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How technology is changing the world

Futurists of the 1950s and '60s predicted that by the 2000s, flying cars and airborne robots would be a part of
our everyday lives. We live in a world ruled by digitalization, live streaming, smartphones and social networks.
technology has made our lives easier, faster, better and more fun by changing way we work, study, learn,
conduct business, drive our cars has changed irrevocably.
Now Technology is in the air, water, food, education, business, office, electricity, marketing, data storage,
communication, cars, parking, traveling, foods, shopping, and banks etc. It’s almost everywhere and in
everything that is involved in our daily life.
Some facts, which show on the benefits of Science and Technology progress:
Today Technology plays major role in communication. technology is usually ever-present in a multitude
of forms in our daily lives; it is present in radio, on TV, on the internet, in smartphones and in cameras, with
users often communicating via two or three devices simultaneously .It’s amazing to look back and see how
communication has gotten easier over the years. Prehistoric time Smoke signals, drums, horns, trail runners
and pictographs are medium of communication.
Major breakthrough in communication technology was come with letter and postal mail to communicate with
someone in past years.
Today communicate with someone in society, you have so many options at your fingertips. You can send
them a message on social media, email, or put a call through. Today who hasn’t heard of Facebook, Twitter,
or Skype, WhatsApp? Irrespective of the location of the individual, the message gets delivered on these
platforms at the same rate and speed.
Today we connect face to face with people on mobile phone and handle business deals by using technology
of video conferencing without even not there. Technology directly affects how we socialize and communicate
on a daily basis.

In past, we took the education sector in which blackboard and use two-dimensional drawings for educate
a student in classrooms of schools and colleges. Today Technology changed the ways of education and
learning methods.

Now use Personalised and adaptive learning methods for education like Schools are now providing their
students with digital devices like computers and smart board in every class. today technology provides E-
LEARNING,MOBILE based learning ,video based learning and Video lectures allowed students to learn
subject at own pace and dedicate time spent in class towards interactions.. The increase in video-based learning
on mobile devices will eventually account for 80 per cent of all internet traffic by 2019.

Today’s trend in education is Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality is said to have better use
cases in terms of education. It is called the next big trend in the education industry and the future of

Through virtual reality, it is possible for students to practice surgery or construction in the same way
things happen in the real world — but without any kind of risks involved.

Augmented Reality is an enhanced version of reality where live direct or indirect views of physical real-world
environments are augmented with superimposed computer-generated images over a user’s view of the real world,
thus enhancing one’s current perception of reality.

Today by using Artificial intelligence we create intelligent machines. Which makes our lives much easier.
It has become an essential part of the technology industry. In four years, by using power of AI we developed
voice assistant device like an Amazon Echo. A major thrust to artificial intelligence is the development of
computer functions associated with human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and problem
solving. AI research and development for robot assistant that can be used in factories or on the battlefield.

Driverless vehicles Automakers like Tesla, General Motors and Volvo have already developed semi-
autonomous vehicles. But self-driving technology is rapidly evolving. General Motors announced that it will
launch a car that has no steering wheel or pedals by 2019.Uber, meanwhile, is leading the push for pilotless
flying vehicles, and has teamed up with NASA to develop an air-traffic-control system. Uber is also working
with aircraft manufacturers to develop prototypes, with the intention of launching a beta program in 2020.

Technology Has Changed How We Watch TV Technology has changed how we watch television
today. Cable companies are continuously rolling out new features which allow viewers to pause and rewind
live TV, and record their favourite programs to watch later.
With your mobile devices, you can watch, or “stream” the TV shows you want, when you want, and how you
want. Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video all offer access to various cable tv
shows, as well as original content for a low monthly price

Today’s computers are quite powerful, they still have considerable limitations that make it difficult to process
challenging machine-learning problems. Quantum computing is the area of study focused on developing
computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory.
Quantum theory's development began in 1900 with a presentation by Max Planck to the German Physical
Society, in which he introduced the idea that energy exists in individual units (which he called "quanta"), as
does matter. Which explains the nature and behaviour of energy and matter on the quantum (atomic and
subatomic) level.
Development of a quantum computer, if practical, would mark a leap forward in computing capability far
greater than that from the abacus to a modern day supercomputer, with performance gains in the billion-fold
realm and beyond. The quantum computer, following the laws of quantum physics, would gain enormous
processing power through the ability to be in multiple states, and to perform tasks using all possible
permutations simultaneously.
Technology Has Changed How We Pay Bills and Transfer Money your payments can be
automated with your cell phone and a banking app, you can do all the necessary bill payments online.

Medical field also emerged with some latest technology like CRISPR Cas-9 (an abbreviation standing for
"Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats") is a gene-splicing technology capable of
finding and removing mutated sections of DNA. Once this material is eliminated, crispr technology can
replace the mutated sections with non-mutated variants. As a result, crispr has the power to permanently
eliminate certain types of genetic diseases from blood lines.
Reversing Paralysis Scientists are making remarkable progress at using brain implants to restore the freedom
of movement that spinal cord injuries take away.

A some people also consider science and technology to be harmful for humans. The deal is that it is also
used for some destructive purposes. Scientifically created weapons like atom or hydrogen bombs are
able to destroy the whole world in just few minutes. Some people also think that it is not environmentally
friendly to use all the advantages of scientific progresses. People should just learn how to use everything in a
proper way.

In conclusion, it must be admitted that science and technologies can lead human civilization to a
perfection in living. At the same time, everything should be done in wise perspectives and to some extents,
not to harm and destroy the world.s

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