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The direct importance of Organizational Behavior is to

analyze human behavior and propose means for determining
it to a specific direction. Understanding OB provides
understanding the human behavior in all directions in which
the human beings interact. Furthermore, it can be understood
at the individual level, interpersonal level, group level and
inter-group level. It can help to analyze “why” and “how” an
individual behaves in a precise way. Organizational behavior
provides means to recognize and reach co-operative group
relationships through interaction, rotation of members among
groups, avoidance of win-lose situation and focusing on total
group objectives.

2. In organization, attitudes are important because it will affect

job behavior and affect their work outcome and productivity.
As my understanding with the previous lesson, the attitude of
a person in terms of job satisfaction and organizational
commitment depends on several factors. These are job
factors, organizational factors, social factors, individual
factors, and cultural factors. Even though that these factors
satisfy a person or not, it is still depends on their commitment
if they will stay or leave in the organization.

3. To empower the employee by the internal management, it has

to do with sharing the top-level vision. It is the mission,
objectives, and strategy for the organization. This will help
employees to understand how their roles contribute to the
overall success of the organization. To be successful,
empowering employee requires the managers trust their staff;
trust that they will make the right decisions and that they will
be effective in achieving their goals. Managers need to
provide feedback so that employees can assess their own
impact and address any issues or adjust plans in the future.
And if staff are succeeding and working effectively, then
reward and recognition for their achievements should be
readily forthcoming.

4. When we deal in generalities, we shall never succeed. When

we deal in specifics, we shall rarely have a failure. When
performance is measured, performance improves. When
performance is measured and reported, the rate of
improvement accelerates. Performance Appraisal has many
purpose depending on its use, but the most important is that
it provides employees with critical feedback with which they
can improve their performance. Without the employer
feedback, the employee may have a difficult time figuring out
what the employer want done differently. It also provides
supervisors with critical feedback with which they can help
employees improve their performance and often also provides
supervisors with ideas on how they can become a better
supervisor. Training needs should be identified during
performance discussions.

5. Managing workplace stress usually on a step by step process.

The way the organization is managed or the leadership is
perceived plays a large part in the stress felt by staff.
Managers can prevent (or conversely cause) stress by the
way they behave towards employees. However, it is in a
manager’s interest to keep stress levels in the workplace to a
minimum. Some of the ways that I know to handle Workplace
stress are: Present relevant information to keep staff informed
specially during periods of organizational uncertainty and
change by; Promote open discussion where staff should be
able to ask questions and get answers; Use conflict
management strategies, the most appropriate or a mixture,
depending on the circumstances. Help individuals set realistic
goals and make suggestions for doing the same thing
differently; Ensure that employees have the resources and
sills they need and offer opportunities for learning and
development; Recognize employee and team
accomplishments; Treat employees with respect; and help to
cultivate a friendly social climate by providing opportunities for
social interaction among staff and establishing a zero-
tolerance policy for harassment.

6. The consequences of workplace stress to individuals are the

outcomes that affect the individual. The organization also may
suffer, either directly or indirectly, but it is the individual who
pays the real price. Workplace stress to individual can be
Behavioral consequences that a person under stress can be
harm or the other. Another is the psychological consequences
that a person’s mental health and well-being will be affected.
Last one for individual consequences is the medical where it
affects the person’s physical well-being. Organization
Consequences of workplace stress include decline in
performance where it will affect the quality of work and a drop
in productivity, Another consequences is withdrawal that it can
be in the form of absenteeism, tardiness or quitting, last
consequences is negative changes in attitudes where a
person may be more prone to complain about unimportant
7. There is no one-size-fits all approach. Managers needs
changes to be implemented quickly and successfully.
Organization needs to understand their structure, objective,
complexity. Because it is critical to the organization to be
relevant and competitive.
8. If you “prematurely” start (or do) anything, stuff will go wrong.
Think “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong whenever
you start.” On the other hand, if you wait until
you know nothing is being “prematurely” done then at best
you’ll start too late to be effective and at worst not even get
started. You’re implying that building a “team based
organization” can be done too soon. Now I know you’re going
to get into trouble. You then suggest that “clarifying the
mission” shouldn’t be done before starting to build a team
based organization. But the decision to start building a team
based organization is a matter of organizational design which
is not dependent on a mission or vision. Some organization
design matters can be dependent on a mission being known.
But none I can think of would prohibit a team-based
organization design.

9. Non-verbal method of communication has a direct connection

to the feelings and emotion of the sender and receiver.
Typically, through emotions can send a lot of messages within
it. Educators, focus most on professionalism. Sometimes,
being professionals, it always has to do with concrete, short
and exact mode of communication and that is through written
and oral only. Expressing emotions is the least of importance
to communication process because it will affect once’s
organization. To prevent it, educators widely used written and
oral communication only. Expressing emotions or non-verbal
communications can be controlled and uncontrolled
depending on its situation. It should be place as co-equal
emphasis on trainings. For us educators are only human that
can make and interpret non-verbal communications.

10. Management is traditionally defined by: “Getting things done through the effort of other
people”. So, what do managers do? They draft plans, they make decisions, they allocate
resources, and they direct the activities of others to attain goals. Hence, traditionally
managers perform four basic management functions: planning, organizing or staffing,
directing and controlling. We call these functions as the five basic elements of
management. How about leadership? Leadership is simply defined by: “the art of
influencing people to act towards the achievement of the desired goals”.
While managers tend to adopt impersonal, if not passive, attitude towards goals, leaders
take a personal and active attitude toward goals. Managers tend to view work as an
enabling process involving some combination of people, method and procedure to
establish strategies and make decisions, whereas leaders work from high-risk positions,
concerned with ideas, relate to people in more intuitive and empathic ways.
When we talk about leadership’s functions we are normally concerned with: inspiring,
sharing, participating, guiding and motivating. These functions are known as the elements
of leadership. Another way to differentiate management from leadership is simply by
labeling management as “doing things right” whereas leadership as “doing the right
things”. The question is: Which one is more important? Well, it depends.
Management is about coping with current issues. Good management brings about order
and consistency by drawing up plans, designing rigid organization structure, and
monitoring results against plans. Many managers, however, are unfortunately too
concerned with keeping things on time and on budget and with copying what was done
yesterday. Leadership, in contrast, is about coping with change. Leaders establish
directions by developing a vision of the future; they align people by communicating this
vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles. Therefore, in a well-structured organization
and less-volatile business environment a good management is sufficient. However, strong
leadership is required for an organization undergoing a transformational change, where
new innovative ideas and directions for the future are needed by the people in the
organization. Some experts argue that management is different from leadership for other
reasons. Management, they propose, is more oriented toward: administration,
maintenance, system and structure, short range plans, goals, how to achieve goals, solve
current problems, seek compliance, control. Whereas leadership is more oriented toward:
innovation, development, people, long range plans, vision for the future, what to be done
and why, anticipate future problems, gain commitment, empowerment.

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