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PRN : 18010125355
COURSE : B.A LL.B.(Hons.) II Year

Yoga has been in existence in this world since times immemorial. It is a physical, mental and
spiritual form of fitness which originated in India has now spread to almost all the parts of the
world. It is a part of Hindu tradition and culture. The origins are said to be of pre-vedic time
which is also mentioned in Rigveda. Basically, the meaning of yoga is to unite with god and self.
Yoga not only promotes physical health but mental health as well. Yoga refers to the an ancient
principle adopted by the Hindus which acts as a discipline and practice of many postures which
help the person remain fit, healthy and make their body reach a point of relaxation. People
usually keep working for long hours and then develop issues like back pain (which many a time
is due to the unchanged posture of the body), but never try to work on it, to either save time for
something or just ignore the fact that it might lead to something really serious. Physical health
and happiness factor are directly related to each other. Yoga is a very convenient concept to help
cope up with the stress in the hectic life. It is said that Yoga harmonizes the body and mind. oga
isn't just an activity to remain fit and fine, but at the same time is a profound and plain control. It
causes us associate with internal soul and makes us remain happy and strain free. Yoga is about
the association of an individual's very own cognizance and the all inclusive awareness. Yoga is a
physical, mental, and profound practice or order which began in India. There is a wide
assortment of schools, practices and objectives in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It causes us
interface with internal soul and makes us remain happy and pressure – free. Aside from being an
activity, it is a thought also, which is dynamic in nature. In today’s scenario, the life of every
person let alone a student, has become very hard and competitive and the working hours have
also increased over the last few years so very less time remains for physical exercise. People are
starting to ignore their health and habits are becoming worse. The importance of Yoga in
Education is too immense to ignore. Today’s education is mostly information-oriented and it
needs to qualitative changes in physical, mental, spiritual development of the students in a
balanced way. The education with Yoga would improve mental faculties, develop positive
health, inculcate higher values, provide peace and tranquillity and build up moral character
which can lead us to attain highest goal of life as well as education. Also, the life of student has
become so burdened with college work, coaching classes etc. that they have started avoiding
their physical and mental fitness. Through this assignment , the importance, origins, history and
other things related with yoga will be discussed in detail along with my personal experience
which will be helpful in approaching the goal of physical, mental and spiritual fitness.


The meaning of the word ‘Yoga’ is ‘oneness’ which comes from the very old Indian language
Sanskrit. The practice of Yoga is believed to have started with the very dawn of civilization.
Historical evidences of the existence of Yoga were seen in the pre-Vedic period (2700 B.C.), and
during Patanjali’s period. The important sources, from where we get the information and
mention about Yoga practices and the related literature during this period, are available in Vedas,
Upanishads, Smritis, Buddhism, Jainism, Panini, Epics , Puranas@etc.1 While the western
routine with regards to yoga might be translated simply as a physical one, the Indian adaptation
for example at the very cause it was multifaceted. It additionally has a thoughtful and a profound
center. Yoga can be said to have begun around 3000 BCE and can be obvious by the ongoing
discoveries of shake carvings in and around the Indus Valley Civilisation portraying different
stances and positions that can be related with contemporary yoga. The sense and understanding
of the word yoga has origins in Epic Sanskrit, in the second half of the 1st millennium BCE, and
is associated with the concepts talked about in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, with the chief aim of
"uniting" the human spirit with the Divine.2

Philosophical systems of Yoga also began to emerge through the profound schools of Hinduism,
Buddhism and Jainism. It is also said that it was originated during the indus valley civilization. It
was additionally found later in the Atharva Veda around 1200 BCE that some breathing practices
must be pursued. It is hard for antiquarians to pinpoint the definite dates of the starting points of
these Vedas as at first they were passed down orally from one age of masters to the next. The
Upanishads additionally took birth in this period. They clarify the significance covered up in the

