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Friday 27th July, 2019

Grade 4 Class : Sections A-B-C:

Chapter 1 : Construction of Solids: (page 11)


- Construction of cube, cuboid, pyramid, and cylinder according

to their patterns.

- Definition of a pattern.


- Made the shapes out of cartons and show it to students before

beginning of the lesson.
- First, tell the students what is a solid: 3D geometric shape.
- Drawing the cubic shape on the board and then draw its pattern.
- Drawing the cuboids shape on the board and its pattern.
- Tell the difference between the cube and cuboids: the first one is
composed of 6 squares and the second of 6 rectangles.
- Drawing the pyramid and its pattern on the board. It is composed
of 4 triangles.
- Drawing the cylinder and its pattern on the board. The cylinder is
composed from one rectangle and two circles.
- Definition of Pattern: A pattern that you can cut and fold to make a
model of a solid shape.
For example: pattern of cube

If we fold the patter of the solid, then it will re-form the cube

- After explaining the lesson on the board, we read and explain it on

the book and mark the most important things to take into
consideration while studying at home.


Students have understood the lesson, there are some difficulties at the
beginning but practicing and solving exercises will solve the problem.

Homework: Study Chapter 1 (how to draw all shapes and their patterns)

+ solve exercises page 17 number 1,2,3.

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