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tue GAs Arsov Woe E Bins © Saniee aaa \ LS AUSTRALIAN ‘BUSHMEN | ne" Poaann RAND MEXICAN es YF" RMEWORTIEGU ey LTC TTT Iry PLAINS. AND HiS GREAT WILD! ‘UPON THEIR ARRIWA LIN ECROPE.| INSETS u sinicirren af hoa Tua Tae Neon DrSSUR GRAND STREET PARADE |@ 0cocn PERFOR! JOON*T2 EVENING AT 01 AUSTRALIAN BOOMERANG THROWERS BLACK /eTAMOUSBUSHMFN IKE LOWEST OPDER a RSH Peete arene ae “OReSeEN OY WIN TES GREAT HOW. PEREOUN BaNesSHNEal hSSERREREEEEEEEE CEE CEE EERE EEE CE EEEEEE EEE EEEE CEE CEE EEE EEE EEE EEE CEC EEE EEE EEE CECE EEE i| & PAWNEE BILL’S HISTORIC WILD WEST oe {000 PEOPLE AND HORSES EMPLOYED {000: ‘This great army of Wild West and international Celebrities will give two performances daily in an } 4 \ 399939993. enclosure covering acres of ground. No canvases are made large enough to cover this marvelous exhibition. i But remember that perfect protection is afforded the audience from the rays of the sun by | Absolutely Waterproof Canopies that Encircle the Immense Arena | JUVENILE COW BOYS YOUTHFUL VACQUEROS DIMINUTIVE Cow ciRLs <_ INDIAN YOUNCSTERS CUNNING OOSES ARAB KIDS . 2 pphaaaaceeszaraanaazarenanatey arta i 10,000 Seats 2 ' J UVEN | LE : Endorsed by i i : Clergy; 10,000 People a ey hice tet Pe Press 5 i fom | oa be . i na IN CONJUNCTION WITH Public! Grandly .PAWNEE BILL'S... _ 1 bom Europe luminated and Ameri at Night 0 that the smallest ob- ject at the most distant part of the arena can be easily discerned. Not A COMPANY OF THE MOST PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN EVER SEEN IN AMERICA ‘Mounted on their diminutive spotted Shetland Ponies and Burros. See their miniature Stage Prairie Schooners, Travoys and Racing Chariots. Boys and Girls of the bound. iss ‘praities inured to life on the plains, and H istory’si Pages a : Feproduced at each performance by igen that helped to ake it, af : CECE CECE EEE EEE ELF CEE EEE CEE CEECEEEEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEE CEEEEEES! vestige, semblance or & $ trace of a circus about ; £ this entertainment, but fia the practices of ranch and roundy © cheap an educational, instruc- 4, , st - EXCURSION RATES f tive, exciting and pore. The First The Only, The Original #5, sivrairoad and steam. 3 i ly MORAL amusement & JUVENILE WILD WEST ontVihico at lines to the Great § enterprise, 4 Pawnee Bill’s Wild West ed : Ss oe yy TWO GRAND. EXHIBITIONS DAILY ~ CRAIN OR SHINE), COMMENCING AT 2 ano 8 P.M. ¥ Doors ope: jour eaftic ing our patrons ample time to visit * THE MAGNIFICENT FREE ETHNOLOGICAL CONGRESS COL EEE CEE CEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EECEE! Pawnee Bill's Wild West is a good one and contains some of the most celebrated characters to he found on our Western frontier —Fbst, Washington, D. C,, September 20, 189. Pawnee Bille entertainment was spirited and remarkably interesting. There is something refreshing about it The per formance is goo throughout: Courier, Buffalo, N¥., June 2 1 }999992293933 1932539932922332933393393333339993339533993999399393293353293999326 6 cts 1999332323292339999999933999 Annies % AMERICA’S MOST DARING EQUESTRIANS, THE ROOSEVELT ROUGH RIDERS WITH ITS 2and 4 Horse Chariot Races Free-for-All Races Liberty Horse Race Lady Hurdle Riders Wheelbarrow and Sack Races High Jumping Horses Indian and Cowboy Races Male and Female Jockey Races. Mule and Burro Races Standing Races Indian against Horse Buggy and Sulky Races WHEE BILL'S cat WD WEST & ~) WATIONAL ENTERTAI! eo ( poreelinnenenmmnnnnnnmsnnsnnnnnnmnmnnnnes in, # PAWNEE BILL’S HISTORIC WILD WEST | a eo $ Even Manly Types of Fon aare The van. Pioneers (ies ot civilization, the hero of the dug-ont, the ranch, the cabin, the camp and the trail. Reprosenta- § tives of rugged life of § Primitivo man, : 3 Attack on a # Mexican Pack fale ees @ Mexican Pack Train by Indians is one of the startling realistic scenes of the Histo ‘Wild West. Tt employs some of the best riders in the camp, and their feats of horsemanship, fas well as their skill in avoiding the missiles of the foe, are wonderfully illustrated in the con- ict represonted at overy performance. ya93.3935533932933933233299399939339909 * : i g i i 3 i i i i a i i SENOR OLIVEORTE ZUANTONIARO’S MEXICAN MILITA Which has gained such prominence in its tour around the world, that to-day it stands upon the same. pedestal as Sonsa’s Band—the great Marine Band. ¢ ‘Orleans, and in its tour of the prominent cities of America, England, France and Germany was classed with the best, playing before crowned heads of these countries by special invitation. member is a noted Mexican soloist. They will discourse thei ‘modern operas and new sonsational musical air : AMERICA’S NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT : ae HING is a fact, all is real. Nothing assumed for the purpose of amusing. An exposition and illustrator for the general public and the student, It is an object lesson in the story of a great people, ‘A narrative told and illustrated by themselves in all its simplicity, morality, fidelity to nature end grandeur sublimely useful and the nonpareil of public exhibitions. * ’ cee cee cee cee ceeceeeeeceeceereeeeeceeeeeens SOUTH AMERICAN GAUCHOS is one ofthe now at- tractions added this your to Pawoee i's Wid West "These Inve buen added not only for their dextority and ability, bat to show the diference in wild life between the American Cow toy, the Mexican Vaquero and the Cossack. ‘The Gauchos Ridtory is remarkable; be fan product of South Atmerion, de- fondant of early Spanish colobiet of Bory temperament, with {ntusion of Indian blood in hit, Take the ‘North American Tadlan the Cowboy, tho Vaquero, the Costack in the near ap roach tothe mythfoal Cantar ike Wem, the Gaucho spends ost of is lite on horeeback, and in association withthe wild ines ofthe Pa “ctnitpey are the most expert Iascoers and bolus throwers in tho world. Apart trom thelr wild, fantastic personality of dress tnd oquipmest, and horsewanshp, they are the. only and frst Dorwoa B ioteoduce the use of the bulus for the capture ot Tila animals, ‘This instrument has bean adopted from the South American Indian, ant haa become is favorite woapo both inthe cbace and in war. ‘The bolua dnsiste of noruber ‘Struwhide thongs fastened fo cantor thoog, witha iron ball Sf cach ofthe onda, "The Geochon ean hor this ata fying form or cow from a distanoe of siaty fst and cause it ten tangle tbout the logs, binging the vie halplesly to the ground. 6, 1999343973299399399332239233993) —onaaaitececo— DESERT-BORN BEDOUINS, A troupe ot Bedouin Arabs, whose equestrian and athletio feats of Mmarvelons skill tnd endurance electrify and enthuse both young and old ‘Their inimitable and eooentric repertoire of weird and wondroxs athletics, inelnde lightning-ike manipulation of their long fins, high dives over bayonets nnd swords, tumbling and toss- {og beyond all Iimitations, equilibistie balancing, living pyta- tll twisting, twirling and spinning around with such velocity dnd persstenty that suggests perpetual tition incarnate. One St many other remarkable aole to be seen with the Pawnce Bills Wild West. 3: i “yap29293229222229932999933999993399339999) y999993992993922393332333: J eCECEECEEEE EEE CEE CEE CER ECE CEE ECEECE EEE CEE EEE ECERCEECEEEE! Ssosaaae Tt created an excitement in RY BAND ‘ir native, soft, melodious melodies, all t Noted Guides fearless stage coach drivers and time. honored frontiersmen from all walks of wost- em life, Japanese fighters, lancers and fencers. c Herds of Gentle Indian . wild Texas: Ponies sale age Rocky Mountain bear, elk and prairie coyotes, wild bucking bronchos, meck prairie dogs, trained anitials and Pawnee Bill’s | handsome $10,000 herd of Spotted Mexican “Mustangs. ..