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Questionnaire for Depth Interviews

1. which brand comes to your mind when you think about a smart phone?
2. Which brand are you using right now?
3. what all brands you know?
4. how do you know about the brand?
5. is it by advertisements or by the word of mouth?
6. do celebrity endorsements in advertisements really matter?
7. Have you changed/bought cellphone in last year
8. are you using the same brand for the last 3 years?
9. if yes then what’s the feature that you most like about the brand?
10.What is the essential feature that the brand should have in its products
according to you?
11.what are the positive experiences about the brand?
12.what do you don’t like about your phone?
13.What do you like about your phone?
14.If any other brand is offering the same features and experience for
different price will you buy it?
15.What in fluences your buying decision?
16.Are you satisfied with your brand?
17.Do you want to replace the brand if given a choice?
18.If the price increases do you want to buy the phone of the same brand?
19.Would you recommend the brand to your colleges and peers?
20.Is it convenient for you to use the current brand?
21.Is the customer service near to your place?
22.Does customer service have any influence on your buying decision?
23.Is the store near to you?
24.Does the location of service effect your buying decision?
25.What changes do you want in the product of the brand you use?
26.Will you buy the same brand if the changes are made?
27.Are you satisfied with the brand and its service?
The questions triggered the interviewees to think about brands and their
current choices of smartphones. This helped us understand the preferences
and their awareness of different brands. Although buying behaviour varies
along different social strata with gender, age, literacy, these variables will be
included finding covariance in the sample.

The questions follow up on various product offerings from brands and their
features and how important are these features for the interviewee. Since the
level of involvement is very high in the case of smartphones, every person had
to be questioned on the brand influence channel and its strength like
advertisement and how often do they connect to promotions and sales offers.
The perceived satisfaction comprised of mostly three attributes,
Product (Features, Design and Price), customer service and social perception of
the product i.e. brand image.
Among these, the respondents were thoroughly probed on attributes and their
influences on repeat purchases and in case of changes.

The interviewees comprised of different groups of students, employees with

diverse interests and requirements out of a smartphone. It was observed from
initial FGDs and DIs that Functionality, Features with Brand Image among
students, and Price, Customer Service and store location (this might vary
geographically) are major driving factors for Brand loyalty in the category of
Smart phones.

Dependent Variables-

1. Brand loyalty

This variable will capture the extent to which the customer will repeat buy
or patronize a brand among smartphones.

Independent Variables-

1. Price
2. Features
3. Design
4. Customer Service
5. Peer Group Influence
6. Customer Literacy

List of covariates measures

1. Gender
2. Age

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