can significantly increase business recognition in the targeted

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