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This project on “Comparative Account of Pyroxenes and Amphiboles” is authentically my

creation helped by my parents and friends. I would like to give my special thanks to my
parents who helped me a lot.

I wish to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to the Principal Sir Rakesh Chandra, Bappa
Sri Narain Vocational Post Graduate College (KKV) for his encouragement and for all the
facilities that he provide us. I sincerely appreciate this magnanimity by taking me into his
fold for which I shall remain indebted to him.

I extended my heartly thanks to Sir Dr. Sanjay Shukla (Head of department, Geology) and
Ankit Sir, who has give me such a wonderful topic to express our views.

I think I will achieve success when my project is read by the teachers.


Samarth Pradhan

B.Sc. 1st year


The bibliography is a short summary that list the sources utilized for completing my project.

Following are the sources from which project information has been taken:-

 A reference book of B.Sc. 1st year whose name is “RUTLEYS ELEMENTS OF

MINERALOGY” and whose author is H.H. READ, F.R.S.

 Few theoretical information and diagrams have taken by Internet search.


1.) Acknowledgement

2.) Introduction

3.) Pyroxenes Group

4.) Orthopyroxenes

5.) Enstatite

6.) Hypersthene

7.) Clinopyroxenes

8.) Diopside

9.) Hedenbergite

10.) Augite

11.) Amphibole Group

12.) Tremolite

13.) Actinolite

14.) Anthophyllite

15.) Hornblende

16.) Elementary distinction between Pyroxenes

and Amphiboles
17.) Bibliography
A “mineral” is a naturally occurring homogeneous substance which has a more or less
definite chemical composition and definite atomic structure. The minerals are usually formed
by inorganic processes. They possess a set of physical properties. Since the determination of
atomic structure and chemical composition requires complex laboratory tests, the more easily
recognized physical properties are used in the identification of minerals in the field.

The minerals may be divided into two broad groups:

1) Rockforming minerals 2) Oreforming minerals

“Rockforming minerals” are those which are found in abundance in the rocks of the
earths crust.
“Oreforming minerals” are those which are of economic value and which do not
occur in abundance in rocks.

Over 2000 minerals are known to exist but most of them are rare. The minerals which occur
in common rocks are small in number. They are about 29. It is also interesting to note that
only eight elements compose the bulk of these minerals and about 98% of the continental
crust. These eight elements are Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium,
Sodium and Magnesium. Out of these , two most abundant elements are oxygen and silicon
which combine to form the mineral group known as the “Silicates”. Diamond is the hardest
mineral according to Mohs Scale Of Hardness and cannot be scratched by a knife. The
mineral which occur in common rocks can be divided into six groups as shown in the table:


1.) Oxides Quartz, Magnetite, Hematite, Limonite etc.

2.) Silicates Felspars, Mica, Hornblende, Augite, Olivines
3.) Carbonates Calcite, Dolomite, Siderite etc.
4.) Sulphides Pyrites, Galena, Sphalerite etc.
5.) Sulphates Gypsum etc.
6.) Chlorites Rocksalt etc.
In Inosilicates, SiO4 Tetrahedra are linked by sharing oxygens to form straight chains of
indefinite length. These chains may be single or double linked chains. Inosilicates split easily
in one crystal direction because bonds within chains are strong but are weaker between them.
These minerals commonly form needle like crystals such as, asbestos. Pyroxenes are the
examples of single of chain minerals and Amphiboles are the examples of double chain

Most of the abundant minerals in the Earths crust are not of commercial value. Economically
valuable minerals (metallic and non –metallic) that provide the raw materials for industry
tend to be rare and hard to find. Therefore, considerable effort and skill is necessary for
finding where they occur and extracting them in sufficient quantities. Following table shows
the elemental chemical composition of the Earths crust in order of abundance (Lutgens and
Tarbuck, 2000). The cooling and crystallization of magma is a complex chemical process in
which various silicate minerals crystallize in a definite order. The sequence of separation of
minerals from a silicate melt is now well established. In studying the crystallization of
cooling silicate melts, N.L.Bowen discovered two reaction series:

1.) Continuous reaction series 2.) Discontinuous reaction series


1.) Oxygen O 46.6%
2.) Silicon Si 27.7%
3.) Aluminium Al 8.1%
4.) Iron Fe 5.0%
5.) Calcium Ca 3.6%
6.) Sodium Na 2.8%
7.) Potassium K 2.6%
9.) Magnesium Mg 2.1%
9.) All other elements 1.5%

Pyroxenes form an important group of rockforming minerals. They have a general formula
X2Si2O6 in which X is usually Mg, Fe, Al, Ca, or Na. Some aluminium may partly replace
silicon. The common Pyroxenes are Ca, Mg and Fe silicates. They are characterized by two
cleavages which intersect almost at right angles. Pyroxenes are broadly divided into two

1) Ortho- pyroxenes 2) Clino-pyroxenes

1.) Orthopyroxenes :
These pyroxenes crystallize in the orthorhombic system and
contain very little calcium. The “Enstatite” (MgSiO3) and “Hypersthene”
[(Mg,Fe)SiO3 ] Belong to this group.