+34 IN NUMBER musical circles in New Bach and ev seen in Mon Porno Bil's Wild Wost Show was witnwed by mi Re pfomance wae rll wah ingore " ‘The prosontation ofthe Historical Wild West given treal.—Montreal Herald. saying spn sd wel omc wor tae ime . a ty Paras Bil and hs out yeerday wae marlous and CECECE ECE CEE CEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ECE REECE EEE Asia a the best Bo 133 PAWNEE BILL’S HISTORIC WILD WEST | “°* Grand National and International Military Contests N CONJUNCTION with Indians, Scouts, Trappers, Hunters and participants of Frontier History, will be presented in “comparison and friendly rivalry Native Horsemen of every Equestrian Nation; Military and Artillery men of many flags; the stalwart German Cavalrymen of the great military monarch Kaiser William; the Royal Irish Lancer; English, French and U.S, Artillery fully equipped for battle, with its ‘gunners, caissons, eannons, horses, completo in every detail, racing for dear life; horses plunging and gun- carringes thundering along in wild attempt to reach the goal first. Nothing more exciting or illustrative of circumstances of real war could be imagined. ‘This and other exercises and pastimes render the vast arena the most entertaining and soul stirring imaginable. 4 Cowboy Character {guardian of the four- ‘Much has been written ee oper ices western plains. Dis- of the cowboy’s prowess 7 i: ee THE MARVELOUS reputable characters of ee ent all kinds in tho west pertngss with fire-arms, partons with Saco & IMPERIAL COSSACK TROOPERS & soe te aro, 2 raage and general style printed which does Major Lilie, in pore ot bin ambition to enbanoe the g Ere And Seneral sty justice to his real = sttmetiveness ofthis Grand National and International. Pan owboy, in order onal AmsementInetistion, bt attr many otis of tear. # to more easily accom character, cn iran oy ofcapialcoained whe Bich their dosigua. = Goethe madeMophis. 5 eames Renn, fet goremnmecin eee «ie & ‘The genuine American topholes capable of ac- guar in Attra of Greve Conair oF Itwat't cowboy in of an entrl “Light Horse Cavalry. They are natives of the vast a complishing his most & Steppes, een crear “Oral Mowntaine, different moral character malevolent work while wntunily inoelaged tie Harlot and Mont Expert Mil- B gud. the testimony. of noting! Scripture; anf fay Eran ining Work Ota inci ot shee oivid and’ military ancient fable made the original oe oe OC baeepetsatl iseceseeDy oa authorities places him sul pecallar to themselves; ousted ou the. ithe Lore ‘wolf more successful as = tiair native Steppes, fron and active as the riders; armed'with @ °% ® high plane of a thief when he was & the Sword, their principal ‘weapon, which they wield with an = citizenship as a law- vwoaring the skin of ag ssp Minti marron; afmya in bandiome bal fonbre B hiding mai, and the — and 60 the & janction with laa cea Rnasian cavalry evolutions, will Z quickest and surest aid "loner? Has sucotedled| |W te one ot the ssany. ney fentare thet Vil perscinte i noone seme ttesecrete os See ee ea Bf fhe snlornment of mis deprations Fegun aig rin cna watt tb gure 2 the av when called yp while posing as a cow- en of the universe vividly reproducing modem military & on by the anthorit hoy. By doing this ho & fade that stipes in magaitud, intuslc worth, trace & 10 bunt down bad men | has brought disrepute 3 merit all previous attempts ofthis unequaled exhibition, who are posing as cow- to the fair namo of the nna immu mus boys. oo 4) the cowboy was an important element, constituting as he i In Our Recent War with Spain idle largetsjority af frat gallant regiment Seyckes Oe Anown as “Roosevelt's Rough Riders,” and high tribute is paid to his worth as an obedient soldier, a daring