Dr. Ishwar V. Basavaraddi, Yoga: Its Origin, History and Development,
article.htm?25096/Yoga+Its+Origin+History+and+Development ( Last visited on 9 july 2019)
Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit Dictionary (1899)
Vedas, expounding on the functions of the brain and soul through close to home lessons. They
uphold contemplation and mantra reciting towards a definitive objective of accomplishing
illumination. Out of the known 108 Upanishads, there are 20 yoga Upanishads. These discussion
about various yogic strategies, as pranayama (breathing activity) and pratyahara (withdrawal of
the faculties), breathing activities, sound, and contemplation. The first known appearance of the
word "yoga", with the same meaning as the modern term, is in the Katha Upanishad.3 In the
modern era, Yoga was propounded by rishis who were specialists in yoga and that is how yoga
left the Indian subcontinent. When Alexander the great visited India, he brought some scholars
with him who wrote accounts about Indian Yogis when they went back. Movements such as the
Vedanta and the Arya Samaj spread in India, furthering the reach of Yoga to even more people.
The Bhagwat Gita which is a very important part of the Mahabharata also contains many
teachings of Yoga. Here, the Lord clarifies the ideas of Dharma, Karma yoga (liberal activities),
Bhakti yoga (devoted and minding activities) and Jnana yoga (information). Later sages, for
example, Patanjali who is considered as the father of Yoga were one of the first to systematize
the acts of yoga in, what is accepted to be, the second century BC. Through his Yoga Sutras, he
spread what as per him was the significance of yoga, and the information it brings to the table.
This yoga was called Raja yoga. He detailed the Ashtanga yoga or the eight appendages of yoga,
which included yamas, niyamas, asanas, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyan, and samadhi.
He can be credited to having set out the key basics of the yoga we practice today. The
discernments got from its training structure the foundation of the significance of India, which for
quite a long time has been amazing. The realities upheld in the yoga lessons, in any case, are not
restricted to India, nor to the individuals who intentionally practice yoga procedures. Numerous
holy people of different religions additionally, including numerous Christian holy people, have
found parts of the profound way that are characteristic for the lessons of yoga. The period
between 500 BC - 800 A.D. is considered as the Classical period which is also considered as the
most fertile and prominent period in the history and development of Yoga. In this way, what
began as a darken reathing and practice way before long swelled into a worldwide wonder. Yoga
has today risen above religions and topographical limits to end up an approach to get more
advantageous as well as an approach to battle illnesses and furthermore as a bringing together

Stephen Phillips, Yoga, Karma, and Rebirth: A Brief History and Philosophy. Columbia University Press. pp. 28–
30, 2009
factor in the light of occasions that try to separate this nation on different levels. Yoga has spread
all over the world by the teachings of great personalities like Swami Shivananda, Shri
T.Krishnamacharya, Swami Kuvalayananda, Shri Yogendara, Swami Rama, Sri Aurobindo,
Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Acharya Rajanish, Pattabhijois, BKS. Iyengar, Swami Satyananda
Sarasvati and the like.4


There are many types of Yoga which are practiced in different parts of the world and have their
origins in one ancient text or the other. The following are some of the most important types:


Vinyasa yoga is a very popular type and is taught at mainly studios and gyms. “Vinyasa” means
linking breath with movement. The postures are usually done in a sequence, or "vinyasa flow."
The fluid movements can be memorized and done as a moving meditation, almost like a dance.


Asthanga means eight limbs and this form of Yoga is said to be the traditional Indian form of
Yoga. It comprises of various Asanas, and the concept of syncing breath with movement
containing different postures.


This type of Yoga is named after B.K.S. Iyengar who was one of the most profound yogis of
India. Breath control through pranayama and the usage of props, blocks and straps are the
important characteristics of iyengar Yoga.

Supra Note 1.

This type of Yoga was made famous by Bikram Chaterjee who brought the practice of yoga to
California from India. It comprises of two breathing techniques and 26 postures which need to be


The most generally polished kind of yoga can be this sort which ordinarily incorporates asanas
and pranayamas alongside an approach to loosen up your brain with reflection (Dhyana). Hatha
yoga in the contemporary world has a wide implication which can be utilized also portray any
and each kind of yoga along these lines its importance can't be determined.


Kundalini Yoga includes dynamic yoga with thorough asanas, pranayamas and reciting of
mantras. Every particular exercise is synchronized with one's breath. The point of this training is
to enact every one of the seven chakras in the body beginning from the base of your spine right
to your head.

These are some important types of Yoga which are practiced over the world but this is not the
extensive list as there are many more types and forms of yoga which exist such as power yoga,
yin yoga etc.


Yoga has great significance in present system of education. The modern education emphasizes
on science and technology in which the material progress is being achieved, but the inculcation
of ethical and spiritual values and promotion of healthy life-style are totally neglected. In this
context, it is an urgent need to integrate Yoga in modern education system in order to make all-
round development relating to body, mind and spirit harmoniously and thereby prevent the
erosion of human values. The integration of Yoga education in the present system of education
can promote human values reform attitude and behaviour, relieve from stress and strain, build up
healthy life-style, shape high moral character and develop refined personality of the students so
as to make them a complete well-being. Hence, we have to understand the importance of Yoga in
education and introduce it as a discipline and thereby focus on the process of integration in the
curriculum. However, Yoga practices can lead students to the attainment of the highest goal of
life-the self- realization of the potentialities inherent in them.5 The life of a student in the present
day has become very hectic and stressful due to the immense competitive environment. In the
wake of this, the teenagers are not taking care of their mental and physical health let alone
spiritual health. Students today are more worried than any other time in recent memory and face
significantly more challenge. They are troubled with assignments and aggressive tests which puts
their psychological just as physical wellbeing in danger. Contemplation and yoga brings positive
vibes among the understudies and on the off chance that they practice it normally it will help in
bringing positive results which is favorable for the researchers. Youngsters under the monstrous
pressure they suffer can create emotional wellness issues, for example, uneasiness issue and

