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A : Goal B : Personal Attribute

autonomously control their own

1 : Chou & Chen, 2008
learners are viewed as increasingly
independent, autonomous, and self-

2 : Curran, 2019
learning is survival-your own survival
as an individual, and also the
survival of the human race.
3 : Kranzow, 2016

4 : Song & Hills, 2007

facilitate students to become disposition to engage in learning
autonomous and independent activities where the individual takes
learners, there is a shift that moves personal responsibility for
away from teachercentred learning developing and carrying out
to student-centred learning, learning endeavours in an
underpinned by a move from large autonomous manner without being
lectures towards the use of small- prompted or guided by other
group teaching and learning people, such as teachers, parents or

5 : Zhoc, 2018
C : Process

learner takes control of

his or her own learning by taking
responsibility for and deciding what
and how something is learned

SDL is not simply an important skill

but a critical competency is what
motivated this study.

The model incorporates SDL as a

personal attribute and a learning
process as pointed out by most
scholars in the literature of SDL.

It defines self-directed learning as ‘a

process in which individuals take the
initiative, with or without the help of
others, in diagnosing their learning
needs, formulating learning goals,
identifying human and material
resources for learning, choosing and
implementing appropriate learning
strategies and evaluating learning

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