OR fighter and thorough man. In the Philippines, among our officers, are men who have been allied with the B cowboy, as for instance Funston and the brave scout Young, whose work in the Philippines has received the ighest meed of praise, as well as soveral injections of lead. ‘The cowboy"s name has been associated in the "minds of the general publie with the “lynching bees” that were such frequent occurrences on the western ontier in early days, ‘These little incidents have never been denied by the cowboy, but rather justified by the fact that the ordinary methods of judical procedure and punishment were not established in that country, SOA Section pstaghioscaalds aly bn tnd ‘by the spontaneous and combined efforts of the law-abiding | ‘element io ieabiee a pecker! the laws of God and man, = | | 7 ol i | * ‘ound spectator witeswod Paace Bill's Astral Will Wea Show, wk aa grat one a anyon ep i's Historical Sh sgreat one and worthy ete eee 20, 1888.—16,000 people visited Pawnee Bill's Great Wild West yesterday.—Pul OVER ONE ‘THOUSAND STRANGE PEOPLE AND HORSES IN BRILLIANT ARRAY With Br Pe ee __possoesaaeazaazazacazzazanzazaazaaz2sz03zaz 99 9a0azNa Na 2IRASEADERNARERNDNEEES 973998 a PAWNEE BILL’S HISTORIC WILD WEST | “ i : [3 i i fa 2 [COR THIS tho 17th suecossful soason of Nature's Own Exhibition, Pawnee Bill, by his untiring energy : and prodigal use of unlimited capital, has utterly dwarfed all previous efforts in procuring the most # f sstonishing array of forwign and Amoriean wonders for the Great Wild West. No oomntry, no nation, no part of the globo not represented. Hach year the Wild West has added to its intense human interest, by ¥ © ® gathering subjects of : Frecyfiitio sland /aliad enenenenenenenenenenenenenen: ; f Noitag prseated bt Tuewone-ncnowneo gerd of Buffaloes § ; BLACK TRACKERS $ Several Magnificent i : 2 i i i ' : : truthful pictures BETTER KNOWN AS THE - § specimens to be seon ‘of the past and present—features that are none the less attrac- tive for their strict ad- hereneo to life, pictur- esque costumes of prim- itive people, gorgeous trappings of the modern soldier, daring horse. ‘manship of the cavalry: men of many nations, thrilling equestrian feats of Mexicans, Pm Arabs, Indians and hardy veterans of the frontier, headed by the famous White Chief of the powerful Pawnee Indians and acknowl. edged Father of Okla- homa, the most re- ‘nowned Seout, Trapper, Hunter, Guide and In- terproter now living — Pawnee Bill Australian Boomerang Throwers $ rite yore vie O00 ofthe maliont fituzes of this great Wild West i tho $ extinct Amorican Bison! AAnsralian Boomerang Torowers--Gennise Cannibal Bushnoen Inthe sy Mor Quel Astra hey. are ‘tien employed by tho Colonial Government for tracking and tracing criminals” In this they far earpase the Tloodbound, follotfig.& sent oF track oven after months have elapeed” ‘Phoy arg. withoat doubt, the lowest onder ofthe human Hing: doy living, aa they do, without nny fxed abo, leeping pox the ‘ground wherever night overtakes them, sabsiating upon ‘rhalaver chance pata inthe way. ‘They ar cannibal nyse 2Uly towing upon their enenty or friend Killed in bale never ooking thal ost nd Grinkiag the blood ot an anlinal or fim bing with he grater lh, ‘hoy have no lion tho object of worship, no marriage ceremony and do, not bury: {hele dond;iving away from all cviation having ino object {i lf no organtzatiog. ‘The nights are epent ia wild, weird Givole Uancor sailed “Midnight Cormuberrie™ Were it Bot for th fact af ¢wonderfal tail theao people posvess, they would be comparatively unknown, ‘The buomerang isa crooked atic, trhich they throw with grea foee away from them; after pase. ing’ through tho air tom distance of #100 or 120 foe, to the ebaorsent ofall, dl eontcary to al laws of tra, the boom trang or evooked sick will tm, and