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- It is defined as the application of colored pigments to a flat surface, usually canvas, paper, wood
or plaster.

PIGMENTS – are used in making colors that comes from different sources. Some are artificially
manufactured and some are found in nature.

VEHICLE – the substance that must be mixed with something in order to be spread on a surface.

- In OIL PAINTING, the colors are mixed with the oil. In other words, OIL is the vehicle. In
watercolour, WATER is the vehicle.
- Probably, the most widely used medium for painting the present time is OIL.
- The VEHICLE is oil and the surface is usually canvas.
- The ADVANTAGE of oil is that it stays moist for a long time. The artist can work over what
he/she is done yesterday and may change today.
- The DISADVANTAGE/S of oil has something to do with preservation of the picture. Because the
paint takes a long time to dry and in time, the paint cracks.

ACRYLIC – Acrylic dries faster than the oil and it enables the artist to work in thick composition.

WATER COLOR – In watercolour, the pigments are mixed with water and applied to a good quality

FRESCO – In fresco painting, the art is painted at the wall or ceiling. DISADVANTAGES: 1. It is imposible
to move a fresco. 2. The painting is permanently fixed to the wall and subjected to any disasters that
may happen to the wall.

ENCAUSTIC – the visual art that uses wax

PASTEL – pigments in the form of powders are compress tightly into sticks. Other pastels are mixed with

MOSAIC – a picture in mosaic is made by putting together small pieces of colored glass, papers, etc. and
a stone called TESSERAE.

STAINED GLASS – it is made by combining many small pieces colored glass which are held together.

TAPESTRY – are large fabrics in which design is woven/stitched by hand.

- In the MIDDLE AGES, they were hung on the walls of PALACES AND IN THE CATHEDRALS.
DRAWINGS – are known famously by the medium using PENCIL OR PEN, SILVERPOINT AND CHARCOAL.

PENCIL – is one of the most common medium in drawings because of its general utility.

SILVERPOINT – a drawing made with a gold or silver wire on a specially prepared paper.

CHARCOAL - is one of the oldest mediums for drawing. The charcoal is made by roasted wood.

- This medium is capable of great variety of tones from the darkest to the very light.

CHALK – is another medium that has been used from the earliest times. It is found in white, black and

CONTÉ CRAYON – is one of the chalks that is less waxy than the schoolroom type of chalk.


ARCHITECTURE – Traditionally the material of which a building is made has been determined by the
materials native to the place where the building is located.

- In GREECE, marble was easily available, and many of the buildings were made of marble.
- In ROME, concrete was used because there were great quantities of an earth called
- In EUROPE, limestone was easily available and cathedrals were built of limestone.
- In most section of UNITED STATES, there were heavily WOODED FORESTS and the first housed
were built by chopping down.
- In the SOUTWEST, the Indians had NO STONE AND NO WAY OF FIRING BACK and so they built
their housed of BRICK DRIED IN THE SUN, ADOBE.
- However, in the MODERN WORLD, the condition has changed because NEW BUILDING
MATERIALS are being made and architects are LESS DEPENDENT on local materials than use to



- STONE is durable, it resists weather, fire and all ordinary metal. On the other hand, it is heavy,
expensive and breaks easily.
- Of all stones, MARBLE is the most beautiful. It takes a high polish and is almost translucent.
- CARVING is a SUBTRACTIVE PROCESS IN SCULPTURE. It involves removing unwanted portions of
the raw material to reveal the form that the artist has visualized.
- MODELING, on the other hand is an ADDITIVE PROCESS. It permits the artist to rework his
- Of all the metals, BRONZE is one of the most commonly used.
- The process used in making the stone and bronze sculpture are EXACTLY OPPOSITE.
- STONE SCULPTURES are made by cutting away the stone until only figures are left.
- For METAL SCULPTURES, the sculptor builds up in the figure clay and then has it cast bronze.
- Wood has an initial advantage in that it is cheap, readily available and easy to cut.
- It is not brittle and permits the sculptor to work in THIN AND/OR EXTENDED FORMS.

- Carvings using ivory are small. The reasons WHY IS IT IN SMALL SIZES the great expense of ivory
and it is difficult to secure if it is in large pieces.
- Like wood, IVORY CRACKS.

- The term “Terra Cotta” means BAKED EARTH
- Terra Cotta is made by Firing clay like pottery.
- It is very cheap compared with stone and bronze but it can be easily broken.

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