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APN,telia# - Set APN

SERVER,1,,6023,0# - Set server address using domain name

SERVER,0,,6023,0# - Set server address using IP

TIMER,10,30# - Set GPS data upload inteval in seconds (minimum 10s). First value – when ACC is ON. Second value –
when ACC is OFF. Maximum supported value 18000s

GMT,E,0,0# - Set time zone. First value – hours, second value – minutes

SOS,A,10854654558# - Set SOS numbers. Format: SOS,<A>,<Number 1>[,Number 2][,Number 3]#

CENTER,A,10854654558# - Set center numbers. Only SOS numbers can send this command

RELAY,0# - Engine restore

RELAY,1# - Engine stop

SENALM,ON,1# - Enable Vibration Alarm. Format: SENALM,ON,alarm way#. Alarm way: 0/1/2; 0 means GPRS, 1 means

SENALM,OFF# - Disable vibration alarm

POWERALM,ON,1,3,30# - Enable Power Disconnect Alarm. Format: POWER,ON,alarm way,duration,recharge time#.

Alarm way: 0/1/2; 0 means GPRS, 1 means SMS+GPRS, 2 means SMS+GPRS+CALL. Duration: 2-60s (Disconnect
detecting time). Connect Duration: 1-3600s (Minimum recharge time)

POWER,OFF# - Disable Power Disconnect Alarm

BATALM,ON,1# - Enable Low Battery Alarm. Format: BATALM,ON,alarm way#. Alarm way: 0/1/2; 0 means GPRS, 1
means SMS+GPRS, 2 means SMS+GPRS+CALL

BATALM,OFF# - Disable Low Battery Alarm

MOVING,ON,100,1# - Enable Towing Alarm. Format: MOVING,ON,distance,alarm way#. Distance: 100-1000 m. Alarm
way – as per previous commands on the list

MOVING,OFF# - Disable Towing Alarm

SPEED,ON,10,80,1# - Enable Over-speed Alarm. Format: SPEED,ON,Duration,speed,alarm way#. Duration: 5-600s.

Speed: 1-255 km/h. Alarm way – as per previous commands on the list

SPEED,OFF# - Disable Over-speed Alarm

FENCE,ON,0,14.626847,120.993548,5,OUT,1# - Set Geo-Fence Alarm. Format:

FENCE,ON,0,Lat,Long,radius,in/out,alarm way#. Radius: 1-9999 (100m). Alarm way – as per previous commands on
the list

FENCE,OFF# - Disable Geo-Fence Alarm

VERSION# - Check frmware version

PARAM# - Check parameters

GPRSSET# - Check GPRS setting

STATUS# - Check GPRS/GPS status

WHERE# - Check location coordinates

URL# - Check location Google link

RESET# - Restart device

FACTORY# - Factory reset

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