ratuen a diectly to tho Ghrofer aa twas sont Thi of tt You havo beard of people throwing around a corner--they do i; and they are the only orl ithe world pemened c€ this power and score, ‘Theee Trelis eet and only once ever letving their native home, {rough 15,000 rales from far away Arwala, aban enormous apeuee, “Done tall to eo them throw the Boomerang, their duly weapon of defence; and in warfare in wielded with such Skil and'precoion av fo‘lip the care from the heedi of their ares ; Le PURE RURUME MEME REM MUM RKO Only a few years ago $ countless millions of these animals roamed over the plains of North America, ‘They had an absolute title to, and possession of, as many thousands of miles as the Indians had to their archs of the plains and prairies and a veritable storehouse for the In- dian, “Tho Buffalo sup- plied him with almost ¥ all tho necessaries of lifes from the lighter $ hides, when tanned, he ¥ got his leggins, shirts and lighter garments; from the heavy tanned ‘ hides he made his ‘wigwam and moccasins, also his blankets; from the sinew of the back he made his thread and bow strings; from the horns, his spoons ‘and many small vessels. ‘The bones furnished him tanning instruments, and from | the various parts of his flesh almost his entiro sustenance. But with the destruction of the Buifalo, the ¥ ‘Indian's independence left him, and he is now a ward of our government ‘The Buffalo never would have been subdued but for the extension of the railroads across the continent ‘Their territory had been well nigh $ inaccessible, but railroads made transportation cheap and immediately followed # demand, from all over the world, for the beautiful, warm and soft robes of the Buffalo. The supply had to equal the demand, Millions of hides annually were sentabroad, and other millions were used in our country. Bie facie: bag ae EGE CEEEEEEE CEE FFE CEREEEECESE z : i : t a if i 3 i ‘ i Lenenenenenenenenenenenencnerenenenenenenerent SO PS ILL LP NEN % : Q ‘and of such proportions that almost utter annihilation became simply a question of « brief period Consequently, the American Bison is now one of the rarest and most expensive of animals. _ From boginning to end Pawnee Bill's performance is a genuine exposition of Western life, which was highly enjoyed by the ‘immense crowd which attended.—Star, Washington, D. C., September 26, 1898, : i ‘Pawnee Bill's Wild W beet ever seen in the South; the capture'of the stage “ anda. Atlanta Conatitution, Ootber 19, TL Te 193 9932933933932939993993929999992322939392999399332339999999 2993999993 933 a 12 PAWNEE BILL’S HIST! ‘ORIC WILD WEST | - GLORIOUS GRAND MEXICAN HIPPODROME : Games, Sports, Pastimes, Startling Two and Four-Horse Chariot Races, Flying Male Hurdle Races, Hazardous | Two-Horse Mexican Standing Races, Speedy Female Flat Races, 20 Horses Reined and Driven by One Man at a Broak-neck Speed Around onr Monster Hippodrome Track, Ponderous Buifalo Races, Awkward ‘Texas Steer Races, Children’s Races, an Indian Racing against a Horse, Five-Horse Tandem Race, Astounding Male Jockey Races, Amusing Monkey and Dog Races, Female Hurdle Races, Comical Burro Races, Sack Races, Wheelbarrow Races, Obstacle and Free.for-all Races. RECEEE EEE CECE ERE CEE CEES CEECEEEE! manananananenenenananenenenenee They Can Ride" BEAUTIFUL DARING WESTERN GIRLS, Yn 10 $0 —— 2 part ofthe habitable globe nee thore better lady sidera then con @ With equal soeurity on Be'found in tho West. A giel must bo able to Fide it abe wants ¥ its neck beneath it, on to vist her neighbor often ms 1 How some of those young creatures can manage s horse! ¢ Cither side, backward or What pictires of boty, daring and tho perfection of health § forward, and no steed they are. a8 they ome’ dashing along st all speed, playing ‘i fgnites, chasing euch other, or racing just for the fan of the 