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Group 5: Grade 11- Fr Heinrich Pesch

Miras, John Gabrielle

Napone, Divine Flor

Odchigue, AJ Xyle Lawrence

Olis, Shakira

Orongan, Shine Marie Francisca

Prones, Christian Maynard

The Vows at Montmarte

Narrator: On the Feast of the Assumption, 15, August 1534, Ignatius and his six companions went to the
‘Hill of Martyrs’ in Paris, and in the chapel of St Denys, celebrated mass.

Fr Faber: I invite you people to stand up and witness our brothers as they pledge their life to the
manifestation of the life of Christ.

Ignatius & his companions: Altogether let us… En el nombre, del padre, del hijo, del espirito santo amen.
‘Padre Nuestro’.

Xavier: I vow to you, my Lord that as soon as we finish our studies, we would make pilgrimage to the
Holy Land where Christ, your Son had lived, suffered, died, and rose again.

Laynez: But if after a year of arriving to Venice and no ship is available for the Holy Land, we would go
to Rome and offer our services to the pope.

Narrator: This vow was repeated on the same day each year for the next two years, in 1535 and 1536,
except that Ignatius had left Paris and three of their companions had joined them.

Narrator: In 1537, just before their ordination, they renewed their vows which included their explicit vow
of perpetual chastity which they all made. Ignatius together with his 6 companions made their commitment
at Montmarte as individuals. There was not yet any intention of forming an organization. At this time they
were just students who shared the same spiritual and apostolic aspirations and ideals. In 1537, the
companions left Paris and joined Ignatius at Venice.

Vision at La Storta

Narrator: They started to fulfill their vows and proceeded to the Pier.

Ignatius: Oh no. There is no ship that would leave from Venice to the Holy Land.

Faber: How are we going to go there?

Laynez: We will walk barefoot.

Ignatius: Let’s go to Rome instead and fulfill the second vow.

Narrator: After 16 kilometers.

Ignatius: Look there is a chapel at La Storta, let’s stop over and pray.

Narrator: There Ignatius had a vision. He saw the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus, who was carrying
the cross. The Eternal Father said to His Son.
God: “I desire you to take this man into your service.”. Then Jesus turned to Ignatius and said, “I want you
to serve us.”. “I will be propitious to you in Rome.”.

Papal Approval

Narrator: They continued their journey to Rome and when they reached Rome, they proposed themselves
to the Pope.

Ignatius: Pope, we have come here to present ourselves in accordance with our vow at Montmarte since
there were no ship that would leave from Venice to the Holy Land. So we are here to offer our services to
you for whatever mission you wish to give us. With this we would like to present a religious order, The
Society of Jesus, which aspires to find God in all things through helping and serving others.

Narrator: A year later.

Pope: I, Pope Paul III, give my consent and blessing for the creation of The Society of Jesus as a religious
order. In addition, I elect it’s founder, Ignatius of Loyola, to be the superior general. *CLAP*

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