Yoga can enable them to unwind and quiet their brain down during times where a composed
mind is required. Ruminating routinely enables understudies to stay focussed and improves their
discretion. Each school semester need gigantic center, and your pressure levels rise when you
endeavor to consent to time requirements and conventional assessments. Practicing yoga
diminishes weight and loosens up you. The equalization of your body and the tranquility of your
mind empowers you to feel increasingly settled in the midst of a disorderly semester. Doing yoga
ingrains a positive mental attitude and gives you center for dealing with unpleasant
circumstances. Yoga plays a vital role in physical development of the students. The practice of

Aahperd VA. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance. Physical Fitness Test
Mannual. Reston, 1989.
Yoga would increase physical strength, respiratory capacity, circulatory function, muscle tone
and flexibility of the bodies. It can also help to heal inflamed muscles and tissues quickly. Yoga

can prevent the excessive flow of stress hormone for reducing the blood pressure and
inflammatory responses6. Yoga also plays an imperative role in balancing both hemispheres of
the brain. The traditional subjects in the existing curriculum would help to develop only one side
of the brain – linear, logical and intellectual side of the brain i.e. left hemisphere. But the
development of artistic, creative and intuitive side of the brain i.e. right hemisphere is being
neglected for want of teaching suitable subjects. Hence the integration of Yoga Education in the
curriculum would provide students to cultivate the full potential of the left and right hemispheres
of the brain7. Yoga Education can forestall the disintegration of qualities and reestablish our
Indian conventional estimations of truth, co-activity, peacefulness, harmony, love and regard so
as to advance solid way of life. It additionally gives solid enthusiastic improvement.

Yoga has an imperative job to go about as a body-mind medication. The normal routine with
regards to yoga encourages us to control negative feelings like indignation, dread, ravenousness
and envy which cause hyperacidity, hyper-strain, a sleeping disorder, loss of hunger and
furthermore create positive feelings like love, empathy and friendship which empower us the
solidarity to battle pressure and sickness. Students and young people when all is said in done
have a stand-out stance: slumped shoulders with a balanced back and forward-poking head.
These bowed positions decline your breathing farthest point and increment your risk of
interminable torment and harm. Yoga develops your body and care and prepares the muscles to
properly alter your skeleton. A straight stance decreases the weight set on your body and
empowers it to work with diminished exertion. Yoga asanas are planned to blend, sustain and
balance your body's connective tissues, as such giving you suitable stance.

Bera TK, Rajapukar MV. Body Composition CardioVascular Endurance and Anaerobic Powerr of Yoga
Practioner. Indian
Bhole MV, Desai BP. Theoretical Considerations of Diet for Yoga Practicant. Yoga Mimasa, 1982.

Yoga is a part of the curriculum of Symbiosis Law School Pune and it is taught everyday for 1-2
hours after regular classes so that the students could get the benefits of Yoga as discussed above
and lead a stress free life. My personal experience with Yoga has had a great impact on my life. I
knew all the basics of Yoga because of my father. He wakes up in the morning everyday to
practice Yoga for 1 hour atleast which has been the secret to his healthy life. That’s when I
thought that it could help me as well. I am a football player and some credit of my inclination
towards sports also, goes to Yoga. I have been to many Yoga and meditation camps which are
organized time to time in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. The one that had a great impact on my life and
changed me as person was last year. It was organized at Osho Gangadhara, Rishikesh,
Uttarakhand. It was a 3 day long meditation and Yoga camp in which I practiced and learnt
various meditation exercises. The meditation experience totally changed me as a person and I
realized how these things helps one to get to know oneself better and is also extremely helpful
for physical, mental and spiritual health. The most important part of a student’s life is that they
maintain their presence of mind at all times and pay attention to all their studies. The practice of
meditation helps them maintain and increase their span of concentration and helps them focus on
their work and studies efficiently. It also increases the grey matter concentration of the brain of
the students, which enhances their learning, memory, emotional aspects etc. I have personally
experienced all the benefits of Yoga and meditation. What has worked best for me to cope up
with all the college stress is meditating atleast 10 minutes in the morning and before sleeping.
Along with this, to maintain a healthy life, 20 minutes of yogic exercises or any other sport could
also help. . For a student, the benefits of yoga and meditation are great. One would have a
sharper brain, a quiet sleep every night, great confidence level, strong memory etc. Also,
meditating during the exam days properly could be of great use to recapitulate everything that
one has studied. There are often many instances when the students can face a crisis in their
schedule and activities which can’t be easily countered. Due to this, they go in a state of panic.
This can often become dangerous and result in a disorder. Again, meditation helps the symptoms
of the same to get reduced and the students can easily deal with them in an effective manner.
With Pranayamas and Kriyas, I usually see an immediate calming effect on the body and
physiology. And I have used them as aids to quiten the body and mind before attempting
meditation. At the end I would conclude by saying that yoga and meditation have had a great
impact on my life and changed it positively so it is of great significance to a student.

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