000 throw the Vaquero, thing nthe Young mise of ty on tow roll hit hoop! § With the lao the Va- ndest, horseback siding in comaion ands easy pastime to 2 Goer ig faci a swild Western gil” asia hoop rolling tothe Eastern girl quero is facile princeps. "The Westarn girl goos everywhere on horseback. Sho ean g There is absolutely no join sot of equino quadrilles or Virginia reel and gallop $ limit to his skill with it. twenty miles on an eraud without feeling theelightest fatigue. @ yy to Tops “company” on horseback, and many a piguant ¥ He ean pursue a hors retort abd. port eposch gain point and pungency from the § af full gallop and while tho beast is running wildly across the field overtake and Iasso him. by any foot you name. ae se Mexican Vaqueros 7.1. with the lasso, They live by it. Pawnee Bill Mexican Vaqueros ever brought to the United ules | hay are acd by some to be the grand- est horsemen in the world, They alone dis- pute the American Cow- ‘boy’s claim to suprem- acy and it is safe to s that they cannot be ex- any other riders living. ‘There is nothing they sanasnacaszeaasaszasansasssaazaazeza¢990909299990090992930320292902099229999 ££C GEC CEE CERCEECERECCEEEE accelerated gait or sudden demt volte of her beast, respondent to impatient or emphatic preasure of her dainty heel or eut ot thor whip, in a vexations conversation or spat with her awain. ‘Yes, the Western girl ean ride a horse, as you will readily porosive’ whon you witness the performance of the bevy of Geoidental beasties with Pawnee Bille Historical Wild Wort, ‘Watch thom in the hippodrome races; note their skill and foar. lesenese; observe their impatience and recklesmess; be ‘chanted by their beauty, apellboand by their achievements ayakened to the pleasures nd enjoyment of the competition a § The Mexican cannot do on horseback. by their silvery ringing laughter. ‘too, in’ es ren ace eae rea tasy aes ae ge OO ete iy dive in the saddle, torical Wild West, but not one prettier or more likely to be a Sites. Will Scoenr Beeeia Dat can get along with. ¥ gratifying afterthought. in your memory than the lovely wild @ f0"™, Will appear j Western yl with sparkling eyes and roay checks who flashed % itdid at the exposition of ‘out one, It is surpris- ing to see them literally “climb all over” a horse while it is careering at By you os the beck ttn plonglag snd. New Orleans, where it wis a great feature, A Bey of . peavrirut SeNonITAs ‘In Thrilling Feats of Senor Francisco and enenenerenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenent 0 LOLOL LLL OSLO LL LLL pana cdiietan’ Horsemanship. Antonio Billie are mag ae = 3 nificent specimens of | Leeueumununinumumununusumumunues their calling. : is a man with a history. He was born at Saltillo, Great Vaquero, Senor Francisco Mexico, but has wandered over many countries m, He took servieo with Senor Sanchez near Chihuahua, where the Apaches made a raid and the owner, Francisco pursued the marauders, overtook, whipped them and rescued his master, He ently eaptnred the noted ‘Mexican bandit, Pedro re ‘and finally met Pawnee Bilf in Indian Terri- pease him for his ae Wild West. ori na foe Steere Panne i PRARANC DA 28?" rgce er, Croce annoy SHOT mo r Pee EEE aa2sse333 * f PAWNEE BILL’S HISTORIC WILD WEST | a | ENDORSED BY THE CLERGY, STATESMEN, JUDGES, GENERALS, SCHOLARS AND THE on IN BOTH EUROPE AND AMERICA, The most complete, most entertaining, most instructive, most truthful, most moral, most humanitarian ‘and most exciting exhibition of the marvels of nature ever offered to the public. ee [Habits and pmmm—mmrmmemsmmnmcrmeseny Dally Exhibi- of the wonder- tions ful skill of the Indian with the bow and arrow, Indian travoys, primitive wag- ons, invented by the aborigines to transport their goods, and many genuine and interesting relies of the wild west in other deye