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Ku Klux Klan is a hate organization that was born after Civil War in

the United States. This group wanted to achieve the White supremacy
What was White supremacy agenda?
Beliefs and ideas that white human races are better than the other

The name derived from the Greek word “kyklos” that means “circle”
and “Klan” was added for a name that sounds good.
What happened was that after civil war in US the new government
establish that the black men could participate in the election. And the
Ku Klux Klan members didn’t want that, so through intimidation and
violence and dressed in white robes the Klansmen started to kill black
people and their supporters.

In 1869 Ku Klux Klan leader ordered to disband because the group

had increased too much and violence was uncontrollable. People from
the group started to be arrested until in the 1882 the Klan had

After that the group becomes a legend, people started to write books
and it appeared a film about the Klan “Blue Bird”. The film had success
and a lot of people from United States who was tired of immigration
claimed that the American society and their costumes needed a
restoration. And in this context in the 1920s the Ku Klux Klan had born
This second Klan had four millon membership and their fighting was
against Roman Catholics, Jew and foreigners.
It was during the great depression of the 1930s that the Klan started to

In this days Klan is fragmented and they don’t have the power that they
had before.

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