Enstatite : MgSiO3

Hypersthene : (Mg,Fe)SiO3
Crystal system :- Orthorhombic

Cleavage :- Good

Hardness :- 5.5 – 6

Specific Gravity :- Vitreous

Colour :- Grayish, yellowish or greenish

Habit :- Massive or Lamellar

Magnesium rich orthopyroxenes are a common constituents of peridotites, gabbros,
norites and basalts. They are found associated with augite, olivine and plagioclase.
The orthopyroxenes alter to serpentinous products or fibrous amphibole.

Uses: –
Both Enstatite and Hypersthene contribute to the “Bronzite” variety. Most
Hypersthene are ferroan enstatite. Enstatite has a couple of ornamental and gemstone
varieties. In recent years, Hypersthene has used for jewellery purpose.


2.) Clinopyroxenes :
These pyroxenes crystallize in the monoclinic system and contain
either calcium or Na, Al, Fe (ferric) or Li. “Diopside”, “Hedenbergite” and “Augite”
are the important members of this group.

Diopside : CaMgSi2O6

Hedenbergite : CaFeSi2O6

Augite : (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Al,Si)2O6
Crystal system :- Monoclinic

Cleavage :- At 87⁰ and 93⁰ , imperfect

Hardness :- 5-6

Specific Gravity :- 3.2 – 3.3

Lustre :- Vitreous

Colour :- White to light green in

Diopside, deepens with
increase of iron. Augite
is black.

Habit :- Crystals show square or

eight sided cross-section.
Also granular, massive and
Occurrences –
Diopside and Hedenbergite occur in metamorphic rocks. Augite occurs in gabbros,
basalts, diorites and some syenites.

Uses –
Diopside has potential uses in ceramics, glass making, nuclear waste immobilization
and fuel cell technology.

The Calcium content of Augite has been found to be of limited use in studies of the
temperature history of igneous rocks.

Hedenbergite can be used in the treatment of immune system.



The Amphibole group includes a number of minerals which have a closely related structure
and chemical composition. The Amphiboles contain hydroxyl groups in the structure. The
angle between two sets of cleavage is 124⁰ and is characteristic of amphiboles. The
amphiboles crystallize in the orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic crystal system.
“Tremolite” (hydrous silicate of Ca and Mg), “Actinolite”(hydrous silicate of Ca, Mg and Fe)
and “Hornblende”(hydrous silicate of Na, Ca, Fe and Al) are the important members of
Amphibole group.
Tremolite : Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2

Actinolite : Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
Crystal system :- Monoclinic

Cleavage :- Perfect

Hardness :- 5-6

Specific Gravity :- 3.0-3.3

Lustre :- Vitreous or silky

Colour :- White or gray in Tremolite and green in


Habit :- Tremolite is often bladed and sometimes in

silky fibres. Actinolite is often in radiating

aggregate. Also fibrous.

Occurrences –
These minerals are commonly found in metamorphic rocks. Tremolite occurs in
metamorphosed dolomitic limestones and and actinolite is a characteristic mineral of
the greenschish facies of metamorphism.

Uses –
The fibrous varieties are used as asbestos. The green actinolite heals the heart chakra
and brings harmony and balance of the mind. The actinolite crystal is a powerful tool
for visualization, meditation and imagery.


Anthophyllite : (Mg,Fe2+)7Si8O22(OH)2
Crystal system :- Orthorhombic

Cleavage :- Perfect parallel to prism(110)

Colour :- Shades of brown

Lustre :- Vitreous

Hardness :- 5.5-6

Specific Gravity :- 3-3.2

Habit :- Usually in aggregates of prismatic

Needles and in radiating fibres.

Occurrences –
As a constituent of certain metamorphic rocks, usually derived from basic or
ultrabasic igneous rocks- anthophyllite- schists and gneisses.

Uses –
Are limited to asbestos uses and as mineral specimens.


Hornblende : (Ca,Na)2-3(Mg,Fe,Al)5Si6(SiAl)2O22(OH)2
Crystal system :- Monoclinic

Cleavage :- Good prismatic

Hardness :- 5-6

Specific Gravity :- 3.0-3.4

Lustre :- Vitreous

Colour :- Dark green to black

Habit :- Crystals with six sided cross-section,

also massive or granular

Occurrence –
Hornblende is an important rock forming mineral. It occurs commonly in
syenites and diorites. It is a major mineral of amphibolites.
Uses –
It is crushed and used for highways construction and as railroad ballast. The
highest quality pieces are cut, polished and sold under the name “Black
Granite” used as building facing, floor tiles, etc. Also it has been used to
estimate the depth of crystallization of plutonic rocks.

The elementary distinctions between the pyroxenes and amphiboles – two of the most
widespread and abundant rock-forming silicates- are given in the following table :


1.) Prism-angle c.124⁰ Prism-angle c.87⁰

2.) Cleavages at c.124⁰ Cleavages at c.87⁰
3.) Bladed forms common Bladed forms uncommon
4.) Commonly pleochroic Commonly non-pleochroic
5.) Common crystals terminated by three Common crystals terminated
faces by two faces
6.) Twins with no re-entrant angle Twins with re-entrant angle
7.) Orthopinacoid not present Orthopinacoid present
8.) Transverse sections, six-sided Transverse sections, eight
9.) Extinctions angle on the clinopinacoid, Extinctions angle on the
about 16⁰ clinopinacoid, about 48⁰


Submitted To:-
Sir Dr. Sanjay Shukla
Head of Department, Geology

Submitted By :-
Samarth Pradhan
B.Sc. 1st year

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