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Trisha Mae M.



I think most of us think that we are living the Christian moral way when we believe and
worship to God, participate in liturgies, and follow the codes, laws and commandments of the
Lord which is to do the right thing, but I don’t think that this is the end of how we can determine
ourselves as a Christian who lives morally. I think the basis of Christian morality is when we are
growing with love for ourselves and also for others or “love your neighbor as you love
yourself.” And to become a loving person just like Jesus who treats anyone, fair and just without
judgments. I still remember that when Jesus went to the tax collector’s home and chose to eat
with a sinner whose name is Zacchaeus, that even though people started to murmur that, “Jesus
has gone to be a guest of sinner”, Jesus didn’t care at all because for him, no one should be
excluded and everyone is included. He was a great guest to everyone and I think that’s the point
of what lesson should we get, learn and do.

Knowing how much we are loved by God, how unique and special each one of us, it is
what we call wholeness or salvation. We are living our moral life when we know we are whole
because everything follows, we become more understanding with our environment and to our
neighbors, we know our responsibility that’s why we are being extra careful with our actions and
mostly we follow Jesus.

We don’t want to do bad things not because it was the church’s teachings but because we
don’t want to hurt others. Our conscience and love for our neighbors keeps us from doing bad
things just like me; I follow my conscience and do the right things because I don’t want to hurt
other people. For example, I pay the exact fare and sometimes more of it to jeepney drivers
because I know that they have families who needs it for their daily life but I have the freedom
not to do the right thing like, paying on a lower amount or not paying at all but because of my
nature as a person, I will still choose to do the right thing not just for my owns sake but also for I
care to other people.

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