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Immortal and Cassandra combo

It occurs to me that Christian Chelman’s Capricornian Tales has his version of

IMMORTAL that was originally conceived by Gaeten Bloom, and that this Cassandra
deck is already setup to perform that effect quite nicely. So I have made up a blue-backed
IMMORTAL deck to carry with me and use with my CASSANDRA deck. If you refer to

Above stack for my Cassandra deck, I will now give you the names of all the cards I use
to make up my IMMORTAL deck and also give you the exact stack or sequence of those

For each of the ten force cards, I use the other three suits of each stack card. For example,
if one of my force cards is the 9C, my Immortal deck would use the 9S, 9D and 9D. If my
Cassandra deck has a force card of the JD, my Immortal deck would then use the JH, JS,
and JC. That being said, we already have the first 30 cards of my Immortal deck. In
addition to those, I will use 6 aces, 7 Kings and 8 fours. This will give me exactly 51
cards. The duplicates are nicely hidden by the following sequence…

4S, KD, AH, 8S, 2C, 5H, JS, 10D, 7D, 3C, 6H, QC, 4D, 9S, KS, 4C, AD, KH, 8C, 2H,
5S, JC, 7H, AS, 4H, KC, 10S, AC, 4S, 3D, QD, 6C, KD, 4D, 9H, 2S, 5C, 6D, JH, 4C,
AH, 7C, 8H, KS, 10C, 3H, 9D, 4H, AC, KC, QH.

Now, whenever I leave home with the Cassandra deck, I always take along another red-
backed (normal) Bicycle deck to use normally before I switch in my Cassandra deck and
also carry along my blue-backed (and complimentary) Immortal deck, as described

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