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First, the oil weren't stored in the lamp

Ferst, the oil weren't stord in the leamp

2. Next, the oil was used

Next, thi oil was yiusd

3. The wick oil before was moistened

The wik oil bifor was moi,shetd

4. then, the lamp cover was removed

Then, thi leamp caver was remud

5. after that, the burner was removed

Afther that, the burner was remud

6. The cotton was inserted in the lamp

The kat,un was inserded in the leamp

7. the lamp was filled with oil

The leamp was feld whit oil

8. then, between flame and oil was secured the wick with 1 or 2 cm away.

Then, betwiin flei and oil was sequiur the wik wet 1 or 2 cian awey

9. the lamp wasn’t recommended to leave on without custody.

The leamp wasent recomended tu lif on withaot costody

10. Finally, the lamp was turned off when it was not used

Fainaliy, the leamp was turnd off when it wassent yiusd.

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