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1. Do you believe in dili ingun nato, urban legends folktales/folk beliefs and practices? Why or Why not?

2. What do you know about them?

a. Do you have a first-hand experience with dili ingun natu? Please share your experience.

b. What stories have you heard about them?

3. What creatures, dili ingun nato, urban legends folktales/folk beliefs and practices do you know of?

4. Where are they found? Where does these creatures live?

5. How do they look like? Would you please describe them?

6. Do they have special abilities or powers? What are those?

7. What are their activities or what do they do?

a. In your opinion, do these activities affect humans?

i. If so, what activities are they and how do they affect humans and/or human life?

b. Or is it the other way around: human activities affect dili ingun natu?

i. If so, what activities are they and how do they affect the dili ingun natu and/or their



Urban legends – are stories that only lasts for a short period of time. Ex. Waway

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