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RESULTS 8 Milk produced per day in Dudhsagar & Farmers Benifitted 1558 Litres 804 £ Revenue generated for Mother Dairy B. Lives Touched sone ae fe Revenue invested in soci 2516400 Deficient 804 Farmers have returned to Dudhsagar, Your project has increased the number of farmers in the village. ANALYSIS OF EVP VALUES SPREAD. . evo Vae Spread [Almont © Define your path 38% Low = Move together 75% Mediu « Make an impact, 88% High RECOMMENDATIONS DEFINE YOUR PATH ‘Youneed to be more aligned with pillar 1 of EVP. Start taking accountability for your actions and outcomes. Level up your ome by gaining knowledge, attend Training programs which are relevant to yaur role, learn new skills, take up challenging ‘work and build your domain expertise MOVE TOGETHER Youare moderately aligned with pillar 2 of EVP. You can stay ahead in your professional career by networking and collaborating with different stakeholders. Take up cross functional roles and projects, interact with different departments and ‘work on creating more synerey within departments However, your overall alignment with EVP will depend on your score in other 2 Pillars as well MAKEAN IMPACT ‘Youare well aligned with pillar 3 of EVP. This suggests that you have an outward approach towards business. You are strongly ‘customer focused and your decisions are aligned with meeting the larger purpose. be it your consumers, suppliers, employees, cr investors. However, your overall alignment with EVP will depend on your score in other 2 Pillars as well Remember, al the 3pillars ge hand in hand and we cannot sustain by focusing on one pillar alone. We need to maintain a balance in our value alignment with al pillars of EVP for 3 healthy professional career at Mother Dairy. end acm incetv ot your gent th Mater Dey Englyee Vai Propesan

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