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network security projects for cse

Network security is basically securing your network. Networks can be private, like
a network within a company, or public. Securing the network involves preventing
any misuse or unauthorized access of the network or its resources. For this, every
user is given a unique user ID and password to access data pertaining to them.
Without this authentication, no user is permitted to access the network. The
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Network security has a number of benefits for defending your clients’ businesses
against threats.
Obviously the number one advantage is minimizing the level of risk for attacks,
infections, and breaches. For most companies, reaching an acceptable level of
security can be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve on their own, even for
organizations that have their own IT staff and help desk.
The more time employees spend visiting recreational websites, the less time they
devote to their work. Final year project for cse in network security can promote
safe browsing and improve productivity by preventing employees from accessing
these sites.

Cryptography poses a threat to organizations and individuals too. With encryption,

an employee of a company can sell proprietary electronic information to a
competitor without the need to photocopy and handle physical documents.

Electronic information can be bought and sold on “black networks” such as Black-
Net with complete secrecy and anonymity — a safe harbor for engaging in both
corporate and government espionage. The keys that unlock a corporation’s files
may be lost, corrupted, or held hostage for ransom, thus rendering valuable
information in accessible. This domain is selected by S-LOGIX for project
working in order to meet every other student who are eager to work in many
different domains.

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