i £ Soja] od without precedent or parallel. The only realistic frontier exhibition A? BuDjitely Orga Se os ake ee oe a 3 3 z : Customs of he | sm fousdes Aajor Gordon W. Lie (Paice ly fo dere « sow he ustoms Timely, to femliarize those who | FCustoms 932 Lge a ae er 3 illustrated by them- mal tat it in the Weet and Bont ‘To this end therefore, Re uy es vith indiepetablo eacomss Wharerce the Will Weet bun goss vi eir wigwams it hte boot admitted by press and public to be the most com i lac ear ete and instructive exhibition evar witneased on te continent epee, ating Vow it fm auy standpoint and the remlt wil eillbo the same the modes of living, | Its Indians are genuine celebrition well-known through theit fing tho aquaws et deeds tnd complainta to Congres from time to time. “One hae fiche towel | Siectanatacer cS aca their beadwork making Wila'Waet torecll ne word, Again ie Go the equa aa Prin cones of hia and other tribes living in Pawnee Bille in ee ae B Weniee: uenea tenuate vtec iemaseee pum, ete. aaiitiny teamneee Wont sl haps etantrecense) ae ett Ty cad eee Seer meets ey lng and Pee. raves in 7 escent SS) Historical ' Hie ohana Maladie, | So E Rcaeta ating poem aetna en og Senge Coaches’® | the peace | empty inndsd, Ha whan ened fore gud them to a gee uC: Seer ah ote oe lang bn the Cheyenne and me i {2° Rrpper tom aid ser ial oitmien of the Rooky Sill line war Eabpoomes What unig oie tote wid. pel the ey never ery. geet trace cael eee ie y ole eas ata fecan ea B Gpenaetn fo nasties crest a onto tr Tn this great historical Wild West will be shown how the scouts, trappers and § cowboys will give an exact and startling reproduction of the of many Indians (2) ri z 3 g i i : : iP their feathered, a Gimoking Furthermore hey are paid to tavel, and wtion they shall re Council i the Keele-Kiet (ealt water) end beck will pay them for their @ At once were used on Hl tractive are the stoic ee a mea etree fae fh ai guest sun, wih ea {early settlers navigated the vast and rolling sea of venlure streichingacross the bosom of this continent in what wasknown -aicie schooner.” painted and statoly ‘Telice and their uses, together with the later can- chiels, heuded by the — ‘ivenom of pone lit, are ahown and wtlaed by thow'wio Deadwood robbery ‘owned tnd leown no other since childhood, io Pawnee only Indian brass band & i's isoreal Wild Wet B and repulse of the in the work lection ircntoceateerempracn eran mars geen eee eed ! See ceeceecceccceet ‘ «aq of all kinds are illustrated, and it is assuredly true that no such insight Rites and Ceremonies (scion manners and cantons has ever been given to the genes public before, ‘The only tribe of Flat-head Indians ever brought from their native homes or pl exhibition. Genuine Azteo Indians from Old Moxico. Tribes of Nootka Indians, known as the cliff Avellers, from tho far-nway northwestern coast of Vancouger Island. Cheyennes, Comanches, Araphoes, | Wichita Cherokees and Pawnees in paint and feathers. ‘ f EVERY DETAIL OF WESTERN FRONTIER AND INDIAN LIFE REALISTICALLY REPRODUCED IN | THE MONSTER ARENA OF THE GREAT PAWNEE BILL EXHIBITION. he lowcstr Beach Advertoe eid—Puwee Bil Mitorcal Wid Wet is erowdot daily and lore pleatre to ‘thousands of those who visit the place. Tia featuree are startling and exciting, co reaery in Paraeeil'eshow™the feat we hae ever bad bere ccecce ececevereceaxerceveccegeceerer ester pressed geet se pi ee a SCENES ATUALYPORTRAYEDn THIS GREAT EXHIBITION Tatlin Se oieStDoes Geer ExuiBIi0N VILLAGE OF DIGOER, COMANCHE, CHEYENNE, FLAT HEAD Buffalo Hunts Die SD pag ss Startling Lassoing ‘Texas Cattle ‘Virginta Reet Round-up Horse-Back Fearless Pony ‘Cowboys in Express Riders se at oe Nak laa TWO.PERFORMANCES DAILY, Rain or Shine, at 2 and 7 P.M, \ Peace PAWNEE BI ius Wi VEST

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